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The social we went to this last weekend gave us a really good chance to see a different type of layout and how different choices in seating/standing/placement can affect the way others perceive your level of approachability. This is based solely on how we perceived others...


Sitting at the bar with your back to the room - unapproachable. We saw at least 2 couples remain in this position for much of the night and while we would have loved to approach them we felt very uncomfortable doing so, as they were giving us the vibe that they were not interested in what the room had to offer. Eventually, one of the couples finally turned their bodies so that they were facing each other instead of the bar, that gave us the opportunity we needed and we did introduce ourselves and had a good time chatting with them.


Sitting in a booth - this venue had booths as well as high top tables. It seemed to us that those couples who went towards a booth as their choice of seat did not want to be bothered. They wanted privacy, as they seemed to be closing themselves off from the group. We did not approach any couples sitting in booths.


Sitting/Standing at a high top table - approachable. When we did approach these couples we stood, unless invited to sit (and then only if we were comfortable with the idea of staying there for a bit).


Patio seating - this venue had patio tables, which is where most of the smokers stayed. We wondered out there occasionally just to see who was out there and what was going on. It was easy enough to talk to people IF they were not sitting in a large group already appearing to be in their own world.


What other situations have you seen that have affected the approachability level of a couple/single in a club/social setting? Do large tables over small tables make a difference? What about hot tubs? Sofas?


One of our favorite clubs had a couple of sofas in the social/dance area. It always seems like two couples manage to take over that area and if you attempt to sit there (even if only one couple is sitting there) you are informed that those seats are taken (evidently the sofas are highly coveted in this particular area). However, there are also sofas in a conversation areas and those seem more open with those sitting there more approachable.

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Appearing unapproachable can depend on the facility you're at and how you make the best of it. Some places are designed well for interacting with ease, others are not.


Stay Away Sign: Sit all night in one spot in a dark corner, away from traffic.


If you can remain standing - and move about throughout the night - that is by far the most approachable position in my view. We do this nearly always if we want people to feel welcome to walk up to us, however, we are accustomed to walking up to others rather than waiting for people to approach us.


Standing for hours is hard on me so after a time I've got to sit down. When we do, we try to pick a table for 4 where people are always moving by so that we can make eye contact, say hello while they pass, or prompt them to stop by or sit down to chat.


We like being at a bar that is u-shaped (or better yet, a circular bar in the center of the room) and has a big mirror behind the liquor shelves so that we can see what's going on behind us. We're also sitting up high at a bar and can watch people easily, and people are always coming up to a bar to order drinks. We always try to turn toward each other so that our backs aren't to the group.


If you are with a group of friends, being approachable may not be as important because you may have you're own party going on and don't feel the need to meet others on a particular night. In this case a circular booth or sitting area with couches is great!



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Sitting at a bar is only bad if you face only the bar. Well, unless the bartender is the object of your desire.


Booths are BAD! It is similar to going to a room and closing the door. Few people will walk by, perhaps stop and chat, but who wants to stand above someone and talk to them for long?


Tables have the ability to invite people from all sides, tall tables are best as you are eye to eye at least. The tables positioning int he room is also important. You dont want to be at a table in the corner. People may not make it that far.


One form of bar table that I have seen that works in virtually every community is the long (12 feet) tall table. At least 12 people can sit at this table facing each other and passers-by can stop and say hi to anyone on either side. This is a great table set up.


Walking about the club is probably the best way to show that you are aproachable.


Sitting in or around the pool or hot tub is as available as you can get. People have to float past you so make eye contact and say HI!


One point though. It is not always just the places you sit that make you approachable. If you do not look at people, it makes no difference where you are. You will always seem unavailable. Look at them when they walk into the room. If they catch your eye, smile and even wink. That is an invit if ever there was.

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Another factor in approachability is the way a person dresses – mainly the ladies.


A lot of women, Lin included, aren’t into ‘club wear.’ She thinks that a lot of the outfits she sees at a club are pretty contrived. Ok, maybe some of them are, but for the most part I think they’re just downright sexy. She’s a firm believer in the idea that sometimes what you can’t see is sexier than putting everything on open display. She says that anyone can get naked – the point is to get the other person interested in wanting to see what’s beneath the clothing, rather than just stripping off and letting them see it all at once. So basically she’ll pick out a sexy dress or skirt and blouse to wear, and we go from there.


I’ve really gotten her to loosen up in her manner of dress by talking to her about approachability. She’ll undo more buttons to show off a lot more cleavage than she used to. (A blouse buttoned up to cover her cleavage screams “Don’t look!” So does a button down skirt or dress that is completely buttoned up.) She’ll unbutton her skirt from the bottom up to allow her legs to show as she walks or sits (and to provide for easier access, should the need arise.) She wears shorter skirts than she ever has, and just about all of her ‘club attire’ buttons up the front so she can control just how much she’s showing off at any given time, as well as be able to unbutton it completely once we get into the playroom.


When I see a lady wearing tight fitting jeans and a western shirt, I pretty much enjoy the view, but don’t approach. The jeans look sexy, but they also restrict access – this tells me that she doesn’t want anyone to have access, whether she intends it that way or not. That’s how I interpret it. The more covered a woman’s body is, to me anyway, the less open, approachable, and welcoming she is. Again – that’s just my interpretation. Wearing a boot length winter coat doesn’t give the impression that you want to be approached – it gives me the impression that you’re ready to make your escape at a moment’s notice.


How you carry yourself says a lot about approachability too. As has been said before, standing or walking around in the higher traffic areas silently send the signal that you want to socialize. Sitting in a tall stool in a high traffic area does the same, although not as well. You at least appear to be approachable in that you’ve placed yourself where it’s more likely that you will be approached.


How you sit is important too. Sitting with your arms folded across your chest, leaning over forward, or having your hands lying in your lap give the impression that you’re hiding something from view or protecting something you think might be threatened. It’s the same as sitting at the bar with your back to the crowd – that says, “Leave us alone.” Sitting upright, with one hand on your table and the other by your side (or both hands by your sides) send a signal that you’re welcoming others to look, because your body is open to view. You’re inviting the attention, and appear open and approachable. Lin and I also sit opposite each other at the table, leaving an open stool beside each of us. That sends the signal that there is room for others to join us if they’d care to.


If you want to appear approachable, you have to look as though you’re inviting and welcoming the attention others are paying to you. As CXXC said, a welcoming smile does act as an invitation to further interest. Inviting body language does so as well – even from across a room.

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Guest screaminggood

I agree with the previous poster...especially about the women in jeans. We've never bothered to approach them. I don't buy clubwear, but do wear short skirts without panties and revealing blouses. I've noticed that bi-women tend to go pantiless more often....does anyone else's research affirm this?


As for the place, I definitely like a high bar stool where we can sit facing the dance floor. The low tables are difficult to look down at other people...and it's always hard to know if multiple couples are already matched up or just sharing a table.

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I don't buy clubwear, but do wear short skirts without panties ....................

.....I definitely like a high bar stool where we can sit facing the dance floor...........


I would say the combination of these two things alone make you very approachable. :D

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When I see a lady wearing tight fitting jeans and a western shirt, I pretty much enjoy the view, but don’t approach. The jeans look sexy, but they also restrict access – this tells me that she doesn’t want anyone to have access, whether she intends it that way or not. That’s how I interpret it.



I agree with the previous poster...especially about the women in jeans. We've never bothered to approach them.

I found these comments interesting and would guess that you both attend on-premise clubs.


I can see where it could be assumed that a woman was unapproachable if wearing jeans (or slacks) because at an on-premise club it would be easiest if she could slide a dress or skirt up - no panties underneath - and quickly get into sex without the hassle of tossing jeans aside.


Around here, we only have off-premise clubs, and women - including myself - regularly wear jeans, along with skirts and dresses. Wearing jeans has never kept people from approaching me, and I've never found that when I wear a dress or skirt more people approach.


My conclusion is that a woman being considered unapproachable if she wears jeans probably has more to do with whether you're at an "on" or "off" premise club.


By the way, I've had unwanted grabs at my ass from strangers when I'm wearing jeans, but never when I've worn a dress or skirt. :confused:



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I'm like-minded with LikeMinds321. :)


We don't have on-premise clubs here. The closest thing we have is a small bar where there've been a few closed parties. There is some foreplay out in the open, but not that much open sex. It never occurred to me that wearing jeans would indicate not being approachable, but perhaps if we had social functions that could lead to sex on-premise, I might feel differently.


Not having on "easy access" clothes might make me a little less "available" sexually, but I don't see why it should keep anyone from talking to me... unless your expectation from conversation is to be touching my privates a few minutes in. Most of my experience in playing is situations where if we get that far, we are taking all the clothes off and getting down to some serious fun.


I tend to agree a lot more with the comments about body language, about smiling and being friendly, and about where you stand, sit or walk.


Maybe wearing jeans just means that's what I had that I thought looked good and was appropriate to the venue and the weather. For quite a while, I didn't have many "clubwear" outfits. Actually, I still don't. I like to look sexy but don't necessarily equate that to being overly exposed.


I think there is a difference between looking enticing and looking simply available. I suppose if you're not someone I'm interested in, I think that having everything hanging out sends the wrong message, i.e. "it's all out here, touch me".


As far as being approachable, I tend to take the viewpoint that if there's someone I want to talk to, it's up to me to make it happen. If I'm checking someone out, I take my cues from body language and even more overt signs rather than what they are wearing.


If someone is facing away from me and stays facing away even when they know I'm right there next to them, or if they just look unreceptive, then I consider that a sign of unapproachability.


If someone keeps to one spot in the room and talks to only a few people in that area, and doesn't make their way around the room at all, then they seem unapproachable to me.


If I make eye contact with someone and they don't smile, nod or otherwise give some positive sign, then they seem unapproachable.

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When I see a lady wearing tight fitting jeans and a western shirt, I pretty much enjoy the view, but don’t approach. The jeans look sexy, but they also restrict access – this tells me that she doesn’t want anyone to have access, whether she intends it that way or not. That’s how I interpret it. The more covered a woman’s body is, to me anyway, the less open, approachable, and welcoming she is. Again – that’s just my interpretation. Wearing a boot length winter coat doesn’t give the impression that you want to be approached – it gives me the impression that you’re ready to make your escape at a moment’s notice.


I found these comments interesting and would guess that you both attend on-premise clubs.


I can see where it could be assumed that a woman was unapproachable if wearing jeans (or slacks) because at an on-premise club it would be easiest if she could slide a dress or skirt up - no panties underneath - and quickly get into sex without the hassle of tossing jeans aside.



Early on when we started going to clubs again I would wear jeans - both to off and on premise club. As I've gotten more comfortable I no longer do and looking back at it (and at the one time since that I have worn jeans - at an off-premise club) I can see what Mark is talking about. I don't think women (including myself) mean it to come off as if they don't want to be approached but I can see where to some they would seem less approachable. It's that idea of covering the body and therefore seeming that you aren't comfortable being there. Not comfortable being there = probably not comfortable being approached.


I don't think that jeans/pants alone determine how people perceive your approachability... but I do think that it in combination with other things can definitely have an effect. As I was reading Mark's post, I felt like I could relate, because I do feel like FOR ME wearing jeans is like a sign saying "I'm not available for play tonight, so don't bother". I'll wear jeans now if I'm on my period or for some other reason have no interest in playing that night.


I think it comes down to a combination of what you are wearing with those jeans and the attitude you put off with them, as well. If you are the type that does a lot of approaching, it doesn't matter what you wear. If you have a very sexy/flirty attitude (chances are you are also doing a lot of approaching) and no one is going to think twice that your jeans make you less approachable. I think a lot of these comments apply mostly to those who are hesitant to do the approaching or unlikely to approach people themselves.


This has turned into a really great discussion. It's interesting to learn what we might be doing that might be sending the wrong signal, even if just to some. It's also interesting because it could go a long way to helping club owners on how to set up their clubs in a way that helps cut down on people putting themselves in unapproachable positions.

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In my vanilla and LS life, I have utilized many communications tools to obtain my desires. If, and this is a big if, I am physically presentable and appealing to my target audience, I have several devices with which I may use to win them over to further my advances.


1. Upon my introduction, I make certain that I touch them. Shake the man's hand, keeping polite eye contact and a smile. The same connection is offered to the woman.

2. I introduce Mrs. CXXC by announcing her name while moving her toward the woman first for their introduction and then to the man. We both keep our faces and eyes friendly and polite while holding an expression of delight over meeting new people.

3. our conversations generally start with a short Q&A pertaining to them. This is not an intrusive interrogation. It is a light form of "Getting to know you" that enables them to open up to us as we open to them. I avoid closed ended questions but try to enlist their involvement in the conversation.

"How often do you come here?"

That is probably the best starter question after the introduction. The response often tells me if they are interested in conversing, nervous or disinterested in us.

4. Our body language displays our interest in the couple as well. We lean in slightly yet not too closely. Our arms are to our sides or open in a non defensive posture. I even like to place my hand upon the back of their seats if they are seated. I remember to keep a comfortable distance in order to not appear overly excited with the potential activities.

5. We touch our audience in gentle and reflexive manners. Open palms or light caresses upon their arms or backs work to sooth any fears they may have and open their minds to the physical aspect of "US".

6. If there are seats available near them, We ask to join them. If the answer is no, we have our answer directly. If they agree, stay involved in the conversation, we move forward. If they seem quiet, reserved or hesitant, we attempt to open the discussion for non LS topics. This is a great way to get anxious individuals to open up as they feel there is no pressure. If they do not open up from that point, we excuse ourselves, shaking hands and leave the couple.

7. We pay close attention to every word the couple speaks. We let them know that they are our focus. We are not disingenuous in our attention. We ARE interested in them.


Mrs. CXXC generally wears skirts and loose fitting tops or a sun dress to these events. She does not expose much of her "target" areas yet lets her femininity show. I will wear clothing that is both comfortable yet stylish.


When looking for interesting people in the crowd, I will make eye contact with my "target", smile and even wink at them from across the room. I will let them know in that action that they are appealing to me. I will not move from where I am but will keep their location in mind and look back to them from time to time. If I catch their eyes again, I will smile at them and wave a greeting to them. This is when I will move toward them, but I will not go to them directly. I will stop at other spots in the club to speak with others first.


What generally happens is that they too will move toward me. In time, no rush, they will have met me half way(if they are interested) and we will make our introductions.


It is just like a dance. You take a step, they take a step. You say something, they reply. Eventually, you will move in a mutual union.


It works for us.

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Julie wrote: "Early on when we started going to clubs again I would wear jeans - both to off and on premise club. As I've gotten more comfortable I no longer do and looking back at it (and at the one time since that I have worn jeans - at an off-premise club) I can see what Mark is talking about. I don't think women (including myself) mean it to come off as if they don't want to be approached but I can see where to some they would seem less approachable. It's that idea of covering the body and therefore seeming that you aren't comfortable being there. Not comfortable being there = probably not comfortable being approached."


Wow, learn something new every day, for sure.


I hate wearing jeans anyway. They never fit right.

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Guest screaminggood

Maybe I should add, it's something about the jeans themselves, too, that I think are unapproachable. I've seen women in leather pants, satin pants, etc. and those don't say "stay away." It's the jeans....maybe because they are "too comfortable" (I put those in quotes for those of us who remember lying on our beds to zip them in the 80s).

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I should have qualified my post by mentioning that the clubs we frequent are on-premise clubs. In fact, now that I think about it, I believe all three of the clubs here locally are on-premise clubs.


Wow! I really didn't think something as simple as a pair of jeans would start so much discussion. I thought I had explained my reason for thinking a woman wearing tight jeans was unapproachable when I said, in the same paragraph, "The more covered a woman’s body is, to me anyway, the less open, approachable, and welcoming she is."


Early on when we started going to clubs again I would wear jeans - both to off and on premise club. As I've gotten more comfortable I no longer do and looking back at it (and at the one time since that I have worn jeans - at an off-premise club) I can see what Mark is talking about. I don't think women (including myself) mean it to come off as if they don't want to be approached but I can see where to some they would seem less approachable. It's that idea of covering the body and therefore seeming that you aren't comfortable being there. Not comfortable being there = probably not comfortable being approached.


I don't think that jeans/pants alone determine how people perceive your approachability... but I do think that it in combination with other things can definitely have an effect. As I was reading Mark's post, I felt like I could relate, because I do feel like FOR ME wearing jeans is like a sign saying "I'm not available for play tonight, so don't bother". I'll wear jeans now if I'm on my period or for some other reason have no interest in playing that night.


Bingo Julie - that's exactly what I meant. I really don't know why, but this seems to be especially true if the woman is wearing very tight jeans. It's sort of a 'protective posture' that may invite a casual look (or even a flat-out open stare,) but little more. That was the point I was trying to impress upon Lin. Covering herself by buttoning her blouse up to her neck, and wearing long skirts that dust the floor as she walks might look very pretty, but it sends the signal that she's not inviting anyone to look at her body beneath the clothes - only the clothes themselves.


I have to be honest here - we basically go to on-premise clubs to meet potential playmates. If someone gives us the impression that they're not interested in playing, we'll most likely pass them by. If they approach us, we'll certainly socialize - the same is true of a couple who has been sitting at the bar with their backs to the room. If they approach, then it's a different story.


We're always open to meeting people and getting to know someone - whether theres a possibility we're going to play later or not - but we're less likely to make the first move with them if we're not getting the correct signals. Wearing revealing clothing sends a subliminal invitation to look at and enjoy what is being displayed, for lack of a better word. Covering one's body from head to toe does just the opposite - at least to me, anyway. YMMV.

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The obvious answer here is that if someone is approaching you that's a definite sign that THEY are approachable! Being out-going is probably the best sign of approachability there is.... and can overcome any other body language (sitting facing the bar, in a booth, wearing a burka) that may be presented.

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Mrs. CXXC just chimed in with, " A smile and eye contact are true signs approchability.

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I know this is a serious thread, but I just gotta say, wearing a surgical mask at a house party would equal unapprochable, in my opinion.


I think many ladies generally put more "meaning" in their laundry than men do. I think a woman's attire should compliment her personality and mood. If I like what I see, I'm likely to approach and attempt a conversation. A long skirt or button-up corset would be unlikely to change my opinion about approaching. I think a well-fitting pair of jeans looks pretty good. I guess color and texture of the garmets might play a role at the subconscious level.

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I don't think that jeans/pants alone determine how people perceive your approachability... but I do think that it in combination with other things can definitely have an effect. As I was reading Mark's post, I felt like I could relate, because I do feel like FOR ME wearing jeans is like a sign saying "I'm not available for play tonight, so don't bother". I'll wear jeans now if I'm on my period or for some other reason have no interest in playing that night.



Agreed - and I do tend to see that at our on-premise club, at least with those that have been in the lifestyle a while. Wearing jeans typically does mean, for them, "Not available tonight".


I tend to go out of the house in bluejeans, so as not to raise questions from my children as to why I now wear miniskirts again, when they've never seen me do that! So once we get to the club, look around, maybe have a drink or two, I head upstairs to the locker room and change into a sexy skirt and blouse.

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Ring My Bell?



Ownerspet's avatar and tag line has given me an idea!


I could alter all my jeans and sew in a zipper in the crotch. It would unzip front to back and I could hang a little tag on the pull tab that says "Easy Access." :D



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Ring My Bell?



Ownerspet's avatar and tag line has given me an idea!


I could alter all my jeans and sew in a zipper in the crotch. It would unzip front to back and I could hang a little tag on the pull tab that says "Easy Access." :D




You should totally do that!

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Sitting at a table is a good way to not be approached (standing at a high table is not quite as bad). We've learned to walk around and smile if we want to meet new people.


I hadn't thought of a lady wearing jeans as a negative, but a slinky black dress and a sassy attitude is a sure positive!

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Lack of eye contact with no smiling face makes someone unapproachable. When we went to the club last month I didn't bother talking to anyone who avoided eye contact. I would try to make eye contact with every person I found attractive while I walked around and if they made eye contact I would make sure I smiled and said hi.

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This is something we've looked at within ourselves. "Are we approachable?". The more we've been to our local club, and other meets, we've realized how much body language and eye contact does make a difference. So we try to meet eyes more often, watch our posture and body language, and get up and move around and mingle.


So to all of the above: If a couple is sitting very close together, doesn't look around much, has their arms folded or crossed, and never moves from their table....they appear unapproachable, even if they're just being initially shy. Then again, let them break out of their shells on their own if it's just shyness, that's what we had to do! It's called "stepping out of your comfort zone". Although I'm not above at least saying hello and introducing ourselves, and from there judge how "approachable" they really are.


Mrs. NC

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Mrs. CXXC just chimed in with, " A smile and eye contact are true signs approchability.


Geez, took my words almost exactly. I try to make eye contact with people on the dance floor or just walking around. If I get a long eye contact from a women, that's a plus for me. Of course that guarantees nothing from their viewpoint as well as the Mrs liking the husband but I have a pretty good idea of what she finds attractive (well perhaps more of what she does NOT like).


Course after posting I realized the question is signs of unapprochability. So failure to give eye contact, or lost in themselves.


But I do remember meeting a couple back in December, and we danced. The female half seemed to have no interest in me, just sort of dancing there not a lot of interaction. We've since gotten to know the couple much better and we actually talked about that night recently. We were sort of thrown together by another couple, like here meet so and so and she was also quite drunk. So first impressions really can be misleading.

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As Mr. Sweet and I have yet to visit an on-premise club, I never gave much thought to our clothing making us seem more or less approachable. But then, we're the friendly and outgoing sort, and have no trouble mingling with others. I/we almost always participate in any of the "reindeer games" that are organized by our hosts, too.


I typically wear a short skirt and tight/low cut blouse (or a costume if it's themed event). Once in awhile, I'll wear slacks, but they're usually low-riders.

What someone else is wearing only registers as far as whether they look like they've made some effort to look nice.


We are more likely to approach people who are sitting/standing in open areas and are smiling.



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Another thought on unapproachability. I like people that put an effort into their appearance. This doesn't mean costly clothing , but just sme thought is put into looking nice.

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Body language and the direction of the gaze does it for me.


People closed up in a group? Avoiding looking at others' eyes and faces? Hunched over something or someone? Those don't want to be approached.


Laid back, smiling, people-watching? Very approachable.


I personally think that jeans don't signal "unapproachability", but are just neutral. Light, airy, slightly loose clothes signal positively; I always try to use linen pants and shirts when on a playdate. Besides signaling approachability, it looks great and doesn't get in the way of feeling through the fabric :).


Disclaimer: I have a very inexpressive demeanor, and it's quite unconscious. Therefore, I always make a conscious effort to smile and look approachable. I'm also very oblivious to when someone flirts at me, and Mrs. W has to point it out.

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I think we made a mistake in where we decided to sit at the last event we attended. Both Bunny and I love to dance and the nudist resort we usualy go to for that has a very tight seating arrangement so we tend to look for easy access to the dance floor. This may have hurt us and wasnt necessary as there was ample space between tables. Next time we attend one of this groups parties we plan to park our butts as close to the food tables as possible as that is where most off the attendees sat and it is guaranteed that most everyone will pass close by throughout the night.


As for unaproachable we saw the poster child couple where the woman in the couple never smiled or made eye contact and just plain looked like she didnt want to be there.

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This is the most valuable stuff I've ever read. Morticia and I married young, and before that dated though college- never had any need to be approachable! I don't like noisy environments and have a (thankfully non-visible) foot issue so I prefer to sit away from the noise. We must have been transmitting "Stay Away" at 50,000 watts. That 'splains lots of stuff.


In retrospect, it should have been obvious. Guess I'll have to suck it up and wade further into the crowd!

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This is honestly one that we struggle with a lot. I (Mike) am extraordinarily shy, which can make meeting new people hard. I can hold a conversation and show interest once someone else initiates, but I have never been an instigator. Just not in my comfort zone. Although we've not had bad luck in the lifestyle, I feel like we'd have better luck if I'd suck it up and pretend to be outgoing for an evening.


We have a friend who insists she's an introvert too. Her strategy is to force herself to talk to people that she doesn't know. She's actually avoided us some nights because, in her words, "it would be too easy to get caught up with a group that's comfortable and not meet anyone new." Wish I were so bold. ;)

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We met a couple at the beach last week,after chatting online off and on for a year. He was uber-friendly, but she seemed really totally disengaged in the meeting. Very odd. I checked their profile afterwards, and it does say she is very shy at first. Well, ya know, so am I, but I make an effort to overcome it. Let's just say, neither of us really felt the vibe was there.

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      My wife and I have been married for over 10 years. She is 5'4, about 130lbs, 34F, and very fit. 
      We dated for couple of years before getting married. From the very beginning, she was the most sexual woman I had ever met. Soon after we started dating, she started to push me to talk about her former lovers. Slowly, I started to get turned on by the stories and became more and more curious about her past sexual experiences with boyfriends before me. Eventually, we got married, and few years later, she started to throw hints of wanting to raise her score. I quickly got on board and we started to regularly talk about how other men would fuck her and so forth.
      Finally, during a trip to Vegas, we decided to visit a sex club and she was very excited, although a little nervous. She wore a new tight black dress with red lingerie underneath. We got to the club and just hung out. She was very uneasy and she said she had never been to a place like this. About 30 minutes in, we were starting to talk about leaving, she suddenly pointed at a slightly older guy and said: "Go bring him here." My dick was hard as a rock. I walked up to the guy and asked if he is interested in my wife, he had been staring at her the entire time. He quickly smiled and said, "Oh yes, let's go."
      They shook hands, introduced themselves and we all decided to find the area with beds and more privacy (so to speak). We found a room downstairs that was only enclosed by a curtain. She told me to go and get condoms so she can get to know the guy for a few minutes. When I came back, they were just talking, slowly, she walked up to me and started kissing me. Once I let go, I gestured to the guy to go ahead; he quickly moved in on her. They started making out, he started kissing her all over the place, slowly, she dropped backwards on bed and pulled him on top of herself. 
      He lowered her dress and started sucking her big tits. She asked me to join in. We each had a tit in our mouth and we were both fingering her pussy at the same time. Slowly, I moved down and started eating her pussy. She is always fully waxed like a porn star. As soon as I stopped eating her pussy as she came, he went down and started eating it. Slowly, I moved back up and she took my dick in her mouth. 
      To our surprise, a crowd gathered and four other men wanted to fuck her. She shook her head but they all watched her get pounded. 
      The guy that went in there with us, quickly got naked and tugged at her red thong. She took it off and handed it to me. This whole time, she was playing with my dick, it's about 5.5". The guy was much larger, about 7". She looked at it and winked at me. She told him she likes it rough.
      He had it fully up and moved close to her pussy. She stared into my eyes, grabbed his dick and guided it to rub her pussy. He took his clue and shoved it in. She reminded him to not be gentle. He obliged and fucked her like a whore. She begged for more by saying, "Oh yeah, fuck me, fuck me hard...look babe, he is fucking me so good, he is so big, look, he is fucking your wife right in front of you....oh yeah, fuck me." About four other guys and a couple were now watching her get fucked. I asked her if I should tell them to leave, she said no, she likes it. She slowly turned to them so they can get the full view of a dick in her pussy while she was playing with mine. 
      Once the guy got done, she said, "Okay honey, this was awesome," and kissed me multiple times thanking me for a great experience. She said she wanted to stay for a few before we walked out. She wanted to walk around and be noticed as the woman who had just been fucked, since rest of the crowd was just hanging out.
      We cannot wait to do it again.  
    • By Wendans
      My fantasy has always been to watch my wife get fucked by another man. We have been with another woman before which is a whole story in itself that I’ll tell you about later.
      One night several years ago my wife and I had gone to a club. Not your ordinary club, but a good club for swingers and singles. The night had started out rather slow and we were not finding any action that I had hoped. My wife knows what she wants and that is what we go with. And that night we found what she wanted and it was such a great experience she knew she wanted to do it again. She had gotten fucked by a black guy and she had enjoyed it. So, when we got the chance, she wanted to try it again.
      Being at a swinger’s club isn’t really her thing, but fucking in front of people or listening to them fuck is a big turn-on for her. Since we don’t live close to any swingers’ clubs or anything of that nature, we don’t get many opportunities to do anything like this.
      A couple of years ago we got a chance to go to another club. Yes, one of those clubs. We were looking for a little fun and hoping to find something as good as the last time we were out. We talked to many people as the night went on and my wife was trying to figure out what we were going to be doing to have fun that night. There was a hot blonde that was interested in us and kept on grabbing my cock which my wife was loving because this was getting her going. My wife and I decided that this was not what we had in mind for tonight, so we just kind of let that slide and we went on to pursue something else. She said she would know it when she saw it.
      My wife had put a couple of drinks down and was feeling pretty good now. She was a little more daring and said she wanted to go change outfits like she did when we had been to a club previously. We had brought the very same sexy outfit that was see through, so she went and changed into it. When she came back out, there was not one guy's eyes on anyone but her. Even the women were looking on in awe. She is a beautiful woman that knows how to control a room.
      One guy came up to me and told me he was jealous. He said he would do anything to get to fuck my wife, but she just didn’t feel right with him, I guess. As we were standing around, in came this well-built younger black guy and I think she almost came right there. The look on her face was almost mind blowing. She got this horny grin and told me she was ready to start our night. As he walked by her, she gave him this dirty smile and took her hand and rubbed down by her cunt. He stopped walking and came over to her and asked if he could help her with anything. She just smiled and said that I think you already know what you can do. They danced around a little bit, but I could tell she couldn’t take it anymore, so she quickly unzipped his pants and took out his cock and grabbed it and lead him into another room like a dog on a leash.
      I stayed back a couple of minutes to give them some time to get to know each other. When I did finally get to the other room, they had already undressed and she was sucking his cock. It was larger than mine. Not much longer, but thicker. I could tell she liked it.
      My wife had picked a room where people would be able to watch if they wanted to. I stayed back in the wings and was kind of hidden so she really didn’t know I was even there.  As I watched my wife in action, I could tell she was enjoying every second of this guy’s cock. She was sucking it like there was no tomorrow.
      Now it was his turn to return the favor. He got his face down to her pussy and started licking like it was candy. She was turning red and I could tell she was already about to cum. She was squirming and shaking and he was getting her cunt all ready for his big shaft. But before he fucked her, he now spread her legs out and started fingering her pussy to the point that she started squirting fluids all over the sheet they were laying on. It was like the flood gates had opened up and all the juices were flowing.
      She finally had all she could take because I’m sure she had cum multiple times already and I could tell she just wanted to have him inside her. I heard her say to give me your big, black cock. He asked her if she wanted him to put on a condom and she told him no, she wanted to feel him inside her cunt.
      He took her and spread her legs wide and slowly inserted his bbc into her tight cunt. She told him to go slowly because she said it was so big that she needed to get used to it. After several minutes of the slow movement, she said she needed him to fuck her harder so he started to go full penetration into her dripping wet cunt. She was telling him how good his cock felt, and how she loved fucking him.
      They switched positions multiple times with her sitting on top of his cock and riding him like she has never ridden before. My wife took his whole cock inside of her as deeply as she could, rubbing back and forth and cumming time and time again.
      They finally switched back to missionary style and were fucking hard when I heard her say to him, she wanted him to cum in her pussy. She said she wanted to feel his cum drip out of her pussy all night long. When he heard her say that, he started to pick up the pace and finally started moaning and said he was about to cum. My wife was now cumming herself and as he shot his load inside of her, she started squirming and shaking with every pulse of his exploding cock. Her body was red from all of her orgasms, and I could tell she was getting worn out. They had gone for almost 40 minutes of nonstop action. Not to mention that all the other people that had gathered around to watch started going to other parts of the place as they had gotten a show that they would remember forever.
      When he pulled his now soft cock out of my wife, I could see the cum dripping down her ass. She was getting what she wanted, I guess. She would be able to feel his cum dripping out of her the rest of the night. But I didn’t realize that she was not done yet. She wanted more. My wife took his cock and started sucking on it again. I guess he was young enough that almost instantly he got hard and she took his cock and guided it into her cunt and said she needed more of his cum. He fucked her for another 10 minutes until he exploded with more cum inside my wife’s pussy again. Again, as I watched the cum drip down her ass, she was getting what she wanted. She was going to feel this the rest of the night.
      They both started cleaning up a little and I slowly came out of the crowd that had gathered. She saw me and gave me that dirty little smile she sometimes gets. My wife asked me if I had enjoyed her show. She said she needed to have a little more cum in her pussy tonight and she now wanted mine. Her new little friend just kind of sat back in the corner and decided to watch us.
      I knew I wouldn’t last long because I had almost cum multiple times just watching her. With some of the crowd still watching I got undressed, and slid my wet with pre-cum cock into my wife’s cum-loaded pussy. I fucked her until she started cumming. Her cunt convulsed so hard that it squeezed my cock and made me start to cum. I came in her pussy, mixing my cum with my wife’s new fuck buddies cum. I pulled my cock out and watched it all slowly slide down her ass. She got up and went over to our young fuck buddy and she gave him a long passionate kiss and said thank you for such a great time. He gave her one last little finger fucking and handed her a card of his if we were ever in the area again.
      He left after he got dressed and we got cleaned up and went out to the main room. I had multiple people including women and even the bartender say that my wife was one of the women they would like to fuck if they ever got a chance after seeing her in action. I guess I’m the lucky one here.
      Later that night when we were driving to our resort, she slipped her hand down pants and put her fingers in her pussy. She brought them out and rubbed them on my face. She smiled and said we gotta do this again sometime as we pulled into the parking lot to call it a night.
      And what a night it was.
    • By Trophy1802
      We are heading to Cuba on May 4th and will be staying at a non-lifestyle resort. As we enjoy getting together with other couples or inviting another guy to join us for some threesome fun, we are wondering if anyone has had any luck in attracting or getting the attention of potential interested play partners at non-LS resorts?
      If so, does anyone have any suggestions/tips/tricks that could help us in seeing if there are other people in the LS like us that may be willing to explore the possibility of some adult fun during our stay? After all, we are sure that we are not the only LS people that frequent non-LS resorts from time-to-time.
      Thanks and all the best to all Swingersboard members.
    • By SPaige24
      My husband and I have been together for almost 10 years. I have always been bi- curious, but kept it as secret until the last month. Little did I know that he had a small feeling (thanks to a few drunk nights with my friend). Our marriage is very strong, and we are very opened with each other. I told him that I wanted to have a have sexual encounter with another female. He is on board, and we even talked about a MFM threesome as well.
      Here is my issue... How do I find someone? That friend is no longer a friend, I can't do dating apps because of my job, and I personally don't want someone we know. I have looked into Swinger Clubs, and I realize that finding a bisexual/lesbian female who is single is hard. We are opened to a couple if need be. I just want my husband there and or involved.
      My question is... What is it like going to a swingers club? Will there be people our age (27-30), are "predators" real, and how do I find a club? We are located in Washington, PA.
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