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We have noticed a growing trend at one of the clubs we attend - sex for money.


The first time we saw it - a group of dancers came in and did a show. There were "levels of participation" based on how much you wanted to pay. For the door fee - you could see the show. For a bit more - you could head into the back for a more intimate show. The fees and levels went up from there, to private lap dances to sexual favors for cash.


The next time we were made aware of it was when the owner of the club, in a discussion with us complained that a male had offered a female money for sex. My thought at the time was - when you invite that element in (as with the dancers), it is going to stick...


And the last - and certainly the funniest - was a couple of "sugar daddies" showing up with a pair of 20-somethings dressed like they'd just been picked up curb-side. The girls came in jeans (a club "no-no") and had to buy new clothes to stay. As we were the ones working the clothing store, we were not surprised that the men paid in cash (big rolls) and dressed the girls in whatever they wanted.


What was funny was to see the same two "sugar daddies" turned "towel sharks" walking around the club, in towels, asking if anyone had seen two young girls. :lol:


I know - it is cruel to laugh - but come on... How dumb do you have to be?


The girls, and the clothes, and we are sure whatever fee they were given were long gone at this point.


Personally - I have never visited a prostitute. I don't have a thing against them and think they do provide a service in the proper context. But - just like drugs - bringing it into our club puts everyone at legal risk; from being raided and possibly embarrassed professionally and personally to simply losing the club.


I would imagine that this happens at just about every club to some degree. Lately, it just seems very "out there" at this particular club.


What are others' experience with it? How do you feel about this?


For us, if we did not work at this club (not for the club, just at the club), we'd take a break until we heard that this had cooled down a bit. As it is, we have to be there right now and the seeming common-ness of it scares the crap out of us.


PS - Paying for sex at a swing club is like paying for dinner at a potluck. If this is you, it is time to reassess... :rolleyes:

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Wow, Spoo, that is too bad because I really liked that club. If that is what is happening, we won't be going there anymore. I won't take a chance of the cops turning the place over. Have you told the owner what is going on? I can't imagine her allowing that! I agree with the paying for dinner at a potluck. That is the wrong environment for strippers, there was one there the last time we were there and it made me uncomfortable. Don't ask me why there is a difference between swingers being naked and strippers taking off their clothes for money, but to me there is. I don't have a problem with strippers, but they don't belong in a swing club.


Just my 2 cents worth.

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Mrs.PaganLovers said:
Have you told the owner what is going on?


Actually - the owner told us about the "indecent proposal". And they were very aware of the stripper event and how that played out. I was mostly shocked by that.


I think the stripper thing was mostly a lack of "putting two and two together". Surprisingly, I just don't think they realized the implications of it. But, I do think that it is something that they are going to be watching a lot closer now.


Since you know which club I am talking about, I think it is really an adjustment period as it is growing quickly and attracting a very diverse crowd as they cater to a broader range of people. The place is really hitting a stride! But, it has meant that they aren't quite ready to keep things under control. I think they are still learning how to keep up with the growing crowds.


I do think it is something that is going to be controlled.


Fortunately, the cops around here tend to be lifestyle friendly. They don't want to lose their club anymore than we do :lol:

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Holy Shit Batman!!! or Purple Monkey! :lol:


I can't believe the owners of the club would tolerate that type of activity, but then again, if it is bringing in more business for them, they might think the ends justify the means.


For me, I am glad we don't go to that club very often anymore and unfortunately we really do continue to hear weird things about the club, most of which are truly bad, but are just out there type things.


I wouldn't want to be part of the club at this point as I just would not want to be around when/if the cops raided the joint. Not to mention the pissed off look on my face that I would get when I started chatting with a lady and then thought the evening was going perfect and have her say.."So it will be $200 for xxx...." I think I might have a small issue with that. :D

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I'd be far too paranoid about the potential of a police raid to go near a club where it was apparent prostitution was going on.


It would also be a very easy sting, which gives me a thought.


Always avoid a club 3 months prior to a local election.

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Spoomonkey said:
We have noticed a growing trend at one of the clubs we attend - sex for money.


The first time we saw it - a group of dancers came in and did a show. There were "levels of participation" based on how much you wanted to pay. For the door fee - you could see the show. For a bit more - you could head into the back for a more intimate show. The fees and levels went up from there, to private lap dances to sexual favors for cash.


You've got a better sense of humor than me. I find this disturbing.


I have nothing against prostitution and even feel it should be legalized, BUT, swingers clubs are NOT the place for exchanging money for sex. :mad:


Sex for money will bring your favorite club to its downfall. You obviously have a good relationship with the owners, hopefully you can convince them to lay down some rules pronto to stop prostitution in their club. If not, their good reputation will take a turn for the worst and they could lose everything they've worked hard for.

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LikeMinds321 said:
I have nothing against prostitution and even feel it should be legalized, BUT, swingers clubs are NOT the place for exchanging money for sex. :mad:


This made me think...


I agree with you that there should be some level of legalization, but if that did happen - how would this affect swing clubs? And how would that affect your interest in attending one?


Maybe that should be its own thread...


UPDATE - The above question now has it's own thread

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Spoomonkey said:
This made me think...


I agree with you that there should be some level of legalization, but if that did happen - how would this affect swing clubs? And how would that affect your interest in attending one?


Maybe that should be its own thread...

I wouldn't go to a swing club that allowed prostitution. It conflicts with the whole "free social sex" platform that swinging stands on.


Allowing the 'business' of prostitution in a club would be like allowing people to come in for the sole purpose of selling their product or service, like insurance, or landscaping, cars, or beauty products and lingerie. I don't want to go to a club and meet a person who I discover is there for the primary purpose of making money and they're hoping they can sell their stuff to me.


I can go to conventions for that. :rolleyes:



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Guest MrsVan

When Mr.Van told me to check out this thread and told me about it I was shocked...I could not believe that the owners were allowing this in their club. That is a huge risk to take and think that if they want to keep the business coming they may want to look at ways at resolving these issues so they do not only loose business but end up hurting a lot of people in the long run if the place was raided.


I know what club your talking about and it is a shame that this is happening. I on the other hand would be highly upset if someone was to come up to me or MrVan and want us to hand over money for just a lap dance or sex...Come on, isn't this what the lifestyle is about? :confused: Free sex and free lap and pole dances??? I think that management needs to stop this before it gets way out of hand and they find themselves being a hang out for prostitutes and possibly more that would go along with it. It could very well attract the wrong crowd.

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We used to host at a local on-premise club occasionally and one of my jobs as host was the removal of undesirables from the club. We didn't have a problem with people coming and trying to charge the other guests for sex. We did have a problem with illegal prostitutes showing up with their customers because it was a convenient place to have sex and cheaper than a motel. Luckily they are pretty easy to spot and we would promptly throw them out.


Even though prostitution is legal in some areas of Nevada, it is not legal in the two largest metropolitan areas, Reno and Las Vegas. So if their were to be any prostitution happening at a swing club it would be illegal and the club would be cited or closed down in nothing flat. For that reason all of the local clubs are extremely vigilant at keeping the illegal prostitutes out. An illegal prostitute here is one not working in one of the legal brothels, if a legal prostitute came to a club she wouldn't even think about charging someone at a club because she would lose her job in the legal brothel if caught. We probably don't see as much of this as other major cities because we have legal prostitution, if a girl is working legally she doesn't want to jeopardize that by working illegally.


If I did find out a club was allowing that type of activity, knowingly or not, I would not attend until they put a stop to it. One of the local on-premise clubs that recently went out of business was at least partially doomed because of allegations that they had been cited a couple of times for prostitution at the club. It didn't take long for word to get around and people started avoiding the place like the plague. The club owners of your club need to take decisive action to show that this type of activity won't be tolerated or their current growth will likely turn into a nose dive into bankruptcy.

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Why did you not call the police? I am sure that they have dealt with these individuals before and would know them by name. The fact that this is going on is just another black mark on clubs and the lifestyle as a whole and should not be tolerated one bit.

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Why did you not call the police?


:wtf4: You'd do this???


I'm sure you would alert the honorable patrons to the fact that the police were on the way...:confused:

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kush2112 said:
Why did you not call the police?


Pretty simple, really...


1. The dancers - I was not there that night.


2. The "indecent proposal" - I was not there that night.


3. The "sugar daddies" - No doubt whatever money changed hands before they arrived at the club as I doubt the women would have left without it.


But, to be honest, since I work there, I wasn't really in the mood to be caught up in a raid that I called in. That seems rather stupid. Could a raid happen? Until they get a handle on things, I do think so sure. But am I going to initiate it myself? No - I am not.


Besides - I do like the owner and want them to succeed. I think they are fixing things. I have my eyes open - and if things don't turn around we'll be out of there. But, I'll give them time - they are in a growing phase and I think it is overwhelming.

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:wtf4: You'd do this???


I'm sure you would alert the honorable patrons to the fact that the police were on the way...:confused:

Wake up and smell the coffee, it could be done in a discrete way. The police would not just raid the club, they would most likely wait by the door and the offenders would be led outside by security. So you think that it is ok to break the law and get away with it scott free? Where do you draw the line? Would you just let someone rape your significant other in a club and not do anything about it?

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kush2112 said:
Would you just let someone rape your significant other in a club and not do anything about it?


This is a ridiculous comparison.



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The police would not just raid the club, they would most likely wait by the door


Oh. My mistake. That would be absolutely perfect. I'd feel much better about the rape knowing the police were right outside....


Only takes a second to review before clicking "Submit Reply".

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Oh. My mistake. That would be absolutely perfect. I'd feel much better about the rape knowing the police were right outside....


Only takes a second to review before clicking "Submit Reply".

Just in case you could not tell, that was sarcasm.

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kush2112 said:
Wake up and smell the coffee, it could be done in a discrete way. The police would not just raid the club, they would most likely wait by the door and the offenders would be led outside by security. So you think that it is ok to break the law and get away with it scot free? Where do you draw the line? Would you just let someone rape your significant other in a club and not do anything about it?


I am not so confident on the police. I know, in MY country they wasn't (and still aren't, even when they improved a lot in some cities) the example of the motto "to serve and protect", but anyway... how could you trust them?


I mean, they're just regular people, with all the prejudices any of us may have, but with enough power to enforce them over you. Just think of them bringing you and your wife to the station and file your wife as a prostitute... by the time you set things straight, the damage could be huge.


Back to the original post... I guess it has to do with what's legal and what's illegal in where the club is running.


Here, prostitution isn't legal but it's a "tolerated" activity. At some clubs you may see, from time to time, prostitutes working (or attempting to).


One club owner argued once that he was aware of this, and moreover it was ok because it helped him deal with the single males who otherwise could be disturbing the regulars. However, most couples (including ourselves), run away from places where there are prostitutes working. As it was said, if you mix money with swinging, you end up distorting the whole thing... people are mislead about your wife being or not a prostitute (my wife got an "offering" once, and I almost end up beating up the guy).


All the clubs have strippers doing a show that involves attendants, but they're hired by the owners and, as far as I know, they're not allowed to "do other business" there, nor to take tips.

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Once again for the folks among us (Kush) who have challenged comprehension levels - I think that prostitution in the clubs is wrong, began this thread because the fact that it has been happening at a club I attend bothered me, and am - consistently - bothered by any illegal activity that could cost us - as swingers - their club and their freedom to play safely and without the threat of a raid...


I feel this way about prostitution and illegal drugs...


If this is not a decidedly single standard, I am just not sure what is...




PS - I have never said anything about couples smoking pot in their car before coming into the club.


Then why don't you do something about it other than talk?

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The other club in the area that we are members of and consider our "home" club is very careful about money exchanges in the club. One time when Spoo got up and did a pole dance a couple of our friends ran up and stuck a some dollars in his pants :D (can't say I blame them). Anyway after things settled down the owner just came up and whispered in Spoo's ear to give the money back to the ladies so no one could perceive it as a form of prostitution. He said any exchange of money at the club is not allowed. Since then when that has happened to others and we have seen it we'll mention it to whoever is involved and they have no problem returning the money.


Also, in defense of the club that the thread is about, I really think they want to get a handle on it. Things are just changing and picking up so fast right now I think it's hard for them to keep up with all of it. Hopefully things will settle for them and level out soon.

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I agree here with spoomonkey. Sometimes when you are in a position as he is at the club, it is more beneficial to all parties involved to coerce things into the proper direction rather than phone in hand cause a ruckus.


I think Spoomonkey is handling this situation correctly, and if he was flawed in his decision making at all, it was likely mentioning on a public forum that this was going on at that club. Especially since members of this board attend that club on occasion.


If the owners do not correct the issue at hand, then I could imagine taking more aggressive steps to resolving the issue, but at this point, simple coercion would likely suffice. Which could be as simple as communicating it to the owner in an enlightening way.


No sense getting your panties in a bunch.

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I don't see anyone calling the cops on their own club. Having the cops there is something we want to avoid not invite. The cops show up one time and that may as well be the end for that club.


It is something that the club owners need to deal with swiftly and sternly, if and when they know it is happening.


As for the double standard issue.... I'm a bit confused Kush as it seems that you are the one with the double standard since you are ok with pot smoking (illigal) but not ok with prostitution. Or are you ok with the latter and just feeling the need to lash out at people? That said, if it were your club and you had heard these things happened or had seen them for yourself, would you call the police? Do you really believe they would wait outside? I don't. I believe they would seize the opportunity.

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      The second was that she’d get closer, I’d watch her whisper in his ear. I knew the question, “Where’s your wife?” Some of them would shake their heads, they were attending as one of the few single men the club allowed, and when they received Mary’s response, they’d move away - that’s not what we were looking for at the moment.
      But the man might indicate where his wife was dancing a few feet away. When this kind of thing happened, Mary would glance to me and give our special signal - she’d put one hand on the back of her head, one on her stomach. When I got the cue, I’d come out, we’d dance as a foursome.
      As I approached, a man grasped the elbow of a tall attractive lady who was more modestly dressed, at least for the club. There was no conversation on the dance floor, the heavy volume of music and the thumping of the bass wouldn’t allow for speech. But I could tell the woman was interested in me, the four of us paired off and I often found myself facing this vixen. It was obvious they were as interested in us as I was in them, I could tell by the way Mary was rubbing against the man that she felt the same.
      After a couple of songs, Mary led the way off the floor, holding his hand, leading us off into a corner away from the speakers. As we sat, the man said, “I’m Ed, this is my wife, Marilyn.”
      Marilyn and I softly shook hands, I believe she raised the hem of her skirt to give me a view of her upper thighs. Ed had no problem seeing Mary’s legs, or where they met - she was sitting so that the babydoll was gathered to her side, leaning forward so her globes were exposed to his view.
      “Do you come here often?” Ed asked.
      “Every few weeks,” I responded, “you?”
      “This is our first time here.” Mary gave him a look that asked for further info. “We’re just starting this,” he admitted.
      Marilyn picked it up. “We’ve only had one time with a couple of friends. We liked it, heard about this place, decided to see if we could get into more trouble.”
      “Trouble’s our middle name,” I joked.
      Our conversation continued, where do you live, what movies have you seen lately, etc. It was a screen, of course, we were all calculating if the four of us would be pleasurable bedmates. I paid my attention to Marilyn, my wife had told me numerous times not to worry about her, she can take care of herself. My hand found Marilyn’s knee, she smiled at me, encouraged me to reach a tad higher. We bent towards each other, our mouths met.
      Marilyn opened her lips to me, the kiss was ardent, her mouth moist. She licked at my upper lip, her hand fondled the back of my neck. Our tongues clashed, promising cupidity, mimicking what I presumed our bodies might be doing in a few scant moments.
      We broke for a moment, Marilyn invited, “Would you guys want to go to one of the rooms?”
      I, of course, was all for it, but then I heard Mary. “Uh, not right now. But thanks.”
      We’ve always had the guideline that if one person doesn’t want to do something, she speaks for both of us. Regretfully, I pecked at Marilyn’s lips a last time, we stood, went separate ways.
      “You’re not upset, are you?” Mary asked me.
      “Of course not, not at all. You’re not in the mood?”
      “Oh, I’m in the mood all right, just not with Ed.”
      “Something wrong with him?” I asked.
      “I tried to get him interested,” Mary revealed, “but his kiss was a little cold, indifferent. I put my hand on his leg, he was too busy watching you and Marilyn, he never responded. My guess is that if we went into a room, he’d be watching you two, I’m not even sure he’d get hard for me.” It was a reasonable thought, it had happened to us a couple times before. “Hope you don’t mind, bet she’d have been a firecracker.”
      “Maybe. But you’re a firecracker too.”
      We headed back to the dance floor, in search of another couple.
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