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What is the age range in swinging?

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Lots of folks posted on their ages, in the average swing thang, how much of an age difference is usual?


I mean - the 20 somethings aren't likely (I'd guess anyway) to swing with the 60's. so what is sort of average for a mix?

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It is all up to the people involved. I have seen 20 somethings party with people three times their age then others that would not party with anyone more then a week older.


I personally tend to like to party with people close to my age and I am hmmmm, older. ;) Laura tends to like to party with guys younger then she is but I have seen her party with guys older then I am. (Yes, there is some out there older that can get it up) :lol:


Since the avg. age in the Lifestyle is about 42 years old there is someone for everyone. Take your pick and enjoy it.

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We usually play with people within 10 years plus or minus our age...this is not a set rule as we have played with people much older and people much younger than us.




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We don't have any set rule, it all depends on the person, but it seems that most are in our age range, the 25 - 45 group.


Mr. WS

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We try to stay in a range of 18-36 yrs old.. but we are noticing that we have more fun with a group thats 30-48yrs old... Im not sure why. lol We are 25 and 27. It seems that we have more in common with an older group then with most of the ones our age.

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We try to stay fairly close to our age range (around 21-65 or so) but have played with people half our age a couple of times(we are 43 and 47).:)

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I don't want to play with anyone who is my daughter's age (25)...I would just feel weird. In fact, I turned someone down recently who was that age.



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We usually stay about 10 years on either side. That means our playmates are usually between 25 and 50. The majority are probably 35-45.

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I don't want to play with anyone who is my daughter's age (25)...I would just feel weird. In fact, I turned someone down recently who was that age.




I had the same thing happen to me last week. I was talking with this really cute guy at the club. In the course of talking, he said he was 22 years old and I just could not stop thinking, my marriage is older than this kid is! I just could not go there. I have played with a guy who was 25, and while it was nice, he just needed some "maturity" to him. We are 43, so now we tend to stick to people who are 10 years younger than us, and really no age restriction as to how much older then us. One of my favorite play partners is 61. I guess it comes down to what you are comfortable with.

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I think it’s the people themselves that make the difference not the age. As for us we will not hold their youth and inexperience against a couple.


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I agree it depends on the actual person. But I still just have a hard time thinking of having sex with someone who is as old or older than my parents. It just seems wrong and dirty (and not in the good way).



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It just so happens we seem to play with people 10 years plus or minus our age (33 and 36). The only problem we ever had was a couple the propositioned us and the man was almost a spitting image of my wifes father. She just could not do it. Not his fault by any means but she thought it was just too weird.


Mr. Mitzi

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We also tend to be attracked to and play with people in our age group. But having said that, our ages are 55 and 37 so our age group is wide. The oldest we have played with were around 60 and the youngest were in their early 20's but most of our playmates are in their 40's.

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Mrs. Kinky is 51 and I am 27 (how's that for a May/December relationship!) and we play with whoever catches our fancy. We don't have any age limits when swinging.

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Thanks for the replies!!!


I'm certain to NOT be thinking about either my parents or my kids during any kind of sexual encounter. I don't look my age, so I've always almost exclusively been asked out by guys much younger, so I don't find that a problem at all. but if they actually looked like a family member that would be strange.


gratis! just1gurl


love learning.

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