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How Do You Prefer To Meet New Playmates?

How Do You Prefer To Meet New Playmates?  

278 members have voted

  1. 1. How Do You Prefer To Meet New Playmates?

    • I/We Haven't Played Yet
    • At Clubs (On Premise or Off Premise)
    • At Area Meet & Greets
    • Through Internet Ad Sites (SLS, SN, LL, etc.)
    • Other (Please Reply With The Method)

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I recognize that many couples meet new playmates a variety of ways. But, there must be one way that you prefer either because it has been worked best for you over time or for some other reason. Which one is it?

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Honestly sls has been the most successful venue for us....in not only meeting play mates but meeting great friends as well. There are alot of fakers, yes...but we have definately met some great people. Other than that the club is okay (although in our experience most people at clubs don't play or they show up with their play partners) and meet and greets are good as well. But if I had to answer sls is our most successful way to meet people.

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AFF is more successful for us than SLS however both sites are good. We also like to go to the M&G's around here. They're a lot of fun and since we're both pretty outgoing and love meeting new people, we have a blast. :)

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We meet new people both through swinger's dating sites like SLS, Swingular, Swappernet, etc., but we've found that in person at meet and greets or at clubs is the best since many times a profile and some dark pics don't do the couple justice. Some people we've passed over because of their profile we've met in person and kicked ourselves because they are totally wonderful folks.


Mr. WS

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We started out by joining 3 different sites (AFF, SLS & Swappernet). We met a few very nice couples (and some not so nice) and then started having house parties. The house parties worked out very nicely. Different people in our group would host and that's how we've been successful at meeting new couples (being introduced to couples through our friends). We joined several clubs and went to on and off-premise parties, but have the most fun going to house parties hosted by our friends or ourselves.


Our vote is house parties


Mr. & Mrs. D

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We ran into a couple that we knew from "before" and wow. And well, now we more or less use AFF or just go out and see who looks at us and how

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We have only met playmates through on line sites (SLS and SN). However, we are increasingly frustrated with the number of phonies on the sites. We have been to one meet and greet and intend to go to more.

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Sites like SLS and Swappernet work for us, but seem to require a lot of work on our part. Guess we are not the type where people go nuts when they see our pictures and can't wait to get us naked. :lol:


But with a little work (sending out messages to those we are interested in everyonce in a while we hit a real winner) Those of you that are real winners as far as we are conserned know who you are.:facelick:


We also enjoy lifestyle conventions 1) its vacation sex 2) lots of people all with the same idea 3) we get to see (make that do) our friends from past conventions 4) we have sereral days to meet new friends and get it on (although we do get naked on the first meeting if you are up for it).


We have found that the more open minded we are about age, weight, and looks (and we are not runway models) the more we are plesently suprised. Sometimes when we say what the heck not our first chooise but lets give them a go we find out that someone who we almost passed by can rock our world. Hey it's only sex it's not like you can use it up and not be able to do it ever again.:lol:

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Our vote was "Other"


Although our initial contact is through one of the internet sites, we meet face to face for dinner.


We have never attended a Club or a Meet-and-Greet.


We have discovered it is a very slow process, more due to our nature than that of other...swingers.

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SLS has been the most successful method for us. We've tried other websites, clubs, IM's, etc. and only met people who talk a good game.

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I met alot of couples at a meet up once, but they all live 5-12 hours away from me. But I have to say, I think that is a fantastic way to meet people. They are suppose to be vanilla so you can chat and get to know someone with out the pressure of what happens next. If you like them, call them and meet up again in a more intimate setting, like say......the bedroom

Your friend,


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We voted at house parties. We get to see the couple, socialize, and party at the same time. That way, if we do not like the couple, there are other couples to pick from. We tried the internet thing and was not happy with it. It sucks to end up with a couple that you have nothing in common with or just plain boring. Thanks for the host and hostess that open their homes for house parties.:)

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Our close encounters of the 1st kind are generally on SLS. Our close encounters of the 2nd kind are generally at a local restaurant. Our close encounters of the 3rd kind are generally at a hotel or at our cabin.

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We have an SLS profile and that's ok but not really productive as far as playtimes are concerned (no-shows, "help me convince my spouse", ...). Our prefered venue is through house parties or referrals by existing playmates - haven't had a "no show" yet.

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House party or clubs for us it works no endless emails lets talk on the phone.This is what we get from sls(have your wife call my wife and see if they clik)yehhhhhhhhhh. We try sls and some other site but to much BS ( do you have yahoo and so on) so we cut the BS part and go to a house party or a club anyway lets not say sls dont work because we will have 2000 people then can prove us wrong but sls or not we all find a way to make this thing work.

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We used to just use the internet but recently we started going to clubs and we find it alot easier to meet our kind of people in a face to face situation.

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Swappernet, and to a lesser extent SLS, are the primary places I first become acquainted with new playmates. However, I like to follow that up with a meet up at a Meet & Greet hosted by one of the Swappernet groups I'm a member of.

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We're a combo. We prefer the LL site but we only meet up at a club or party. Too many no shows and we discovered it's much easier to "move on" if there's no click when we're in a more social group setting.


Ms B

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Our #1 method is lifestyle events like clubs and resorts. For meeting younger single guys we've had some good luck at vanilla clubs. We've had very limited success with online sites.

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Dinner and drinks, a great dinner conversation is a good way for us to tell if we want to become better acquainted.

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We prefer whenever possible to meet others at house parties, more relaxed than clubs and usually friendlier people in general.


Second to that would be SLS followed by dinner drinks and let's see what happens.

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We like meeting people at M&G,or over a couple drinks in nice restaurant,to see if we all have something in common.

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We meet the majority of our playmates on line, mostly through yahoo groups. The different focus of each group allows us to find folks interested in each of the flavors we are.


We also have excellent success going to places where horny guys go with sex on their minds: adult bookstores and theaters. Most meets there are guys for L to play with, but we meet other couples and the occasional single woman.


House parties are fun and have produced some playmates. We are members of some groups that host monthly parties dedicated to IR play for the wives, and they've been great. We found them originally on line.


We've had little success at swing clubs. Our feeling was the regulars had their own comfortable cliques, and if you weren't part of the "in crowd" they weren't interested.

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We prefer M/G...and the internet...we have had a lot of success at both.As for the internet you have to wad through the fake's.

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Before we took our hiatus, we only have experience with on-premises clubs. We're heading to a Meet & Greet next month, and we're looking forward to that.


Haven't had much luck with the Internet. But I've already post that particular rant already.

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Until yesterday, we might have answered, "Internet". Yesterday evening we went to our first meet-and-greet. From this time on, this is definitely going to be our way. No loud music, no pressure to "perform", lots of new people, lots of fun. From now on, it will be meets-and-greets for us.



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