partyof2ormore 62 Posted June 5, 2008 Does anyone have a pet peeve that may not make much difference to some or most people but is a total "deal breaker" to you? For us, it is smokers. That smell gets "into" a person and it doesn't matter if they change their clothes or even shower, the odor is still there and it a complete and total turn of to both of us. J & L 3 Quote Share this post Link to post
ktimephoenix 156 Posted June 6, 2008 Pushyness and arrogance i guess. some people find arrogance like confidence, and a turn on... not us 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
ownerspet 506 Posted June 6, 2008 Talk of Farm Animals... that always is a downer for me.... Quote Share this post Link to post
LFM2 1,484 Posted June 6, 2008 Isn't this sad but this list is bigger than our rules? Pushy and arrogant people We don't care for smokers, either. We can tolerate them, but we don't especially want to play with them. People who don't kiss, or return favors. Quote Share this post Link to post
DecaturAreaCpl 15 Posted June 6, 2008 Uncircumcised. Sloppy drunk. Dirt under fingernails/toenails (ugh) Missing teeth... Quote Share this post Link to post
BiloxiCouple 695 Posted June 6, 2008 I bet everyone here has at least one deal breaker if not more. I know we do. Quote Share this post Link to post
bethncole 49 Posted June 6, 2008 Fake tits. Can't stand them or women attached to them. Quote Share this post Link to post
JustAskJulie 2,596 Posted June 6, 2008 Sloppy drunk. Dirt under fingernails/toenails (ugh) Missing teeth... Ditto to those... although I don't typically look too close at toenails. Quote Share this post Link to post
graygo98 148 Posted June 6, 2008 Really out of shape Bad hygiene One spouse treats the other badly A lot of piercings Quote Share this post Link to post
partyof2ormore 62 Posted June 8, 2008 ...just thought of another one. Mrs, L has a thing about "short" men. There is no specific requirment, but 5'10"ish is roughly the limit. Just her personal thing. Quote Share this post Link to post
partyof2ormore 62 Posted June 8, 2008 ...and yet another one. I have a thing about super skinny women. I'm not talking about athletic, it shape, skinny, I'm talking about, "Oh my god, get that woman a twinkie, NOW!" skinny. I'd rather be with a woman who is 40 lbs over weight than 10 lbs under. J Quote Share this post Link to post
Trace Ekies 187 Posted June 8, 2008 Fake tits. Can't stand them or women attached to them. So, without meeting my wife you can't stand her tits or her? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Quote Share this post Link to post
Cajunlovers 15 Posted June 8, 2008 People who can't stand fake tits........ No really smoking is close to deal breaker. bad teeth. extra extra plump, Really pushy, small cock, and a few more I can't think of right now Quote Share this post Link to post
Swing*8701 887 Posted June 8, 2008 susan here-- I absolutely, positively will not fuck 'stupid'. Quote Share this post Link to post
daddynbabygrl 25 Posted June 12, 2008 I'll only list mine (Babygirl can reply to this on her own), but.....although we both would have to agree on the person/couple, there *are* a couple things which I find to be "deal breakers" for me (I define a "deal breaker" as a TURN OFF).....doesn't mean I *hate* or would never have sex with, because in some instances an awesome personality can supercede one or more of these: Skinny women (I like a "real" woman) Fake Breasts (don't find the fake ones appealing in the least) Poor Hygiene (an awesome personality will *NOT* overcome this one) Lack of a personality (good looks generally will *not* overcome this) Pushy/Rude people (it's about mutual respect -- we aren't your fucktoy) That's about all I can think of right now.....(as I am at work)....but if I think of more, I'll append the list at a later for "looks", Babygirl can attest that I like a variety of different looks and she's *still* trying to figure me out! - Daddy Quote Share this post Link to post
K&JIntimates 66 Posted June 12, 2008 susan here-- I absolutely, positively will not fuck 'stupid'. We're just starting out but that might top the list for me! There are a few that I can think of but haven't had any experience in yet, we'll see. Quote Share this post Link to post
knb2004 364 Posted June 12, 2008 I note with just the slightest hint of sarcasm that it's only the folks from Georgia and Alabama who have listed "missing teeth" as amongst their deal breakers. Wonder what one could read into that? ::P: 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
two42lovers 273 Posted June 12, 2008 Overly shy or tentative people. We like partners who know what they want and who go for it. It's amazing how many couples we've met seem to want us to "court them" or fawn after them, or somehow to entice them into playing. As if the mere possibility of a chance of "being the lucky ones" who will get to play with them is worth putting up with them playing hard to get -lol! Every time we've ever indulged such a couple, they have turned out to be less than skilled sexual partners. Now we have a clue - if they are shy about playing, we politely move on. Quote Share this post Link to post
lovinher 505 Posted June 12, 2008 I don't care if she is missing teeth, smokes, is tall, short or dumb as a rock. Shit, I don't care if she is missing tits. What I can't stand is people who make judgements without knowing the person. Swinging or otherwise. Arrogance is my deal breaker. Quote Share this post Link to post
theflamekasters 20 Posted June 12, 2008 for my wife it is men that are so insecure that they are so worried about what there wife is doing, they dont show my wife the respect she deserves, which pisses me off too. Also people with drama, it seems to follow people, can almost smell it. I am not interedted in woman who isnt well kept (i dont expect bleached or anything) Just dont be dirty or stinky, and greasey. I was lit one night at a club, and this girl was all uo on me and everyone kept tellin me she stinks, and i couldnt smell her, well the next time when i was sober i sure could lmoa!!! Quote Share this post Link to post
daddynbabygrl 25 Posted June 12, 2008 First off... if they give me any "creepy" vibe at all, it's a no go. I don't do "creepy" weird people... especially when they say "I would love to jerk off in front of you while I'm wearing a skirt and little pink panties" THAT has not happened yet, but if there is a vibe... hell no. LOL Hygiene is a must, I mean c'mon... If I am to play with your naughty bits I must have a clean work space. Calling up last minute and saying "Yeah, my wife can't make it tonight... but I'm on my way" won't fly either LOL (unless you are a bi dude and only looking to hook up with Daddy.) Having a personality of a rock is always a guaranteed no go... Assholes... if you are an asshole, don't bother. (that goes for women and men) I cannot stand people who cannot conduct themselves in a kindly and respectful manner. Goofing off is one thing (I'm a goof) but being an asshole is another. ~Babygirl Quote Share this post Link to post
JustAskJulie 2,596 Posted June 12, 2008 I note with just the slightest hint of sarcasm that it's only the folks from Georgia and Alabama who have listed "missing teeth" as amongst their deal breakers. Wonder what one could read into that? ::P: that was on my list when I lived in MI too. Bad oral hygiene (or bad hygiene in general) is a huge turn-off and a definate deal breaker. I don't care if she is missing teeth, smokes, is tall, short or dumb as a rock. Shit, I don't care if she is missing tits. What I can't stand is people who make judgements without knowing the person. Swinging or otherwise. Arrogance is my deal breaker. I'm not sure if that was a knock at people listing physical issues as "deal breakers" but if so I have to say that NOT being attracted to someone would definately be a deal breaker (for whatever the reason - whether physical or personality) and when it comes to not being attracted to someone on a looks level, lack of teeth is an issue and dumb as a rock is definately an issue when being attracted someone on a personality level. It doesn't make me better than them, it just makes me not attracted to them. Quote Share this post Link to post
MIbbwcpl 67 Posted June 12, 2008 Arrogance. Close minded people. Those who don't practice safer sex Needing to get loaded/high to play. Quote Share this post Link to post
lovinher 505 Posted June 14, 2008 that was on my list when I lived in MI too. Bad oral hygiene (or bad hygiene in general) is a huge turn-off and a definate deal breaker. I'm not sure if that was a knock at people listing physical issues as "deal breakers" but if so I have to say that NOT being attracted to someone would definately be a deal breaker (for whatever the reason - whether physical or personality) and when it comes to not being attracted to someone on a looks level, lack of teeth is an issue and dumb as a rock is definately an issue when being attracted someone on a personality level. It doesn't make me better than them, it just makes me not attracted to them. Sorry you took it that way. I DID NOT mean that anybody with physical preferences are arrogant. A good looking woman can be dumb or missing a tooth or have fake boobs. But I'm not going to blow her off because of a tooth unless I'm not attracted to the whole package. To me anyway, there is much more than physical appearance. I'd take an average, or even a below average looking woman who is missing a tooth any day than an arrogant super model with perfect teeth. (just an example) In other words a single defect isn't an issue-except arrogance. And yes, I do have all my teeth. Quote Share this post Link to post
ktimephoenix 156 Posted June 22, 2008 definately long/dirty fingernails on guys on women im not huge on bone thin women or (OTT) facial hair lol\ ~mrs phoenix Quote Share this post Link to post
The_Ice_Queen 15 Posted June 25, 2008 I am choosing, as everyone previously has apparently, to interpret a "deal breaker" as a "turn off" that you can't really get past. Most of mine have already been listed here I think... stupidity - I have to be as mentally stimulated by someone as I am physically for a hook-up to work properly, and with couples that applies to both of them. I figure if they cannot hold an intelligent conversation, then they cannot hold a hot sexual exchange either. bad teeth/bad breath - A good smile is one of the first things I notice about someone, right behind noticing their eyes (which can tell you a LOT about a person), and if their teeth are bad I am instantly uninterested. By the same token, if when I kiss them or are even close to them and their breath is rank, I cannot "get it up" if it meant my life was on the line. excessive arrogance - I like confidence, and reflect a great deal of confidence myself, but there is a line. And some people cross it. I cannot stand when someone acts like they are doing me a favor by simply sharing the same air with me. Please. body odor - Call me crazy, but I expect a sexual partner, or even a social partner (before things even get to the sex) to be clean and smell good. I don't think it's asking too much to expect someone to have excellent bathing habits and good hygiene. excessive body hair - I don't know why really, but i've never liked a lot of body hair (on men - women I sort of expect not to have much if any). I love a clean shaven chest... Too much hair and I just can't see anything but that. smokers - The smell gets into everything, no matter how clean they are, and since I have a very fine and sensitive olfactory sense, it interferes with my attraction even if they are otherwise fine individuals. There have been exceptions to this, and probably will be in the future, but they are few and far between. no personality/sense of humor - If someone can't laugh, can't have fun, can't join in the conversation or put in their two-cents, can't contribute really in any way, then I can't be into them. Simple as that. I need to be stimulated. Disrespectful - ANYONE who is not respectful to me, to their partner, to family/friends, I have a difficult time being around them because I want to tell them just what I think of them. Respect should be a huge deal, especially in a situation like swinging, where trust and respect are very important. ... There are probably more, but it's late and I haven't been feeling too well today/tonight, so that will have to do it for now. Besides, those are the biggest ones that I can think of at the moment. They are pretty similar to everyone else's so far it seems... Quote Share this post Link to post
Pepper & Drew 384 Posted June 26, 2008 A guy who thinks he's prettier than me. It's really hard to be good in bed if you're always looking in the mirror...or worried about messing up that perfectly coiffed hair. Sloppy drunks. I've repeatedly said that sloppy is not sexy. Pretty much, everything else is up for grabs, so to speak Pepper Quote Share this post Link to post
BorisNatasha 63 Posted June 26, 2008 Lack of patience. We have friends who had the male half of a couple they were going to hook up with suddenly blurt out "so are we gonna fuck or what" just as the conversation was getting interesting. Oops, suddenly the answer has changed to "no". I like a slow simmer. It makes the meal more delicious. Natasha on the other hand likes to get right to it once the formalities are out of the way, LOL, but we seem to find a happy medium B Quote Share this post Link to post
tribbles 490 Posted June 26, 2008 Attitude can be a deal breaker. Looks can't. Quote Share this post Link to post
sweet_tna 680 Posted June 26, 2008 If I interpret "deal breakers" to mean turn offs, then I've already answered that question in other posts. So I'm going to take a different tack with this, and interpret it to mean "things that would cause me to change my mind about a couple/person I was interested in." ~Disrespectful--Whether it be to me, my spouse, his/her spouse, or a waiter/waitress in a restaurant, I'm done with them. ~Body Odor/poor hygiene--Sometimes this isn't immediately noticeable, especially in a packed club. =) Quote Share this post Link to post
SJCPL1 65 Posted July 4, 2008 Poor hygiene is number one followed closely by arrogance Quote Share this post Link to post
bryanlee 147 Posted July 4, 2008 Lack of respect towards myself, my partner or even just in regards to our relationship. I hate when people talk to one of us as if the other is not standing there. Poor personal hygiene - No excuse for this at all. Also, on this note...anyone with a filthy home. If your home is dirty then chances are you are dirty. Alpha Male Syndrome - I am in no way intimidated by anyone, but it just doesn't make for an enjoyable time when you have someone who feels the need to assert their "supposed" dominance constantly. Anyone who is Rude, Obnoxious, Uptight etc. Quote Share this post Link to post
cvcple 16 Posted July 4, 2008 For us, poor hygiene is the biggest. WE are both kissers and we hate bad breath. The other thing would be body odor. Nothing like some good hot sweaty sex, but when your partner smells, it kinda blows the moment. Quote Share this post Link to post
Playful1 434 Posted July 8, 2008 I would have to say i don't really have any specific deal breakers, other than a guy being too big or the person having real BO (thankfully this only happened once with a woman who i dont think knew what deodorant was, lol). some things might make me slower to approach though, likes lots of tats or piercings, or smoking when i'm around. Quote Share this post Link to post
gatorvol64 216 Posted July 8, 2008 susan here-- I absolutely, positively will not fuck 'stupid'. Yep, stupid is definitely on my list. Along with disrespectful and inability to laugh. Laughter is one of my biggest turn ons. Vol Quote Share this post Link to post
jdavisauto 73 Posted July 8, 2008 For us it is bad body odor. If you stink then you will not even get to sit down with us. I love eatting pussy but I if the pussy is dirty and smelly, my tounge will not go in her, same with my girl, smelly dirty dicks will not go into her. Smelly people total turn off. Quote Share this post Link to post
2inVT 122 Posted July 8, 2008 The usual - poor hygiene, disrespect. I will say, there are a few things we always establish upfront, which have proved to be deal-breakers in the past for prospective playmates: I am a BBW, and we are respectful smokers. I have three discreet tattoos, and my nipples are pierced. Also, for some reason, I am wildly disturbed and repulsed by men with those Amish-looking square beards. Most facial hair on men I'm fine with, just not that Abe Lincoln kinda look. Quote Share this post Link to post
cuzzeyesaidso 31 Posted July 10, 2008 People that have to be drunk to play People that need to be the center of attention Couples with alot of rules Poeple that "smoke" before they play or have to use those stinkin ass poppers. If you want to be dizzy let me slap you up side your head one good hard time. Quote Share this post Link to post
it'sso 198 Posted July 11, 2008 I doubt that anybody would be interested in bedding down with a person who reeks of poor hygiene. But I do find it interesting the comments about missing teeth. Does this include people who wear dentures and yet, keep their breath sociable? I'm sure that more than one guy in the lifestyle may well have lost a few teeth while serving their country in the armed forces. Quote Share this post Link to post
SexyRedmondCpl 128 Posted July 11, 2008 Hey, all. Long time no post. Definately major ditto poor hygiene. Also seconding (or thirding, or fifthing) the "people who need to be drunk to play," sentiment - I don't mind a drink or two to loosen up, but did you really need both bottles of wine yourself ? Gonna add in here "gold lycra pants"... Never been so happy to see someone take their clothes off Quote Share this post Link to post
2inVT 122 Posted July 11, 2008 But I do find it interesting the comments about missing teeth. Does this include people who wear dentures and yet, keep their breath sociable? I'm sure that more than one guy in the lifestyle may well have lost a few teeth while serving their country in the armed forces. I don't mind cleanly missing teeth - I'm missing a couple of molars myself. It's the ones that are currently rotting out of a person's mouth that I don't like. The way they make false teeth now, I would never be able to tell who's got them and who doesn't, unless they told me or removed them in front of me. If you're wearing dentures, you've got teeth, as far as I'm concerned. You paid for them instead of growing them, but the result is the same. Quote Share this post Link to post
fordman460 20 Posted July 12, 2008 Poeple that "smoke" before they play or have to use those stinkin ass poppers. If you want to be dizzy let me slap you up side your head one good hard time. What are stinkin ass poppers? Im not being an ass Im just curious. ty Quote Share this post Link to post
ShagUsThx 15 Posted September 9, 2008 What are stinkin ass poppers? Im not being an ass Im just curious. ty :lol: I was thinking the same thing, I googled poppers and it is some kind of inhalant. Here is the wikipedia link: Poppers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Quote Share this post Link to post
Mr.Essex 264 Posted September 10, 2008 Rankness or slackness, of any sort. Bad odors, "excessively intimate" acts (rimming, fisting, MM play, watersports etc. Jesus, save something for the anniversary.), willful ignorance (you don't need to be a political guru, but you should know who's running!) and debilitating drunkenness are among my legal dealbreakers. As far as the rest: I don't smoke weed, I don't "ski" (cocaine) or "bump (crystal meth), I don't "drop" (acid) and I don't like pills. No drugs, because that's what leads to early morning calls to the police. And as far as poppers goes, here's my belief: If you're using poppers, you're either gay or ex-gay. And not the "saving myself for my one true love" kind of gay, but the "gangbang my tight sluthole" kind of gay. I don't want your diseases, so I'm not putting any valuable part of my body inside of your contagion factory. And I lived through the club lifestyle, so I know what really goes on inside of the "conspicuous consumption-drug culture". I don't care if they're for her; someone introduced her to their use, and I don't know where she's been. No animals: For the love of God, I don't want Thor's sloppy seconds. And Mr. Tiddles needs to be put in his closet. I'm sensitive to cat scratches. If it can't carry on an adult conversation, but it's alive, it belongs outside of the bedroom. Speaking of adult conversations... No children: They can learn about sex the same way I did, through word of mouth and Internet access. Yes, your child is really mature for his age. Yes, I know that he'd cherish that memory. Yes, I have a larger than average member; but it doesn't compare to Rocco's or Lex Steele's cocks. Don't scar me and them at the same time. Fucking Belgians, I swear, Fucking Belgians... No extraneous body fluids. Saliva, sweat and vaginal liqueur are fine. Don't come on me, sir, I've sensitive skin. Stay on your side of the bed, focus your damn camera (Fucking Belgians), and wait your turn. If you'd like to take your turn early, ask me or use your fingers! Not this! BTW, she's on her period? Pass me some gloves, thank you. I'm a medical professional, I know what I'm doing. No, I won't pee on her, or you for that matter. And stop E-Mailing me, because you're just becoming creepier! And put the kid in bed! Fucking Belgians. There, a concise list. P.S. If you're a Belgian who doesn't do any of the above things, PM me. I'd like to know that there are some "normal" citizens of that country. Quote Share this post Link to post
sweet_tna 680 Posted September 10, 2008 Uhm, okay. Good to know . . . (Crosses Belgium off European tour itinerary) =) Quote Share this post Link to post
PB&J 1,086 Posted September 10, 2008 People who don't kiss. Men with jewellery on their "jewellery". Men chewing gum while doing the deed. Quote Share this post Link to post
Mr.Essex 264 Posted September 12, 2008 Uhm, okay. Good to know . . . (Crosses Belgium off European tour itinerary) =) Yeah, I created my own mini-meme with that one. Once I'd been outed, it became surprisingly easy to tell my co-workers about my close shaves with "Mrs. Goodbar". Quote Share this post Link to post
todesireu 16 Posted September 14, 2008 Smoking, poor hygiene(body and oral), excessive drinking in order to "have a good time", drama in general, spouses bad mouthing each other while playing with you, people who don't understand or accept "No" for an answer or honor the other couples boundaries. Play partners who don't kiss. Quote Share this post Link to post
mervsmom97 15 Posted September 14, 2008 I'd have to say that our biggest deal breaker is liars. We once had a couple as potential playmates that the wife was a compulsive liar, or so it seemed. We met once and while her and I were alone she started telling me stories. One whopper was that she was once Miss Maine. This woman wasn't ugly by any means, but she certainly wasn't a beauty queen. I couldn't figure out for the life of me why she had told a lie that was so obviously untrue. Hadn't she ever heard of Google? Quote Share this post Link to post