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Annoying habits you can't overlook

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We met a couple for lunch last weekend. Sat out on the patio. The breeze was fresh and invigorating, the food superb, but the guy had a habit that caught my eye early on which I couldn't get used to.


He was a crotch grabber.


No, not mine. :lol: His. And he did this throughout lunch.


I'm certain he had no knowledge of his actions. The crotch grabbing usually preceded adjusting his position in the chair, or when he was about to make a point in the conversation. It drove me nuts. I would look into his eyes, listening intently as he spoke, while my peripheral vision captured every squeeze he gave his package, each slide of his hand between his thighs when he crossed his legs.


I had no interest in him sexually because of this annoying habit.


What habits would keep you from swinging with a person?

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Oh LM, you are too cute!


Booger pickers. That is the absolute worst and especially the ones that do it in the car while you are following them to the club or hotel!



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Oh my gosh that would be annoying!


One couple we met was nice, but the guy stared at my chest. Major turn off. If he would have said "nice chest" or something funny, it would have been fine. But it was lecherous

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Oh yeah.... people that don't say the right words when they are speaking.


We had a short lived play partner that would say things like hada instead of had to or have to. That one phrase just ribbed me over and over.


We hada let em go.

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You guys just reminded me of two HAPs (Highly Annoying People).


1. Guy I went out with (kinda) before I got married. I was young and he had a boat - and yes that was why I went out with him - but he was a spitter. Not a dipper, just a spitter. It was like every time he got any sort of saliva in his mouth rather than swallow it, he would spit it out. It was quite gross and the main thing that kept me from ever becoming physically involved with him, and one of the things (along with my moving to another state - although he did offer to "help me out" if I chose to stay) that led to my not seeing him anymore.


2. I was at a party once (with mostly swingers and a few porn people) and one of the guys brought this "date". She was probably about 19 and acted every bit of it. She didn't stop talking from the minute she walked in the door. Every time someone said anything, it would remind her of something which would lead to.... "this one time.....", usually referring to her oh so long career in the porn industry (like I said, 19). This is one of those rare occasions where I was seriously TRYING to get drunk in order to put up with her (and it wasn't working). So, we were sitting outside in the hot tub (several of us) and someone says something and here comes "and this one time...." which I interrupted "at porn camp?!". Everyone laughed, she didn't get the joke and never did get that we were making fun of her when that continued to be the finish for everything she said for the rest of the night.


So I guess to answer the question, spitters and non-stop talkers.

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Mint Poppers


Those people who continually pop tic-tacs in their mouth every 5 minutes the whole night long, and they think they're doing it covertly, but they're not.


It's very obvious.


I figure if they feel there is something that raunchy about their mouth, I'm sure not going to get near it!

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Julie, with your blessings I will now add "this one time at porn camp" to my vocabulary.

Absolutely hilarious. Somebody has to start a thread asking for stories and call it "This one time at porn camp". ROFLMAO

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Absolutely hilarious. Somebody has to start a thread asking for stories and call it "This one time at porn camp". ROFLMAO


You know what they say about volunteers........I'm awaiting your new thread...



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Well Julie took mine about spitters. So I'll have to go with my back up and say people with fuzzy teeth. I'm not talking crooked or stained, I'm talking the plaque is so thick it has covered their teeth to the point where it looks like all their teeth are starting to melt together. That lack of simple hygiene tells me I'm not going to find other places to be in much better condition.


Hubby's would be women that crack themselves. Knuckles, necks, backs whatever. If it pops on cue, he's out. Heck, I'm lucky I got him before I started getting old. THe way he flinches when my back pops after a long day would have him running for the hills if we were just dating. lol

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Hubby's would be women that crack themselves. Knuckles, necks, backs whatever. If it pops on cue, he's out. Heck, I'm lucky I got him before I started getting old. THe way he flinches when my back pops after a long day would have him running for the hills if we were just dating. lol


I finally figured out why you guys left our table at the first Swingers Board meet - up!

If I couldn't pop my own neck and back I'd be in serious pain.

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I can not stand men that *swagger* makes me want to pick a chair up and beam them with it...you know the ones who walk into a room all puffed up...ick...


In defense of the mint poppers lots of times a habit they picked up while quitting smoking...also have known quite a few ex-drinkers use this habit also in social settings...and others who have medical conditions that take meds that make their mouths dry...so not always because of bad mouth hygiene..a dry mouth will breed bad breath.


Non stop talkers..lol..I always tell people that is what adult ADHD looks like..

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What we both absolutely hate are people that constantly have to "one up" you. For example:


Me: "One time I had to walk to California, It sucked!"


Them: "Yeah, one time I had to CRAWL to California, it was even worse than walking"


It seems we've had the mispleasure of meeting a few couples where one or both people (usually the guy :rolleyes: ) do this. It goes no farther than a first date in these cases.

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What we both absolutely hate are people that constantly have to "one up" you. For example:


Me: "One time I had to walk to California, It sucked!"


Them: "Yeah, one time I had to CRAWL to California, it was even worse than walking"


I think I have to agree, I hate this too......."know it alls" or if they didnt do it, someone they know did..........ackkkkkkk Surrender You almost want to say, One time I didnt talk for 2hrs, for them to top it, and then you can ask them to prove it.... :lol:


Love this topic.....

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Personally, I can't stand the overuse of cuss words - or just blatant trash-mouth... We met a couple at a restaurant recently, a bit older than us but had nice pics and looked like fun. (I think the pics were old for sure, and make-up does wonders as well...) He was very nice, down to earth and could talk about anything intelligently... She must have been a truck driver in her former life ! Every sentence had at least one F-bomb in it, and she had no problem talking about her and others c*nts...


Might just as well have rotten teeth, as far as I'm concerned - a dirty mouth in any sense is a turn-of :nono:

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People who don't wash their hands!!!


Well - I only know for sure about guys, but it amazes me to see a guy walk into the john, do his thing and instead of taking his place behind me for the sink, he simply vanishes...


HELLO! I saw that! And if you think I'm going to let you touch my wife with those disgusting hands you are insane. I remember your face, and I have mentally put a great big red circle-slash over it.


A little soap - a little water... Is that really too much to ask???

Wash your damn hands!!!

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I hate guys that stare at you. I don't mind people who are interested in your converastion or what you have to say, but those guys who just stare at you all night until I become uncomfortable. It bothers me.

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OH and the ones that you have to drag conversations out of! And then they complain!


I have sat and tried to have conversations with people to learn more about them and see if there is any interest, when all I get back is a nod and one word answers.


Then they complain about how 'cliquey' the club is. Geesh! I hate that!

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OH and the ones that you have to drag conversations out of! And then they complain!


I have sat and tried to have conversations with people to learn more about them and see if there is any interest, when all I get back is a nod and one word answers.


Then they complain about how 'cliquey' the club is. Geesh! I hate that!


I have run into that too many times. We had one couple that we had met that were like that. And at the time I was with my ex who wasn't much of a conversationalist himself. Have you ever been at dinner trying to carry a 4 person conversation ALONE!?


I threw a party one time when I had my amateur site, myself a bunch of other amateur web-girls and it was in honor of one of the girls birthdays or site anniversaries (or something). So this guy comes, sits in the corner and doesn't talk to anyone. Alanna (the star of the evening) goes over to him and tries to talk to him, he wouldn't talk to her and even when she introduced herself he had this look like "so, who are you?". Myself, being the hostess went over to talk to him and it was like pulling teeth. I gave up and moved on to more receptive guests.


A day or two after the party, I got an email from him blasting about unfriendly and clickish people were! Let's just say my response was less than friendly.

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People who have to get roaring drunk before the swinging starts. No thanks.


Nothing wrong with a buzz. And there's nothing wrong with a roaring drunk occasionally. But, if you can't swing until you've drank enough to drop your inhibitions like lead panties then you are in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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Spoomonkey said:
A little soap - a little water... Is that really too much to ask???

Wash your damn hands!!!


Too right. When I see someone at work pass me in the men's room without washing, I make a mental note never to shake their hand again.




On a lighter note, there's an old joke with a Army guy and a Marine taking a leak. The Marine is washing his hands after they are done while the Army guys starts to walk out of the latrine right away. The Marine says to him, "My mother taught me to wash my hands after I take a leak". The Army guy replies, "My mother taught me not to piss on my hands."


Substitute for Army and Marines as needed. ;)

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People with fuzzy teeth - EEWWWW. If you can't brush your teeth well enough to get the plaque off, you probably aren't taking care of other parts of your body either....gross, just gross



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I get very annoyed by people who try to talk as though they are highly educated ... when it is so obvious by their misuse and/or mis-pronunciation of more sophistocated vocabulary words that they have not the first clue as to what they are talking about. :rolleyes:


(I also get annoyed by people who end sentences with prepositions, but sometimes it is difficult to avoid, as evidenced by my above sentence ... lol) :kissface:

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Well here is one that is a real pet peeve of mine. Amazing no one mentioned it. Nose or ear hair. Either one is a total turnoff. Once I was having dinner out and our waitress (a very pretty girl) had one long hair growing out of her left nostril. It was so gross that I couldn't enjoy my dinner as I kept thinking about it. I also have a friend (vanilla male) that looks like he is sporting shrubbery in his ears! It's a wonder he can hear. Didn't anyone ever hear of tweezers? :0) :nono:

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Spoomonkey said:
People who don't wash their hands!!!


Well - I only know for sure about guys, but it amazes me to see a guy walk into the john, do his thing and instead of taking his place behind me for the sink, he simply vanishes...


HELLO! I saw that! And if you think I'm going to let you touch my wife with those disgusting hands you are insane. I remember your face, and I have mentally put a great big red circle-slash over it.


A little soap - a little water... Is that really too much to ask???

Wash your damn hands!!!




Not only that, but how about at a buffet restaurant? How about seeing a guy use an urinal in a buffet restaurant and not wash his hands as he leaves the bathroom? Then... you go for the mash potatoes, and he's the guy putting the big spoon down right before you go to use it!


Had to pass on the potatoes.


Made me think so much about it I'm not sure I'll ever go back. Man!... :eek:

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Yeah, bad hygiene is the worst; but I would rather a gal kissed me after having a smoke then to add that "minty-fresh" flavor to the mix. :eek:


People who don't care enough to dress up a bit when you meet for the first time. Seems to show they just don't really care that much. :sad:


One other thing is an unbalanced couple in the sense that one is very in your face while the other is quiet and you don't know what they are thinking. :confused:

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What about people snapping gum? SNAP,SNAP,SNAP! Maybe I'm too thin skinned, but that irritates the heck out of me :mad: . But I have to say the 'done it all, seen it all ' types get to me, also. I guess it's a toss up.

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curiousagain said:
People who have to get roaring drunk before the swinging starts. No thanks.


Nothing wrong with a buzz. And there's nothing wrong with a roaring drunk occasionally. But, if you can't swing until you've drank enough to drop your inhibitions like lead panties then you are in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Dito We have had this happen and opted not to play with them. We have also observed folks at the club that drink way too much for my taste. Makes you wonder why they swing. I always think they have a guilt problem with swinging. Not always true I'm sure, but it's the first thing I think.

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No shit! The woman was an R.N., reasonably educated and intelligent, in her 20's (this was a while back). Growing out of her aerolas were a number of long, straggly hairs, all of which were longer than anything growing on my own chest. I was worried that I hadn't checked out her knuckles and Adam's apple well enough before getting her into bed.


Talk about a "dick-wrecker..."

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JnCC said:


OMG!!!!! :rofl::rofl:


I am sooooooo eternally grateful to be a red-head, and as such, not hairy AT ALL, least of all, unlikely places such as that! :eek:

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This thread is hillarious. One other thing that is a total turn off instantly for me is guys that dip. You could be hot as hell but when I get to your table and see that cup of dark spit sitting there (or the soda bottle or whatever), I have to hold back the gag reflex.

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This thread is hillarious. One other thing that is a total turn off instantly for me is guys that dip. You could be hot as hell but when I get to your table and see that cup of dark spit sitting there (or the soda bottle or whatever), I have to hold back the gag reflex.


Ew...no kidding. I am NOT going to be kissing the person that does that. :nono: When I was in h.s. even a few girls dipped. Yuck, yuck, yuck. And the spit cup accessory, ick. We need a Mr. Yuck smilie. lol


And I agree with some of the previous mentions of dental hygiene. I haven't personally kissed anyone with fuzz growing out of their teeth, but have had a few people I've known have that issue. And I think the same thing as with the dippers...how on earth does someone want to kiss you?


I mean, how do you tactfully say something to a friend about that? 'Sooooo, have you been to the dentist lately?' I just can't do it....:lol:


This thread is pretty amusing. Haven't met anyone that is habitually adjusting their package all night though...I would have asked if he would like some help with that...lol

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Julie and Maria, you guys hit the nail on the head. I love a great set of teeth. They don't have to be pearly white, but atleast straight and almost white.


Dippers, forget it. Not our thing at all. I'm trying to quit smoking because not only is it bad for your organs, but your teeth also. Dipping really rot your teeth away. Can't do a guy or couple with rotten teeth.

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Gossips - talking about their conquests or putting down people


I've always steered clear of gossips, and I've found it a very disturbing trend lately.


Medical issues - I really get turned off by talk of gallbladder surgery. If you have medical problems that prevent you from certain positions, I can understand, but don't go on and on about all your ailments. A couple we were interested in kept talking about her back problems and surgeries. I took this to mean that she was basically going to just lay there. I don't want that for hubby. We passed.


If someone asks me about my recent injury, I just reply that I'm fine now, but can't turn cartwheels just yet. ;)

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So, we were sitting outside in the hottub (several of us) and someone says something and here comes "and this one time...." which I interrupted "at porn camp?!".


Nine years later and I still laugh about this post from time to time. :)


Annoying habits. Hmm. Within a group of swingers, it's gotta be the person that tries to dominate every conversation and won't STFU.

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two4youinswva, thanks for reviving this thread so that newer folks (like us) find out about it. In our brief travels, we have run into several of the oft-mentioned annoying types- the non-stop talker, the one-upper, the sloppy-drunk- and have so far been mercifully spared from many of the others!


We'd like to add one more annoying habit that we encountered. We played with a couple once where the guy felt the need to direct everybody's play activity, and press the participants to say how much they were liking it during the act. Now don't get me wrong, we like putting on a show sometimes, but this felt like we were trained monkeys, performing for our supper! We should have recognized that something was amiss on our first meeting- this guy was a conversation monopolizer from the start. It's too bad, too, because Mr. CoupleInMD and the other woman were really liking each other! Well, live and learn.

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To me, arrogance and disrespect are obverse sides of the same coin. Several of the annoying habits mentioned in this thread have, at their core, one of these. I find it difficult to tolerate either, but if that arrogance or disrespect is aimed at Mrs. Worn, the words "We are done here," follow quickly.


Small, but significant to me--use of "Sally and I" when it should be "Sally and me." Like fingers on a chalkboard when somebody says, "He brought drinks for Sally and I." You would never say, "He brought drinks for I." Having said that, I would still have sex with her, just probably not become best friends. lol

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People who can't detach from their cell phones. I had one lady that was a great fuck, but couldn't stay off Tic Toc, and insisted on showing you every stupid video on it. K says men that won't shower before sex with her.

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