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Some couples have the "use 'em and lose 'em" approach to finding play partners, others want "friends with benefits". A few choose polyamory - having more than one loving, intimate relationship at a time with the full knowledge and consent of everyone involved. Interested to hear your thoughts.

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The author referred to the spectrum that each falls on. When wrapping my brain around similar topics I usually think of how they fall on a spectrum.


I think the polyamory/swinging spectrum looks like a bell curve...few that are pure swingers, few that are pure polyamorists, and a bunch that live in the area between.


I like classifications for shorthand but they break down quickly when you start to define and differentiate.


If someone put me into a box right now, it would be polyfidelity. I have two women that I am totally in love with and not much interest in sex with others. I also don't have interest (maybe better said, "energy") in having another relationship as deep as those right now. That said, it's all fluid so next year (or month) my exploration might look different and the polyfidelity box might not fit as well.




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Polyamory (i.e., many loves) is a broad term. Friends with benefits could easily be defined as what is referred to as light/social poly. We define ourselves as light/social polys as our ideal is to have just a few relationships with the depth of a really good friendship that also extends to the bedroom.


Obviously, relationships like that aren't built overnight but we at least try to evaluate a couple for that potential before playing. So far, we have not been successful.

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I'd say we're in the "friends with benefits" catagory. While we're certainly not looking to consider playmates as living, sentient sex dolls, neither are we looking to make any "deep" lasting relationships either.


We are looking to meet people that we may cultivate socially active, friendly relationships with, with the exception we also occasionally have sex with them as well.


Other then family, of course, there is only one woman that I love. And I want to keep it that way, thank you.

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For us the "friends with benefits" approach has led to a poly relationship and the openness to the possibility of it happening again. When we first started swinging it was just sex, but we found the social aspect of swinging trumped the variety in sex. Having other people in our lives that fulfilled different aspects of ourselves and having the ability to develop a deeper relationship because of sex put us on the path to poly. We have found that we are closer emotionally with even our close swinging friends because sex provides an emotional bond that makes you want, maybe need to look after that person, even if you are not living together on a daily basis. We still stay in constant touch with our "tribe" and we all, as a group support each other through times of need.


This kind of attraction to others opened the door to being polyamorous, and when Mrs. WS fell for another guy it was not as threatening as the thought of it had been when we'd started swinging two years before. In fact, life all around for both of us got better. I no longer felt the pressure to provide all of what Mrs. WS needed emotionally, and she was very happy having the company and attention of two men that totally adored her.


So from experience I think there is a huge cross-over between poly and swinging. We've even seen those totally opposed to poly drift toward it when someone "special" comes along in their life. One couple we know that used to freak-out at the mention of emotions in swinging is now in a poly relationship with another couple. Many others that at first discussion were vehemently opposed to any kind of emotion have drifted toward the making better, closer friends aspect of swinging... Almost "poly-light" if you will.


So is swinging poly? No. But it can lead to poly, and in my opinion many are much more open to, or closer to poly than they will admit to themselves.


Mr. WS

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Interesting points.


Swinging is basically a social activity. People can easily enjoy sharing an activity without being committed friends - for example "bowling buddies". These kind of relationships can be rewarding, satisfying, even meaningful, but are limited to the specific shared activity. "Sex buddies" are pretty much the same thing. Emotional attachments are generally unwelcome in swingerdom. The idea of "no strings attached" is as ubiquitous as "no drama", or "drug & disease free". Typically, couples swing to enhance their sex-life together, and decidedly not to upset the applecart of their relationship.


The vast majority of swingers have no intention of falling in love with their play partners, but many are open to friendship. Is friendship a kind of love? Is "friends with benefits" a mild version of polyamory? Depends on what we mean by friendship. Does the friendship include commitment? If we answer yes, we have to entertain the idea of "friends with benefits" as being a version of polyandry. (i.e. multiple partners in a committed sexual relationship.)


How deep does the commitment have to be for a sexual relationship to be thought of as poly? It really isn't for anyone outside the relationship to say, since polyamory is a relationship negotiated and defined by the participants.

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Just for the sake of discussion, here's a question: if you love someone dearly (who you are having sex with as often as life allows) how can it not be poly? (Or as others here have called it, poly-lite?) You are emotionally connected, committed friends who love each other, and your relationship is something the four of you have worked out together, agreed upon by all. Isn't that the basic definition of poly?


Or is it not poly because your marriage is absolutely first, and your friends are completely subordinate? Can't there be "un-equal" loves? (Your spouse totally first, your friends absolutely secondary.) Can one be committed to and in love with their friends, but still keep their spouse pre-eminent? - a hierarchy of loves? Assuming the way you love your friends is different from the way you love your spouse, does that make it not love? (polyamory = multiple loves)

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Just for the sake of discussion, here's a question: if you love someone dearly (who you are having sex with as often as life allows) how can it not be poly? (Or as others here have called it, poly-lite?) You are emotionally connected, committed friends who love each other, and your relationship is something the four of you have worked out together, agreed upon by all. Isn't that the basic definition of poly?
Yes, for many this is the exact definition of "poly". Emotionally connected, committed friends who love each other and therefore have some sort of romantic sex.


Or is it not poly because your marriage is absolutely first, and your friends are completely subordinate? Can't there be "un-equal" loves? (Your spouse totally first, your friends absolutely secondary.) Can one be committed to and in love with their friends, but still keep their spouse pre-emminant? - a heirarchy of loves? Assuming the way you love your friends is different from the way you love your spouse, does that make it not love? (polyamory = multiple loves)
I think you find that in most poly relationships there is a hierarchy, where your primary partner is #1 and comes first and your secondary partner subordinates in many aspects. Some poly relationships are much more equal, but from my experience in the poly lifestyle and others I've met, their primary relationship and/or spouse comes first and will not be forsaken for the benefit of another.


Mr. WS

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Wow, the depth at which everyone is discussing is great. I like the idea of bell curving it. I think you have the extremes on both sides and the rest of us in the middle. We are all capable of being poly. One person caring deeply for another is completely human and natural. We all wouldn't be here typing to each other if not. The way in which each one classifys a relationship that is both emotionally and physically intimate, is of course unique. Our own beliefs, upbringing, and awareness of what we think or care about how society views us are main drivers for the differences. Even on the extremes, no FWB swingers; they are still there to be close to other people. Denying emotional attachment and channeling all that into chemistry and the art of physical pleasure is their own way of connecting with others. Still, they are reaching out to others where most of society will only share that with one person......until they get divorced! Ha! So, in that sense...we are all poly! just kidding! I know, everyone run and shriek now.



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It seems that the poly equivalent of having a "friends-with-benefits" partner would fall between a "poly secondary", or a "tertiary partner". A secondary relationship usually has a noticeable emotional focus, yet it is secondary to the "primary relationship", while the tertiary is more casual.

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The way in which each one classifies a relationship that is both emotionally and physically intimate, is of course unique. Our own beliefs, upbringing, and awareness of what we think or care about how society views us are main drivers for the differences. Even on the extremes (no FWB swingers) they are still there to be close to other people. Denying emotional attachment and channeling all that into chemistry and the art of physical pleasure is their own way of connecting with others. Still, they are reaching out to others where most of society will only share that with one person......until they get divorced! Ha! So, in that sense...we are all poly!


We see this too, and it's the biggest reason we ask the question "is swinging poly?" On the other side of the coin, emotionally monogamous couples are pretty much the norm in swingerdom. Maybe emotional commitment is the key to whether a relationship is poly or not?


We love our friends, but our relationship with each other is very different from the relationship we share with our friends. We've become very close to some of the couples we play with, but we have completely separate lives, and love each other as friends, not as committed lovers.


But there is a big difference between sex with emotionally connected friends verses sex with strangers. New partners can be wonderfully exciting and fresh, but when there is an emotional connection the sex is very intense and satisfying. We usually start out on a purely physical level with a new couple. If we share chemistry and enjoy each other's company, great, if a close friendship grows, all the better. Friendship takes time. It takes time and experience to build trust, love even more so.

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      She then said she was starting to feel like she was making love to him at times, that it was emotional for her as well feeling like she was giving her body to someone she cared about as a friend.  She wasn't having any feelings of being in love with him, but she was getting some emotional connection where she wanted to give herself to him when they saw each other.  It turned me on. The frequency of sex got less over the last couple of years but he and I estimated, that not counting the three months she worked for him and they fucked anywhere from 2-4 times a week, that he had fucked her somewhere between 50-100 times. 
      And to this day, years later, the thought that she's been fucked so much by the same guy is a turn-on.  We all still remain friends today.  I thought that would be the end of our openess in our marriage but there would be two other men that would enter our lives, both of which got substantial time with my hotwife.  And she wanted it. 
      If you'd like to read about it, let me know and I'll write it up.
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      While browsing online ads, I frequently see where they state the hubby is V-Safe. For those of you who have this is your ad, does this mean that you like to play without condoms? It seems to me that the only reason you would state this is to let another couple know that the risk of pregnancy is zero and if you were to use condoms, the issue of V-Safe would be a mute point. Is this correct? Or do you state this for the "just in case the condom slips off" issue?
      The reason I ask is that we do prefer doing things Au Natural and would like any insight or ideas into finding other like minded couples. If V-Safe is the hidden code for "No Condoms", we would sure like to know!
      From the other threads on this board we see quite a few people like cream pies, seconds, in other words, Au Natural. It's just too bad that none of them seem to live here in Las Vegas.
    • By couplers
      Hi this is Petra, member of a three-woman, two-guy closed poly family. I am a long-time member of the Swingersboard, so if you want more background, you can look at previous posts. We are all now in our thirties and have found that while it used to be that the two guys could adequately take care of us three women, that is shifting. The guys have slacked off a little, while the women's desire for sex has increased. While it helps that we girls are bisexual and can help each other, we also seem to need (or at least want) more frequent sex with the guys. Penis-in-vagina intercourse is what we girls want, and the three of us women cum relatively easily, so a quick screw is satisfying.
      Anyone else facing a similar situation? The way we have primarily addressed this is by making one of our guys service two girls, her cumming while he holds back, then taking care of the second. Any thoughts?
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      Becca and I met at a club, just a few months ago. From the first I thought she was attractive, I mean let’s face it, we’re here to fuck attractive people, right? My wife, Angie, and I went to the club that night to have some fun. We’re experienced swingers-we don’t play alot, swinging does not rule our lives- but we’ve had our share of fun. The night I met Becca was no different; we hoped to meet some fun people, have some good to great sex, and maybe make some friends we could hang out with on a regular basis.
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      A few days after we were all together the second time I told my wife about my feelings for Becca. I told her I didn’t know if I was getting our sexual chemistry mixed up with emotion but I thought that could be the case. To my surprise Angie did not freak out. She told me she suspected something was up-given the amount of communication between Becca and I. I took a few weeks to sort out my feelings and spent many more hours talking to both Angie and Becca. I realized that I was probably in love with Becca. And I told them both so. Becca told me she feels the same way. This is not the “oh, I’ve just fucked someone new, I hope they like me best” kind of feeling. We’ve both been with other people since we met and it has not cooled our emotions. This is raw, real and deep.
      When I told Angie all of this she gave me license to pursue a relationship with Becca and follow it wherever it may lead. I did not ask for this, Angie offered it to me. Angie is secure about our commitment to each other-I am not leaving my wife and Becca and Angie both know that. Becca also has no intention of leaving her husband.
      Becca has talked with her husband Rob about us and the feelings we’ve developed for each other. What she has not told him is that she thinks loves me, she does not know how he would react to that (here is the mostly open part that I alluded to in the first paragraph). She has told him our feelings are deep but has not gone into how much we care for each other. Rob is completely comfortable with texts and calls throughout the day, but not with Becca and I meeting without him and Angie there-even for lunch or dinner. I completely understand and respect this. I don’t like it, but I respect it. I suspect if the shoe were on the other foot I would feel the same way. I really genuinely like Rob by the way, he treats both Becca and Angie really well-and he and Angie have really great sex together. Angie has told Rob that it’s just sex between the two of them and Rob feels the same way. They have no other feelings for each other past that.
      Becca and I text every day and talk several times a week; I know about her life and children, and she knows about mine. We have similar interests and lives outside of swinging, we are in similar businesses. We have become emotional rocks for each other. I get emotional needs met from her that I do not get from Angie. Again, I have been upfront with Angie about all this and she is fine with it.
      So here are my big questions: Do these things really ever work, or are we on the express train to Dramaville?
      Is it possible to keep something like this going long term?
      How do we navigate the fact that Rob is not comfortable with Becca and I meeting without him around (again, we will not be going against his wishes on this one) and knowing that he and Angie will want to have more variety in their swinging soon, which will leave less opportunity for Becca and I to be together?
      Any thoughts from the wise sages on here are welcome. I’m a big boy-if I’ve being naïve about anything please tell me. I can take it.
    • By Bluespruce1
      We have been playing with a couple for about five years on and off. We see them at our club, at some resorts and at local house parties. Wherever we are, she always seeks out my husband. We have all been together many times and I enjoy her husband very much, but for my husband and I, it’s literally just sex.
      She is very different with my husband lately than with her other partners. I believe she has fallen for him. When I see them together, she is very passionate and attentive to him in ways that I don’t see when she’s with other men. My husband rolls with it and is always a pleaser.
      We don’t want to make things uncomfortable or lose their friendship, but we are getting uncomfortable with the notion that she may be interested in a deeper relationship than we have experienced with other partners.
      Should we just go with it? I’m not sure I can handle sharing him that way and I don’t think he’s interested in that type of relationship either. Thoughts about when the sex leads to something more?
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