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Swinging with a Christian couple

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My dear wife is an avid Christian, loves to go to church on Sundays.  She never saw the attraction to swinging/ group sex.  I grew up in a strong Protestant church, but these days I cannot stay awake in church no matter how interesting or dynamic the preacher is.  I've just heard it all before.  Maybe I should meet up with your hot bible belt couple!

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Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife is one of the Ten Commandments. Maybe if you go full New Testament, you can skirt around it. Or maybe the Supreme Court will rule that swingers have immunity.  

As a devout atheist, I say keep banging thy neighbor. Slide into your grave sideways, all used up in a blaze of glory, to paraphrase Hunter Thompson. 

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1 hour ago, njbm said:

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife is one of the Ten Commandments. Maybe if you go full New Testament, you can skirt around it. Or maybe the Supreme Court will rule that swingers have immunity.  

As a devout atheist, I say keep banging thy neighbor. Slide into your grave sideways, all used up in a blaze of glory, to paraphrase Hunter Thompson. 


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3 hours ago, NoAngels said:

Years ago in college I spent a night with a new girl I just met. She was really hot if I remember doing everything I dreamed up and every position she thought up. With her on top I was watching her face and then she started calling Jesus, then Oh Jesus, the screaming Fucking Jesus as we both came. 
Afterwards we were cuddling in afterglow I laughed and asked her, Aren’t you Jewish? 
I’ve told this story many times in my life each time I picture her face as she was screaming. 

Hey,  Jesus was Jewish! He was her ancestor. 

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11 hours ago, NoAngels said:

she started calling Jesus, then Oh Jesus, the screaming Fucking Jesus as we both came. 

To quote Nine Inch Nails, Closer:

"I wanna feel you from the inside
My whole existence is flawed
You get me closer to God

You can have my absence of faith

I drink the honey
Inside your hive
You are the reason
I stay alive"

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God bless the instinct to reproduce! And thank you Science for effective contraceptives!

Edited by njbm
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7 hours ago, njbm said:

God bless the instinct to reproduce!

Mostly people don't think of reproduction when having sex, they're just wanting sex.  Otherwise, sex would be done out in the open and considered a sacrament.


And such a tangled mess - desire, jealousy, maybe intense love, sometimes none at all.  The instinct is there, and the consequence of reproduction, but the instinct is for the pleasure of interlocking genitals. 



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1 hour ago, couplers said:

Mostly people don't think of reproduction when having sex, they're just wanting sex. 


I believe I’ve posted this elsewhere, but the absolute hottest sex I’ve ever experienced was to impregnate my (three, but sequentially 😉) wives. No exotic positions, just straight on missionary fucking. 

At one point I asked a close friend, who was then a veterinary medical school professor of large animal reproduction what was the most effective strategy for getting my wife pregnant. (Hey, from that perspective humans are just another large mammal…) "Cover her as often as you possibly can." YES! 😊 Given that we both had jobs with long hours and long commutes it was amazing how much fucking we did till she conceived. 


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23 hours ago, PeterJ said:

the absolute hottest sex I’ve ever experienced was to impregnate my (three, but sequentially 😉) wives.

Some of the most memorable, satisfying sex for me was after Clair had gotten unintentionally pregnant and I wanted to get pregnant as well, as soon as possible.  I stopped the pill and went at it (sequentially 😉) with David and Red.


I'm always turned on by the thought of having a living part of the men who I've had sex with living in me for days, but this was better than that.  Within three months, one of those little swimmers had found the prize, but we didn't know from which man until after the birth.


My next attempt at reproduction was to have Red’s child, since the first was David’s.  Nice as well, but nowhere near as thrilling as "potluck."


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On 9/6/2024 at 7:03 AM, PeterJ said:

the absolute hottest sex I’ve ever experienced was to impregnate my (three, but sequentially 😉) wives.

Two other thoughts:

When Clair got pregnant by David despite being on birth control, she was upset and offered to have an abortion to keep us "as is" in our relationship. It took me about two seconds of thinking about it to decide that there was no reason not to start having children. We took the rest of the day off from work, she took three or four pregnancy tests, we cried together and I immediately decided that I would try to get pregnant as soon as possible so we could have our children as close together as possible.  That part of it wasn't hot sex, but it was emotionally charged whenever one of us women was or was trying to get pregnant. 


Second, while trying to get pregnant is exciting on different levels, trying to make sure it is with the other guy instead of the one who did it the first time is a bit frustrating in a poly situation.  Only p-in-v with one and nothing to waste the sperm with the other to save it for the other woman/women.  (We had our children together in three tranches.)



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