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What to do while wife is on her date?

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My wife is going on a date later with a new fella; this happens maybe every couple months or so. I usually get some combination of giddy/nervous/horny whenever this happens, so I feel I need to program things to keep my mind occupied or else I'll probably snap and call or text her or otherwise be bouncing off the walls.


Any suggestions?


I know when she gets back she'll want to play with me, so I'll do some date-prep (shaving, fresh sheets, mood music), but I'm wondering what others do to keep occupied minds.


Maybe I'll try the chat room this evening after 7 Pacific. :-)

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It looks like I am about to figure this out as well! My wife is planning her first solo date after much discussion and agreement on the issue. I am 85% excited for her, 5% nervous, 5% going to be missing her and about 5% unsure. We both definitely want this to happen, no questions about that. It's unchartered territory, so we'll just have to see how my mind handles it. I am very confident it will all go well, but you know the thing with the unknown! LOL


I will be patiently waiting on her to be back in my arms. I may use the time to work on a few prospects of my own as well! :D

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Mrs. CXXC has been out on several solo adventures in our history within the lifestyle. Like both of you, my excitement, horniness, and various emotions always rise to the occasions.

We both speak of the activity a day or so before and that generally gets our blood racing. This promotes some of the greatest sex we have. We profess our love and commitment to each other often. We communicate on a near constant level before and after. The sex we have upon her return is extremely hot and passionate. It is our reclamation of each other and our re-connection.


Here are some of the things we have established as a rule(s) to make things easier for us both. She will text me the address, room number, full name of her lover and that she has arrived in the room. If there is ANY change in venue, she will text me again with that information. We do this for safety reasons. Also, by sending me this information, I know exactly where and who she is with. That is the last bit of communication we have until she calls me on her way home.


What do I do to keep from thinking about what she is doing etc..?


I tackle the honey-do list or complete a task that I have been holding off.

I contact people I have not spoken to in a long time. Calling a family member is probably the best way to occupy ones time as they are always willing and ready to talk for hours.

Failing conversations on the phone, I also take to going out with a buddy for drinks or to take in a show.

A movie will take no less than three hours.

I have also been known to pick up a good book and read it until she calls. I often get lost in the world of print.

Organizing ones photo collection is also a great way to take up hours of time.

If you have a great DVD collection, create a catalog of your movies in alphabetical order. This will take quite a bit of time.

If it is a daytime play date, go outside and work in the yard. If you dig a hole, you find that you have to fill it with something. That will start a chain of activities for you.

Take a nap!

Write a great sex story for her detailing what you think they are doing.

Go on a date as well. Unless your relationship is against both of you playing solo, there is no reason you can’t find a girl toy.

Wax and wash the car.

Wash the dog/cat

Take the kids to the park or to the mall.

Go shopping for new clothes or sex toys.

Clean the house for the entire time she is away. She will be REALLY appreciative of it when she comes home.

Take a pottery, photography, creative writing, woodworking, auto-mechanic, DIY (Do-It-Yourself), class and have her schedule her dates on those nights.

Join a bowling, pool, dart, softball or shooting league and schedule the nights out accordingly.


There are always things to do to keep your mind occupied. I do quite a bit of the list above. Not only does it keep me social and active, on the nights she is playing, it keeps me from the thoughts of sending her texts.


Hope this helps in some way.

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I have to ask one thing, though. Of course I understand human nature and missing your spouse and the natural jealous tendancy human beings (yes even seasoned swingers occasionally have to fight the good fight LOL). However, I wouldn't think I would have to ACTIVELY seek out things to do while my wife is playing. Honestly if I can't sit back and enjoy the thought that my sweetie is having a great time and feeling the excitement and pleasure of another man or woman, I have to wonder why she's doing it in the first place. Don't take that as criticism in any way, though. I'm just saying if it's so hard for me to take that I have to invent things to occupy my time, maybe deep down I'm not really so enthused about her playing alone.

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I'm just saying if it's so hard for me to take that I have to invent things to occupy my time, maybe deep down I'm not really so enthused about her playing alone.


I submit this thought to you as I feel this is my reasoning for my need for activity.


We have all been children on Christmas Eve. Each of us can recall that sleepless night when Santa was to slip down the chimney and deliver our gifts. We would lay in bed pondering what he would bring, hoping against hope one of the items would the that one that was so desired. We would envision ourselves playing with it, running through the house with it. We could feel it, taste or smell it even tho we had hours to wait before we could rush to the tree!


Try as we might, most of us took quite a while to fall asleep that night. Even now, when we are expecting something wonderful or looking forward to an event or activity, our minds race the night/hours before. Although we are more controlled and able to maintain our composure, we still feel the excitement and for a period, inability to concentrate upon anything else.


The excitement I feel for Mrs. CXXC’s activities stems from the knowledge that she will be experiencing pleasures from another person. This excitement is elevated by my knowledge that when she returns, we will share the entire night as she relays, to me, all the dirty little details. I do it for her, she does it for me.


I also become extremely excited with the knowledge that Mrs. CXXC and I are going to engage in very hot and heavy sex. It always happens. Once the details of our adventures have been shared, we are lucky to take one breath before we are all over each other.


You see, the temptation for me to call or text Mrs. CXXC is more a matter of, “What are you experiencing now?” than a matter of, “I don’t feel so comfy with her being with him/her without me and I should bug her to get her to come home sooner.” We encourage each other fully in these adventures. When we share each other in solo play, we want to be there, but realize that this is not a time for US but for them.


I would love to be the fly on the wall watching and hearing everything. SURE!! Who wouldn’t? It is a great turn on to watch my wife be pleased by another. However, I also know that, as this is for her, I must not interfere and therefore keep my texts and calls away. I am very enthused about her playing solo. I simply want to share the experience with her. My desire for instant gratification is what prompts my thoughts to text and necessitates the ways to occupy myself.

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What do I do to keep from thinking about what she is doing etc..?


I tackle the honey-do list or complete a task that I have been holding off.

I contact people I have not spoken to in a long time. Calling a family member is probably the best way to occupy ones time as they are always willing and ready to talk for hours.

Failing conversations on the phone, I also take to going out with a buddy for drinks or to take in a show.

A movie will take no less than three hours.

I have also been known to pick up a good book and read it until she calls. I often get lost in the world of print.

Organizing ones photo collection is also a great way to take up hours of time.

If you have a great DVD collection, create a catalog of your movies in alphabetical order. This will take quite a bit of time.

If it is a daytime play date, go outside and work in the yard. If you dig a hole, you find that you have to fill it with something. That will start a chain of activities for you.

Take a nap!

Write a great sex story for her detailing what you think they are doing.

Go on a date as well. Unless your relationship is against both of you playing solo, there is no reason you can’t find a girl toy.

Wax and wash the car.

Wash the dog/cat

Take the kids to the park or to the mall.

Go shopping for new clothes or sex toys.

Clean the house for the entire time she is away. She will be REALLY appreciative of it when she comes home.

Take a pottery, photography, creative writing, woodworking, auto-mechanic, DIY (Do-It-Yourself), class and have her schedule her dates on those nights.

Join a bowling, pool, dart, softball or shooting league and schedule the nights out accordingly.


There are always things to do to keep your mind occupied. I do quite a bit of the list above. Not only does it keep me social and active, on the nights she is playing, it keeps me from the thoughts of sending her texts.


Hope this helps in some way.


What a great list! Nicely done!

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What a great list! Nicely done!


Thanks Ms. Fuse. I did forget to mention the one activity that is sure to take up and entire evening. Read all the posts on the swingersboard and add your thoughts to them.

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I also become extremely excited with the knowledge that Mrs. CXXC and I are going to engage in very hot and heavy sex. It always happens. Once the details of our adventures have been shared, we are lucky to take one breath before we are all over each other.




Well, I don't get to engage in hot and heavy sex with Mrs. CXXC (:rolleyes:) but you know what I mean. Thank you for your list, I will try some of those instead of the usual building of a mashed-potato sculpture of the alien-landing site.

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That is a very good reason to be looking for things to occupy your time. Certainly I didn't mean to imply that you, in particular, would be trying to keep your mind from wondering where it shouldn't be. I have seen a few posts and talked to a few people who have done that, though. I would be a wreck if I had to do it for that reason. But, I really like your posts in this thread. :)

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That is a very good reason to be looking for things to occupy your time. Certainly I didn't mean to imply that you, in particular, would be trying to keep your mind from wondering where it shouldn't be. I have seen a few posts and talked to a few people who have done that, though. I would be a wreck if I had to do it for that reason. But, I really like your posts in this thread. :)


I'm glad you like my ideas. Trust me. I often find that many of my DIY projects happen when Mrs. CXXC is not around. Funny how that works!!!




I see your issue now. Perhaps if you did have sex with Mrs. CXXC you would be too busy thinking about her to realize your wife was on a date! Perhaps! :lol:


I hope you can fill the moments with constructive things. SWVAcouplelookn might be right in that you may not feel all that comfy with it. However, if you and she talk openly and honestly about it, I'm certain you will find your balance. Good luck with finding it. I'm still bid on the pottery class tho! :lol:

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Before my wife would leave for her date we would discuss who and where, both knowing what she planned to do. I would help her dress and the last thing she would put on would be her panties and I would kiss her hairy cunt before pulling them up, She would tease me saying, "you know the next time you get that close to my pussy it will be full of some other guy's cum. Needless to say while she was gone I would be super horny thinking about her fucking another guy. This was way before cell phones so contact wasn't that hard. Some nights I would sit and try to remember some past adventure and type it out to share with others. I still have some of those adventures to share if anyone is interested? Anyhow, it can be very erotic just waiting at home for your freshly fucked bride to return home.

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I never knew ahead of time when she was going to screw another guy without me around. I loved to find out about it afterwards, and then we would have a really good session ourselves.


Same was true for another of my playmates. Her husband said for her to go do whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted, but not to tell him about it. He was not a swinger but was very open-minded and accommodating to her needs.


And, I think that another woman I see does not tell her husband about our afternoon meetings. He is a swinger that we have, as a couple, been with a few times. Now, it is just the other woman and me. My wife is no longer interested in him, but his wife still wants to be with me occasionally. My wife is OK with that and in fact leaves the house to go shopping or play bridge on the afternoons that the other woman is here.

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That is sort of how we got into swinging. My husband was to busy so while I was having at it with the other men, he was just as usual, staying busy.


Find something you enjoy doing and have at it...stay busy.


Funny part is that now after I tell him ALL about it, he turns into a sexual Dynamo!

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I don't have a problem if she goes on a solo date. I want to make sure that she thoroughly know the guy's character before she get involved physically. Since we live in a very orthodox country (India) where laws related to relationships are outdated, there is no point in trying to sue a guy if he published a MMS clip on internet. Instead she may end up in some legal trouble.

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It is funny how this topic comes up just about every time Mrs. CXXC has a date. Once again, I am not able to be home so the opportunity presented itself and now she has a date tonight.


I am sure that I will arrive home later this evening and she will be all worked up and wanting more. In that, I am more than willing to give!


What to so while she has her date? Occupy yourself with those little things that you have let slip or that to-do-list. Go to a movie! Rent a movie! If you cook, prepare a few lunches ahead of time for the week! The list of things to do is endless!

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The last time my wife was on a date about a year ago. Once I got the kid in bed I popped in a movie and jacked off two times. When she got home she told me about her date and I told her what I did and we went at it like rabbits.

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Keep busy,, go out with the guys at a sports bar and enjoy yourself....Make sure the wife lets you know shes safe and everything is ok and to let you know when she is back,....if she had a great time, talk about it, be happy for her and communicate how your evening went and share your feelings ...happy, nervous, worried about her safety etc....Share it all.

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I also try get everything done on my "to do list" during this time and, of course, think about what she might be doing at the moment.

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two words:




hee hee.


it's probably what i'd be occupying my time with while she's away anyway.

OK that takes care of the first 10 minutes.

Then what?


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It really turns me on, knowing my wife is out fucking another guys - especially bareback. While she is out I will sometimes it down and detail one of her experiences to share with others. It also turns me on to relive those experiences. Especially loved it when she comes in the bedroom with no panties and cum dripping down her legs.

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One thing we do that adds to the fun is that she gets a hickey on different parts of her body from the lover or lovers she's had that night. When she gets home I look for the hickeys and then she can tell me who it was or what was happening. We found that by doing this she would remember some of the things that were happening that when she was telling me about it she might have forgotten before. It allows both of us to relive the night and for me it is as if I was there.

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WOW, just reading and thinking, I'm not ready for that step yet. I really enjoy being there to see for myself her pleasure.

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It can be very erotic sitting at home, knowing that your wife is getting fucked by another guy and will soon return home with a freshly fucked pussy.

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I usually plan a quiet evening at home, spending quality time with our teenage son, reading or watching TV. Then, I go to bed at a reasonable hour so I can get a good nights sleep. I don't really want to be awake when she gets home, because I have no interest in hearing about what she did. I do keep my cell phone with me the entire night, in case she needs to call me because of trouble.

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Pardon me, but don't any of the Men go out on "dates"?


I (the mr) go out on "dates", although for us, one of the reasons we also play separate is babysitting. So when one of us is out, the other is at home with the kids in some fashion (kids are in bed already or possibly out somewhere).


We do have some friends who both go out on concurrent yet separate dates. They have older kids though, so it's not such a score for them to get babysitting. For us, if we manage to get babysitting, we are going out together. We save the separate stuff for times when that isnt the case.



Back to topic, typically what I do is the normal nighttime routine with kids. Dinner, homework, bedtime routine. Then I do my typical nighttime routine, computer time, tv, go to bed. She normally doesn't go out for that long (unless she's out dancing) so I don't fall asleep before she comes home.


Normally when I'm out, it's later in the evening, so the kids are already in bed, and she just does her normal evening routine.


In either case, we wake each other when we get home (if the other is sleeping) and enjoy ourselves some more. Followed by more fun the next morning.

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I would be sitting at home checking the phone book for potential dates for me to go on when she gets back. I'd start with the A's.

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I (the mr) go out on "dates", although for us, one of the reasons we also play separate is babysitting. So when one of us is out, the other is at home with the kids in some fashion (kids are in bed already or possibly out somewhere).


We do have some friends who both go out on concurrent yet separate dates. They have older kids though, so it's not such a score for them to get babysitting. For us, if we manage to get babysitting, we are going out together. We save the separate stuff for times when that isn't the case.


Back to topic, typically what I do is the normal nighttime routine with kids. Dinner, homework, bedtime routine. Then I do my typical nighttime routine, computer time, tv, go to bed. She normally doesn't go out for that long (unless she's out dancing) so I don't fall asleep before she comes home.


Normally when I'm out, it's later in the evening, so the kids are already in bed, and she just does her normal evening routine.


In either case, we wake each other when we get home (if the other is sleeping) and enjoy ourselves some more. Followed by more fun the next morning.

That's easily understandable, Tom. It just seemed from the way the thread was going, that it was the women having all the fun, while meek, little, hubby stayed home and twiddled his thumbs, until Wifey came home. Which sounded kind of disrespectful.

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That's easily understandable, Tom. It just seemed from the way the thread was going, that it was the women having all the fun, while meek, little, hubby stayed home and twiddled his thumbs, until Wifey came home. Which sounded kind of disrespectful.


It's not disrespectful if she is having fun, he is glad to see her having fun and he isn't interested in meeting other women.


It might not be something you understand. It's not something I understand, but if that is what works for them then I am glad they have figured it out.

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It's not disrespectful if she is having fun, he is glad to see her having fun and he isn't interested in meeting other women.


It might not be something you understand. It's not something I understand, but if that is what works for them then I am glad they have figured it out.

Oh, I agree completely. Whatever floats your boat. I was just curious if that was what the OP intended.

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Pardon me, but don't any of the Men go out on "dates"?


At least here in So Cal, not anyway near as many as you would think. The ladies drive the LS bus.

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At least here in So Cal, not anyway near as many as you would think. The ladies drive the LS bus.
This seems to be the case in a lot of these relationships. Makes you wonder which partner first suggested joining the LS. I might have to start a poll.

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I think in many, many cases the husband brings up the idea. Then the wife tries it and loves it. And, in some cases has many more opportunities. I don't think there are many girls who go into it thinking they will be the ones getting the most action. People who play separate do so for many different reasons. I think very few do it to be disrespectful to their spouse.


BigRock, I get the feeling from your posts that you are projecting your own issues on women/couples who play separately. Swinging couples have to communicate openly and make decisions together. We both want the other to be happy and comfortable. The women are not being manipulative and the men are not being wimps. They've just found what works for them.

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I think in many, many cases the husband brings up the idea. Then the wife tries it and loves it. And, in some cases has many more opportunities. I don't think there are many girls who go into it thinking they will be the ones getting the most action. People who play separate do so for many different reasons. I think very few do it to be disrespectful to their spouse.


BigRock, I get the feeling from your posts that you are projecting your own issues on women/couples who play separately. Swinging couples have to communicate openly and make decisions together. We both want the other to be happy and comfortable. The women are not being manipulative and the men are not being wimps. They've just found what works for them.

Not projecting anything, FCD. Look at the posts. Hubby stays home and "occupies himself", and wifey goes on dates. That's what most of the posts are saying. I certainly didn't make them up. If BOTH partners have the same sexual freedom, that is what I've always supported in the LS. If one or the other has the option, but the other has to stay home, wouldn't you say that is disrespectful? I would. I have no problem with swinging as a couple or separately, as long as it's equal opportunity.

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I don't think you'll find much "equal opportunity" in this variation, Rocky. That's one of the reasons Mrs. Alura and I decided to trash the idea after we tried it. The best one can do is hope to understand and accept.



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I don't think you'll find much "equal opportunity" in this variation, Rocky. That's one of the reasons Mrs. Alura and I decided to trash the idea after we tried it. The best one can do is hope to understand and accept.



You got that right, Alura. If the posters are alright with situation, I'm the last person to condemn it. I've posted on other threads where men were getting something that their wives weren't allowed to, and called the same thing, plus this is the major drawback to Gangbangs, in my opinion. If the ladies are allowed to have many men, then the men should have as many Ladies as they can handle.. One of the most attractive aspects of the LS is it's honesty and fairness.

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If the ladies are allowed to have many men, then the men should have as many Ladies as they can handle.. One of the most attractive aspects of the LS is it's honesty and fairness.


This sounds good in theory, but in reality it doesn't seem to work that way. This isn't about keeping score. When it comes down to it, women tend to have more opportunity to play than men do. So its impossible in most cases for play time to be equal on a separate play type situation. In the posts above, I really don't think the men are sitting at home pouting because they aren't getting any....

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This sounds good in theory, but in reality it doesn't seem to work that way. This isn't about keeping score. When it comes down to it, women tend to have more opportunity to play than men do. So its impossible in most cases for play time to be equal on a seperate play type situation. In the posts above, I really don't think the men are sitting at home pouting because they aren't getting any....
You're right, NG, this isn't about keeping score. Whether it's the number of opportunities for dates, or the actual numbers of partners each person has. In my opinion, it is about being respectful of your SO. I would think that in any really healthy relationship, the woman would encourage the man to go out on as many dates as possible, and at least make an attempt at equality. The men in these posts seem to be resigned to their fate. Few of them sound all that enthusiastic. But again, to each, his own.

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Guest 3inchdaddy

The way my wife works things is when she have a date is, she will inform me about two to five minutes before it happens. This makes for some very sexy time waiting for her to start and finish about an hour later. Once her date is gone, it's some great sex between us. Don't want it any other way.

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Yeah, if fairness is the issue, this isn't the way to go about it. Unless the hubby has an amazing personality and is really attractive and the wife isn't, the wife will always have more available action than he does.


Just how it goes. The demand for gals is much higher than it is for guys, and guys are more common.

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We both have hall passes, we don't use them that often. When the Mrs. is off on a play date I have tons of stuff to do. I don't do things to keep my mind off of her, I do them because that is usually the only time I have to do them.


Not long ago I posted up my feelings of insecurity about the Mrs. being off with a friend, As soon as I had gotten the post written those feelings went away. I had those feelings because it had been a few years since we had played separately, or played at all really, and it was more jealousy of her getting some strange with out me than anything else. Since then we have played together and apart and things are fine.



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Gonna have to disagree with some of you here, the man isn't always staying home because he has no other 'choices'.


I have never had a problem meeting girls, in fact out of respect for our relationship I many times have turned away potential fuck buddies to keep things in our relationship happy, healthy, and where they need to be; she knows I have 'options' yet remain faithful and she loves me that much more for it.


Ms.Lookingfora3rd isn't exactly comfortable with me playing solo and I understand. It is not selfish of her it's just what makes her comfortable and we are both perfectly fine with that, in fact we prefer it.


To be completely honest I would much rather have my fun at home watching porn and waiting on her to get home fresh from fucking and with a HOT story any day.

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We are still figuring it out. If you can see from my other posts a lot of people do not play safely, which could be okay but then stuff is built on lies and I don't like that (that would be the date that jumped him after he took off his condom and his other friend who had hsv2 and didn't tell us). And yeah, it is his responsibility too (regarding the woman that jumped him.... oh hello big boy...!!) but a man with a hard-on doesn't have the thinking power of a man without one. lol.


A few hour solo romp feels okay to me, but the 12-15 hour semi-poly sleepover makes me anxious. I guess if we were living together for a number of years and weren't new at our own relationship outside dating would be easier in some ways. I DO need to find things to do so I don't obsess and want to communicate with him. I look for men to date in my own town (2 hours from P) but it's jerryfalwellville and it's slim pickings-- and honestly, I am creeped out by his last two dates. Lol. I have met guys in Pete's town that I have connections with but I am not super interested in taking too much time away from 'our time' at this point. All we know is that we keep talking about stuff and what works and what does not. I love him too much for a little stray pussy to get in the way. :D

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A few hour solo romp feels okay to me, but the 12-15 hour semi-poly sleepover makes me anxious. :D


and we feel like it probably should.


When Ms.Looking has done this we have both fully agreed that when the sex is over she comes home.


In our opinion sleeping together is for partners and couples, feelings and emotions come with sleeping naked together, waking up together, having coffee together, etc.


When the hot, dirty, scandalous fucking is done WE get to love on each other and reaffirm our connection with each other.


Not saying sleeping with your fuck buddy can't work, this is just what works for us and keeps any jealousy at bay.


The mind is an unexplainable thing and irrational thoughts feed themselves, we prefer to not give them any 'consumables' so to speak.

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My wife is going on a date later with a new fella; this happens maybe every couple months or so. I usually get some combination of giddy/nervous/horny whenever this happens, so I feel I need to program things to keep my mind occupied or else I'll probably snap and call or text her or otherwise be bouncing off the walls.
You will forgive me, I hope, for steering this discussion into a slightly different direction, but on a related theme.


My wife goes out on her own with about the same frequency. Possibly out of a residual sense of guilt, which of course she should not feel, she expresses concern for what is going to occupy my time, "are you going to be OK while I'm out?" Nothing I have said seemed to convince her that I _would_ be OK. She has even tried to arrange dates for me such that they will land on the same evening. I've assured her I can manage my own little black book.


I believe I have finally got the point through to her. My needs and wants are not the same. I'm happy with life and with the swing lifestyle I have embraced. She can have her fun, I can have mine. No need for guilt.


So with what do I occupy myself while she is out on a date? I play the music which she finds distasteful at about 110 decibels and eat baked beans right out of the can without heating them. I act, in other words, like a juvenile for just a few hours.

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You will forgive me, I hope, for steering this discussion into a slightly different direction, but on a related theme.


My wife goes out on her own with about the same frequency. Possibly out of a residual sense of guilt, which of course she should not feel, she expresses concern for what is going to occupy my time, "are you going to be OK while I'm out?" Nothing I have said seemed to convince her that I _would_ be OK. She has even tried to arrange dates for me such that they will land on the same evening. I've assured her I can manage my own little black book.


I believe I have finally got the point through to her. My needs and wants are not the same. I'm happy with life and with the swing lifestyle I have embraced. She can have her fun, I can have mine. No need for guilt.


So with what do I occupy myself while she is out on a date? I play the music which she finds distasteful at about 110 decibels and eat baked beans right out of the can without heating them. I act, in other words, like a juvenile for just a few hours.


Wow - too funny.


My husband F s himself.


I'd probably worry too if he did anything but that or anything sexual.


And as for yours, I'd crack up.

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That is sort of how we got into swinging. My husband was to busy so while I was having at it with the other men, he was just as usual, staying busy.


Find something you enjoy doing and have at it...stay busy.


Funny part is that now after I tell him ALL about it, he turns into a sexual Dynamo!


The same thing happened to me before we got into swinging. We had given each other permission to have other partners, just to see what it would be like. The marriage was not in trouble. After the first time she told me about her affair, I also became a "sexual dynamo." I would get an erection almost any time and bang away. I didn't know why knowing my wife had banged another guy made me so horny. Years later I found out this is characteristic of the Madonna-whore complex that I apparently suffered from. After I found out that she had screwed another guy, she was no longer on a pedestal and was more like mother earth. What I apparently really wanted was a sexual creature, not an angelic wife.

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He works during the night Sunday-Thursday, away from home between 7 p.m. and 3:30 a.m. Some evenings she invites one of her male fuck buddies to keep her company for a while when husband is at work. She makes sure they are gone before 2 a.m. We live in a modern 2-bed apartment so the neighbors can't see other men coming/going and when they hear "something" they assume its just us together, they would be shocked/disgusted if they knew what was actually happening.


Other times such as on Friday or Saturday nights if she is out on a date with someone, he is at home either playing a video game, watching a movie, or has a friend round or out with a friend for a drink, just normal things really.


We are kind of past the jealousy and excitement stage of when the other is sleeping with someone else. We sleep with other people without the other half knowing as if it's all routine and plain normal to us to the point that we no longer inquire if the other has been "playing away", he usually knows from tell-tail signs when she has been with another man no matter how discrete she tries to be.

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    • By HotwifeHusband
      The three of us started our drive to Mexico with great anticipation of seeing Tijuana and sightseeing in San Diego and the Hollywood/LA area.  The first day of driving ended on the Mexican border in a town called San Ysidro, just across from Tijuana.  Sue looked up at me and eagerly asked, "Whose bed am I in tonight?"  I couldn't help but say, "Dan's...as long as you're still ok with everything?"  She replied that she didn't want to be asked if she was ok with something every time "something" was taking place as it took away from the experience.  And with that she said, "It's been a long drive. I need to take a shower before I go to bed and suggest you both do the same."  She then went into the shower. 
      I told Dan that he should set the tone for the week and begin it by joining Sue in the shower...but I wanted him to leave the door open so I could look in.  He was happy to oblige. 
      I looked in on them a couple of times and enjoyed watching them together.  I saw Sue through the glass shower door, naked as naked gets, and she was smiling up at his face while gently soaping up her hands as she wrapped them both around his  now erect cock and gently caressed his rod and balls.  Dan told her he wanted to fuck her in the shower and she said he could another day but for tonight she wanted them to enjoy each other in the comfort of their bed.
      I was lying back on my bed as they came out of the shower, both of them with towels wrapped around themselves.  Dan put underwear on and Sue quickly told him not to bother and to just get under the covers naked.  I headed to the shower.  When I came out of the shower I walked into the room and saw the beautiful sight of Sue's pussy being thoroughly licked and sucked on by Dan's tongue and mouth.  For some reason the fact she still had on a shear yellow teddy on that wasn't tied at the front was also a turn-on.  Her tits were easily seen and occasionally her erect nipples would pop out from the side. 
      I got into the other queen-size bed and said, "Have fun, I'm going to sleep." That turned out to be more difficult than I anticipated as I caught myself watching them as Sue straddled on Dan as his cock started the process of taking over ownership of my girlfriends cunt.  A cunt that was making it obvious that she was into this 100%.  I watched as Dan took control of her entire body, touching every inch of it, and telling her how good her body felt to his hands and body.  
      Dan's fucking motion took on a different pace and Sue told him to stop.  He looked at her with a confused face and asked, "Is everything ok?" Sue gave the reminder that she didn't want to be asked that question again and was committed to the week.
      Instead she slowly raised herself off his cock which now had a shine to it from her pussy juice and told him to close his eyes until she said to open them.  Dan did as he was told and she very slowly lowered herself back on his shaft and told him to concentrate on her motions as she wanted to make sure he knew what the inside of her pussy felt like. 
      She slowly rode up and down a few times before Dan said he didn't think he could hold it much longer.  She then told Dan to open her eyes and to listen to what she had to say.  As Dan opened his eyes Sue looked at me and asked if this was something I 100% wanted to happen? 
      I already had pre-cum dripping from my cock and was hard as a rock and said, "I love you enough that if you are enjoying this you can do this every night this week." 
      She replied to me, "Be careful what you wish for." With that she looked at Dan and said, "I belong to you, Dan. I want this as much as you do and starting right now I am yours for the rest of the week. In fact, as of right now, I will be sleeping with you, in your bed, every night."  She then looked at me and said, "Don't worry, you'll still get yours."
      She returned her focus to Dan as he started fucking her hard again and she let out "I"m cumming" as she then collapsed with her tits now firmly resting on his chest.  She raised herself back up on him and told him, "Give it to me. I don't want you to stop until you are finishing cumming inside of me." As Dan was moaning into his final grunts all I heard was Sue telling him, "You know I want to be yours all week. You own me all week. Take me, take all of me."
      This went on every day. Even during the day sightseeing she'd be holding my hand sometime and other times she'd be holding Dan's as we walked Tijuana, visited San Diego, and hit the tourist sights of Hollywood. 
      Our last night in Los Angeles, Dan was talking about the week exceeding even his fantasies, but there was one thing he thought of that he'd like to do if Sue would be ok with it.  I had enjoyed the week so much that I immediately said, "Sure!"  We all laughed, but Sue said she wanted to know what it was before she agreed to anything because she couldn't think of anything they hadn't done. 
      Dan said he'd love it if when we got up in the morning to shower before our drive back to school, that he'd love to shave her pussy because he thought that would be pretty erotic.  It caught Sue and I off-guard a little bit as we had never even thought about that.  I had told Sue how much it turned me on hearing her say things to Dan like how bad she wanted him inside of her, and how he did such a great job fucking her, and how she wanted him to know exactly how she looked naked and she wanted him to know how her entire body felt.  So I truly believe she was intentionally turning me on when she responded, "I've never shaved there before, and I like the idea of ending our week with you being the first one to shave me in such an intimate way."  I responded with only if I get to watch. 
      So the next morning the two of them were about to go into the shower when Dan said he was ready. As Sue and I walked into the bathroom he picked her up and put her on the towel he had laid out on the counter by the sink.  He ran some warm water and gently soaped up all around her cunt and carefully started to shave her mound.  He took his time as he gently would spread her pussy lips being careful not to nick anything. 
      When he was done, he took one hand and spread her pussy, exposing her clit for both of us to see, and suggested that we both feel how smooth she now felt.  It was great as you can imagine. 
      Sue then said it was time to get in the shower and that she felt since Dan had done all the work, that he should be the first one ever to fuck her shaved pussy.  It was a fact that would later become a fairly constant comment over the following years.  It was now time to head back to college.
      Part 4 of Sue's hotwife story...
    • By HotwifeHusband
      We both had graduated from college and Sue saw an ad from a local modeling agency looking for male and female models.  She set up an interview and was hired. 
      Her first modeling assignment was a "fashion show" for Fredericks of Hollywood clothing.  This was similar to what she had done once in college so she decided to do it again. 
      The fashion show was in the next town and was at a person's home.  When we both got there we were greeted by the hostess from the modeling agency, and about a dozen men.  The event was uneventful as she modeled every outfit, saving the last which was a light yellow teddy with "open cups" exposing her breasts and crotchless bottoms exposing her pussy which ever since our trip to Mexico with Dan, she kept clean shaven.
      We got married soon after.  Sue and I both found jobs at the same high tech company and after a few months the Director of Sue's department called her in his office.  He told her he didn't want to cross any lines but needed to ask if she ever did any modeling because he had been to a house that had a lingerie fashion show and she looked like the model.  Sue was a bit embarrassed and admitted that it was her. 
      At this particular time I was under a lot of stress with my work and hadn't been up for as much sex as Sue wanted...and it became an issue of me trying to explain that it had nothing to do with her and that I still found her very attractive. This went on for a couple of months.  Eventually she told me that she felt the Director that mentioned the fashion show was starting to flirt a bit.  They had sat together a few times in the cafe for lunch and he was starting to make some suggestive comments.  I told her that if she wanted to she could encourage it and see where it took them as it would also  take some pressure off of me. 
      Within a week Sue came home from work and said that the Director (John) called her in his office and shut the door.  He started with, "I want to be very careful of what I'm going to say because I don't want to lose my job if I offend you about something." 
      Sue interrupted him and said,  "I know what you are talking about.  We've been having discussions that probably cross the line, and we are both guilty of that.  So say what you want to say, and I won't be offended." 
      John then told her that she's been driving him crazy and that he constantly thinks about her.  He also said, "Even right now with you in my office I want to bend you over my desk and have sex with you." 
      Sue then looked at him and said, "John, I've known we were heading to this based upon our conversations, and I didn't want to stop it.  Obviously, we can't do anything in your office, but all you need to do is invite me to your house."   And then she said, "And to be honest about it, my husband knows and is ok with it." 
      John was a divorced man so he lived alone and didn't have to worry about sneaking around.  And with that, Sue came home after work and told me that that Friday she would be leaving work right at 5 pm and going to John's house.
      I made arrangements with my best friend to go out to a sports bar for the night, to help me keep my mind off things to help the time go by quicker.  I got home at 10 p.m. wondering if Sue would be home.....and I waited and watched as the clock hit 11 p.m., midnight, and then I finally called her at 12:30 in the morning and she answered her  phone stating she was on her way and would be home by 1 a.m.  John lived 25 minutes in the other direction from work so he lived about one hour from our house. 
      As soon as Sue got home she looked at me and all she said was "I don't care how tired  you are, you need to take me to bed to re-claim me."  I asked her how it went and she said she'd tell me when we got to bed.  I was surprised she spent so much time with him.  Apparently John came inside her three times, telling her that he "was inspired" by her.  Sue told me that even after cumming in her, that he'd leave his cock in her pussy because he wanted to take advantage of every minute he had with her.  And they would either spoon after cumming or they would be facing each other with his cock still in her and they'd just talk....and they did that all three times he came. 
      The next morning was Saturday and it looked like she was getting dressed for work.  I asked her what she was doing and she said she had to go back into work as they were working on a major project with pressing deadlines.  For the 1st time in all these years of being open minded it really bothered me knowing she would be with him again after just getting fucked by him about 10 hours earlier.  I didn't like it because I felt their relationship was getting more "personal", rather than just about the sex. Little did I know what would happen later. 
      About 2-3 years later we were in our bedroom getting ready to call it a night and Sue looked up at me and said, "I have to tell you something and I'm worried about you getting mad but I can't live like this, keeping a secret from you."  I asked her what she was talking about and I never even thought of John being brought up.  She then proceeded to tell me that after that first night with John that she saw him a couple more times.  That three times she went to his house when she told me she was going shopping and that one time he was out sick and he had called her at work, and that during lunch she went to his house to visit him because when he called her he jokingly said, "I'm in the mood for a blowjob right now, can you come over at lunch time"...and that's what she did. 
      I went silent when she told me this and all I said was, "leave the room, I need time to think through this."  I didn't speak to her that night and didn't respond to her trying to bring up conversation for the next couple of days.  Finally she came to me and said, "All right, I understand you're angry but can you please speak to me.  I don't know what I can do other than keep apologizing to you."  She said that she would be willing to do "anything to earn back your trust." 
      I looked at her and told her that she was right about me being angry and that I felt betrayed and I didn't know how long it would take me to get over that feeling.  I also told her that I couldn't get it out of my mind that she had made arrangements with another man, to fuck him, and she kept it from me.  We had always been open with each other about this.  I mentioned how hurt I was by the deceit rather than the physical act of having sex and developing a friendship with John but that at the same time I felt myself being turned on by it. 
      I then asked her if she was serious about doing "anything" to earn back my trust?  She said "yes", and I said, "you might not like what I'm about to say." She said it didn't matter if she liked it or not, she just wanted to earn back my trust.  I proceeded to tell her that I would be going on Adult Friend Finder and that I would find a guy that she would have to start fucking. 
      So I eventually found another person named John and met up with him.  He was a divorced guy who owned his own small construction company that included two different crews.  They would build homes, and do high end renovations.  He lived alone, and his schedule was fairly flexible.  All John asked of me was to bring pictures of Sue as I told him I needed to meet him alone first as I knew the type of guy Sue would be interested in. 
      I told Sue what I was doing.  She said she understood.  I told her I needed to take a few pictures of her in fairness to John to see if he would be interested.  Sue again understood. 
      I met with John and he was absolutely interested in Sue based upon the pictures and I could tell he had a personality that would go well with Sue's.  When I came home after meeting John I told Sue about meeting John and felt that he would work out well.  I also told Sue, that if things went well after the three of us getting together the first time that "earning my trust" would require a longer term Friends with Benefits situation, until I got the previous situation out of my system  Again, Sue said she understood.  
      We met at John's house and got pizza delivered to help start the relationship and eventually I just said, "Are both of you comfortable"?  They both said yes, and with that John took Sue into his bedroom and they fucked each other.  When they were done, they both came out of the bedroom fully dressed.  I then told Sue to take off her shirt and pants as I wanted her to just be standing in front of John and me with her sheer green bra and matching sheer green panties.  She gave me this look, and I just shrugged and said, "you know why." 
      She did what she was asked and we visited for about another 20 minutes, giving John the opportunity to stare at Sue's totally sheer bra, still exposing her tits and nipples the entire time...and left for home.  On the drive, Sue did say that John was a very friendly person.  I told her that John and I would be talking the next day to get his feelings but that she needed to be prepared for anything because of her prior indiscretion with the previous John.  All she replied with was "OK, I understand."
      John and I had our conversation and he said the night couldn't have gone better and that he was very attracted to Sue, and that he also just had a very good feeling of a relationship between the three of us.  I told him I agreed. 
      When I got home, Sue asked how my conversation with John went.  I told her that he was attracted to her and he enjoyed the sex with her.  I asked Sue if she would be upset if I told her that he was the one I was going to pick for her to start fucking on a regular basis and she said if that is what she needed to do to regain trust that she could do it as she also felt they were compatible in bed, and she also liked the conversation the three of us had and felt we all could be friends. 
      But Sue didn't know what would be happening next.  I told Sue that John and I discussed how "moving forward" would look like and that we both were in agreement.  I then gave Sue John's phone number and told her he was expecting her call.  That from now on the two of them would communicate with each other but Sue, unlike with the previous John, needed to tell me every time she and John would be getting together. Again, Sue understood and said she promised to be totally honest with me about anything to do with John and she was willing to do whatever I wanted her to do, given what had previously happened. 
      I then looked at Sue and told her to call John, and I wanted her to be "forward" with him on the phone and that she first needed to ask him if he felt comfortable after meeting the two of us (I already knew how he was going to answer).  I then instructed Sue to specifically say on the phone that she was "also very comfortable both in conversation, as well as being in bed with him."  Sue then stated, at my request, "I'm interested in seeing you on a regular basis if you are.  And if you can commit to not dating any women on the side, I'll commit to having sex with you, pretty much whenever you want.  And, one more thing, if you are ok with it, I'd rather you no longer wear a condom." 
      And that started what turned out to be about a 15 year relationship where we are all still friends today. About two months after they started seeing each other, John called me and asked about the possibility of Sue working for him part time.  He was thinking about her going to his house two days a week, just half days.  One day would be to work on calling back customers who call to set up an appointment with him, and another half day to take care of sending out the bills, and making bill payments to suppliers, etc. 
      I had an idea pop into my head because I was still of the mindset of "punishing" Sue for cheating on me earlier.  John really liked my idea and now I was going to tell Sue.  When I told Sue what John had asked and what he and I decided she initially thought it was asking too much...but I reminded her about how hurtful her cheating had been and that I really needed her to do this. 
      Sue was a teacher and was about to have almost three full months off.  I told her that John would be paying her to work part time out of his house for two days a week.  She needed to be at his house around 7:30 in the morning to review his schedule so she could set up appointments for him to meet with people calling asking for a quote of construction work, and then on the second day she would handle all the billing that needed to be either paid, or invoiced. 
      She looked at me perplexed as if to say, "Ok, what's the big deal?" I then told her that EVERY day she went to his house to work that she was not allowed to wear a bra, and had to wear a top that was revealing either because of sheerness or being low cut. 
      After her saying, "Are your serious?", I responded, "You are damn right I'm serious, and frankly it's all because you were fucking the other John without telling me.  Now I'll know for the next three months what you'll be doing, and the plan is that you and John will be fucking each other each day, and sometimes 2X a day (when you first get there, and when he comes home for lunch). 
      She said, "Ok, I get it, but I hope this is coming to the end of it."  I then had her call John and had her say the following to him, "I hear  you have a job opening for me, can you confirm the dress code and expectations that I just heard from my husband."  She listened to his response and said "When do you want me to start?.  And for the next three months she arrived at John's house, always with a sweater on in case she got stopped by a police officer or if something weird happened on her way "to work." And the first thing she did when she got in the house was take her sweater off. 
      The very first time she was to go to work she came downstairs and took her sweater off and said, "Does this meet  your approval?"  She was obviously braless, wearing a thin, low cut tank top with low arm holes exposing plenty of side boob, and you could make out the color of her nipples through the top.  I told Sue I couldn't have picked out better work attire and then she went to work. 
      During the three months doing this I had to go on a business trip for a few days so I called John and told him to call Sue and ask her out to dinner and make plans to spend some time at his house.  I also told John I wanted "photo proof of him fucking her so I know she went."  This was also going to be a test to see if Sue would be honest about telling me what she was going to do. 
      About 30 minutes after talking with John, Sue called me.  She told me that John had asked her out to dinner and wanted to make sure I was ok with that?  She said it felt like she was going "on a date" rather than just being a friend with benefits.  I told her it felt the same way to me, and considering that she pretty much "went on dates" with the previous John without my knowledge, that she now needed to realize that she was about to start dating John WITH my knowledge.  She asked how much longer she needed to go through with this and I told her I hadn't even started to think about that yet because I had been hurt so much. 
      So Sue and John had their first "date" while I was away on business.  John sent me an email that included an attachment.  He laughingly wrote: "As you requested, my first date with your wife happened.  I also told her that you asked me to inform her that you wanted her to agree to start "dating me" rather than just me fucking her.  And she agreed to it, so once she's back teaching and can't come over during the summer anymore, she is going to start seeing me for longer periods of time rather than coming over for an hour to fuck each other, we'll grab dinner or take a drive somewhere."
      John also told me to watch the attachment as he sent "more than a photo".  I opened the attachment and saw two things: a photo of my wife's face with his cock in her mouth, pressing her cheek from the inside so I could see his cock bump pushing out her cheek. And he also sent me a video that lasted a few minutes of him fucking her.  He told me not to worry, that he'd delete both the photo and video, but I told him I wanted him to keep it so he'd always be able to look back on how they looked fucking each other. 
      And that relationship lasted around 15 years.  After fucking John about 10 times Sue told me that she noticed something different and wanted to be honest with me.  I asked her what she was talking about.  She said it felt like John was "fucking" her at times like he was paying for it but other times it was more emotional, it was starting to feel like he was "making love" to her. I told her I guess that would be normal after seeing someone consistently that you liked.  I told her I was ok with that. 
      She then said she was starting to feel like she was making love to him at times, that it was emotional for her as well feeling like she was giving her body to someone she cared about as a friend.  She wasn't having any feelings of being in love with him, but she was getting some emotional connection where she wanted to give herself to him when they saw each other.  It turned me on. The frequency of sex got less over the last couple of years but he and I estimated, that not counting the three months she worked for him and they fucked anywhere from 2-4 times a week, that he had fucked her somewhere between 50-100 times. 
      And to this day, years later, the thought that she's been fucked so much by the same guy is a turn-on.  We all still remain friends today.  I thought that would be the end of our openess in our marriage but there would be two other men that would enter our lives, both of which got substantial time with my hotwife.  And she wanted it. 
      If you'd like to read about it, let me know and I'll write it up.
    • By MenPoundMyWife
      My wife and I have been married for over 10 years. She is 5'4, about 130lbs, 34F, and very fit. 
      We dated for couple of years before getting married. From the very beginning, she was the most sexual woman I had ever met. Soon after we started dating, she started to push me to talk about her former lovers. Slowly, I started to get turned on by the stories and became more and more curious about her past sexual experiences with boyfriends before me. Eventually, we got married, and few years later, she started to throw hints of wanting to raise her score. I quickly got on board and we started to regularly talk about how other men would fuck her and so forth.
      Finally, during a trip to Vegas, we decided to visit a sex club and she was very excited, although a little nervous. She wore a new tight black dress with red lingerie underneath. We got to the club and just hung out. She was very uneasy and she said she had never been to a place like this. About 30 minutes in, we were starting to talk about leaving, she suddenly pointed at a slightly older guy and said: "Go bring him here." My dick was hard as a rock. I walked up to the guy and asked if he is interested in my wife, he had been staring at her the entire time. He quickly smiled and said, "Oh yes, let's go."
      They shook hands, introduced themselves and we all decided to find the area with beds and more privacy (so to speak). We found a room downstairs that was only enclosed by a curtain. She told me to go and get condoms so she can get to know the guy for a few minutes. When I came back, they were just talking, slowly, she walked up to me and started kissing me. Once I let go, I gestured to the guy to go ahead; he quickly moved in on her. They started making out, he started kissing her all over the place, slowly, she dropped backwards on bed and pulled him on top of herself. 
      He lowered her dress and started sucking her big tits. She asked me to join in. We each had a tit in our mouth and we were both fingering her pussy at the same time. Slowly, I moved down and started eating her pussy. She is always fully waxed like a porn star. As soon as I stopped eating her pussy as she came, he went down and started eating it. Slowly, I moved back up and she took my dick in her mouth. 
      To our surprise, a crowd gathered and four other men wanted to fuck her. She shook her head but they all watched her get pounded. 
      The guy that went in there with us, quickly got naked and tugged at her red thong. She took it off and handed it to me. This whole time, she was playing with my dick, it's about 5.5". The guy was much larger, about 7". She looked at it and winked at me. She told him she likes it rough.
      He had it fully up and moved close to her pussy. She stared into my eyes, grabbed his dick and guided it to rub her pussy. He took his clue and shoved it in. She reminded him to not be gentle. He obliged and fucked her like a whore. She begged for more by saying, "Oh yeah, fuck me, fuck me hard...look babe, he is fucking me so good, he is so big, look, he is fucking your wife right in front of you....oh yeah, fuck me." About four other guys and a couple were now watching her get fucked. I asked her if I should tell them to leave, she said no, she likes it. She slowly turned to them so they can get the full view of a dick in her pussy while she was playing with mine. 
      Once the guy got done, she said, "Okay honey, this was awesome," and kissed me multiple times thanking me for a great experience. She said she wanted to stay for a few before we walked out. She wanted to walk around and be noticed as the woman who had just been fucked, since rest of the crowd was just hanging out.
      We cannot wait to do it again.  
    • By HotwifeHusband
      Sue and I both decided to take the part-time jobs as there were only two months left in the semester.  For the next eight Saturdays I bussed tables while she waited on tables in short shorts and an apron from the waist down.  It was an incredible experience that would make me hard watching the number of guys that got to see her 34C tits and light-colored nipples.  And that would last for 4 hours every Saturday. 
      As we were coming to our last Saturday of the semester and subsequent return to our home state I thought it would be cool to let the guys of our dorm know about the job she had had the previous two months.  Initially some of them were in disbelief but didn't want to miss out on seeing her tits as many had probably imagined what they looked like since she was primarily braless during the semester. 
      On the way to work on her final Saturday I told her to expect some surprise visitors.  She gave me that look of "now what did you do?" and I told her.  After some make believe "I can't believe you did that!" she settled in with the realization that she would be seeing a number of guys she had gotten to know, and more importantly, they would now actually see her naked breasts for the first time. 
      Sure enough about 12 guys from the dorm came in, a few of which were friends and not even from our dorm.  After the initial uncomfortableness she became totally at ease with the situation and didn't mind the outright staring at her boobs. 
      Little did I know what this would evolve into, until our following Junior school year as we went on another student exchange program to a school in northern California.  Sue and I ended up in different dorms but I had become friends with Dan who lived on the floor above me.  He was a senior and had a single room.  The three of us were listening to music and just visiting in his room one night and Dan dropped a deck of cards on a table and asked, "Want to play cards?"  He and I had preplanned this and I responded with, "All I know how to play is poker."  Sue replied she knew Crazy 8's.  Dan said, "I dare you guys to play strip poker."  Sue looked at me and said, "Be honest with me - you guys have already talked about this, haven't you?"  I replied, "Honestly, yes - how'd you know?"  She just shook her head and said, "Who is dealing first?"  I immediately started getting hard and Sue gave me this look that I didn't quite understand.
      Eventually we were all down to our underwear with Sue having a bra on (for some reason) and panties.  She then lost a hand and as she stood up to unclasp her bra from the front I told her to stop.  Sue asked "why?" to which Dan replied with a laugh "yeah, why?".  I then said that part of the game at this point is that the guys got to take her bra off as slow as we wanted.  I'm guessing the beer we had been drinking had something to do with it but Sue willingly smiled and said "guys are perverts" and put her hands to her sides. 
      Dan and I each took one side of the clasp in the front of her bra and slowly unhooked it and dragged our hands across each tit.  Sue was now letting Dan feel her up and was actually getting into it.  After about 15 seconds or so she said that was enough and time to deal another hand. 
      So the three of us were now all sitting on the bed with Dan and I having obvious hard-on's and Sue's nipples were erect.  The next hand Sue also lost and as she stood up, Dan and I also stood up and said, "We get to take these off."  I asked Dan, "Do you want the front or the back?" (knowing full well he would take the front). 
      As we pulled her panties down, Dan slowly ran his middle finger down the slit of Sue's cunt, and then right back up it.  She said that was enough, but that it was our turn to lose our underwear to end the game.  We told her the game was over as she had lost all her clothes.  She jokingly said that it wasn't fair.  I then said, "I tell you what, we'll play one more hand and if you win, we'll take our underwear off, but if you lose the hand since you're already naked, you have to lie down on the bed and Dan and I can use our hands only on you." 
      She didn't fight that idea at all and simply said, "For how long?"  I said, "We'll draw a card from the deck and whatever the card is it would be for that amount of time in minutes, face cards would be ten minutes, Aces would be 15 minutes,  but the Queen of Spades would be an hour." I has said the last one as I envisioned that card looking a little like her pussy. 
      Unfortunately the card she picked from the deck was a 6 so for the next six minutes Dan and I were feeling her tits and pussy.  Dan tried to insert his finger in her cunt and she said that wasn't part of the game.  With that the night ended and Sue and I went back to our respective rooms.  The next day when I saw Sue I told her I had trouble sleeping as I kept thinking about what had happened.  She admitted the same thing and said she was surprised at how  much it turned her on as she was thinking about it in bed.  I had been worried a little bit that she was going to wake up the next day and be mad about it.  Little did I know it was just the beginning and within a couple of weeks things were about to change.
      A couple weeks later Dan talked to me about the upcoming spring break.  He had his own car and was thinking about going down to visit Tijuana, San Diego, and then hitting the tourist spots in Hollywood and trying to see the Tonight Show live.  He had a proposition for me that he was hoping Sue and I would go along with.  Sue and I were planning on staying on campus as we didn't have a car.  He offered to pay for all the gas in his car and also he would pay for the hotel rooms wherever we stayed if for the entire week Sue would be willing to act as if she had two boyfriends the entire time, including having sex with him. 
      The idea alone got my mind racing and I immediately told him I was definitely good with it and that I'd talk with Sue.  When I told Sue she was initially surprised that Dan would suggest such a thing but with a nervous smile she said, "I'm not going to say yes, but I'm not going to say no," and to give her a day to think about it. 
      The next day she said she only had one question for me and that was if I was sure that I'd be ok with it and that if she at any time got too uncomfortable with it, that we could stop it and pay our fair share.  I enthusiastically said that wouldn't be a problem and that I was excited to see what it would be like.  When I told Dan her response he was obviously very excited as well but he felt it was important for us to get together in his room the night before spring break started just to make sure Sue was still ok with everything and to talk things out.
      The night before we were to leave Sue and I went up to Dan's room and it was obvious everyone was a little nervous and there was some nervous chit chat until Dan finally broke the ice and said, "Look, I don't want us to get to Tijuana and Sue gets cold feet or that she feels pressure for the rest of the week to do anything."  With that he looked at Sue and said, "Can I kiss you?" 
      Sue said, "I guess we might as well find out now before we've driven 12 hours to Mexico," and she went up to Dan and started making out with him.  Within seconds he was taking off her clothes and laying her on the bed.  As he was feeling her up, he then slid his hand onto her pussy and said, "If you want to fuck me during the week, spread your legs right now and raise your hips." 
      Sue looked over to me for approval and with that she spread her legs and tilted up at the hips.  Dan stood up and pulled his shorts down.  He told her to grab his cock and to slowly slide it in her but that he wanted her to tell him something...and with that, as Sue slid him inside her moist cunt, she said, "This pussy is going to be just as much yours all week." 
      Dan told her that he wanted to own it all week and Sue stared directly in his eyes and replied, "I want you to own it, I want both of you to own all of me." And with that, we left the next day for Mexico.

    • By HotwifeHusband
      My girlfriend was raised in a very strict family.  We started dating our junior year in high school.  She was/is a beautiful blond with blue eyes and a fantastic body. 
      Although she had previous boyfriends I was the first to feel her up.  By the time we went to college she was ready to be away from parental supervision.  This was back in the 1970s where it was fairly common to see tube tops and bralessness.  Her college roommate seldom wore a bra and when it was time for the first dorm party of the year I dared her to be braless.  Little did I know that this would be the start of an exciting number of years. 
      She wore a thin yellow tube top.  Although it wasn't sheer, I (and everyone else) could tell she was braless.  Later on that night she told me it was kind of exciting catching guys looking at her boobs. 
      Our school had a student exchange program and we both talked to our parents about going to the U of Miami for one semester.  Not surprisingly her parents said "no" as they wanted to see how her grades would be during her freshman year. 
      Our sophomore year she finally got permission from her parents.  We went during the 2nd semester.  In Florida, braless is pretty much the normal look and she seldom wore one. 
      There was a posting in our dorm looking for a female model for an event for Undercoverwear.  Undercoverwear was similar to Fredericks of Hollywood.  A woman sold Undercoverwear the way you would sell Tupperware, except it was lingerie.  I told Sue I thought it would be kind of fun doing something like that but only if I could go. 
      Sue contacted the woman looking for a female model and met with her.  The "event" was going to be at a community hall that she had rented and the attendance would be exclusively for males.  The expectation was Sue would wear a variety of lingerie but there was no nudity required. She'd also get paid $100 for about 2 hours of work, and I could go. 
      When we got there Sue was taken into a back room where there was a rack full of lingerie sorted out according to the level of sexiness and sheerness.  There were about 20 guys sitting at round tables of 5 that she'd have to walk around like she was on a catwalk so they could see what the outfits looked like. 
      Sue had come out in a variety of sexy teddy's and negligees.  After the first couple outfits, the clothes became more revealing.  Toward the end she came out in an outfit that although not totally sheer you could see a hint of her nipples.  All the guys started clapping as she did her walk around all the tables. 
      It was now the end of the "fashion show" and the guys started chanting for her to come out one more time.  The woman running it came up to me and told me that Sue wanted to see me in the back room before the show was officially over. 
      I went into the back room and Sue could tell I had really enjoyed everything.  Sue then pulled off a "harem outfit" that was the furthest one on the clothes rack, indicating it was the most revealing.  She said she was fine putting it on as the last outfit if I was OK with her wearing it in front of all the guys.  I said, "Are you kidding me, I'd love it."  I then walked back to my table and the woman announced that Sue was coming out with one more outfit to end the night and asked for the guys to finalize their order sheets but that they may want to wait for the last outfit to add to their orders. 
      Sue then walked out in a light pink harem outfit that was totally sheer exposing her breasts and nipples as if she was topless.  The guys went crazy.  They started yelling "tits for tips" and with that Sue looked at me and with a sly grin I nodded my head and she proceeded to take her top down and did a final walk around each table being completely topless.  When she got back to the room she was changing in, the woman walked in and handed her another fifty dollars in tips and said she had done a great job. 
      As Sue and I were walking out to head back to the dorm a man who was at the fashion show was waiting for us and said that he owned a restaurant and if we both were looking to make a few extra dollars he could use us for about 4 hours every Saturday from noon to 4pm.  The restaurant was called "R Donuts".  The job for me would be to buss tables, and for Sue it would be as a topless waitress (hence the "R" Donut name). We told him we'd think about it. 
      See part 2 as this story of the journey from shyness to hotwife continues.
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