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:eek: HELP


Ummm what exactly would you want us to do here?


Its over, move on.

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Seems that the situation got out of hand for everyone.

Everyone seems hurt and offended.

The emails were clearly abusive (if the text was faithfully reproduced) and were likely written when in a wounded or angry state of mind.

Hopefully everyone can learn something and just turn the page.

the best thing for all parties IMO.

Good luck to all four of you. I do hope something good comes from the big picture.

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Call it a day and start afresh for both couples! you will never get back together so theres no use in trying to get one over on the other couple especialy on a forum, theres always two sides of a story and only the people involved know all that went on or what didnt go on...


I would however say its not fair to start telling how bad he or she was in bed as everyone is different i know women that have cum within a minute or so and others that have taken an hour, everyone is different and have different needs so i would sggest that both couples back off and leave things as finished and stop blaming the other couple..life goes on and there are plenty other fish in the sea...


Put it down to experience and move on,dont around with a bad taste or hard feeling towards the other, move on!!!




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Another email from this couple after I told them we were not compatable. All we want to do is try and repair ourselves, they are trying to convince us I am a piece of shit, and I guess my wife should choose them over me.


Third email.

You know i don't think we ever mind fucked you as you did us. You said you were our friends and that you wanted to learn and be like us when all you (xxxx) wanted was to fuck me (xxxxxx) as you did not very well but you did. The times that I got off both of them was with xxxx help if not for him it would never have happened. You don't know how to please a woman maybe girls but not a woman which is why i think xxx plays and lets you play with other girls. I never wanted you to beat Jen into submission that you got wrong. But then again i think that you might be more submissive than you know. I really thought that you were better people than what you have shown us and that truly disappoints me.I thought that you were a man that stood up to people and talked if that what was needed but I see now that you are not a man at all not of your actions or of your words, you can not be trusted. We could have been good friends even if the sex was not their but you don't want xxx to get that close to anyone and I see that now. Can't keep her under your thumb if she get to close to the right person. I hope that you find what you are looking for and that xxx gets what she needs. I don't think you will find a WOMAN that you will do much for but good luck.I should have known that the biggest problem was going to be that you could not handle any man touching xxx you are way to selfish. I should never have told Rob that is what I wanted he was never that interested but I thought that was how it should be. If you had been man enough we could have sat down and talked these things out but you aren't a man and I am not sure there is much hope. xxx I am sorry to say that I thought we were friends you made a good show of it. Someday when you grow up and open your eyes you will see that the way you live is not a way of life. You are a much better person than xxxx will ever be and I wish you the best! Good luck with your life you are going to need it for as long as you have him in your life. Bye guys xxxxxx



And another, Lets just all blame this on me, damn, I would liked to have been there. Fuck Me for caring, at least that much.


Fourth email.

You can think what you would like xxx never fucked xxx when you weren't in the room. xxx is the one that wanted to play when you were not thier because you make her uncomfortable. I don't think that you were are friend because friend would have had the nerve to talk to us face to face and you didn't. if you had thinks would have been totaly different. Instead you take some chicken shit way out of it and can't even be a man. And it was me who was pushing for the sex unlike you xxx does listen to what i have to say and thinks about it he knew that i was uncomfortable with the fact that you were fucking me and that all he was doing was standing around that is not right. Hell the sex with you wasn't even good you have no clue what you are doing and are not willing to even learn you don't care what or how to please a woman you couldn't have gotten me off with out xxx because you think all there is to it is pounding on it and it takes most WOMEN alot more than that. xxx didn't want to play with xxx that was what i wanted and that is the truth about it I have never lied to you or to anyone I don't lie i see know reason in it. As for xxx breaking a rule did you ever set any??? Or was it ..xxxs decision?? She can do what she wants. Remember that. xxx didn't I don't think relize that he was breaking a rule. The rule that he gave you were about me if you wanted them for xxx then you should have said that.

As for your message board I don't need poeple to tell me what or how to feel or think about this I am seeing how it is with you. I thought that we were friends and that was a lie because friends talk and try to make things right befor they just say fuck it like you did!!!!!


me again.

I say fuck it. Obviously, these people were trying to minipulate me and my wife. I should be in total agreement on this point.

This other man said he had some rules, it was agreed that I would not Fuck His Wife In The Ass, Or Give Her Cocaine, as well as the no one on one sex. I said, Hell Yea, that goes for mine also. I don't want some fat 50yo man fucking my wifes ass hole, or drugging her, or giving her drugs. This one on one sex was this important to him, and I said the same rules applied, for it seemed like common sence. Guess payback for me will to.... I ain't got no cocaine....


This is some scary shit. I would print these out, that way if you need to take this couple to the cops you have something in writing. I don't know what to tell you other than they have definite issues. Only a couple that is very attached would write things like this. Perhaps you need to send them a certified letter (so you have a written receipt that they did receive it) telling them bluntly and pointedly never to contact you in any way again or you are going to have them charged with harassment. In my personal opinion, from your first post when you said that your wife told you that she wanted to leave but could not get away from him that is sexual assault. No means no. It doesn't matter that you are swingers, or that in the beginning it was consentual. When she said no (again, in my personal opinion) he should have stopped. Thats it. From the point where she said "no, I want you to stop" a crime was committed. Now, Im NOT telling you to do anything. But I think this is a very unstable couple who need counseling probably for issues within their own relationship. Best of luck to you.

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youngnhotcpl, This couple is soooo full of themselves it stinks. I would tell them once and for all that you are not interested in them any more and that you care not to have them call or write...


Should they continue to harass you, I would (with select chosen words) let them know you are willing to be blackmailed and that any further contact will be viewed as harassment. You may need to change your telco # and have it unlisted (don't forget to use #67 when dialing out)...


This situation is messy, and I can't see any friendly way to end it beyond your previous attempts... :sad:

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My hubby and I are new here, but I had to weigh in on this issue.


I am coming at this from a different perspective, I think. I am coming at it as once being a betrayed spouse from my husband's affair.


Anyway, when I read your account, I though, "it screams of affair." I am not saying that I think your wife is having one, but it sure sounds like that is where it was headed(good reason to have no contact with this couple). If this desire to be alone with your wife has come around the same time as this closed door experience you stated, then my bet would be that your wife DID agree to "play" with him. I think people are looking at it as rape, or being violated, but I just do not see how you are being violated if you have 3-4 g-spot orgasims, or are being eaten out. I mean, if I was struggling and trying to get someone I find repulsive off of me(and there have been times I have done this just with my hubby), I do not think I could relax enough to cum...and believe me, I cum pretty d*** easily.


If you all were truly so close, then emotional affairs were already taking place..even if they were between all of you. Add the sex, and you are really asking for trouble. I would say your WIFE betrayed you as much as your "friend" did when she agreed to go behind closed doors...even if she did not mean to have sex. On the other hand, why would she agree to go somewhere alone with him UNLESS she intended for something to happen? Does that make sense??


It would also make sense why you received nasty emails from them. When someone ends an affair, feelings from the other person are very raw and often aggressive. It sounds like your "friends" were hurt and did not understand where you were coming from. It could be that you were the only one out of the loop, so to speak, as to what had been going on.


Maybe I am just overly cautious, since I actually have been on the receiving end of an affair. However, that is why my hubby and I have set strict rules and consider ANY violation of these rules as a betrayal.


I am sorry if I sound harsh, but experience has taught me that if there is anything "fishy" about a story, I should follow my instincts as to what rings true. Good luck in the future.



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I am glad you all decided to get out of the relationship. You both have many other couples, I am sure, that you could develop a relationship with. The wife demanding sex for her husband, this other man taking advantage of your drunk wife BEHIND CLOSED DOORS, etc.. This is all very unhealthy. It seems that this man has fantasies about dominating your wife, and I would definitely end the friendship completely. Call me an alarmist if you will, but PLEASE do not put yourself in a situation where your wife is alone with this man. I believe, from what you have said about his character, that he may take matters into his own hands. Good luck



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First of all lets get serious here. If she didn't want him to have sex with her, what was she doing in the closed door bedroom with him? Second I have no beliefs that is she didn't want him to do it she could have fought him and made him stop or it is rape. Last she comes to you and tells you he gave her a g spot o four times, and she didn't want him too? I think someone is pulling on your petticoat a little dude. No way she would lay there through four times and not enjoy it, seems she may have not wanted it to happen the way it did but once it did, if she layed there through four times, she was loving it by the end. She is making excuses and you are a gullable man for buying into what she has said in my opinion.

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It's like Chicup said...you don't force friends to have sex with you. Even though you may like this couple in some ways, I'd move on. The differences between you two are many..

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There is no question that you don’t know the answer to. He broke your trust and snuck behind your back and your wife told him to stop but she couldn’t stop and and you were not protecting your wife which makes it part of your fault. Nobody is going to protect your wife better than you because you have been vested interest in this woman that you married and love. I do that he would sneak behind your back and do something like this shows that he cannot be trusted and why would you want somebody around your wife or you that you cannot trust? This is pretty damn simple, confront him about what he did, tell him that you were no longer be seeing him or his wife, I forget about these damn feelings that you have for him because he obviously doesn’t have any for you or your wife if he’s willing to keep going after she tries to stop him and your wife told you exact words, he would not stop.

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