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Do you have face pics in your online swinger ads?

Do you have face pics in your online ads?  

204 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you have face pics in your online ads?

    • Yes, open (not private photos) have face pics.
    • No, we keep our faces completely private.
    • We wait until we get to know them enough... (how long?)

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How do you handle privacy on SLS? I am unsure of whether I should put faces in my pics or not. I just don't want these pictures to be harvested by pic collectors or stalkers or things like that. I am debating on what to do.


Any suggestions? :confused:

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Ditto Chicup, all of our face pics are private and none of our nude pictures contain faces. We normally open our private pics during the initial contact phase though.

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When you ask about face photos, we are not sure if partial face photos qualify. Our public photos include partial face shots - we have blocked our eyes so only about 80% of our faces are visible. Many of our acquaintances could probably identify us from our public photos. Our private photos include full face shots.


We ascribe to the belief that picture collectors are interested in nude photos (which we don't display) and that snoopers (including people who are acquainted with us in our vanilla lives) are unlikely to have a paid membership.


We combat the snoopers by keeping our profile invisible to free members. We are also invisible to single males - except, of course, the single males who have set up a paid membership in order to masquerade as a couple. (Incidentally, most single females have free memberships - so they can't see our profile. This is fine with us because we aren't very interested in single females, and we don't really trust most of the 'supposed' single females on SLS.)


Regardless of what route you choose, you are probably safe to include face photos in your private section. You can protect your privacy by restricting access to trusted parties.

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Thanks for all of the replies. I appreciate it a lot. I think that we will probably become paid members if we get enough interest.


Would anyone be willing to look at our profile (its in our profile on here) and let us know if you think everything looks/sound ok? I don't want to accidentally offend anyone reading it.


Thanks for all the advice! :)

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great pics. my guess is only people who really know you will recognize you.


having a paid membership in itself will help the interest... :)

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We started off with just one of us wearing sunglasses, but then added a couple more. We actually don't have any private pics.

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Our public pics are modified with an effect that is similar to looking through a glass-block - the result is that others can tell that small children probably don't run screaming when they see us on the street, but wouldn't know it if we were standing next to them at the supermarket. We have pictures showing our faces in our private gallery, and like others have mentioned, we will always include a face pic when initiating contact with someone.


Along the same lines... we have always gotten a smile about the many couples who have 20 clear pictures of the wife, including model-portfolio quality face pics - yet none at all of hubby because he is 'well-known in the community'. Um, if he is 'well-known in the community', wouldn't it follow that folks in said community will probably recognize his wife too? :rolleyes:

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We have full face pictures in the public area of sites that we post in. Nothing hidden at all.


We figure it takes all the nonsense out of contacting us. Either you like what you see or don't. No let downs later when you see more pictures then have to find a way out.


We also don't bother responding to people that don't have full pictures so that we can see them. None of this send us a picture and we will send you some. They are there for all to see.


I find it interesting that many state in profiles or postings, "send us your picture and we will send you one if we like yours." or something like that.


Never felt it was fair to ask for pictures if you are the one posting or asking to meet someone. Show yours if you want responses or don't bother.

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I agree with VegasLee, My ugly mug is on sls, alt.com, and of course here. But I only have a couple of partials on aff. The aff face shots are in the gallery.

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Nope, they're under the private pics.


Not that it matters, we haven't met (or tried to meet) anyone on SLS in about 2 years.


Meet us at the club, and you'll see our face in real-life 3D vision. If you decide we're too ugly (ok if you decide HE'S too ugly), you can go ahead and hook up with one of the 30 or 40 other couples hanging out. :0

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We started off not putting face pics public, now we have them visible to all. Reason being, you play hell seeing other peoples pic. You get the standard "your pic gets mine", very tedious. We figure if someone sees us there, they are looking so clearly they are into as well. We finally embraced it and it has been much easier all the way around, and yes, our discretion is still maintained outside the lifestyle.

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We have our faces blocked on our public pics, but have no problems sharing the face pics once we're comfortable/they are requested.



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Nope, no face pics in the public area, but sls certainly is not the main way of meeting people, and hasn't been for years now. To me, there are too many lookie-loos that are just fishing for dirt on their neighbors to be totally out there.



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Yep face pictures in profiles but no nudes. We are not worried about people seeing us on these sites but only share nudes after we have chatted some.

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We have our face pics out there. It was a decide made after going to a couple socials. It was impossible to figure out who was who after the parties were over. After much talk we decided to open them up so people would know who we were. Thus far it works really well for the intended purpose. I did get recognized recently by a couple who I know in the area a couple weeks ago. It was all good, we're all here for the same thing.


One thing I've noticed about not having private pics is that I don't have people contacting us hoping we have nudes in our private pics. I think it's cut way back on the amount of fake people who contact us. I don't post nudes at all.

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We have G & PG rated photos on our public page. If for some reason they made it out to the world. they really indicate nothing about our lifestyle. Any explicit photos we have, our faces are hidden (in the private pics). And our explicit is quite tame as they are simply nude, nothing sexual beyond that.


I agree with VegasLee. It saves a lot of time. Our profile text (if anyone reads it) requests that those contacting us have face pictures available, g-rated are fine. Btw, I will not initiate contact with a couple where I do not have some idea of what they look like from their public profile. Since most profiles do not include a picture of the guy, I don't do much contacting...lol

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We have face pics in our profiles, but no nude pics or private galleries. Even though we prefer to meet couples out at swing functions and house parties, We figure if we sign up for a party and a couple is interested in what they read in our profile, they should be able to see what we look like so they can see if there is a 4 way connection (attraction between both couples). That way if we see each other at a house party or swing function, we can get to know each other a little better if the chemistry is right.

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Guest mysticon

My fiance and I have a profile on passion.com (affiliate of AFF) but have no pictures on it; but we would always send pictures once we were chatting with someone. I actually haven't been too active with the site, since lucking out with my current playmate. It actually turned out to be a very good thing, not putting any pictures on our profile; but only sending them after chatting with someone. I received a message from a guy once, who was either looking for someone to play with him and his wife; or him alone. I responded back that I was straight, so it would just be the two of us; if that was ok with his wife- he said I was welcome to talk to her to confirm it if I wanted. He then told me his name, and gave me his phone number. Well, I only noticed the name at first; but didn't pay much attention to the phone number.


I didn't think anything when I saw the name, since it is a common one, but when I looked more closely at the phone number; I was like HOLY SHIT!!!! The phone number actually turned out to be my brother's cell number! I don't call my brother that often on his cell, so I had to look in my phone book to confirm; and found out for sure- it was his number. Luckily, I hadn't sent him any pictures; or told him any identifying details that would have let him know it was me. I made a excuse about my fiance and I having issues, and that we were going to hold off.

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Public pics are faceless...


Private pics have faces and some nudity...


"For Pervs" pics have all of the intimate details...


We live in the same town as my parents, her dad, my brothers and one of her sisters so we have chosen to keep the face pics somewhat guarded unless we contact someone or are contacted.


It's probably silly but we feel better this way.


Besides, my mug can make a train take a dirt road...

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No, no pics right now. I just put it up, and then my wife kinda hinted around that she's not sure she could actually go through with anything (after spending 6 days talking about how hot she got thinking about doing the one thing that is my ultimate fantasy). I'm a little confused right now, but do NOT want to push or rush her in any way.

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We don't have any private pics. Our faces and bodies are there in ALL their glory...........:lol:........hell, the worst they can do is laugh.

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We have face pics only, no nudes or private galleries. For us, we're attracted to people's faces first, but also we're free members still and don't think it's fair for us to ask to see something we aren't comfortable showing ourselves.


It's hard too, because we understand people wanting to know what we look like before they want to meet us. i mean, we live four hours from anyone, so it's not like we don't already have to make extensive plans about meeting people.

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Guest winnme

We have our face pics in our private gallery, but in our public gallery there are nude pics but without the face. Just don't want my pics being seen by my co-workers, etc. But after we talk to a couple, we do open our private pics for them to see ONLY if they have pics to show us as well, we NEVER trade pics on yahoo or any other site.

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We have our faces blocked on our public pics, but have no problems sharing the face pics once we're comfortable/they are requested.




This is how we handle it as well. I wish we didn't have to but because of our careers and other businesses it's a necessity.

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We have never had our face pictures totally public.


At one point I had a pic with my face in it but had something covering 80% of my face.


Very long story short my sister found our profile and KNEW IMMEDIATELY it was me.


What was she doing on Swing Lifestyle to begin with you ask?


She heard about the club we go to and ended up finding Swing Lifestyle. She was curious and went to see if she knew anyone in our area on there....unfortunately...she found us.


It was HORRIBLE when she found us and we have had several arguments about it. I have since deleted our old profile and made the newer one invisible to free members so if she wants to continue to snoop she's gonna have to pay to do it.


I have sworn her to secrecy (as I don't want any of the rest of my family to know) and so far I do believe she has kept her mouth shut. I am not happy that she knows because it's done nothing but cause problems between us ever since. It really sucks.

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I meant to also add that we DO have face pics in our private album and only give access to those we are comfortable with.

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It's good that you can trust people you let view your private pics, Even they have disabled the right click Save As on SLS, but there are MANY other programs that can capture your pics.....even on Opera the web browser you can disable the right click error and download as much as you want

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We have a Vanilla picture of the two of us but our faces are blocked out. I know if someone tries to contact us we want to know what they look like also or we will not talk to them. Once we talk to them and feel like we can, we do let them a picture of our faces as long as they exchange also then go from there. We save our more XXX stuff for couple we are extremely interested in.

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All our face photos are in our private gallery. If we contact someone of possible interest we open our privates immediately. When we are emailed by others if there are no faces photos I will send ONE email response requesting to see photos . If they are not forthcoming IMMEDIATELY we are done emailing. I will not play the "lets get to know each other awhile" before seeing face photos. I will also NEVER open our privates if someone has contacted us first and are not sharing what they look like. We also do not give our private email address to anyone, if you can't or won't share them from which ever site you are contacting us we're Done!


My pet peeve is anyone who would dare to ask to see more photos of us without having shared their own or in some cases have not a single photo posted. I believe there are currently about 150 photos in our profile for public viewing....what more do you want to see??? Seriously if you aren't interested in us as a couple and actually meeting what the hell do you care what we look like ? We get mail all the time from people 100's or 1,000's of miles away requesting to see our privates, Mr Sav says it isn't our faces these people are hoping for when they ask to see our privates; in his opinion he says they're hoping for more "graphic" photos. How disappointing it would be for them to learn they are more "Graphic" merely contain our faces.


In any event no public face photos...try googling your screen name...your face will be right there for ALL THE WORLD TO SEE.


Mrs Sav

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AFF went through a change on how they set their galleries so that everyone with a gold membership can see ALL your pictures and people with silver membership can see first five. Prior to this, your pictures in your album remained private and were not subject to AFF's we will use and abuse your picture policy if we decide to. Now that they have changed the pictures to all be on the picture tab does it mean that the private property rules are gone too?


You used to be able to upload and attach pictures via email and that option is still there but it never works anymore. When I was a free member from 2002 through 2006, that feature worked fine. So now we are forced to sent three emails, exchange a private email address then we can send face pics or post them where nearly everyone can see them.


How do you deal with your pics on AFF now?

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AFF went through a change on how they set their galleries so that everyone with a gold membership can see ALL your pictures and people with silver membership can see first five. Prior to this, your pictures in your album remained private and were not subject to AFF's we will use and abuse your picture policy if we decide to. Now that they have changed the pictures to all be on the picture tab does it mean that the private property rules are gone too?


You used to be able to upload and attach pictures via email and that option is still there but it never works anymore. When I was a free member from 2002 through 2006, that feature worked fine. So now we are forced to sent three emails, exchange a private email address then we can send face pics or post them where nearly everyone can see them.


How do you deal with your pics on AFF now?


We have a Silver membership. "Profile" photos, that is, the ones in the default album, are all public. People with gold memberships I presume can see all the photos in this album, as well as any other album we create and make Public. We, as Silver members, can see full-sized versions of the first several pictures in other peoples' public albums. After the first several, we still see thumbnails, which for us is enough.


When we create other albums, there is a drop-down selection for whether the album should be Public or Private (available to people in your Network), or some other setting that gets even more private. I don't know what that third setting is; I've never used it. But the second setting lets you post face pictures that become available to people in your network while not being available to everyone.


I hope this helps.

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Well my problem was with existing albums. I think I found something to make it only our friends. I wish they would send us info on the changes they made or are going to make a head of time. I'll have to ask a friend if it worked and a nonfriend if it is restricted now. Such a pain in the butt!

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Well my problem was with existing albums. I think I found something to make it only our friends. I wish they would send us info on the changes they made or are going to make a head of time. I'll have to ask a friend if it worked and a nonfriend if it is restricted now. Such a pain in the butt!


We got a message when we logged in at some point that gave us a choice of making our private album public, or keeping it to friends only.

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We do have our face pictures public. I go back and forth on this a little, but I want anyone who isn't attracted to my face to be ruled out before they contact me. The pictures that are private are ones that are slightly nude, and my face is in those as well. I would keep my face cropped out, but I have a tattoo that shows in pretty much all of them anyway and it would be pretty obvious to anyone who knows me that it's me, so there's really no point.


Mrs. Play

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Nope, public school teacher and university person here.... we are happy to send them though. It's a bit too Bapteest and conservative in this 'har neck of the woods

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It's a bit too Bapteest and conservative in this 'har neck of the woods


The funny (scary?) part of that is you're actually in one of the most socially liberal parts of the state.

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That's toooo sad to hear-- I'm guess I'm used to northern vermont...

Ohhhhhhh. Yes your right about Durham...I was thinking

Lynchburg VA. Bit of a brain burp here. LOL

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