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Sex Wonderer

Want wife to do gangbang, what if she gets pregnant?

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Hi everyone, I'm new here, and never experienced swinging. I really want to try it out though, so that my wife could have sex with 3 or 4 men at once. I would like to go into her after other guys deposit their cum inside her. I don't want them to wear condoms!


Reading through the posts here, I want to try to be the sloppy second, or even third, or fourth...


The question is, if she does not want to take pills to avoid pregnancy, what would you guys do, if you face the situation where she got pregnant?


I'm sorry if there are other posts like this one, but I would really like to know :(

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You're going to need some birth control, somehow. taking chances like that would be not only risky to yourselves, but also to your partners. If you didn't tell them she had no birth control, then it would be rather deceptive.


There are plenty of other birth control options, e.g, diaphram, sponge, etc, which are relatively effective. of course, none are going to prevent the spread of disease, so you'd need to choose your partners carefully. Here is a pretty comprehensive list : https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/birth-control


Sometimes, a fantasy is best left a fantasy. If you're making it a reality, make sure you check the consequences REALLY CAREFULLY before you leap over the edge. If she got pregnant, would you both(!) be comfortable with an abortion, or alternatively, fathering a child who is not your own?

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Maybe this might sound weird, but my wife doesn't want to take birth control pills. She wants all of us to cum inside her. I don't mind other guys having sex with her, and having their cums inside her. But regarding her being pregnant with other guy's child, I hope it wont happen that way.

She just laughed if I asked her to take birth control pills, saying that she wants only the best sperm to become her child. I guess she must have read it somewhere when she told me that german tribes have their wives shared so that the wives could produce the best offsprings.

This might sound a bit weird, and I don't know whether she's just joking or not. But I do know that she doesn't want to take the pills (for whatever reason), and she does want all of the guys to cum inside her.

I love her so much. I wonder, how many of you guys out there don't mind fathering other guy's child? I must admit that i hope it won't come to that situation, but I do love her very much, and if that does happen, I don't know what I should do.

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My wife doesn't like to use the pill either. For some women artificial hormones screw too much with their moods.

You can look at the natural methods of birth control (periodic abstinence — fertility awareness-based methods) I posted, but of course, the woman is usually most sexually excited when she is ovulating. Another option is to find men who have had a vasectomy and are not longer fertile. Or that your wife gets her tubes tied, etc.

I can understand the fantasy. For some women, sperm is like a reward, and feeling it inside them really turns them on. My wife gets very hot when we have sex and there is a risk of pregnancy. But i don't think I'd do that with a stranger. Anyway, is it the risk of pregnancy which turns her on, or the feeling of men cumming inside her. If it is the latter, then there are options you can explore (see the link).

You've got to deal with the consequences, so, if that is the fantasy you should have a good think about your options and the consequences before hand.

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anyway, is it the risk of pregnancy which turns her on, or the feeling of men cumming inside her


I think it is both. What I didn't tell was that she really wants to have a baby. We've been married only recently, and if she does become pregnant.. well... I guess that's the risk I have to take... I love her, and I think that's the most important thing. I don't know about the future, but I know that now, I'll please her with every way I can.


Anyone here who allow other guys to cum inside their wives, and she got pregnant with a child other than your own? Please, I just want to know how you guys (if any) handle it.

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I don't think your fantasy is uncommon, however it poses several risks. First of course is the pregnancy you mention. The best method is the pill or the patch. There are diaphrams and IUD's and others, but I understand their effectiveness isn't as good as the pill or patch.


The last thing you want it to bring another man's child into the world in your relationship. I would think this would not only weigh heavy on the marriage itself over time, but it would be really unfair to the child. If you never told the child you'd be lying your whole life, and if you did, what you you say? "Well, it's like this. Mom had sex with four guys at once and you were the result. We don't really know who your daddy is."


Then there is the disease factor. With just herpes they say that 40% of adults have it. Four guys, good chance two are gonna have it. And not one is gonna admit to it when he thinks he's gonna be in on a gang bang of your wife (or any other STD for that matter).


You're better-off using condoms and playing it safe. For your wife and for yourself.

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WS, in terms of disease, I strongly agree that its better be safe than sorry. But, assuming the health factor is safeguarded, would you guys mind if your wife bears another guy's child? Has anyone here face such situation?

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Sex Wonderer said:
WS, in terms of disease, I strongly agree that its better be safe than sorry. But, assuming the health factor is safeguarded, would you guys mind if your wife bears another guy's child? Has anyone here face such situation?


One out of three married women have at least one child that is not their husbands - but most of those men are in denial of it. Actually men who are suspicious are no more likely to have such a child than men that aren't.


The only way really to know is to get your kids paternity tested(it isn't that expensive).


It actually wouldn't surprise me if folks that swing have a lower rate of children that aren't the husband's than the general population.


Personally, I wouldn't want to raise a child that isn't mine unless it were the child of a VERY good friend(say if he died),a relative or possibly someone that had done something really heroic and noble according to my values.


That said, I think swinging is going to change a lot with cheap paternity tests and the emerging of HIV tests that are better than condoms.

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highlander said:
One out of three married women have at least one child that is not their husbands - but most of those men are in denial of it.......


Not to hijack a thread......but where in the heck did you get that statistic? Sounds way to high to me :rolleyes:


Brett (and Tammy)

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Sex Wonderer said:
WS, in terms of disease, I strongly agree that its better be safe than sorry. But, assuming the health factor is safeguarded, would you guys mind if your wife bears another guy's child? Has anyone here face such situation?

Um, yeah. We would. Child bearing is between us. I have a step-daughter I've raised since she was three, she's now eleven. I'm the only dad she has ever known. But, I went into this relationship with the understanding that I would be raising another man's child, as Mrs. WS did knowing she would be raising my daughter from a previous marriage. This is normal second marriage stuff. BUT, and this is the big BUT, this is not my wife getting pregnant in a gangbang. This is not bringing a child into this world under the cloak of deception to both the father and the child. This is an ethical issue.


If you want a gangbang without using condoms, if having numerous men cum in your wife turns her and you on, good. But don't make a child the unwitting victim of your fantasy.


That is my opinion.

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WildMiCouple said:
higlander said:
One out of three married women have at least one child that is not their husbands-but most of those men are in denial of it. Actually men who are suspicious are no more likely to have such a child than men that aren't.

Not to hijack a thread......but where in the heck did you get that statistic? Sounds way to high to me :rolleyes:


Brett (and Tammy)

Doing some Googling I found an article on the UK Men's Movement website that states "At least one in 10 children was not sired by the man who believes he is their father" and a quote from the director of one of the seven government approved paternity laboratories says "in about one case in seven, the presumed father turns out to be the wrong man."


The article doesn't mention the percentage of those that are married women who are cheating or single women with multiple partners.


Clicking on several links reveals the same 1 in 10 ratio. Interestingly almost the articles are reported on men's rights websites about fighting paternity, they all reference the same articles, there are no links to the original article, and I can't quickly find the original article through Google.


Now, I did hear the 1 in 3 ratio somewhere at one time mentioned in regards to men returning from WWII in 1945 who's wife's had children while they were deployed.

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Not to hijack a thread......but where in the heck did you get that statistic? Sounds way to high to me :rollseyes


Brett (and Tammy)


Robin Baker's execellent book "Sperm Wars" discusses this. Baker is a professor of reproductive physiology-and was interested among other things in the exact biology of what happens during a "gang bang". Turns out there are men who reproduce quite a bit better in a gang bang situation than others-and some of them down reproduce especially well _outside_ a gang bang situation. It has to do with the peculiar characteristics of their sperm.


Another book that talks about this is The Third Chimpanzee by Jared Diamond of UCLA. That book is more available-but isn't good IMHO as Bakers.


The rate of cuckoldry varies a _lot_ among different populations. The child most likely to be someone elses is the first-the least likely the second-but the trend goes up steadily as a woman ages. Basically a lot of women get pregnant by someone and then marry someone else.


My advice to the initiator of this thread: if you _do_ want to facilitate your wife's gang bang pregnancy fantasy, select the men that participate very, very carefully. If you really are planning to help raise this child as your own, you are granting these men an enormous honor. What kind of people do you really think the world needs more off? What is this guy really going to do for your family? Is getting your wife off really the biggest thing in the world? Keep in mind, raising a child is a 21 year plus investment. I have no doubt even if you were very up front, you would have _lots_ of takers-potential child support and all. Eskimos and other peoples that do this stuff regularly really do have rules about how this stuff is done.


As far as guys, if you don't want to pay child support, quit whining and either:

1) get a vasectomy

2) be very, very careful who you fuck-and under what circimstances

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I don't think your fantasy is uncommon,


The last thing you want it to bring another man's child into the world in your relationship.


Then there is the disease factor. With just herpes they say that 40% of adults have it. Four guys, good chance two are gonna have it.

I think it is a common fantasy in part because a lot of tribal cultures actually do this sort of thing to get the young men to identify with the tribe. Now, they have _rules_ around it-like the child conceived this way is unlikely to be the heir of the husband for example.


Now, I can conceive of reasons why someone might want to do this. What if someone auctioned on E-bay a chance to participate in a gang bang in which the woman was likely to become pregnant. What would the "fair market" price of that be? I think a kid in the US costs about $800,000 to raise-figure $500,000 if someone was paying up front-or $125,000 for each of 4 guys. The poster is in Asia-things are a bit different there. I'm not meaning to be crass and commercial, but there are guys that just might look the other way while someone impregnates their wife. John Majors who was prime minister in the UK for example has a child with the wife of a very wealthy Arab(who knew dang well what was going on and pointedly never brought it up to his wife according to an interview with her after her husband died). I aways thought Cher's daughter Chastity looked a lot more like her manager than Sonny(i.e. what some folks will do for a record deal....).


The odds of _none_ of the guys having herpes is 1/8(unless you test them--that is .6*.6*.6*.6). Actually, I think it would be lower because the types of guys likely to participate in a condom free gang bang aren't exactly the general population. Now the odds of the lady geting herpes from this encounter is less than that, because it isn't a 100% contagious disease.

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Chicup said:
Am I the only one vaguely horrified by this thread?

No you are not the only one. :nono:

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Here is a quote from the review. I'd have to look, but I don't think that 10% figure is the highest estimate.




"If you've ever looked upon sperm as a little army of white-coated soldiers setting off to sack and pillage a barely pregnable fortress . . . well, you'd be right, according to this fascinating new book. Dr. Robin Baker, who has studied sperm and cervical mucus in much greater detail than anyone would've thought necessary, has come to some startling conclusions: that less than 1 percent of sperm is actually designed to fertilize an egg (the rest are there to block other men's sperm), and that 4 to 10 percent of all children born to married couples are in fact the offspring of other men, usually of higher socioeconomic status, with whom the mother had a short-term relationship."


I honestly think that if an attractive, younger woman placed a personals ad looking for a husband with the condition that something during the marriage, she would conceive a child via a gang bang, she would have a substantial number of takers. I'm not saying that this is a good idea. I'm just saying that is how much latitude she would have in the present situation.

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Originally Posted by Chicup

Am I the only one vaguely horrified by this thread?


Dito All I can say is bless their hearts. As for me, I'd want to know which man fathered my children, and I'd like all my children to be fathered by the same man.

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I concur with interesting.


So, here's my story. When I married my wife, she had an 18 month old daughter. About a year later, I adopted her. I love her very much and I am the only daddy that she has ever known.


Here comes the interesting part. About 6 years ago, my wife and I were doing the occassional threesome, MFM. And, she would go out with her boyfriend on her own at times. She was not on the pill at the time. We talked about the possibility of pregnancy and I wanted here to use some sort of BC. The boyfriend refused to use condoms and to make a long story short, she had his baby. This was very hard on me at first. But after he arrived, I really and truly began to love him. The biological father never had anything to do with him and we never asked him for anything. Our son is a very happy little boy.


I would not recommend this for anyone. But, if you are swinging and not permanently fixed, you must be prepared for the consequences.

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RnLinohio said:
No you are not the only one. :nono:




BTW, I did recently read a study (not on the internet, in health care literature) that stated in testing done in several large cities across the US the rate of the husband not being the Father averaged 20% with some cities running one third. These test were done without the knowledge of either parent using blood from routine blood samples. The study did not mention any categories by first, second, etc. child or socioeconomic class, race, anything. This was overall.

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A father is the man who raises a child, not the man who impregnates a woman

I feel the same way.


Bunny, when you said your wife wasn't on pill at that time, and you heard that her boyfriend refused to use condoms, you have taken into account the possibility of her getting pregnant with her boyfriend's child as well.


Despite all that, you still allowed her to have sex with him. and for that, I think it is honourable to be able to let your wife experience sex with other guys, allowing her to be pleasured by others, and also to raise and love the child she has in the process.


I'm not sure if there's a lot of others like you, but I share the same view, believing that love and sex are 2 different things. She can have sex with anyone she likes, and I would still love her. I love her so much that I don't mind if she gets pregnant with other guy's offspring. BECAUSE the mother of that child is my wife.

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Ok, I'm probably going to get hit because of what I'm about to say, but who cares.


Swinging is about being responsible to yourself, your partner and the people you choose to be with. Having sex with someone without protection is just plain idiotic and stupid....hello can we say STDs, how about HIV?? 3 little letters and a lifetime of agony.


If the person I was with, whether is was my partner in life or a sex partner, didn't want to play it safe I would have to ask myself if they were safe for me!


Cream Pies are a huge turn=on for me in all honestly and for my hubby also...would we love to do one,but will we? Hell no not with someone we don't know...there is no way.


As for predominancy... I'm fixed, hubby isn't. I don't want him getting someone other women knocked up.


For one thing he is a very responsible adult, which means he would feel and obligation to take care of the child whether her hubby/partner wanted him to or not in his eyes that is his child not the other guys and 2) Purely selfish on my part, but we have 4 boys of our own that he needs to support not some offspring from a tumble, and 3) These are children that deserve to be brought into the world in a safe and loving environment...can you image what a child would feel like if he was told that he was a product of a swinging.


So that is my soapbox feel free to knock me off. I understand everyone is different in their beliefs and actions...



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I'm just a hick Okie, Sex Wonderer, but if I were faced with your problem, I'd get her pregnant first, then go swinging.


Mr. Alura

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NO WAY IN HELL would I risk getting prego by that many men!!! And not useing anything just because it sounds fun??? WTF...The risks are just way to high for us. And I know hubby would never want me pregnent by another man. We have had many talks about this and I went back on the pill when we got into this lifestyle just incase a condom broke. Pleasing your wife in this way is just setting yourself up for lots of hurt!!! and what if you catch something besides getting pregnent or both??? Then what. Is it really worth the risk? NOT IN THIS HOUSE!! but to each their own. I think it is an awful idea but then again that is just my opinion.

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BTW, I did recently read a study (not on the internet, in health care literature) that stated in testing done in several large cities across the US the rate of the husband not being the Father averaged 20% with some cities running one third. These test were done without the knowledge of either parent using blood from routine blood samples. The study did not mention any categories by first, second, etc. child or socioeconomic class, race, anything. This was overall.


That sounds about right. This is much more common in cities that in rural areas. The fathers are largely managers/business owners, cops, judges, ministers and doctors.

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BiNWAR said:
Having sex with someone without protection is just plain idiotic and stupid....hello can we say STDs, how about HIV?? 3 little letters and a lifetime of agony


The thing is with the newer tests (That are mainly available now in San Francisco and North Carolina), called NAAT, the safety factor from being tested is at least as good as what condoms provide by themselves(the newer tests can spot infection after 10 days vs. 6 months).


Now, I _still_ wouldn't suggest doing cream pies with guys selected at random from the internet even if they were tested, but I'm just trying to put this into perspective.

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I used to share my ex-wife, (she's my ex because of other reasons not her riding other men). The guys would cum in her and one guy in particular would have sex with her quite a bit. No contraception at all. I would do her after. She got pregnant with our second daughter and the time frame could possibly have been his but I have no idea don't care and never checked. It's my daughter period.

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On 1/23/2023 at 1:31 PM, Jimsfuckstory said:

The guys would cum in her and one guy in particular would have sex with her quite a bit. No contraception at all. I would do her after. She got pregnant with our second daughter and the time frame could possibly have been his but I have no idea don't care and never checked. It's my daughter period.

People raise stepchildren, have artificial insemination, adopt.  I see nothing wrong with this approach.  You love your daughter and that's all that matters. 

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Our swinging started after my childbearing years because it freed us from that fear of getting pregnant even with protection. For us if a miracle happened like getting pregnant at this point we would not go through with it. With pregnancy not in question other health fears are more on point for us as we don’t use protection which others might say is stupid. 

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7 hours ago, couplers said:

OK, if you want to feel the men ejaculate

Is this possible (not the contractions/pulsations)? 

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14 hours ago, Ed23 said:

Is this possible (not the contractions/pulsations)? 


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For us as a loving couple who also have intercourse with other men and simply love having sex naturally and without a condom, it is natural that we keep and raise a child, regardless of the man it is from.
We know the men and we love it with them.
Why should we suddenly reject a child who is from a man who had the permission to cum into her?

Just because it's not mine? 
That would be absolutely ridiculous and a low blow to all the men we associate with.

What kind of man would I be if I didn't raise it together with her as a gift of our lustful pleasure with others and the deep love between us.

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      "Sure, give me some time," I said. About 30 minutes later, Malik got up and went to the bathroom. I joined him so we could talk. "Carissa is hot for you, you know," I told him while we were in the bathroom. "I already fucked her once tonight, but she is still hot and horny - so much so she does not have panties on!" Malik replied, "Really? I knew that girl was a hot one!"

      We went back to the bar, and I gave Carissa the thumbs-up sign. When Malik sat back down, he whispered something to Carissa and then took a drink. I was standing off at an angle that looked like I wanted a better view of the game. The reason was so I could see him and Carissa better from where I was.

      A few minutes later, I saw Malik drop his hand down and approach Carissa's thigh. He slowly moved his hand up her thigh, pushing her dress higher, then sneaking under it. You could tell when he got to bare pussy because he broke out with a big smile. He started to play with her pussy, and I could tell Carissa was being turned on. Malik turned to say something to Chuck that neither Carissa nor I could hear. Still, I found out later that he told him, "I have a hot one here, she doesn't have any panties on, and I have my hand all over her pussy. Maybe we won't have to call around to get some pussy tonight."

      Malik continued to caress her pussy, and I could see that Carissa had dropped her hand down on his lap to squeeze his cock through his pants. It was about 10:00 p.m., and everyone was anxious to get something going. Carissa went to the bathroom and motioned me over when she came out.

      "We are going to his apartment and waiting for him," Carissa explained. "They are going to finish their drinks and then go to his apartment." So we left in our van and went to his apartment complex about 3 miles from the Jazz Corner. We found a spot in the parking lot and waited. While we were waiting, I was playing with Carissa's bare pussy. She was so hot and bothered that she was almost panting with desire. I was just teasingly rubbing the outside of her pussy. Still, whenever she thought my fingers were near her sloppy hole, she would thrust her hips, trying to get my fingers to go in. Just when I thought if I valued my life, I couldn't deny her anymore, Malik and Chuck pulled up. We walked over to them, and Malik unlocked and opened his door, and we all went in.

      Malik got everyone a drink and showed Carissa his photo collection. He had been everywhere in his military career and had many pictures. Many photographs had Malik smiling beside a beautiful full-figured woman of various nationalities. It was apparent what type of woman he liked, which was another big turn-on for Carissa.

      After 30 minutes, I approached Carissa and asked, "Why isn't anything happening? I thought you were hot, horny, and wanting Malik?" She said, "Yes, I am, but I do not want Chuck here."

      I thought that was the end of any sex play that day, as Chuck was staying with Malik and had nowhere else to go. It was also obvious Chuck was horny too. Malik was in the living room with Carissa, I was in the kitchen, and Chuck was in the bedroom trying to set up a date for himself or him and Malik. I think he found someone and he called Malik into the bedroom where the phone was.

      When they were in there, Carissa moved to a chair that looked directly into Malik's bedroom, pulled up her dress and bunched it around her waist, pulled her thighs apart, and started to play with her pussy. I saw Malik drop the phone, get up, and head for Carissa. He said, "Lynn, you sure have a hot wife. May I eat her pussy?" I said, "She has probably been waiting two weeks and all night to hear that, but you had better ask her!" Carissa replied, standing up and taking his hand, "Hell, yes!"

      Malik led her to the couch and laid her down. He pulled up her dress, and when it was up around her neck, he released it and went to her bra - too late. Carissa was already removing it.

      I went over, and as Malik got down on his knees to eat her pussy, I pulled the dress over her head and put it on a nearby chair. I took her bra and put it there too. Carissa was now naked with three clothed guys in the house. She put one leg on the couch and the other on the floor as Malik ate her pussy. He spread her pussy lips and went to town, eating her hot, wet pussy. Carissa loved it.

      Then Chuck came out of the bedroom, walked over to me, and said, "Does she suck cock?" I said, "Very well."

      "May I?" he asked. I replied, "I said it is OK by me, but you must ask the lady."

      Chuck walked over to Carissa, who was enjoying the oral ministrations of Malik, and unzipped his pants as he walked. Carissa did not say anything; she was too busy cuming, but she grabbed his soft dick, pulled it to her, and immediately put it in her mouth. Well, so much for Chuck not participating or having to leave!!

      Chuck stood there as Carissa held his dick in her hand while licking and sucking it as Malik started to use his fingers in addition to his mouth. Carissa was going crazy with sexual desire. I was busy taking pictures as I did not want to miss any of this sexual adventure.

      Chuck tapped Malik on the shoulder and told him to take a break and take his clothes off. Malik backed off of Carissa, with Carissa expressing disappointment in not having her pussy taken care of.

      Chuck took care of that. He got between her thighs and started to feast on her pussy while Malik tore his clothes off beside me. He was quickly naked with an impressive hard-on. I was already naked, but before I could go anywhere, Malik had his cock in Carissa's mouth while his friend was eating my wife's pussy. I continued to take pictures and play with my dick. I told Chuck to take a break so he could get naked. He jumped up and started taking off his clothes. Malik moved down to Carissa's legs and, with her assistance, put his hard black cock into her pussy. They began to fuck, with Carissa wrapping her legs around Malik as he fed her hot, wet pussy with his hard dick. They were both moaning and groaning as they got into fucking each other.

      Meanwhile, Chuck was nude, and now we were all naked. Because they were fucking on the couch, there was no room for Chuck or me to get our dicks in her mouth. So we just watched their hot, sexy coupling. And it was hot. I moved around, watching them fuck. I watched from the side and the back, watching his cock go in and out of my wife's cunt, Malik going balls deep on each stroke. Malik had not had pussy for a while, so he grunted that he was going to come. Carissa held him tighter on his last stroke, and he came hard in her pussy as she held him tight with her arms and legs.

      After resting briefly on Carissa, Malik got up with cum dripping from his cock. Malik had just cleared off the couch when Chuck jumped onto the couch. I thought he would fuck her well fucked pussy, but I was wrong, and Carissa was the winner. Chuck got right down there face first and started to eat her pussy and lick her clit. He got a big mouth full of their mixed cum, and Carissa was going wild, cuming and cuming again while he ate her pussy.

      I could only watch this wild, wild scene - my cock as hard as a rock! Chuck took a short break only to tell me, "Come on up here so she can suck her husband's cock." Then he went right back to her cunt. I moved forward and put my dick in her mouth. Not being passive like Chuck and Malik, I started to fuck her face. She played with my balls as she moaned with pleasure from Chuck eating at her pussy. Carissa then took my dick out and told Chuck, "Honey, with all that good pussy eating, you just did; you deserve a good fuck," and she pulled him up so that he could put his hard dick in her hot cunt. He fucked like he had not had any pussy in a while - he had not - and he fucked as hard but as tender as Malik did.

      Malik had washed up and was now standing and watching as well. He took a couple of pictures of Chuck fucking and her sucking me. Chuck raised her legs and smoothly drove his dick in and out of her wet pussy. He suddenly grunted and yelled as he filled Carissa's pussy with his hot cum. Carissa pressed him hard to her with one hand while playing with my balls with the other.

      When Chuck got off, I immediately got between her legs and started to eat Chuck's cum out of her pussy. While she thought she was exhausted, she quickly came alive with my tongue in her pussy and my fingers on her clit. Malik came up closer, got on his knees by the couch, and started to suck on Carissa's nipples by taking as much tit in his mouth as he could while tonguing her nipple. Carissa was going crazy again as we overloaded her sex sensors a third time. When I could taste them no more, I climbed up in the sex saddle and started to fuck my wife while Malik continued to suck her tits. Chuck, not to be left out, put his slick cum-coated cock in her mouth so that she was getting three dicks simultaneously. Carissa was now in sex heaven! After watching all this hot action and seeing all this cum flying and all these sexual stimuli, I knew I would not last long. But I was doing fine until someone grabbed my balls, and bam, I shot my cum in my wife's pussy.

      It was her fourth fuck of the night, and she loved it. Not to be outdone by any of us, Malik got between her thighs and commenced to eat my/our cum out of her hot, wet cunt. Now each of us had tasted the Carissa cum/sperm cocktail her hot pussy held. Malik made her cum at least twice that I could tell before Carissa yelled, "Let me up. I have to pee. You guys are fantastic! This is the most exciting night of my life! You guys treat me like a queen. I am so damn hot." And with that, she disappeared into the bathroom.

      She used the bathroom, washed up, and came out with a towel around her as the three of us watched TV waiting for her to come out to see if she wanted more of us. She did. Chuck took off her towel and led her back to the couch. Why we never went to the bedroom, I do not know, but that couch got a hell of a workout that night.

      We were all still naked, all three dicks semi-hard. Carissa started to lie down on her back, but Chuck put her on her hands and knees on the couch instead. He put his face into her pussy from the rear to ensure she was or would get wet again. Chuck ate her pussy and rubbed her ass until her pussy was good and wet. Then he got on the couch behind her and put his dick in, and fucked her doggy style. This made it easy for Malik and I to get in front of her and feed her our cocks. Carissa was in heaven again - sucking two cocks and getting fucked simultaneously.

      We all lasted longer this time, and there was sex in the air -- sounds, smells, sights -- it was awesome. When we came - I came on her tits, Malik on her face, and Chuck on her ass. And I do not think Carissa ever stopped coming until we did. After that, we were all exhausted, Carissa put on her dress, and we went home. What a great sex day. And this is how we got into the swinging lifestyle. There have been many adventures that followed.
    • By HotCplUk3040
      Ok so this may be a bit taboo and yes there are plenty of issues that come with this… but our conversation (and fantasies) revolve around swapping and sex in this fashion.
      It might sound silly but is this frowned upon in swinger circles? Would we be blacklisted or is there a place for this?
      We wouldn’t be sleeping around and maybe hope to find a regular couple or 2 to have this fun with, but as a general rule what’s the community’s approach to those coming in and looking to have bareback sex?
    • By njbm
      We are laying low, not due to covid but other reasons. But in talking to friends, we just don’t hear as much about house parties, etc.  Has covid subdued interest? Or are we jaded and/or over the hill?
    • By let's do it again
      I haven't seen this addressed here, so I was wondering if anyone has been scammed or attempted to be scammed while swinging? Now we have had single guys lie about having a partner or one couple wanted me to loan them a sizable amount of money. So has any swingers tried to blackmail or scam you?
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