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The wife and I just joined SLS and made a profile.


j_jflorida at swinglifestyle.com


We welcome all critiques/reviews. Be honest in your feedback please, because we just want the profile to be the best it can be. Also, are pictures say "processing" for some reason.


Mr. J

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J_JFlorida said:
The wife and I just joined SLS and made a profile.

You present yourselves well.


"Add spice" and "no drama" are phrases that are a little too well-worn at SLS and other swingers' Web sites. I recommend you not use them. I see you have stated your real intention, full-swap and same-room, and that is the better way to express your purpose in posting your on-line profile.


(3) Wishing you good fortune in your search. You'll do well.

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How do I make sure couples can see our profile? That's our main desire? I didn't see anyone blocked when I set it up except 'single men.'

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How do I make sure couples can see our profile? That's our main desire? I didn't see anyone blocked when I set it up except 'single men.'


There is one other possible reason that I was not able to successfully "search" you profile. It seems to be very, very new. Sometimes time is needed for everything to propagate through the SLS system. I will attempt a search again later today and I will let you know what I find.

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J_JFlorida said:
The wife and I just joined SLS and made a profile.


I'm taking you at your word that you want honest feedback. Your profile is fine, but it's a little bland and isn't completely filled out. Your photos are good and it's great that both of you are featured. However, since this is your opportunity to attract interest and attention, I'm not certain why you would forego any opportunity to do so. Do you not have any experiences or any desire to know more? Not a single thought about how to fill out those sections?


My response to profiles that are incomplete is a big ole meh and my assumption is that the couples and singles behind them just don't care enough to be creative. So, I move on, and I'm probably not the only one to have that reaction. Why not reduce the number of folks that will take a pass on you?

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Thanks for the feedback. The Mrs. and I have only really had ONE swinging exp and it was with long term friends, so we are a little uncertain about how to go about attracting other couples (since the first one was years in the making). We are just "normal people" (whatever that means haha) and want to put that across in our profile. I mean obviously I use the word normal with much hilarity, but we just want to come across like we are: middle aged persons interested in swinging with like midned people and wanting to have fun. Any suggestions on how to spice up the profile would be great.

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I guess I appreciate the discretion of photo approval, but even the personal photos that "don't require approval" seem to take forever to post.

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mauijanedoe said:
I'm taking you at your word that you want honest feedback. Your profile is fine, but it's a little bland and isn't completely filled out. Your photos are good and it's great that both of you are featured. However, since this is your opportunity to attract interest and attention, I'm not certain why you would forego any opportunity to do so. Do you not have any experiences or any desire to know more? Not a single thought about how to fill out those sections?


My response to profiles that are incomplete is a big ole meh and my assumption is that the couples and singles behind them just don't care enough to be creative. So, I move on, and I'm probably not the only one to have that reaction. Why not reduce the number of folks that will take a pass on you?


We have modified our profile a bit based on feedback received. Are our changes good/bad? Or neutral? So new at this we don't know what to think about them.

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Much improved! Personally, I'd take out the WARNING part at the end...it really serves no purpose and kinda reveals that you are fresh into the scene IMHO. Lots of people do it, but I see it more on AFF, which is considered a hook up site, but not a swinger site per se.

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Much improved! Personally, I'd take out the WARNING part at the end...it really serves no purpose and kinda reveals that you are fresh into the scene IMHO. Lots of people do it, but I see it more on AFF, which is considered a hook up site, but not a swinger site per se.


I get a much better sense of you now and think your profile is great, except for the issue angelkin pointed out. I'm not a fan of any negatives in a profile, partly because the people they're aimed at don't recognize themselves, which makes it a pointless exercise, and partly because you need to be an amazing writer to do it without coming off somewhat poorly. If you could just rephrase that last section so that it contains only what you do want, I think you'd end up with a better overall result.

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I get a much better sense of you now and think your profile is great, except for the issue angelkin pointed out. I'm not a fan of any negatives in a profile, partly because the people they're aimed at don't recognize themselves, which makes it a pointless exercise, and partly because you need to be an amazing writer to do it without coming off somewhat poorly. If you could just rephrase that last section so that it contains only what you do want, I think you'd end up with a better overall result.


I took out the warning he was talking about. Which part are you thinking should be modified?

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Thanks for the feedback. The Mrs. and I have only really had ONE swinging exp and it was with long term friends, so we are a little uncertain about how to go about attracting other couples (since the first one was years in the making). We are just "normal people" (whatever that means haha) and want to put that across in our profile. I mean obviously I use the word normal with much hilarity, but we just want to come across like we are: middle aged persons interested in swinging with like midned people and wanting to have fun. Any suggestions on how to spice up the profile would be great.


We started off thinking we were normal too but what we found out is that most swingers are extraordinary :D just reading the posts here can probably tell you that most are just super nice people. My thoughts are not really about your profile as much as comments on this post because I read your profile post suggestions and I think it's very nice. You look like an attractive couple so you should be very successful.


You are in a smaller market living in the panhandle. It has a few nice parties on occasion and some really great couples but you may find yourselves traveling more often than you would like. We think the ECS socials are very hit and miss (the bar is a dive but can be fun) and PCB has a few nice parties as well but it's not like an Atlanta or New Orleans. We just have to be a little more creative here, lol.


Reading your post here you come across as smart and funny but more serious on your profile (but great information) I'd use a little more humor as being new can make people a little shy to reach out to you. Nobody knows if you are in this for the long term yet or if you are just testing the waters in which case there is the risk of a night out ending in drama/disaster once the fun begins :p


Overall, great profile.

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We would appreciate any feedback on our profile. tknjc on sls.


Thanks for any assistance.


Over all a nice profile, I would suggest reading through it and getting rid of the repeat statements, just makes it a little long winded imo.


Not to be rude but I would pick more flattering photo's


welcome to the board.



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We would appreciate any feedback on our profile. tknjc on sls.


Thanks for any assistance.


Other than a few misplaced commas and the mention of being drama free, which generally makes me think the opposite is true, it's a good profile. I'm not certain I'd specify the number of children, though. I also like your photos.


I'd suggest reading it all aloud to make sure it all flows the way you want it to and otherwise leave it alone for awhile.

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We would appreciate any feedback on our profile. tknjc on sls.


Thanks for any assistance.


I think you could also take some photos that are sexier/less boring. Headless torsos in street clothes just don't do a lot for anyone.


You might consider increasing your upper age range to 55 since one of you is 46.


I wouldn't really say you are new to the lifestyle since it sounds like you have had experience and you know you only want full-swap.


I'd revise the weight loss paragraph to be more positive.


I'd get rid of the lottery paragraph, I don't think it adds anything attractive to the profile.


I think it's important to be careful about declaring how busy you are and that you don't have much time. We look for people who are fun, but serious about making time for us. When I see a profile that says they don't have much time, I pass them by. Scheduling is really the hardest part of swinging for us!


Good luck! Sorry to be so critical. I think overall you sound like a nice couple.

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We've made some changes to our profile, and would like to know your opinions. We get a lot of views, but only a few "we're interested" messages. So far we have turned down most, not our type, and the others have flaked out when it comes time to meet. Anything we need to change or say differently? Thanks. luvsalot @ swinglifestyle.com

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Luv_Bugs said:
We've made some changes to our profile, and would like to know your opinions.


There are a few things that might be getting in the way. Your last paragraph sounds pretty sour and your insistence on face pics at first contact would have me moving on to the next profile. Why not just ask anyone who might be interesting for them? I would also remove the "lol," which is jarring in such close proximity to "professional." If you think people won't get your meaning, add ellipses instead. I'm also wondering why it looks as though you have only one photo visible, with the rest private. If I didn't already know you had other photos, I might not have opened that section.


The only other thing I can think of is that folks aren't interested in soft swap with a newbie couple. You might subtly address that possible concern by presenting yourselves as a much in love, laid back couple who want, etc.

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Thanks, MJD.


Yeah, that last paragraph was a little gruff. Added that stuff after being lead on and stood up more than once. Also took out the soft swap reference, and my feeble attempt at humor with the lol. As far as the pics, there is no way that I am aware of to have public pics displayed on the profile front page. If there is a way, let me know.

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There's nothing wrong with wanting soft swap. I think we should all have the sex we want, whatever it is, and you shouldn't go farther than you actually are comfortable going. If soft swap is just your current step and you might be willing to go full swap with the right couple, it's fine to say so. If you're a soft swap couple, that's fine too and it's okay to say so. There are a ton of folks that have been swingers for years who have never done a full swap.


What I was trying to address was the potentially off-putting combo of newbieness and soft swap by figuring out a way to subtly signal - without coming out with the truly trite and never believable "no drama couple" statement - that you were comfortable with recreational sexual activities with others and not a drama bomb in waiting.


For photos, I believe that if you delete all your photos in all of your galleries and then upload just your public gallery, then at least it's clear on the first page that you have full face/body photos available to everyone. Later, if you like, you can upload a private gallery and it shouldn't override the existing look.

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Wouldn't mind some input on our profile. Usually I'm pretty good with words but describing ourselves to perfect strangers for the purpose of sex seems pretty awkward still.


mrandmrsbegone on swinglifestyle

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Well, whenever I see zero pounds, I assume the worst. You are leaving a mixed message by saying you are looking for MFF but your experience is "with some other couples." In regard to "after that we are up for suggestions," I do not believe that you are going to be finding very many single women who are ready to take a lead on a date. Better be equipped with some suggestions of your own. Same comment regarding your request of a female member of SLS taking the lead to tell you what she likes before you can tell her what you like. You are putting too much burden on a prospective playmate.


You have given a good description of yourselves. It is good that you have included a nice picture of yourselves.


I hope this helps.

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MrBegone said:
Wouldn't mind some input on our profile.


Welcome and thanks for sharing your profile.


Photos - The one of you together is nice. The close up of body parts does nothing for you. Not attractive.


I'm not sure why you have 0 pounds listed. In our experience the only people who list 0 are very very overweight and have no pictures or misleading pictures. I think it's better to just list your weight.


take it or leave it kinda people - I'm not sure what you mean by this. Indecisive? I'd just take it out or say what you mean.


You say you've had experience with couples. Are you still looking to play with couples or only single females? You have the wild bar halfway marked. Are you interested in him playing fully with the girl, or just girl girl play? I would be a little more explicit about what kind of encounter you are looking for. Are you looking for a one time thing or friends with benefits?


Just a few things to think about. Good luck to you!

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Thanks for the input! Not sure how to answer some of that yet, which is good to have new things to consider.

I'm gonna show this to my wife and have her rewrite some of it.

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We made some changes based on you guys input. I had the wife rewrite some stuff. Also in the process of getting face pics in the private section now that we have a paid membership, but the haven't send to update yet.

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We made some changes based on you guys input. I had the wife rewrite some stuff. Also in the process of getting face pics in the private section now that we have a paid membership, but the haven't send to update yet.


On the interest level bar you have couples marked as little interest. If you are looking for full swap I'd bump that up.



participate in a full swap

taking the party


is it gaged or gauged on the earrings? also tasteful is a matter of opinion, are yours un-tasteful? I'd probably just leave that out since you are going to share face pics with anyone who is interested.


You might say in the beginning you are looking for full swap with girl girl play, since further in you talk about this.


You say you are active in sports, and have a lot of hobbies and interests. I would be more specific. Your profile is your advertisement and yours is pretty generic. You want to make yourselves sound special and fun and appeal to people who have common interests. You do that by describing what you like and what your interests are. For example, if you say you like football and wrestling, we'd think probably not a lot in common. If you say canoeing and hiking, I'm starting to get wet.

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We made some changes based on you guys input. I had the wife rewrite some stuff. Also in the process of getting face pics in the private section now that we have a paid membership, but the haven't send to update yet.


The most recent profile review in the singles section was really excellent. I'd take a look at that and profiles in this thread that received compliments to get more ideas about how to jazz up your profile. Everyone has their own voice, you just have to find yours and put it out there.

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Hello, Thanks for asking for a profile review. Here are my opinions. Sorry they are blunt.


Pictures - I'd lose the toweling off, water bottle in the foreground shot. It does nothing for you. I would add some face pics of both of you to a private gallery and include a body pic of him too (clothed or in swimsuit is fine.) Also the leather corset one, I'd re-crop so your chin isn't jutting out at the top.


To me the profile is a downer. You say we may be disappointed in you. You say you are looking for people with similar interests (lifestyle and otherwise), but you don't elaborate on what those interests are. You say single males don't contact us. You say you've been doing this a few years, but haven't found what you are looking for. You talk about other couples self destructing. You are wall-flowers. All this negativity doesn't make me want to tell you what I'm like, it makes me feel very annoyed and slightly bored. When we read a profile we look for people who sound fun, sexy and pleasant.


The description section and last section are better. I would start from scratch, thinking about your positive experiences you describe with meet and greets and the strip club.


It sounds like you are looking to start with same room sex, watch and be watched. Just say that! Not that you are cautious, disappointing, wallflowers. Tell us what makes you interesting, why people would want to hang out (other than witnessing your soul-mate status).


I'm sorry this is all so negative, but I hope this helps you to re-write in a more positive tone.

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I too sensed the negativity. If you tell people that you have been trying for two years and nothing has happened, they are going to receive the impression that nobody you meet ever gives you a second chance. I'm sure that's not the case.


Just in general, any profile I see that has no picture of the man makes me wonder if he is hiding something.


More specifically, if you say you are looking for a couple who share your desires, do, by all means say what those desires are. It's good that you are going to house parties. That's the best way to meet people and well-worth mentioning in a profile.



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No reason to be sorry - we asked for honest opinions and you gave it to us. Not everyone will always agree with what you have to say, but we're appreciative of the candid comments. Hopefully the new descriptions are better - we see what you mean about being a downer. We wrote that description many years ago when we were new and just starting out, and it should have been changed LONG ago. We're thinking about the pics, while still representative of us, we do need to get some better and newer ones. Thank you for taking the time to go over the profile for us, it's an eye opener.



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No reason to be sorry - we asked for honest opinions and you gave it to us. Not everyone will always agree with what you have to say, but we're appreciative of the candid comments. Hopefully the new descriptions are better - we see what you mean about being a downer. We wrote that description many years ago when we were new and just starting out, and it should have been changed LONG ago. We're thinking about the pics, while still representative of us, we do need to get some better and newer ones. Thank you for taking the time to go over the profile for us, it's an eye opener.




Your profile is much improved and I congratulate you. I have a few nits to pick, but nothing major. First, if the text of your profile says you're looking for people of your age then the desired age range should reflect that. At the moment, it's 12 years younger than the younger of you to five years older than the older. Not a problem if that's your preference, but text and numbers should be congruent. Second, if you're not looking for single males, instead of having a notation in your profile (which is nicely phrased but still a negative), you can block them. It's silent and more effective. Then, your interest level bars shows very little interest in "Wild," yet your text says sometimes you're the first to get wild. Again, it's just that dashboard type data and text should agree. Finally, you have an opportunity to say more at the end, to really market yourselves as interested in doing/learning/saying and...nada. Others may not mind, but I'm probably not the only person around who thinks something along the lines of, "Huh. If they can't be bothered to finish their profile, what else do they slack at?" It's such an easy fix, too.


I can't see photos on my phone, so I don't know what was there before, but the photos of both of you will be much appreciated by folks looking at your profile.

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We are on Kasidie and SLS, username "vandytufts" on both sites


I am not able to pull up your profile on sls. Do you have couples blocked?

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We are on Kasidie and SLS, username "vandytufts" on both sites


Thanks for sharing your profile for review!


Kasidie profile:

Your age (male) is showing as 54. You don't need to state your age in the paragraph b/c it's already at the top.


First sentence comma after happy.


I probably wouldn't put your profession out there since you're a teacher. That's one of those fields where swinging can be touchy.


I think it's good to tell how you are interested in meeting. At a club, dinner and drinks? Are you interested in playing on the first meet? Are you looking for one time or longer term?


Kasidie has the hobby check off list, but I think it's nice to talk about things you might share in common with potential partners in the essay section. That applies only if you are looking for fun out of the bedroom as well or commonalities are important to you.


I am much more familiar with sls profiles, so hopefully I can give you more input on that if you open your profile to couples.


Good luck to you.

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Thanks for sharing your profile for review!


Kasidie profile:

Your age (male) is showing as 54. You don't need to state your age in the paragraph b/c it's already at the top.


First sentence comma after happy.


I probably wouldn't put your profession out there since you're a teacher. That's one of those fields where swinging can be touchy.


I think it's good to tell how you are interested in meeting. At a club, dinner and drinks? Are you interested in playing on the first meet? Are you looking for one time or longer term?


Kasidie has the hobby check off list, but I think it's nice to talk about things you might share in common with potential partners in the essay section. That applies only if you are looking for fun out of the bedroom as well or commonalities are important to you.


I am much more familiar with sls profiles, so hopefully I can give you more input on that if you open your profile to couples.


Good luck to you.


LOL, I have no idea how I ended up putting 54. That's not exactly right next to "26." Thanks for catching that!


I'll get rid of the teacher thing. I was just trying to give an honest description of us.


I've also opened up our SLS profile.


Thanks for all of your suggestions!

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GF and I have had this profile for a few months now, but we only just added information and pictures. All criticism is welcomed. Thanks in advance.


The profile is on SLS under "nofunatall"

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nofunatall said:
GF and I have had this profile for a few months now, but we only just added information and pictures. All criticism is welcomed. Thanks in advance.


The profile is on SLS under "nofunatall"


I'm going to be honest and blunt and say that your username falls into that category that would make me skip over you. I was really hoping to open your profile and find it to be full of bold humor, to help solidify that your name was used "in jest". It's one of those things where I have to ask, why would you pull out what is basically a negative before I even get to read your profile.


On to your profile:


Good choice on pics. I'd rather see a fully clothed full body shot any day than a bunch of body parts.


This line:

We are still exploring / establishing our boundaries, but as of now I don't think we have found them.

would worry me if I were reading your profile. I'm going to "assume" perhaps you meant that you don't think you have any. But, given that you are new to swinging, this line would add to my worry of potential drama and tell me that you haven't really sat down and figured out your comfort levels yet. I wouldn't want to be the one who was with you when suddenly figured out your boundaries.


Move the line that includes your actual physical descriptions up above the paragraph it currently follows. Lead with the most positive you can.


All in all, if you can get more of the humor that I'm hoping you have (based on that name) it will help. Otherwise, I'd suggest changing the username altogether (if you can) as it does lead well, imo.

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All very fair criticisms. I see what you are saying. Honestly I think we were trying to keep the profile more informative then fun, but it is a little dry. Perhaps it needs to reflect our personalities a little more.


I will definitely move the physical description part and try to rework the "trouble" sentence so it isnt such a "red flag".

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All very fair criticisms. I see what you are saying. Honestly I think we were trying to keep the profile more informative then fun, but it is a little dry. Perhaps it needs to reflect our personalities a little more.


I will definitely move the physical description part and try to rework the "trouble" sentence so it isnt such a "red flag".


You definitely want to reflect your personalities, especially the humorous side!

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You definitely want to reflect your personalities, especially the humorous side!


Thanks again. One last question. In your experience can a couple get use out of a free profile on SLS, or is becoming a paid member a necessity? Do you find yourself completely skipping over free profiles when searching for other couples?

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We seldom send an introductory message to a non-paid profile. Non-paid is a factor that counts negative when we are considering making a reply in the positive.


Short answer, some people find success in spite of the fact of being a non-paid member.

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Thanks again. One last question. In your experience can a couple get use out of a free profile on SLS, or is becoming a paid member a necessity? Do you find yourself completely skipping over free profiles when searching for other couples?


We have had success with responding to free members, but statistically less so. When dealing with free profiles we are careful to look for an intelligently written profile, RECENT certifications (if they're from other couples we know, even better) and how old the profile is. If a profile was open a couple of years ago and is free, it's a warning flag that perhaps it's being "kept alive" by one or the other of the couple, often without the other's knowledge. Either way, we don't summarily dismiss free profiles for being free, we just take more steps to ensure it's legit. :)

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GF and I have had this profile for a few months now, but we only just added information and pictures. All criticism is welcomed. Thanks in advance.


The profile is on SLS under "nofunatall"


Thanks for submitting your profile.


I think your pics are great. Your username however, is unfortunate.


Proofreading: "She is an assertive sexually charged brunette with a cute smile and even cuter ass. He is an intelligent handsome man who enchants all he meets." comma after assertive, sexually charged and intelligent


I think saying you'll make time if the opportunity is worthwhile sounds a little snobbish. I'd just leave it out.


All in all it's a pretty generic profile, nothing special except that you are young and in shape. I would suggest telling what types of food and booze you like and why. Try to make yourselves seem interesting. Maybe your hobbies or what you like to do when you go out, besides eat and drink. Do you like to dance? Go to clubs? What do you find sexy about swinging?


Also, it's unclear to me whether you are just interested in soft swap or more. Instead of saying "any other same room activities" which might imply bi male play, bdsm, etc, you might consider saying same room full swap or what you have in mind with "any other same room activities"


You might also tell the reader what your relationship is. Are you a committed couple? Live together? How long? Those are some things many people are interested in when considering new couples.


Good luck!

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OK guys we haven't stepped back into the LS yet but we are planning on doing so in the near future. So even though we don't have a profile yet, this is what it would look like. Your feedback good and bad would be great...thanks...


About Us


We are a fun, easy-going, open-minded, love from the heart married couple who enjoys working hard but playing even harder. Though we have work and family commitments, we always make time for the finer things and even finer moments in life.


She describes Him;

He is very adventurous and spontaneous. He loves to discover his next outdoor adventure around the corner and has no fear. He enjoys catching up at the pub for a beer or two (blokes talking bollix style) and enjoys fishing and golf when he gets the chance. He is self employed and his hard work is what keeps our family steaming full speed ahead. Though he is a bit shy on the exterior, he warms up quickly and enjoys the company of people in any situation. He is sensual in nature and attentive to his partners needs.


He describes her:

She is down to earth, caring, a great listener as well as a great communicator. She has many fantasies and has a very intriguing imagination. She likes to socialise, have a quiet drink with friends, relax at home, or go to a movie with friends.

She too can start a little shy (when play is on the cards) but then becomes a fire cracker and there is no stopping her then.

She is very sensual, has a great mind and is always tentive with play partners.



Our ideal play partner(s)

Down to earth, easy going, don't take things too seriously. Honesty is a must in any of our play partners as we are honest with you. We only play as a couple, no exceptions so in saying that we would all need to have a connection for play to happen. We are both big communicators, so if you send a one line message without any thought or write messages like they are texts, we will not respond.

It's just who we are and good communication is a must for us.


Bi couples are a big plus for us, not an abouslute, as hubby or wife can both play straight as well as bi, sensual, relaxed, adventurous, fun and easy going and are not hard on them selves, no one is 100 percent perfect and you must be able to communicate on the same level as us.

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You need a general run through in spellchecking mode and did you mean that she is tentative with playmates? If so, it doesn't sound very sexy. Also, you have one glaring negative with the way you've written the section on how you want communication to look. It's not only negative, it's almost pugnaciously superior sounding. Could you not rewrite it to leave out the part where you won't respond and why and instead reframe it so as to solicit well written introductory emails?


Finally, the him about her/her about him is a very clunky framing device, even when it's very well done, and this isn't very. I've read your posts and you're an interesting, vibrant person and I'm assuming your husband is the same. Show those shiny fun bits a little more if you want to entice people, which is the point of a profile.

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Thanks for the tips mauijanedoe. Your suggestions are duly noted and we will draft up the second copy. I agree we did have some spelling mistakes and we did write it in the notes section of our iPad...oops! And I do agree with the communication bit - that will definitely be corrected. That was our first attempt at writing a profile unlike the profile we used to have...we thought we'd try a different approach. But we will add more humorous tones...thanks again.

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2nd Draft for your perusal Forum Gods and Goddesses...critique away....;-)


About Us


We are a fun, easy-going, open-minded, love from the heart married couple who enjoys working hard but playing even harder. Though we have work and family commitments, we always make time for the finer things and even finer moments in life. We have had some experience and though we don't get to play as often as we would like, we prefer to move at a slow to moderate pace as we enjoy savouring every moment.


She describes Him;

He loves to do things in the spur of the moment and enjoys getting out and about, living in the here and now. Some might say he lives in the fast lane but knows when to slow down to just the right pace that puts everyone at ease. He enjoys catching up at the pub for a beer or two (blokes talking bollix style) and is working on his hole in one or trying to land that elusive fish when he gets the chance. Though he can be a bit shy, he warms up quickly and enjoys the company of people in any situation. He is sensual in nature and extremely attentive to his partners' needs. He loves to give pleasure and won't stop unless asked to.


He describes her:

She speaks her mind, isn't afraid to chip in when the going gets tough, what you see is what you get type personality. She is the person you feel comfortable opening up to because she genuinely cares and enjoys making you feel at ease in her presence. She has many fantasies and isn't shy about letting you in on them, if you ask nicely. Play your cards right and she'll let you in on much more. She enjoys dinner and drinks out, going to the movies or getting stuck into an intriguing and captivating plot within the pages of a good book. Erotic authors; feel free to apply.

When the moment is right, she will go off like a firecracker but if you can appeal to her highly sexual imagination, you're already half way there.


Our ideal play partner(s)

Down to earth, easy going, don't take things too seriously. Honesty is a must in any of our play partners as we are honest with you. We only play as a couple, no exceptions, so in saying that we would all need to have a connection for play to happen. We both check this profile and we both reply so if you haven't got something substantial to say, we are probably not the couple for you.


Ideally we are looking for bi or bi friendly couples and playmates as we believe the best fun you can have is when you play like there is no tomorrow and nothing is held back, ending with us all laying on the bed in a combined state of euphoria that leaves only one word on the tip of your tongue.....WOW!!!!

We would feel more comfortable with something regular, as a hit and run type encounter isn't really our style.


As the saying goes, nothing ventured, nothing gained....lets all explore together.

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