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About This Club

Some of us just wants to spice their sexual life,after years of mariage.Watching others couples ,touching ,maybe soft swap and even more,if it is a real match. To show to others our very exciting lingerie,her high heels ,to have together a drink on the bar may be the first step in a new world. The newcomers are always a litle bit shy,so the older couples are welcome to introduce them in this world.

  1. What's new in this club
  2. Hi, We're new to this site. We're a soft swing couple with lots of fun adventures. We don't play too much anymore, but love to share our fun adventures and hear about others. Love lots of details. Share with us one of yours and we'll share one of ours. Let us know what you'd like to hear about - how we got started, same room sex, watch/being watched. fondled at a club, exhibitionism, Hope to hear from you - stocktonjerry@yahoo.com
  3. Hi there - We're a couple that is not really in the lifestyle, just like to do the occasional flashing/exhibitionism. Anyone want to chat?
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