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What's your opinion on family nudity in the home?

family nudity  

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  1. 1. family nudity

    • I am comfortable with my kids seeing me nude occassionally
    • I am comfortable but only if they are same gender
    • I am comfortable depending on age (please explain)
    • I am not comfortable at all with my kids seeing me nude

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I see only a few comments about teenage kids or older. My husbands friend told him the other day that they raised their kids as nudists, the other weekend he and his wife are naked in the pool one night, when their two teenage girls , naked, followed by 10 of their naked teenage friends male and female, all 18 and over , jumped in with them, who else has experienced this?

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I see only a few comments about teenage kids or older. My husbands friend told him the other day that they raised their kids as nudists, the other weekend he and his wife are naked in the pool one night, when their two teenage girls , naked, followed by 10 of their naked teenage friends male and female, all 18 and over , jumped in with them, who else has experienced this?


No. But if it did, I'd be out of the hot tub faster than if I'd seen a shark.

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We said, "1. At home, clothes were optional and doors were (generally) open. Closed doors were always respected, and knocking required."


Coupleerotic replied,"#1 is what we are struggling with. We actually had a brief discussion about it in bed last night. Still trying to figure out how to get that across in a safe healthy manner."


It's worth remembering that ALL modesty is learned. Havelock Ellis, perhaps the first sex researcher of post Victorian times, wrote about modesty in his principal book on the psychology of sex (Google: Havelock Ellis Modesty)that is available free online at Google books (published in 1910). His first chapter on the origins of modesty remains a classic must-read for all students of sex. Whether you agree with his interpretation, the observations are accurate.


The take-home lesson is that during history, different cultures assign modesty to different human activities. We are used to having nudity being private, sex being private and eating being a public/shared activity. There are some cultures in which eating is gender-private and sex was/is casual and public.


The most common issue with casual nudity in the home, skinnydipping and so on is that the cultural rules are generally different in public places. A child needs to be able to process the idea that what is okay in the family and what is okay in public are sometimes different. Children are natural nudists and typically parents have to work to keep clothes on young kids. Somewhere around 3-4 years of age, kids get the message that being clothed is socially important and fall into social lockstep.


One might reasonably suppose that kids who are raised in nudist areas might be more easily socialized to this double standard behavior, because there is always a group of other (nudist) kids who they can look to for guidance for 'what behavior is appropriate when'. They become the equivalent of bilingual.


There is no inherent reason that nudity and privacy are linked. That's purely cultural. Respecting privacy is a much deeper moral/ethical issue because it gets into respect for boundaries.

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Good morning from UK

Well our 2p worth is that we have always sunbathed nude in the garden and gone to nude beaches on holiday. Also we wander round from bed to bathroom etc nude. When doing thos essential jobs like cleaning the bathrooms etc. I have always dont it nude, though I do wear yellow marigold rubber gloves, then just get into the shower.

Dont confuse nudity with sexyal activity. We do not engage in overt sexual activity when our son or any of his friends are around.

Dont confuse naturist/ nudist with peadophile.

Linn And Andrew

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johnnys123-"She and I both sleep nude and our son is gone on the weekends to his grand parents home so like one post I read said usually on saturday mornings, it's just the 4 of us watching tv, eating breakfast etc in the buff. Nobody makes a big deal of it. The four of us shower together at times with one another and it's just normal in our house for everyone to be free to do his/her own thing." "the four of us shower together"


What about this situation, would like to hear more about this persons experiences.

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I posted this once before in this thread My mom used to walk around naked in the house with her big boobies bouncing around and i'm scared for life as i can never forget them....

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hahahahahaha. I don't recall any situations where my parents walked around naked. Obviously my mother and I both being female had no problems seeing each other in our underwear but other then my dad being in his undershorts which now could pass for normal outdoor wear, i don't recall any incidents. I did see my brothers naked many times, as they thought it was funny to flaunt themselves. I find it an interesting subject. We have been very prudish with our kids, although when they were younger they would get into the shower for speed sake, but once they were older then say 3 it was over, not for any reason other then we felt uncomfortable about it. It does intrigue me about what happens when the open families kids become teens. I will tell you that one of my sisters, yes that one, is very open with her family, one afternoon I was there to pick her up and my nephew didn't realize it, he walked downstairs totally naked, he had a huge cock, not like i recall when i changed his diapers, he just said oops and went in the other room, My sister said can you believe the size of it? then we discussed how they walk around nude quite often , her 2 girls are attractive large breasted young ladies, but when i ask anything else she changes the subject. They are all 18 or older.

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I can totally understand what you are talking about...Well it will stay with you forever....unless you have the total power to control the mind!..so i can remember i often wondered what actual size her breasts were and once i looked at her bra read the tag and they were 44DD. So i really think thats why i like bra's ....and big boobs....LOL

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This brings back memories. I started hanging out with this kid in middle school. We became good friends. At some point I started hanging at his house and met his parents, very nice people. He asked me to sleep over one night. Well at dinner, his mother says we need to speak to you about something. I am what 12? 13? can't remember. She tells me they are nudists and generally don't wear clothes at home. She wanted to know if it was okay with me and if not they wouldn't take their clothes off. She was attractive, he had two gorgeous sisters, and I said I have no problem as once in awhile there would be nudity at my house and it was no big deal. Well, after supper they all start getting naked. They didn't ask me to. We go out back, and they are playing badminton , then ask if i want to swim, and i can go nude. I discreetly strip down and get in the pool, well I lost my embarassment. It was a great night. Seeing these gorgeous gals. woohoo. Anyhow, we all go in for the night, I decided to try the nudity. I am hiding my permanent erection as best I could. All watching TV. It was great. the next morning they are all naked but I have to dress and leave, the mom asks me to keep it a secret. I go home, right to the bathroom and jackoff, can't wait to go back. One night I go back and as usual everyone is naked, his sisters are just beautiful, and I can't keep my eyes off them, they seem to be spreading their legs more often and I think they are getting a little wet, well he and i go into his room and he is in one bed and i in the other, he starts jacking off and I just go for it, and we both jacked off which was my first experience like that. Now, his family was a lot more open about other stuff, which is a story for another day.

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I am more modest than my husband. Who is an underwear around the house kind of guy. I am mover covered up. Even though I don't think there's anything wrong with nudity...I don't want to be known as the naked mama. Or the trashy mama. Both my girls are teens now and everythign I does embarasses them...if I walked around naked they'd probably go psycho lol

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If everyone is comfortable with we don't see a problem. When the kids were little we went "camping" at a local nudist resort, so they didn't mind seeing people naked. As they grew they became a little more modest and we no cover up unless the kids are out.:cool:

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our kids are 9y and under. We all walk from shower (1st floor) to bedrooms (2nd floor) naked often. Its normal at our house. It might change as they get older, but kind of doubt it. We are brand new to swinging. We have regular talks with our kids about sex. We want them to know what we want them not to do. We were virgins until shortly before we were married.


By the way, when we stay at my parents my dad still runs around in his undies. So its the way i was raised and I turned out great!

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No changes in our home. But we were always casual, from birth of our child on. It was a conscious decision not to make the human body something that should--or had to be-- concealed. Clothes are for comfort and warmth. Fashion makes a statement. Otherwise, why bother?

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I answered yes that I was comfortable although we don't have any children at home. Bob and I are home nudists. We have gone to family nudist resorts where children of all ages are allowed and they all seem very comfortable being seen and being around other adult and adolescent children. My only concern for the children was that no matter how safe you think you are, there are always perverts out there wanting to prey on children. Overall I think it's what type of environment were you raised in.

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We've always been open at home, just the way we were brought up and how we've brought our kids up. Nudity isn't bad or seedy, so I'm comfortable with my kids seeing me. It's given them a healthy respect for body image and its never been an issue for us.

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None of us sleep in the buff ... we all wear our undies around the house. I see the ladies occasionally going from the bedroom to the bathroom or kitchen, but that's very rare anymore since we all have our own bathrooms. The girls often wear t-shirts and no bra when in the house. But, we don't make a big deal of it if one of us do get caught in the buff. blush:

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We are home nudists and have a very private yard and pool. We have always have been comfortable nude and have often gone to nudist resorts with our kids. Our kids have always been fine with nudity.

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We dont have any kids right now.

When i was at my parents home, me, my mum and 3 sisters occasionally saw each other naked it was cool with us. Dad seen us rarely by accident when we would quickly turn away, i dont think me and my sisters have ever seen his bits.


My husband, i think has seen his dads bits, but never his mum or sister.

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When the kids begin developing sexually we were more careful but never made a big deal about it. The kids live to far away to walk in on us these days, they always call to make certain we are home. Now my sisters are another thing entirely. They walk in on us all the time unannounced. They live way to close and have way to much free time on their hands. I have no problem being nude around anyone especially family but as I mentioned I am careful around certain ages.

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Guest thewriter

We have no childern at home the youngest is 32. We both have childern mine are 35. I am always nude at home I was raised a nudists with mom and sister. Being nude is normal for me. Being raised a nudists it taught me to not judge other people because of how they look we are all different. It was a geat way to be raised.

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We have a daughter and my wife of course thinks nothing of it, but I won't do it. That being said, my mom never had any qualms about walking around the house completely naked in front of me up until I was probably in my teens.

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We have a daughter and my wife of course thinks nothing of it, but I won't do it. That being said, my mom never had any qualms about walking around the house completely naked in front of me up until I was probably in my teens.
Simply as a matter of curiosity, did your mom's nudity bother you as you were growing up?

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Just me but I would say no to family nudity.


I love to be nude and I have been to a number of naked swinger parties but to me the part of be nude I love is the sexual tension that being nude creates.

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Just me but I would say no to family nudity.


I love to be nude and I have been to a number of naked swinger parties but to me the part of be nude I love is the sexual tension that being nude creates.


Being nude does not equate to being sexual.


The two are entirely different.


Being nude at a swingers' party, which is an intentionally sexualized environment, is entirely different than being nude in front of your doctor or in the locker room at the gym.

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