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We were playing with a new couple this past weekend. Both Mrs. YZF and I started with a lot of restrictions when we got into the the lifestyle but have have relaxed little by little to where basically we do not inhibit ourselves but will respect whatever rules who we play with have.


This past weekend I was taking the woman I was playing with doggie style, her upper torso was on the couch as she helped Mrs. YZF pleasure her husband orally.


Just a bit earlier, both Mrs. YZF and her had been in opposite positions with Mrs. YZF being tagged doggie style and both of them blowing me. I gave ample warning that I was coming, the play partner backed away and Mrs. YZF completed the deed and swallowed.


"I want some of that," the husband said.


For the last few years, I have gotten to a point where I do not lose my hardon when my partner swallows. So we switch. I start doing his wife, Mrs. YZF gets between his legs and starts doing him orally getting an occassional assist from his wife. Everything is fine until he cums. Since nothing is said before hand, and it became apparent when I came that the wife is a dodger we assumed that it was okay if Mrs. YZF swallowed.


It wasn't. The wife got all pissed at Mrs. YZF. I felt that there had been sufficient opportunities for this to be made clear by them, especially the wife. Nothing was said when Mrs. YZF swallowed when I came. The husband's "I want some of that" was misinterpretted.

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Yes, I would say there was a lack of proper communication in this case.


When Mrs. YZF swallowed and the other husband said "I want some of that..." I would have interpreted that as meaning, I want someone to swallow mine. And since his wife was a dodger, that would mean Mrs. YZF.:splooge:


Chalk it up to mis-communication/non-communication. :trainwreck:

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Clearly, they had a rule between them that was not shared (probably that he was not to finish in someone's mouth). Otherwise, I don't see how other gal could know whether it would be a spit or swallow event.


Frankly, I agree with you. Given all that had gone on before and the other guys desire to "get some," I would have assumed that other gal should have seen it coming (pun intended).


All that being said, not every couple has thought through all of the possible circumstances of a get together. Sometimes people are simply caught off guard.

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What lookingfornow said. ^^^^^^ There's a zillion things that can happen in any given encounter. It's virtually impossible to discuss all possibilities beforehand and establish rules for all of them, much less remember all of them.


For my wife and I, we didn't have a huge rule set when we started. What rule set we did have has since dwindled. It's much easier to remember when most anything goes. :)


Communication about limits is important. I imagine what the "biggies" are varies from couple to couple. But, where the guys get to cum is probably on the list for most people.


We make it clear to guys we play with that my wife, though she LOVES giving oral, does not like to have guys cum in her mouth. She can do it, but it's not her favorite thing, so she saves that for me.

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You can't get pissed off at someone else for breaking YOUR rule when you never made the rule clear to them. Move on.... more drama shall follow.

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We were playing with a new couple this past weekend. Both Mrs. YZF and I started with a lot of restrictions when we got into the the lifestyle but have have relaxed little by little to where basically we do not inhibit ourselves but will respect whatever rules who we play with have.


This past weekend I was taking the woman I was playing with doggie style, her upper torso was on the couch as she helped Mrs. YZF pleasure her husband orally.


Just a bit earlier, both Mrs. YZF and her had been in opposite positions with Mrs. YZF being tagged doggie style and both of them blowing me. I gave ample warning that I was coming, the play partner backed away and Mrs. YZF completed the deed and swallowed.


"I want some of that," the husband said.


For the last few years, I have gotten to a point where I do not lose my hardon when my partner swallows. So we switch. I start doing his wife, Mrs. YZF gets between his legs and starts doing him orally getting an occassional assist from his wife. Everything is fine until he cums. Since nothing is said before hand, and it became apparent when I came that the wife is a dodger we assumed that it was okay if Mrs. YZF swallowed.


It wasn't. The wife got all pissed at Mrs. YZF. I felt that there had been sufficient opportunities for this to be made clear by them, especially the wife. Nothing was said when Mrs. YZF swallowed when I came. The husband's "I want some of that" was misinterpretted.


I doubt it was misinterpreted at all. The husband wanted to come in Mrs. YZF's mouth. That's apparent by what happened next.


The only question, not that it matters now, is whether he and his wife had discussed whether it'd be okay with her if someone else did for her husband something she doesn't want to do? If they didn't talk about it between the two of them, and the husband just assumed it would be okay, then obviously they need to talk more. If he knew it wouldn't be okay and did it anyway, he wasn't respecting her wishes. Either way, it's not the OP's fault or his wife's fault. The other wife should have realized that. She probably did, but it was easier to get mad at Mrs. YZF than at her husband. You two didn't deserve for anyone to get angry with you.

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Mrs. YZF likes to take the biggest guy she can anally also. Most of the time this means she is doing what alot of guys' wives won't do because of their size. They (the wives) have always been okay with it and will take on guiding and lubing duties.


This is the first time there as been a problem.

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It wasn't. The wife got all pissed at Mrs. YZF. I felt that there had been sufficient opportunities for this to be made clear by them, especially the wife. Nothing was said when Mrs. YZF swallowed when I came. The husband's "I want some of that" was misinterpretted.


I also don't think there was any misinterpretation. I think he wanted to cum in Mrs. YZF's mouth, and he did.


I'm still not sure why the other wife would be upset when there was plenty of opportunity to voice a boundary. Or maybe it wasn't a boundary, but thought he was having more fun than her? I don't know. Some people can be so weird.

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If he knew it was a boundary and didn't pull out, then he is the one who overstepped it. If he and his wife had discussed this earlier, then he shouild have done like the first gentlement and given prior notice that he was cumming, thus giving himself a chance to pull out.

In our case my wife does not mind taking the cum in the mouth, but she just doesn't do it all the time. She makes that call and if she takes it in her mouth it is because she was in the type of sexy mood. I am definietley not jealous about it, and if the woman in the other couple won't take it in the mouth I have no probem with that either.

Proves there was somewhat of a miscommunication here. Hopefully that other couple has fixed that situation so it doesn't happen again next time.


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Ah... someone didn't lay out the fine print huh?

It seems that putting it all out on the table is something that this couple could learn to benefit from. Perhaps they didn;t even know that they would not think it was cool until it happened?



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