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Getting Sun on the places where the Sun never shines.

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The last two weeks have been great fun for my wife and me. First of all, we have been guests at the mid-Florida home of the wonderful people we first met almost a year ago at their West Virginia home. They have developed an amazing network of lifestyle friends and we were introduced to and had opportunities to play with many of them. We spent a few days and nights at the clothing-optional resorts called Caliente and Paradise and met more people. Our supply of little business cards having our pictures and Web site addresses ran out.


Second, we and twenty-four other swingers got aboard the Royal Caribbean cruise ship Brilliance of the Seas and spent four days and five nights that included a wild party day on Cancun Island -- Coconuts Cancina and nude beach, Iguana Cantina, and Senior Frog. Rollicking fun but I learned a lesson. Take care to not spend too much time naked and in the Sun if your private parts are not accustomed to being in the Sun (ouchie, owe, itchy).


There was a special arrangement that our group could sit at the same three tables together each evening in the ship's main dining room. On the last evening I looked around my table and realized that I had been intimate with all six women who were seated -- in my mind, a remarkably satisfying notion. We occasionally received comments from the young people on the boat that we seemed to be having far too good a time for "old" people and one even wanted to know our secret. My wife blithely answered, to this young woman's astonishment, "plenty of sex". We were otherwise being circumspect. We did not want to spoil things for other groups of swingers-of-a-certain-age that might get onto this boat with a similar arrangement.


Tonight will be our final night in Florida. I think that it is going to be difficult to say goodbye. We are signed up for an Orlando Lifestyle Party at The Paradise Lakes Resort then up early for the flight home.

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Glad you had fun! Our group of swingers were on the same boat last year.
A happy coincidence. We think Brilliance is a better than average boat. How did you find it.


We owe most of it to a woman named Sue who is an excellent organizer -- like you.

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