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How old is everyone and how long have you been swinging?

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46, first experience at 19, took a break for 9 years then resumed my true identity post divorce. Life's been good so far :)

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I have been swinging 37 years my wife is very new to it. My ex-wife was bisexual and we were regulars at some of the swinger clubs here in Houston.

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We are 70 (but not for that much longer), we started going together just before out 18th birthdays, I took her cherry when we turned 19 (wife was a very strict church going Catholic girl), we married at 21, had our family at 28 and 30, we joined a nudist club when we were 34 and found there was a lot of swinging going on there, it took me a year to convince the wife that we should try it, we were 35 and married 15 years when she went with her first ever other guy and she took to the lifestyle like a duck to water, she really enjoyed her new found sexual freedom, we started swinging and swapping and progressed to M F M threesomes and her being a hot wife with other guys, I love watching her going with other guys and going silky seconds as well as doing the cleaning up.

As I said we are now 70 and have been married 50 years, still very much in love and we still have an active sex life, life sure is good.

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Im 31, hubby is 33, together for 10 years. We have yet to have our first experience but are eager to spend some of the best years of our lives flirting and having fun ;)

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He is 48 and she is 43 we are from Athens, Ohio and have been swinging for 2 years. We have had many incredible adventures and look forward to many more.

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I've been swinging since about 1977. Geeeeez.....If I stop and let that sink in I'm going to cry. lol. Time flies when you're having a grand old time though.

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We're m42 f35 and been swinging for 5 years.

New to the board and thought I'd start here!

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I am 40, friends say in my best years and shape (thanks guys, but is not necessary to be able to invite me to bed, I can come alone ;-)), and I have started swinging when I was 17, internet did not even exist at that time. I just seduced my best friend and took her to bed with my boyfreind. It was such an awesome experience that I never stopped from then on.

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We have been members and staff of many socials since early 70s.We was high school sweet hearts and got married when she was 16 and i was 18.I told her iwanted to spend my life with her but knew that i would always be attracted to other women.She gave her me her blessing.I had a girl friend on and off for many years.My wife and her were best friends even when we were off.The last time we were on we became a threesome.After that ended we found the lifestyle and been a part of it from that time till now.My wife had a stroke 12 years ago.We have not played since then but we do attend socials and support the lifestyle.

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I'm 44 and wife is 55...ah the joy of older women and younger men :). Been married more than 25 years. Yes, she was my Mrs. Robinson, seducing my young horny self! We first put our LS plans in motion about 1999 or 2000 where by that time we'd already been together about 14 years. Had many adventures for about 4 or 5 years on a semi-regular basis but had to drop out at due to a combination of vanilla obligations and availability.


We didn't do anything LS related for about the next 8 years and while it was always on the back of our minds, we really didn't put too much emphasis on starting up again until recently. Decided to give it a whorl again earlier in the year and brings us to where we are today, a few months out.

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Both 38. Had our first experience exactly a week ago, mfm ( does that count?) It was amazing.

Prior to meeting this guy I had no experience with multiple orgasms....his experiences led my husband and I to research female ejaculation and holy shit. Sex has been insane since then. Coming six times in an hour. Being able to orgasm from a kiss after a session!

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Yes it certainly does count. The Lifestyle covers many different situations. We're 38m and 37f and have been in the Lifestyle for 5 years. Best years of our lives!

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I am 22, and started swinging earlier this year after being introduced... And very, very hooked!

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I'm 38 and I started about 5yrs ago. Really never got too heavy into it because of some other issues. My wife and I played a few times at two clubs. Now, we're doing things different and learning more about it, too really enjoy it this time around.

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Hi everyone, I'm 36, and I started a couple years back with my ex-husband, now I'm starting my swinging life as a single (or divorced) woman :D

I like to go to clubs and resorts here in Mexico, specially at the Riviera Maya and Cancun.

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We are 59 & 56. We started swinging about 33 years ago although our level of activity has varied greatly from year to year.

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We are both 36 and we I guess started in 2009 although sparingly 1 time....but have rekindled it as an option I kinda mentally took it off the table when we got married in 2010. What a silly silly girl....if I can have my cake and eat it too why shouldn't i?

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I'm 38 and I started about 5yrs ago. Really never got too heavy into it because of some other issues. My wife and I played a few times at two clubs. Now, we're doing things different and learning more about it, too really enjoy it this time around.

I'm 30 and hubby is hanging in there at 39 now. Like he said previously, we don't have as much hands on experience as we would probably like at this point but we do have a whole lot of experience in "hey, let's swing!!!" Two weeks later- "wait, I'm pregnant" hahaha. We are done with the babies though, so check back with us in a couple years and we will be old pros.

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We are both 28 and actually started our "extracurriculars" when we were 19. Seems like we started really young yes but it's not like we have had all that many encounters. Guess we started too soon? :lol: we don't think so because we have enjoyed every moment we had with our activities (minus the bad experiences). Guess being that young turned off lots of older more experienced couples (even in the 25 under range). Ah we were weird when we were younger....good times.

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We are just beginning our journey together, and have only done the watch/be watched thing. (although Ron has experience before we met) I'm 40 and he is 45. It's pretty exciting for this conservative girl, I've really had my eyes open wide!



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I am 50, and started right before my last marriage ended, (I know, not reason to swing) so about 8 years. My fiancee is 60, and started with a prior BF after her marriage of 31 years, so also about 8 I would say. I do want to say I love this thread as I was

wondering the same thing. Down here in Florida, we attend house parties with couples easily in their 40's, and often 50's and 60's. Fortunately, we feel if the couple looks good, age does not matter. We know of some couples who got out of the lifestyle, either by choice, death of a spouse, or other reasons I cannot think of right now. So, the reason I love this is to underscore the fact that things happen in life, and we cannot wait. If we want to play with someone, ask. If we want to go to a hotel takeover, swinger cruise, Hedo, whatever, do not wait. In addition to all the benefits swinging has shown us, I realize life is short enough so that we need to enjoy it.

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Hubby is 51, I'm 61, we've been together ten years, married for one, He's been in the lifestyle around ten years, I've been in it about twenty.

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I had a recollection of having replied to this question before. I was not, however, able to find a reply. No matter. I should now. It was ten years ago this month that my wife and I had our official start into the lifestyle at ages 55 and 53. We marched in faces forward and have never looked back. It has been a really good ten years and I hope to be answering this thread again ten years from now.


Post Script: She is the one, by the way, who brought the idea of it to me. I love her all the more for this.

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Mr is 54, Ms is 49 (and will ALWAYS stay at 49...although this year is the first year at 49). Been together for 5 years (although on some days it seems like we just met but it feels like we've been together most of our lives) and swinging for 3.

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61 I did a lot of swinging or group sex forty years ago, but tapered it off in the 1980s. Drugs were one of the reasons. I was tired of seeing the cocaine so prevalent back then, and the others. Also became involved in a career where 'imorality' was a serious problem if outed. Last year I took the opportunity to get back in touch with bisexuality and swinger or group sex. there are a lot of difference between the current experience and that of my mispent youth, so I feel like a newbie more often than not.

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Mr. CoupleInMD79 here. I'm 54, and the Mrs. is 55 (does that make her a cougar?). We have been in the lifestyle for about a year and a half. In that time, we've met a lot of great people, made some lasting friendships, and had all kinds of hot sex! If I'm being honest, I have to admit that we've also been rejected in a wide variety of ways, had our self-confidence tested from time to time, seen the ugly side of a few people, and had an argument or two between us about lifestyle things. But on balance, it's been an excellent adventure so far, with more to come!

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