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How to get girlriend to MMF threesome?

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I honestly can't please my GF with my unit. I just can't go long enough. I have tried to get her do do a MMF threesome so she can get pleased. Any suggestions? I thought about getting her liquored up but that just didn't seem right to me.

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I honestly cant please my GF with my unit. I just cant go long enough. I have tried to get her do do a MFM so she can get pleased. Any suggestions? I thought about getting her liquored up but that just didnt seem right to me.


Well, SugarBritches, You'd be right, getting her liquored up to do what YOU want to do, might not be a good idea.


I have a tendency to understand men better than women, although I'm one (girl), but from what I can tell, if YOU weren't getting satisfied, YOU'd be here getting the info on this, but if SHE wasn't satisfied, maybe she'd go shopping? :D


When you're thing wears out, hon, use your tongue. ::P:

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In response to your idea of getting her drunk, don't do it :nono: , thats called rape, not a threesome. Learn to be a better lover, maybe use oral, manual stimulation, and there are a great many wonderful toys available that can greatly increase her satisfaction. Or maybe ask her what you can do to accomplish this, as communication is the greatest tool we have, some people just don't seem to use it!

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I'm with the others on using intoxication as a method, its just plain wrong. To swing successfully, all parties have to have their eyes wide open. In the meantime use whatever it takes to wind her up.

Remember the difference between a golf ball and a g-spot is that most men will spend AT LEAST 5 minutes searching for a golf ball.

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Would agree with others here. Take the time to find what it is that will rock her world. As the man you know how easy it is to cum, now take the time and learn the process that satisfies your woman. I will bet once you discover how to repeat this quickly your concerns will fade. The fun part is figuring out how many ways you can get there. facelick

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Why would you want to get your GF drunk? Do you get her drunk everytime you guys have sex? I would hope not because then you are using 'the drink' as an excuse to engage in conduct that you would want to do voluntarily.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to have your GF satisfied sexually. So you may want to incorporate a sex toy in your sexlife instead of forcing her to 'hit the bottle' and bring a stanger into your lives at this stage. She will probably enjoy sex better sober.

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Guest Sadie

First of all, how do you know that your girlfriend is not satisfied? Did she tell you? Or is the whole purpose being that you want to see your girlfriend with someone else? Alcohol is not the answer...if you want to venture into swinging, you both have want to do it and be open. COMMIUNCATE!!!

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You guys are 100% right on the alcohol thing. I just know she isnt satisfied. I cant go very long, but I do go down on her like a champ. I was the first guy to make her cum! So I guess I didnt do too bad of a job. I just wish I could perform longer.

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I just wish I could perform longer.


Maybe you two oughta read up--together--on the "squeeze technique". It's been used for years to try and help men learn to last longer. It and other methods are detailed here.

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Thanks for the info. I still would love to see her with another man though :lol: Now I am only 27. Would Viagara help at all? At least I would go soft after I came?


Bottom line I just want my baby satisifed.

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Dude it's seriously not anywhere near as complicated as the world makes it seem. For one, try the stop and go method. That's when you jerk to the point of orgasm and stop right before you get there. Do it as many times as you can and then finally release. The first couple of times you'll probably only get to two or three, if that. Try for say, six.


Also, look for Kegals on google.


You could also work that stop and go method into yours and your girls sex. Whenever you feel like it's time, just pull out and start eating or doing something else. then when you've done enough of that, go back to what you were doing before.



(By the way, hi everyone! -goes to make introduction post-)

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Wanting her to be satisfied and wanting her to be with another man are two different things. If you really want to satisfy her, take the suggestions listed above. If you really want to see her with another man, then talk to her about it.



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Wanting her to be satisfied and wanting her to be with another man are two different things. If you really want to satisfy her, take the suggestions listed above. If you really want to see her with another man, then talk to her about it.






Moreover when you pointed out so many times how "unfit" you think you are for her, even when also saying you were the first one able to make her cum (and it doesn't care if with your cock, your tonge or with your finger in her ear, what matters here is that she got pleased).


It seems to me that you want to "prove" how unfit you are, as if you were enjoing feeling "unfit", thus bringing a "fit" guy to your bed would be doing the trick... for you, and not necesarily for her.


I'd like to hear her oppionion about this. She may not feel unsatisfied (unless you insist to her there are other guys around able to give her more than what she got). She may feel insatisfied but would go for your tonge and some toys instead of fucking another guy.


The only we have here to understand what's going on are your own words which sounds a little contradictory, unless you believe penetration -with flesh- is the only thing able to please a woman.


You said you're "unfit", and after given advice on ways you may become "fit" enough, you came back telling us you want her to be with another guy, i.e., the bottom line behind the "fitness" justification.


So far, it seems to me you're the one who cannot be pleased BY YOUR WIFE, and that your requeriment for her would be to prove how unfit you are by means of fucking another guy.

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^^^It's true.


It could be any number of things, but from what I'm seeing it's either that you're relatively masochistic and enjoy the lesser role that you think you are and want both you and your wife to be taken over by another "more sexually able" guy, or you just plain want to have sex with a guy, which I mean, both of those are OK if you just like, accept them and stop trying to find explanations that make it "ok" to want those things.





Either way it looks like you're gonna end up having to have some long talks with your woman. Hopefully after some research you'll be more well equipped for those talks.

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Wanting her to be satisfied and wanting her to be with another man are two different things. If you really want to satisfy her, take the suggestions listed above. If you really want to see her with another man, then talk to her about it.




Nicely said - I totally agree. Also, some women cannot cum without clitoral stimulation, so even if you could go all night if you don't stimulate her with your tongue or finger she may never come. Ask her and talk to her. Communication is a wonderful thing!

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By what you have said, I wonder if you realize that you have more than one unit. There are millions of men with short, small, and soft units and even ED that are truely satisfying their women beyond belief. If you are feeling inadequit, you are not using the other tools that you have to satisfy her. Just take a look at all of the lesbian and Bi women. Their companions do not even have the tool that you are worried about at all. Your hands, mouth, and tongue, if used properly, are the most effective sex tools you will ever need with most women. Wake Up and learn to use your other tools properly!! :)

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You guys are 100% right on the alcohol thing. I just know she isnt satisfied. I cant go very long, but I do go down on her like a champ. I was the first guy to make her cum! So I guess I didnt do too bad of a job. I just wish I could perform longer.

You know, for me this just is not a good enough answer. Has she told you she's not satisfied? Or do you just feel you are not satisfying her? This is the very first thing you to have to get out in the open. Mrs. WS won't fake an orgasm for anyone for any reason. It's not fair to her (because she doesn't have any fun) and not fair to her playmate (because they get the wrong impression about what gets her off). She feels it's just being dishonest with herself and her playmate.


So ask her directly and tell you want a direct answer. Also, tell her your fantasy about a MFM... She may suprise you and be very receptive. If she isn't, remember that coercion and manipulation will get you nowhere except looking for a new girlfriend.


I would have to say though, that if you aren't sure you are satifying her you have some insecurity issues that could intensify if someone else does. The green-eyed monster could rear its ugly head.


Mr. WS

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