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This post is going to use a lot of labels and stereotypes in the quest gathering information so please turn off the PC filter and share your thoughts openly and maybe we can all seek some useful knowledge together.


A couple days ago I referred to someone as a nerd and I passed it off as ok for me to say that since I am a nerd too. Always have been always will be ( I most closely resemble Gilbert from the original 'Revenge of the Nerds' movie).


Anyway, I got to thinking and it dawned on me that a lot of the people I have encountered in the lifestyle could also be classified as nerds.


Before we got into the lifestyle I had a preconceived notion that the swinger community would be made up primarily of the jock/stud category of men and the cheerleader/beauty queen category of women. What I have witnessed in real life is far from that.


Most of the men I have seen have not been smooth talking ladies men at all and have not been players at all or even necessarily that socially comfortable or outgoing. I have come across a few single males that are totally players and probably score a lot in the vanilla world as well as the lifestyle but they have been the exception. Many of the male halves of couples I have seen have been quite passive if not downright socially awkward and uncomfortable.


Ditto for the ladies. some have been physically beautiful and reasonably charming but most have been just ordinary folks and not a stereotypical cheerleader type at all. And while many of the single males have fit the jock/stud mold, the single fems I have met in person have been the opposite and many probably struggle for a date in the vanilla world.


So I guess my question is, are any of your observations similar or different from what I have described? Please share your thoughts and observations on this. I often hear discussions regarding cliques and such within the lifestyle and I am wondering if this is yet another battlefield between the jocks/cheerleaders and the nerds or is the lifestyle a place where the nerds truly do outnumber the jocks?

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No it's not just your universe, but ours too. :D


We see just your average Jane and Joe in the Lifestyle. Sometimes there is the exceptional beauty or hunk, but that is the exception, not the rule.



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We've noticed the same - very ordinary people in the lifestyle. I was worried when we first went to a gathering - I thought all the people there would be Ken and Barbie - but I was pleasantly surprised that most everyone was 'ordinary'.


What a relief!!



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"Those jocks, all they think about is sports...us nerds, all we think about is sex!"


From your movie mentioned above. I think I'm gonna make that our sig.


We have 2 couples we play with regularly, all of whom are pretty geeky. One couple is very "pretty" but still geeks at heart, believe me. In our scene, there are always a few jock/cheerleader couples at the big parties, but they never come out more than once or twice, and they usually sit around and talk to each other without playing.

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Considering that the conversation I had this summer with one playmate about Battlestar Galactica- I'd have to say, oh yes.

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Considering that the conversation I had this summer with one playmate about Battlestar Galactica- I'd have to say, oh yes.




How about during a "intermission" having a serious discussion about the differences/ Which is better, between the Star Trek/Star Wars.. Nothing like two naked guys, talking about Sci Fi, instead of paying attention to the lovely Naked opposite sex..:bangdesk::wtf3:

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How about during a "intermission" having a serious discussion about the differences/ Which is better, between the Star Trek/Star Wars.. Nothing like two naked guys, talking about Sci Fi, instead of paying attention to the lovely Naked opposite sex..:bangdesk::wtf3:


WOW! I feel good. I've always felt I was pretty geeky, but this is SOLIDLY "light years" beyond my limits :)


Sexy woman in garters? My IQ drops by about 100...

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Oh yes, and then he and I moved on to which version of Star Trek we liked best- go Picard!! Talk about foreplay...

Nothing like being able to connect on that sort of level before moving on to the other.

Even better when it's the naked opposite sex you can have the conversation with, lol

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Now opposite sex... Thats a whole different ballgame. That is insanely hot. UNLESS it becomes a heated battle.


Picard vs. Kirk can get religious. Although I suppose it would just fuel the tension ;)

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Am I the only female nerd out there? Few things can get me hotter than discussing my favorite SF... and must say, would find it hard to connect with a Kirk aficianado. lol. Almost got turned off by a guy when he admitted he liked Wesley!!

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Wesley! Please tell me you did NOT reward this man for such blasphemy!!!


Wesley... /shudder


(BTW - this thread seems to be evidence in and of itself that the answer to the OP is a resounding "clearly yes")

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Things did not work out there... and while I was disappointed at the time, looking back, I ask myself, COULD I have enjoyed myself with a man who thought that Wesley was not a sad excuse for a starfleet officer- at least until the last few episodes when he grew a pair and left?

The answer, clearly: no. Such a man shows a serious lack of judegement.


Hmmm. Maybe the Mr and I will have to haul out the Battlestar DVD's tonight.

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Hahaha... you're completely awesome :) Light some candles, get out Season 1, relive those great moments, and let the magic happen. We'll be thinking about you. (Mrs. Mix is getting nauseous - not a big fan)

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Nice to see someone understands... here comes Agathon for me... Starbuck for him... let the fun begin!!

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I just alt-tabbed out of playing Neverwinter nights 2 to read this.....


If you don't know what that is, its the latest Dungeons and Dragons computer game.


So yes, I'm a nerd, and happy with it.

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Ok, I guess this discussion pretty much proves my point huh?


Live long and prosper!

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Ok, I guess this discussion pretty much proves my point huh?


Live long and prosper!


Reminds me of a line from revenge of the nerds....


"Jocks only think about sports, nerds only think about sex. "

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Again... my wife and I love not only Sci-Fi movies, but books... table top roleplaying games such as D&D, Champions, etc. ... we also have borrowed her sister's copy of the ENTIRE Babylon 5 series on DVD... have all three LOTR extended version movies and yes... my FIRST ever Sci-Fi movie was Star Wars Episode IV when I was only 7 years old.


We also play numerous video games, have an XBOX360, XBOX, PS2, PS1, and ... ready... a modified Sega Genisis and an original Atari 2600 with games. Not enough in the budget of time or money for a Wii or PS3 yet... :(


Oh yeah, I built both of our gaming rigs and I modded my original XBOX, Linksys Wireless router and my DirecTiVo too... ::P:

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I'm not necessarily sure it's so much that we're nerds... but that nerd-culture has become more "mainstream" and acceptable. Everyone's into computers these days... comics are providing the inspiration for some of the best films out there... sci-fi has become the accepted medium for "pushing the limit" in stories when one wants to show something really neat or as a warning for future generations... things which were exclusive to the "nerd"-world at one point have now become pretty standard and normal.


When I was growing up ... who would've thought that they'd all need to know how to type on a keyboard and be glued to a computer screen for a majority of their day... have electronics (cell-phones) strapped to their hips... and be as excited by the prospects of a new gadget coming out as we all are.

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First of all... I am a nerd. Or a geek. My nerd credentials are as such:

  • My first computer was a Commodore VIC-20, which I used to access Compuserve with my ol' 300 baud modem.
  • My second computer was an Atari 800.
  • My third computer was an Atari 1040ST. Ah, I remember the ol' Atari-vs-Amiga days fondly. The fact that I remember my computers growing up should tell you something.
  • We're both avid SF fans. Star Trek, Star Wars, Firefly, Doctor Who, Battlestar: Galactica (both the original and the remake), Babylon 5... you name it, we've watched it. (and probably own the DVD set)
  • My favorite movies? Logan's Run, Tron, Wargames, and Silent Running. (I let our a little geek squeal when I heard they're making Tr2n!)
  • I was a avid RPG player back in the day. Started with AD&D (old school First Edition!), moved onto Shadowrun. To this day I still collect Rifts and Paranoia modules because I enjoy reading them. (The Computer is your friend, Citizen.)
  • We were both crushed to find out that "Star Trek: The Experience" closed in Las Vegas on Labor Day.
  • We both spend way to much time playing World of Warcraft (For the Alliance!) and, as a matter of fact, we're going to Anaheim to attend Blizzcon '08 this year.

Now that that's out of the way, I think that us nerds are more prevalent in the Lifestyle because of two reasons. (1) We weren't the Jocks and Cheerleaders. We never got a real chance to "sow our wild oats". So now we're catching up on "lost time" and, since we're adults and (presumably) more mature, we're able to enjoy the experience much more and conduct it in a safe, responsible matter. (2) And since we didn't experience said "wild" sexual life as teenagers, we were open to developing an different outlook as adults.


The guys I work with all consider me a geek (although I've toughened up since my teenager days... I can hold my own in a street fight fairly well now). And while they're polite about it, they consider Amelia a geek as well. Which is part of the fun of it... they would never consider us swingers. (Because everybody knows swingers are all study jocks and beautiful ex-prom queens, right?)


But, yes, the ranks of nerddom is well represented in the swinging world. Heck, I got into a Holy War* with another swinger once!



Oh yes, and then he and I moved on to which version of Star Trek we liked best- go Picard!!






Picard was a wuss. Kirk was Da Man. Picard's most used phrase was "Open hailing frequencies. Signal our surrender.**"


Am I the only female nerd out there?


Nope. Amelia's pretty much hard-core too.


Almost got turned off by a guy when he admitted he liked Wesley!!


WESLEY?!? The only character I like less then Wesley is Jar-Jar.


I wish that Wesley would one day cross paths with Madam Airlock... uh, I mean President Roslin.


we have all three LOTR extended version movies


Hee hee. We got the super-duper extended versions too. We can't watch the theatrical versions anymore.. they don't seem "complete".


We also play numerous video games, have an XBOX360, XBOX, PS2, PS1


We have a Wii, XBOX 360, and PS3 because, let's face it, they're cool pieces of technology.


Oh yeah, I built both of our gaming rigs and I modded my original XBOX, Linksys Wireless router and my DirecTiVo too... ::P:


So I'm not the only swinger who's running custom firmware in his Linksys Router then? (Tomato Firmware 1.21.7, but I'm pondering installing DD-WRT v24-sp1.)


I'm not necessarily sure it's so much that we're nerds


Dude. I have an amateur radio license.



* - PC vs. Mac

** - Admittedly, Locutus was badass.

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Considering that the conversation I had this summer with one playmate about Battlestar Galactica- I'd have to say, oh yes.


Me and the wife love the show. It is certainly one of the best shows on television and its a shame more people won't watch it simply because mainstream America thinks Sci-Fi is geeky. If America were to give this show chance, the ratings would go through the roof.

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Wesley? He is one step above a red shirt in the Original.. or expanding on whats already been said.. Jar Jar in a starfleet uniform


Now, in as much as I fueled this Sci Fi debate.. I can of course top all of this..


Way back when we started we had a 3some.. ( our ability to pick JUST the right people shines thru ) It was October.. We had a nice dinner, drinks and headed to a quiet neutral ground ( local no tell motel ) and as the festivites were in re coop mode..( yes again) this guy flips on the TV..


Wait for it


To watch the WORLD SERIES.. Soon as the game went on, he was less than useless.. :brkwall::poke:


So, we went ahead had round two, got dressed and for all we know left him sitting there for the rest of the night..


Yep.. another reason we are so down on the single guy/3some thing..

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Reminds me of a line from revenge of the nerds....


"Jocks only think about sports, nerds only think about sex. "


Great line from the movie! Anthony Edwards and David Carradine made that movie so much fun to watch. Bring back the 80's!

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So, we went ahead had round two, got dressed and for all we know left him sitting there for the rest of the night..


Yep.. another reason we are so down on the single guy/3some thing..


Ugh... this would infuriate Mrs. Mix. If she feels used and/or ignored, she gets violent. LOL.

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We're both avid SF fans. Star Trek, Star Wars, Firefly, Doctor Who, Battlestar: Galactica (both the original and the remake), Babylon 5... you name it, we've watched it. (and probably own the DVD set)


I sewed myself a Space:1999 jacket when I was 17.


have all three LOTR extended version movies and yes... my FIRST ever Sci-Fi movie was Star Wars Episode IV when I was only 7 years old.


I have seen each of the original 3 (only ones worth watching) Star Wars movies at least 20 times in the movie theatres. I will never forget walking out of the theatre after the first time I saw A New Hope.


First time watching LOTR, I knew all the lines before they were spoken, because I've read the books so many times that I've got them memorized. (But I must confess, have NEVER seen Shelob since I hid my eyes behind my coat and told my son to tell me when she was gone- and on the DVD I just skip those scenes. Ugh. Spiders.)

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Hey now... To quote Kirk Lazarus, PB&J "You about to cross some lines!"


While I do agree that the original trilogy are classics in a category of their own, Episode 2 and 3 are really exceptional movies if you give them a chance. Ep 1 may not have been great, but the second trilogy did end strong.


Give them one more chance! As a Star Wars fanatic, you owe it to yourself to love the story of the Clone Wars :D


As for the other stuff, I have so much media and technology around the house its preposterous. I started with technology at around 8 years old and its really a core part of my life, like breathing (besides being a career)

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This post is going to use a lot of labels and steriotypes in the quest gathering information so please turn off the PC filter and share your thoughts openly and maybe we can all seek some usefull knowledge together.


Before we got into the lifestyle I had a preconcieved notion that the swinger community would be made up primarily of the jock/stud catagory of men and the cheerleader/beauty queen catagory of women. What I have witnessed in real life is far from that.


I do realize that in my expectations of what I expected to see before I ever went to any lifestyle functions, was also probably a sterotype. However since I've been attending and actually in the lifestyle, most stereotypes have been non-existent or I've not noticed them, because of the broad types of people in the lifestyle. The preconception that you describe isn't exactly the one I had, however my conceptions were also far from what I found to be the situation.


Most of the men I have seen have not been smooth talking ladies men at all and have not been players at all or even necessarily that socially comfortable or outgoing. .................. Many of the male halves of couples I have seen have been quite passive if not downright socially awkward and uncomfortable.


Odly enough I too feel like I sometimes fit into this socially awkward box, as I'm so quiet. But yes I have found that the men and the women in some cases are not totally at ease, although I think it is probably because when people transition back and forth from the vanila to the neopolitan flavored lifestyle, many struggle with it socially (because the expectations of social interaction are often opposites).


while many of the single males have fit the jock/stud mold, the single fems I have met in person have been the opposite and many probably struggle for a date in the vanilla world.


My experience and perception in the lifestyle in the area of physical attractiveness seems quite different, in that I have found that there is probably the same variety of physical attractiveness in the neopolitan world as there is in the vanilla world. I'm a confident and attractive guy, but I've seen people that I look at and I just don't feel that I'm attractive enough for them, and I've seen people at the other end of the spectrum that I don't consider attractive at all.



So I guess my question is, are any of your observations similar or different from what I have described? Please share your thoughts and observations on this. I often hear discussions regarding cliques and such within the lifestyle and I am wondering if this is yet another battlefield between the jocks/cheerleaders and the nerds or is the lifestyle a place where the nerds truly do outnumber the jocks?


It's odd that you ask this. I think for the most part most people in the lifestyle are open to meeting new people, but I do beleive that "cliques" or groups of people that are familiar with, do form.


And, because of these different groups, sometimes it may appear that social circles may not be in competition but sometimes it appears that they aren't in favor mixing their groups. So I get that perception.


I've heard there are some "barbie and ken" (or "Jocks/Beauties) groups that have a mentality of if you aren't a "ken and barbie"/"jock &/or beauty" they don't want to be associated with you. I don't really agree with this mentality, but I also don't think this is the majority of groups that appear to be cliques.


However, mostly I think it is not necessarily a mentality of "we don't associate with people of this behavior or type, as much as it is things that individuals become comfortable with. This is also a common occurence in other areas of life such as politics, religion, and other life social circles. While sex is more common than any other interest in life, I don't think swinging is any more likely not to form cliques than any other social circle because of this one interest. And at times it will appear to be jocks against nerds, but I think most groups or cliques are open to meeting new people. Although as intimidating as it may seem, the outsiders to the group or another group has to make the effort to interact with the groups.


Alright to summarize: There are groups that form in the neopolitan world (just like any social circle), but I don't they are against interaction for the most part (like high school jocks and nerds).

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Well and to be fair, these things are never really black and white anyway. Maybe my experience was different b/c I grew up in the inner city, but the Hollywood vision of "jocks vs nerds" didnt remotely exist in HS for me.


There were athletes, and they did hang together, but plenty of athletes had non-athlete friends and everyone was generally just "normal" There were kids who were exceptionally good students (I was one in between bouts of being very very bad), but again, there was no stigma I felt by the time HS rolled around. Cliques formed around other things and *within* the clique you'd have athletes, idiots, honor students, etc.


Of course for us it was more how closely you got to the gang/drug/truancy culture that drew the line. Myself, I went too far that way many times and then "cleaned up" and was welcomed back to my "normal" friends with no issues.


So reality is often shades of grey and I suspect it is the same here. No one is an absolute walking stereotype no matter how they may appear.


THat said, still a fun topic and I still want PB&J to re-watch Ep 1,2 & 3 :D

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Oh all right, but I'm fast-forwarding through the race in Episode One.:surrend:

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JustMrJ has been a nerd for a while. I myself like playing games and Yes I have Neverwinter nights 2. I agree with everyone here I am happy there is adverage people in this lifestyle. I have seen some hunks during the time I have been in this lifestyle but it is good to have a variety to play with.

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Very interesting...lets see...I was always a part of the in crowd because I played sports in high school! Went to college to play sports but I didn't...started drinking and partying...still a pretty active social life but stayed to myself alot...especially when it was time for tests/exams....Joined a fraternity and became even more popular but never really liked the attention so I went back to keeping to myself....Now.....I keep to myself....I go to work...get online when I come home...and I swing!! Not much into going to clubs...or hanging out at the latest night spots....I guess to some that may make me a nerd!! However, its the nerds that will be your true friends because we all have something to loose and take the lifestyle for what it is....its the cool people that will stab you in the back to try to boost their popularity.

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Does not find this thread amusing.





Well and to be fair, these things are never really black and white anyway. Maybe my experience was different b/c I grew up in the inner city, but the Hollywood vision of "jocks vs nerds" didnt remotely exist in HS for me.

Same for me in a small town high school. It was a very blended crowd with just a little bit of differentiation between the cliques. Most cliques were very fluid with folks moving between them quite often.


The Garth Algar type nerd never had a real problem at our school. The only nerd-type to suffer severely was the "I know everything about every subject and you are an inferior life-form" nerd. Lots of ostracism heaped out on a daily basis.


As for me, I'm probably 25% nerd. I dabble in the nerd world, but never made the commitment.

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Oh, man. I went to a classic clique-y high school. And I was waaaay out to the nerdy end of things. Which I didn't mind, because I didn't really have anything to say to the cool crowd. It was pretty funny, though, in my last year, when it was discovered that I was some sort of cousin to one of the football/drinking team stars, and he actually came up and talked to me.


The Mr and I have often commented, "If only they could see me now!!"

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To watch the WORLD SERIES.. Soon as the game went on, he was less than useless.. :brkwall::poke:


Okay, true story, slightly off topic.


Amelia and I were at a local on-premises swing club. Things were still at the "buffet and chat" stage, so I wander into the TV room. They have a big-screen TV where they're usually playing porn, but this particular night they had the World Series on. It was the last game, Florida Marlins vs. New York Yankees.


I'm not much of a baseball fan, but the Marlins were my home team and I never did like the Yankees much. So, a NY player hits a pop fly which is caught deep into the outfield. Marlins win, taking the Series.


I make a classic "pump the air" gesture while saying "YES! GO MARLINS! YANKEES SUCK!". I then notice the shocked silence and hostile stares of some of the other men around me. It was right about then that the light bulb went on over my head and I remembered we were less then 90 miles away from NYC, and a significant number of people attending actually drove here from there.


Oddly enough, we didn't get much action that night.


I sewed myself a Space:1999 jacket when I was 17.


Touche, ma'am.


Ep 1 may not have been great, but the second trilogy did end strong.


Watch out, PB&J! It's a trap!


(snicker) My new-mail notification sound on my work computer is Darth going "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

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My new-mail notification sound on my work computer is Darth going "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"


And that scene had almost redeemed it for me. It was almost the real thing. The visuals of the helmet going on, the whole symbolism, I said to my son, THIS is what it should be like.... and then he drops to his kneees and turns into Seymour Skinner.


Not to mention that Christopher Lee has an almost identical setting and speech in SW and in LOTR- erstwhile ally and now his prisoner before him, being lectured about why it just makes sense to go over to the Dark Side and serve evil overlord.


George Lucas could have done SO much better!!

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George Lucas could have done SO much better!!


(sigh) I agree. I find the prequel trilogy a fun ride, but ultimately disappointing.


But, hey... look at the bright side. It could have been worse.


"Darth Jar-Jar"

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Susan here. I was at a really great weekend Swing party once. I ended up chatting up this one guy, we were both naked and despite that we talked physics. He was an engineer and I've had a couple of college courses. After an hour (I'm not kidding) we finally realized ,"aren't we here to get laid?" And then we did :) . And you know what ? Science guys ,who know they're having sex with a science girl, make wonderful lovers.

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(Sigh) I considered myself a nerd in high school (of the band nerd variety), but it seems as I've gotten older I've lost that social awkwardness and tend to have more "mainstream" hobbies/interests.


That said, I seem to have a thing for nerds. Mr. Sweet LOVES Sci Fi, and most of my male playmates are nerds. The payoff is that I have my own personal "Geek Squad". :)


Now that that's out of the way, I think that us nerds are more prevalent in the Lifestyle because of two reasons. (1) We weren't the Jocks and Cheerleaders. We never got a real chance to "sow our wild oats". So now we're catching up on "lost time" and, since we're adults and (presumably) more mature, we're able to enjoy the experience much more and conduct it in a safe, responsible matter. (2) And since we didn't experience said "wild" sexual life as teenagers, we were open to developing an different outlook as adults.


Hmmm . . . what astute insight. Where have I heard this before . . . ?


Kinda' makes me think we're the adult version of the Breakfast Club. ;)



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Certainly, being an outsider nerd in high school gave me a sublime disregard for the opinion of my peer group which has survived until this day. In other words, I don't care what other people's judgements of me are- I will do what I feel is right for me to do, not because it's trendy or cool. And now, that means swinging.

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Hmmm . . . what astute insight. Where have I heard this before . . . ?


And, of course, you don't want to provoke a nerd to use his nerdpowers for Evil instead of Good.


So, Sweet, how's that wireless printing that I set up for ya working out, hmmmmm? :cool:


(nor is there anything scarier then nerdrage)

(well, unless it's the wrath of a woman scorned)

(or the wrath of a nerd-woman scorned)

(of the wrath of a redheaded nerd-woman scorned)

(or the wrath of a... you know, I'm gonna stop now. Soon we'll be getting into WMD-grade stuff here.)

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I think that us nerds are more prevalent in the Lifestyle because of two reasons. (1) We weren't the Jocks and Cheerleaders. We never got a real chance to "sow our wild oats". So now we're catching up on "lost time" and, since we're adults and (presumably) more mature, we're able to enjoy the experience much more and conduct it in a safe, responsible matter. (2) And since we didn't experience said "wild" sexual life as teenagers, we were open to developing an different outlook as adults.


Chris, Amelia, you took the words right out of my mouth. Regardless of cultural background, I've always noticed that swingers are stereotypically nerdy. Whether it's an affinity for technology and science, an ability to quantify morality (most men wouldn't be able to watch their wives having a multiple orgasm with another man, never mind being able to avoid the "normal" violent reaction), or the quintessential "uncomfortable in their own skin" vibe that seems to be a nerd's defining attribute, most if not all of the carnally successful/popular and long-term swingers that I have known have been nerds. I noticed it in America and Europe, even among the single women and emptier-balled of the single men.


IME, as an admitted nerd, I get the most results when I can grab and maintain the attention of the husband and the wife. And that means that I have to be able to talk about sports and celebrities, makes and models of cars and fashion, cooking and music, and on one interesting occasion, 1900's literature. An intelligent man can maintain two disparate conversations, but it takes a true nerd to meld the topics together. I've rambled too much, let's change the subject. :o

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And, of course, you don't want to provoke a nerd to use his nerdpowers for Evil instead of Good.


So, Sweet, how's that wireless printing that I set up for ya working out, hmmmmm? :cool:


(nor is there anything scarier then nerdrage)

(well, unless it's the wrath of a woman scorned)

(or the wrath of a nerd-woman scorned)

(of the wrath of a redheaded nerd-woman scorned)

(or the wrath of a... you know, I'm gonna stop now. Soon we'll be getting into WMD-grade stuff here.)


Uh huh. Lucky for you I'm "just" a strawberry blonde . . . or not.


Btw, whose team beat the ever-lovin' crap outta' yours in fantasy football? What was the wager again . . . ?



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It's also possible that our demographics are slightly skewed because we're discussing this on an online forum??


Possibly but I know a lot of swingers who are nerds, including one couple who plays World of Warcraft together.



Now it just might be the swingers I know are nerds because thats who we like to hang out with, but it seems a pretty common thread.

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Btw, whose team beat the ever-lovin' crap outta' yours in fantasy football? What was the wager again . . . ?


Woah! You're discussing football in a thread dedicated to relishing in our nerdliness? That's like causing a breach in the Enterprise's warp core by deactivating the magnetic containment pods for the anti-matter storage unit!


(and your team beat my team only because I had the misfortune of having Tom Brady's legs separated from the rest of his body.)


Possibly but I know a lot of swingers who are nerds, including one couple who plays World of Warcraft together.


Hey, we do that too! :sfight:

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Woah! You're discussing football in a thread dedicated to relishing in our nerdliness? That's like causing a breach in the Enterprise's warp core by deactivating the magnetic containment pods for the anti-matter storage unit!


(and your team beat my team only because I had the misfortune of having Tom Brady's legs separated from the rest of his body.)


Relish in your nerdiness all you like. I still kicked your arse. And for the record, my team was beating yours before Brady's legs buckled. (And if you'd had the sense to draft a backup QB, you wouldn't be in this fix!)


As for the warp-core breach . . . that happens in, like, every episode. :rollseye:



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This thread reminded me of one occasion (ok it happened a bunch of times) were in order to get our attention (was playing on the computer or the 360 with the other guy) the girls started getting naked and making out.


Oh by the way, me thinks Stargate beats the socks out of Star Trek. BUYAH!

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[stepping gingerly into this thread...]


Okay, I have NO idea about Star Wars, D&D, LOTR, PC vs. Mac Holy Wars, or any related stuff so I don't know whether I'm simply a social klutz or if I'm just an ignorant nerd.


Mr. intuition wasn't really a nerd, but I was the bookworm who lived in the high school library. Did I read Building Your Own Computer for Dummies while I was there? No. Mainly I just did it to avoid people. My only qualifiers as a nerd - I guess - is that I don't really give a crap what people think about my weirdness, I'm relatively smart, and I have difficulty walking straight because I have my foot in my mouth half the time. Oh, and I should probably seek out a support group for compulsive researchers. I hear about something and the next thing I know I'm googling the shit out of it. I don't know as much about computers as I'd like, but I make friends with them real fast.


JustMrJ, you are a rockstar. We're renovating our rec room and I want to get a BIG plasma TV and hook it up with my son's XBOX. He's a nerd-in-training and goes into withdrawal if he's away from his games for too long. I keep pestering my Mom to see if she knows where she put my old ColecoVision and all the games. OMG, I put some hours on that thing. Zaxxon and Gorf rock!


EDIT>> Oh yeah! And I think there is a high nerd concentration in the lifestyle, probably because they're intelligent and comfortable going against the grain. Swinging requires thinking outside the box, and you can't do that without intelligence. And most nerds are aware that they are nerds. It's only a demeaning label if the bullies slap it on you; otherwise it's a kind of badge of honour. So being a nerd generally means that there's a sort of built-in confidence and genuineness. Again...just another plus in the lifestyle.


So no, it doesn't surprise me. :)

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FYI - those last two sentences make up for everything else in terms of "geek cred", in case you're keeping score :D


Memories of game consoles pre-crash are guaranteed, proof positive, "old school geek"

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