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What type of body are you attracted to?

What is your prefered body-type for a lover?  

248 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your prefered body-type for a lover?

    • Thin/Skinny
    • Average - everday average size.
    • Thick/Chubby/Voluptuous
    • BBW
    • Obese - Really big!
    • I have no preference at all
    • I like to date some from various categories.

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I've noticed many postings of late in which members are questioning their own body image and their possible "fit" into "swinging" and/or "Polyamory.


I know we all have our own preferences (mine is shubby/bbw's - red hair a plus! ::P: ) so I wanted to take a poly to see what others thought.



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I think thick/chubby/voluptuous/BBw Ladies are beautyful and lot's of fun to be with I know because I've been married to one for almost eleven years.

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For me, personally... not too skinny, not too chubby. (More emphasis on "not too skinny"... I don't want to feel like I am going to break her!). My girl is 36-24-36 exactly. She is thin in the right places, and curvy in the others. I think she's perfect! But again... that is just my personal preference.

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Mr. LFM -- likes average to voluptuous. (my gorgeous wife is voluptuous) I don't really find skinny women attractive.


Mrs. LFM -- has no preference. She's just glad to be here. :)

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I'm all about the plushies (thick/chubby/voluptuous). Although I am attracted to many "types" of women I tend to gravitate toward the plushier side.


Mr. WS

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I love men who are "stocky". I like them over 5'9" tall, and they have to weigh at least around 200 pounds. I like pretty much them all......my "fetish", as Jay calls it, are white men with dark hair and dark eyes. They are my weakness man lol.

But I love men's arms, and stubble, and chest hair......I pretty much like men in general lol. Green eyes, blue eyes...........

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Strangely (or not so strangely!), I've always liked new partners to be different from my current partner! When I've had girlfriends that were teeny, 5'0, 100bls, well, it was always thrilling being with a 5'8 type of woman.


Similarly, when I've dated women who had massive boobs, it was always nice to hook up with someone with a perky set of B's.


Conversely, when a girlfriend would have B's, how nice would it be to play with a woman with D cups!


Soooo... I guess the answer is all contextual!


Presently, my wife has a killer bod (bikini photo just made a car calendar), yet for this poll, I ticked off Thin/Skinny. I think it's just a phase I am going through.....!

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I love girls bigger than me.(I'm 5'11",150lbs).This is because my experience with thin girls has been bad(no steryotyping intended),while women of structure have been good for me.


Just my own experience. :)

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Guest MrsVan

This is an interesting question and loved reading everyone's comments. I am an average woman, not really thin but not chubby or overweight. When MrVan and I first got into the lifestyle I was very self conscious of my body image. I had more weight than I wanted and had been wanting to do something about it. Well, being in the lifestyle kind of pushed me to start taking better care of myself therefore now I watch what I eat, I exercise and I have lost 12 pounds over the last few months.


Just being active and working out has made me feel better about myself than I have felt in a very long time. I still have some more to loose and my target is not to be ultra thin, but just to tone up those areas that need the toning. ;)


When MrVan and I look for a couple, we look at personalities but also weight as we do not want those that are overweight but we have played with those who are average, not overweight and not extremely thin or thin. What attracts us more to individuals is their personality and how they carry themselves. So many people we thought we would not play with, we have because no matter their weight they carried theirselves with such confidence and to me that is more attractive than the size of the individual.



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I'm all about the plushies Mr. WS


Hmmm now there's a term I've never used on myself but I'll have to remember that one.......plushie.........now I feel like I should have a certain color to go with plushie........thinking pink plushie works for me......


The Other Mrs. Menage

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:lol: I'm about to do the same thing, my husband and I are going to our first "real" party/meet n greet, I'm going to be doing the same, but i'm including a pedicure and haircut :D I ride horses so I tend to develop callouses on my heels, last thing I want to do is rub up against a guy/girl and scratch him/her with my heels! ::P: So, pedicure, and haircut too....Is that normal for first timers/semi-newbies to over do? :confused:


The Mrs.

I don't think so. I think everybody primps a bit more for a date than they do just to go to work. :lol: Your spouse loves, admires, and appreciates you just the way you are. Hell, even in going to work you primp more than you do on the weekends when you are just doing personal things. The general public might not be as kind, so we all want to put our best foot forward for them.


Mr. WS

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As long as I find them attractive to me, their body could be less than perfect. Facial features and I hate to say it but proportionate bodies are part of that attractiveness. Personality has a large part. I don't like to say that it makes up for the imperfections because the personality is something that is important all by itself, body or not. I'd rather say that my scope is rather wide from the thin to being somewhat overweight.


I voted for average though. Thick/Chubby/Voluptuous didn't quite fit for me, but perhaps the Thick/Chubby/Voluptuous I've seen don't look that to me, if that makes sense. I think Average covers a lot.

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I guess it is simply wired into peoples' brains to catagorize but I, personaly, just see people. The lines just are not that well defined. What, for example, might be the difference between "Thick/Chubby/Voluptuous" and "BBW"? It must be something, though. Some women give me an erection that cpule win an election. Others cause not even a twitch. Seems not be relate to size or shape. Might have more to do with seeing a friendsly smile or a gleam in the eye.

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i like my men taller. i'm not into very skinny men but obese is out too (i can just see myself explaining to the coroner how he just keeled over dead while we were going at it). excessive body hair is out as well, on men & women.

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Shelly, I have the same taste in men. I like them tall, with meat on their bones. I like them hefty in a way that's more muscular than fat. Not bodybuilder-lean with 2% bodyfat, but rather manly and strong with some flesh on them.


I'm not attracted to the hairless guys that shave all over, hairless chests, arms, legs, etc. It's kind of weird to me, as if they haven't hit puberty yet. I'm not saying I'm attracted to Sasquatch, but medium/normal body hair on a man is attractive to me. I want to have sex with a MAN, I guess! ;) Not a boy, and not Sasquatch. (I definitely like a man's genitals well-groomed, though.)


Skinny is a real turn-off to me. I just cannot get attracted to bony guys with scrawny arms and narrow chest. I'm more attracted to a man 25 lbs overweight than to a skinny one. In fact, the same is true of women, if I'm going to be playing with her. The bony-frail ones turn me off.

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Dorn, I veered off a bit......I don't want to thread jack.


Body image? Hum? I thought this thread was going to ask us about our like or dislike of our own bodies.


On AFF, I select the cupid options for skinny, average, athletic, and "a little extra padding". That's about my range, but I voted for average, becuase your basic average milf really turns me on.

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I love men who are "stocky". I like them over 5'9" tall, and they have to weigh at least around 200 pounds. I like pretty much them all......my "fetish", as Jay calls it, are white men with dark hair and dark eyes. They are my weakness man lol.

But I love men's arms, and stubble, and chest hair......I pretty much like men in general lol. Green eyes, blue eyes...........



I'm with Shelly here....men...*sigh* facelick God, I love them.


I like them at least at tall or taller than me (I'm about 5'6")...don't really have a weight preference...let's say less than 275 lbs. Am a sucker for blue eyes though. And they have to be a bit fuzzy, not like Sasquatch hairy...but fuzzy in the right spots...like right in the middle of the chest (over the breast bone area)...one of my favorite spots to touch.


Personally, I could stand to lose a bit of weight. I actually once had a guy tell me, "You are just my type...I like thicker girls" Ok, if I'm just fitting the body type you normally like and that's all you've seen in the last 3 hours that we've been talking...thanks but no. Totally turned me off of this guy, if that's what got you to talk to me in the first place, great. If that's the only thing that's kept you interested, see ya. ::P:


I think I've said enough. *lol*



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I think thick/chubby/voluptuous/BBw Ladies are beautyful and lot's of fun to be with I know b/c I've been married to one for almost eleven years facelick
I'm divorced from 2 in a row, and still prefer that type :D

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I'm 5'7" tall. I do notice many adds seeking men with a minimum height requirement that is out of my reach. It does disappoint me sometimes, but I just move on and keep searching through other adds.

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I think height is relative Jacobsky. Especially when you are in bed!! :) I have been reading some of your posts and loving your answers. I am proud to be a brunette, have never dyed my hair blond and wouldn't even if someone payed me. I agree that the media overhypes the "blond ideal". We are constantly wondering why every actress thinks they look better blond. We love natural women who are proud of what they look like and are not trying to look like someone else. It is refreshing to hear that women don't have to be blond to be beautiful! I think Brunettes have more fun anyway!

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BBW love them all, My wife is bbw and love her very much and love watching her with other guys.

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I feel it has some much more to do with personal attitude then actual body shape. If your not happy about yourself then it shows. I am overweight and working at loosing but am still happy with myself. My dream girl was always a petite to tiny lady with darker hair. I have only had a few partners in my life so far and the fun part has alway been more if the sex partner was happy with them selves. I hope you know what I am meaning. You can be happy with yourself even if you want to make improvements.

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 I like the whole gamut from skinny to "thick" and everything in between as long as the personality and chemistry are there. If I had to pick a type, it would be fit girls/guys assuming they had good personalities. 

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It’s more about personality, manners and grooming for me which is kind of strange because I view swing encounters as very short term so you would think body would play a bigger role but it hasn’t.

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