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Where have all the swingers gone?

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It seems to us that the age range for swingers seems to average between the late 30's to mid 40's. Closing in on our 50's started us wondering. What happens to that large group of swingers once they hit their 50's? Do they drop out of the lifestyle? Have they had enough fun for one lifetime? Do they feel they are getting too old and just decide to give it up? Where has that group gone? Why don't they continue on in the lifestyle?


Being newbies and perhaps getting a late start in this lifestyle makes us wonder if we will have any choice of playmates come the next few years. Does anyone have any theories, any first hand knowledge or any ideas as to this phenomenon?

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Oh, there are plenty of us out there, yes, you see a lot of the younger couples signing up, those of us in the early 50s are out there, you just have to adjust your search for that.



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We're in our early 50s now and we have noticed a thinning of the ranks. We know some have stopped due to health issues. It does seem to be making things a bit sparse for us now :(

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We started late (late 40's) also and are in a holding pattern due to health issues. However, when we get the medical clearance we intend to jump right back in.

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We are in our early 60's been in the lifestyle for 35 years or so(ran a club for 20 of those). What we see is the older couples are leaving the clubs and doing the house party route. We prefer a group of say 4-8 couples, having dinner then "retiring" for a few hours of playtime to the hubbub of the club scene,

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"Where have all the swingers gone?

"Long time cumming...

"Where have all the swingers gone?

"Long time ago...


"Where have all the swingers gone?

"Gone to survival, everyone...

"When will they ever learn?

"When will they ever learn?"


Health issues in our case have had some effect. Breast cancer and a mastectomy just seem to have naturally diminished our sex drive.


Additionally, our IRA has lost about half its value over the past eight years, giving us far less disposable income than we had planned for our retirement years.


We've found ourselves not willing to expend the energy or money to seek out playmates. Consequently, we find ourselves using our waning sex drive on each other, which ain't all that bad, really. However, when the rare opportunity presents itself, we're not likely to turn it down just because we're lazy.



Mr. Alura

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We live in a sparsely populated area. We just moved to a town with less people than the last one. LOL


The economy for us has stopped a few of the parties that we've gone to before. Now that gas is declining, it might be in the cards that things will get better. :D

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We live in a sparsely populated area. We just moved to a town with less people than the last one. LOL


The economy for us has stopped a few of the parties that we've gone to before. Now that gas is declining, it might be in the cards that things will get better. :D


We also live in a rural area. Swingers aren't just next door to us, either. We have to drive 30 miles or so usually to meet couples we know, so the bad economy has affected us , too. And living in a small town/rural area, if there are swingers close by, most of the time you don't want to play with them due to the fact that everybody knows everybody's business, and we prefer to keep our business to ourselves, lol.

Another thing, we are also approaching the big 50, and we find that the younger folks, for the most part, don't want anything to do with us old farts. I guess it's the feeling that they screwing their parents or grandparents, lol. We decided not to play with anybody that was young enough to be our child.

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"Where have all the swingers gone?

"Long time cumming...

"Where have all the swingers gone?

"Long time ago...


"Where have all the swingers gone?

"Gone to survival, everyone...

"When will they ever learn?

"When will they ever learn?"




So Alura....you were reading our minds. LOL


Well, so far it seems like health issues and the economy, the latter of which that can most affect all age groups, that seem to be the most popular reasons. I can understand the health issues thinning some of the heard (so to speak) but if we were to hypothesize, we would have to guess it would be something other then that accounting for the drastic drop off. Although maybe it is a combination of all the reasons posted so far that when added up account for the loss in numbers. Hmmm I think we were looking for something just a little more concrete.

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I don't know if this is appropriate, but I'm a little weird anyhow.


I keep thinking about the young bull talking to the older bull on the hill.


Young bull says " Hey, lets run down there. Crash through the fence and fuck a few of those cows, real quick like "


Old bull says " How about we walk down there, go through the gate and fuck em all, throughout the night "


Sometimes we just go about swinging in a more laid back way.


Sometimes we are like a jack in the box.... We have been known to pop up anywhere, at any time....

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I didn't realize we were missing. :lol:


For us, the silliness of the games on the internet waned very quickly. We choose house parties, clubs, resorts and large gatherings (N'awlins, cruises, conventions) to meet people. Our primary use of online sites is to check out the Events.


The economy didn't change much in our case, except for air travel. Instead of going to Cancun by air, we're taking a cruise.

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We've jumped into the lifestyle right around the age of 50. Ok, I was a child of 47!! Anyway, we have encountered lots of older swingers, mostly through a house party we were lucky enough to stumble upon, but also a club that caters to an older group. Been to one large gathering that made us feel like wrinkly old people. On the whole, I'd say that they are out there, and some of them are VERY active, but they don't tend to fall into the it's-Saturday-night-what-hot-club-are-you-going-to group, like on one of the sites we belong to.

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It seems to us that the age range for swingers seems to average between the late 30's to mid 40's. Closing in on our 50's started us wondering. What happens to that large group of swingers once they hit their 50's? Do they drop out of the lifestyle? Have they had enough fun for one lifetime? Do they feel they are getting too old and just decide to give it up? Where has that group gone? Why don't they continue on in the lifestyle?


Being newbies and perhaps getting a late start in this lifestyle makes us wonder if we will have any choice of playmates come the next few years. Does anyone have any theories, any first hand knowledge or any ideas as to this phenomenon?




We were looking to maybe going to Desire in Cancun but the one constant thing I heard is that it tends to be late 40's+ on average age wise.


So to answer your question, they all went to Mexico.

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We're in our mid-50s, and began only a year ago. We haven't played with couples as old as us, though. There just don't seem to be many. Most of our partners have been 40-somethings, but some in their 20s and 30s.


Could fitness be an issue? We see many people in their 40s who look worn out.

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Life happens. I've known my share of women who were peri-menopausal before the age of 30, and they wanted to get as much fun out of life as possible before the need for extra lube and extended foreplay "disrupted" :rollseye: the flow of the scene (IMHO, swinger foreplay is part of the fun, but I'm not every person in the club). I played with a couple in which the man was good for one strong erection a week, and they didn't want to use his erection at a club but they didn't want to be typecast as a "cuckold" couple.

A lot of older couples are getting into the "breakdown" cycle of human life, so they may play on a much slower basis than younger couples. Sometimes, one person breaks down quicker than another, but the healthier member of the couple is honor-bound to stand by their partner (No offense to those of you who are willing to let your healthier spouse go to parties by his or herself. And yes, I'd resign myself to a life of masturbation if I were to be attached to a wife who was unable to join me in the lifestyle.) For them, the spoken wedding vows were more important than being seen at "Shenannigans" on Friday night. And, sadly, some people don't have the best experiences in the lifestyle. I've read quite a bit of the threads on this board. The amount of crushed ideals, phony playmates and disappointing encounters that are relayed by the posters is disenheartening to me, and I wasn't even involved. I can only imagine how disappointed it would be for the people involved, to read about everyone else's A-class playtimes, then comparing those ecperiences to their routine of 5 failures to every good encounter.

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I think a few posts here may be onto something. It seems in our area there is NO SHORTAGE of older swingers, at least not at the local socials and parties. Since 45-50 is the upper end our search usually we don't run into couples beyond that online, but in-person the high end of our search is the low end of average.


So perhaps it's a matter of getting off the internet and out in person. Meet some others in your age range and then ask them where the parties are.

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So perhaps it's a matter of getting off the internet and out in person. Meet some others in your age range and then ask them where the parties are.


I think you may have it right there. It's just a fact that in order to meet swingers, you have to go where the swingers are. There might not be a lot of older swingers online, but a trip to the local club will prove there's no shortage of mature couples who are ready for whatever you have in mind. At least that's been our experience.

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So perhaps it's a matter of getting off the internet and out in person. Meet some others in your age range and then ask them where the parties are.



We do frequent the two most popular clubs in our area and have found the demographics to be pretty much the same with what is online. It could very well be that socials and parties can be the place to find connections that match your specific demographic but the whole point of the thread was to examine the drastic drop off in numbers (which is a fact) when swingers do hit a certain age and to hypothesize why in fact that may be occurring. Nobody is questioning that swingers over 50 can be found, it's just that their numbers don't correspond to the amount of swingers that were available when they were in their 40's.

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I'm sure people have various reason for dropping out of the lifestyle - health, divorce, economic, etc...


At the risk of generalizing here, perhaps it's a slowing down of the sex drive as people age? That's pretty common. Some guys get to feeling kind of inadequate because they're not able to perform as they once did, and some women just aren't as interested in sex as they once were. It happens.


Then again, maybe I'm totally off-base and they're all whooping it up at a party we haven't been invited to... :)

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I'm sure people have various reason for dropping out of the lifestyle - health, divorce, economic, etc...


At the risk of generalizing here, perhaps it's a slowing down of the sex drive as people age? That's pretty common. Some guys get to feeling kind of inadequate because they're not able to perform as they once did, and some women just aren't as interested in sex as they once were. It happens.


Excellent observation!!


Then again, maybe I'm totally off-base and they're all whooping it up at a party we haven't been invited to...

:lol: Us either

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The ebb and flow of life at all ages changes the way everyone approaches the lifestyle. It doesn't matter if you are younger, older or whatever. I've watched couples come and go at all ages. What I am trying to say is the clientile can change about every six months to a year or so. There are those who keep going over the years and are regulars. But in the long run it does change.

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I'm sure people have various reason for dropping out of the lifestyle - health, divorce, economic, etc...


At the risk of generalizing here, perhaps it's a slowing down of the sex drive as people age? That's pretty common. Some guys get to feeling kind of inadequate because they're not able to perform as they once did, and some women just aren't as interested in sex as they once were. It happens.


There is also the whole menapause thing that tends to hit around that age.


I guess the point of my earlier post is that the average age seems to vary based on where you are... in our area, the bulk of the couples we

seem to come across especially in person (and often online) are in their 50's.

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