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Responding to free members: Do you email pictures?

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I don't know why I have such an issue with this situation, so I thought I'd throw it here and get some opinions.


We are paid members on a couple of sites. Pictures are posted (of both), and once conversation occurs we have no problem opening up private pictures, which do include face pics.


But for some reason I seem to be uncomfortable when a free member, who cannot access any pictures, requests we email them. I don't know if it's a security or safety issue, but I just don't like emailing pictures.


Honestly, part of me feels that "Hey, we're serious", so we do pay for the membership and keep our pictures in our profile. So by staying a free member, are they any less serious because they choose not to pay?


So which is better/safer/more secure? Opening private pics, or emailing pics? And if you do email pictures, do you include face pics along with with sexier pics in the same email? Or one or the other? Why?


Mrs. NC

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We're freeloaders on sls ourselves, so I'm confident free does not equate to not serious. I also think if someone really feels a need to see graphic profile gallery pics they should pay for membership rather than requesting pics be mailed to them. I think I wouldn't be comfortable with someone who requests we email them our pics - whatcha see is whatcha get.


As far as security, I think it would depend on the resolution of the pics. If the resolution is the same, then the risks shouldn't be too much different. But I think most emailed pics would be a higher resolution and the potential for abuse would probably be higher.


We have one "g rated" pic on our profile and we have never been asked for more explicit pics.

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We never email pictures. We have some full body, non-face pictures that are public, that free members can see. If a free member needs to see more than that we figure they can either pay for a membership to see them, or pass on us.


Our private pictures are private for a reason, we have something to lose if just anybody can get them. Our feeling is that if someone is serious enough about it to pay for a membership then we can probably trust them enough to see our private pictures. On the other hand, we don't feel that way at all about free members.

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We have at various times been paid members on SLS...right now we're not. We have pictures on our profile and would appreciate those that contact us have pics either public so we can see what they look like as well or at least attach one to the email they send.


I assume you are talking more of a site like AFF where free members can either see a default profile picture, but not any others? If you can see pics of them, what is the problem with opening tame pics to them? I don't know that I would be comfortable emailing pics to someone...and I'm a little iffy about doing picture share in Yahoo after someone requested we reshare pics b/c their hard drive bit the dust and they wanted to re-save our pics. wtf?! :eek: So since that time, I've been leery of photo sharing there. I mean, I'm sure others have saved the pics we've shared...but they haven't blatantly told us so...

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We are free members right now basically because times are really tight for us. After 27 years of marriage we have never been more financialy strapped. I was laid off from my job of 21 years and we have two kids in college....just can't afford it right now. And unfortunately we are new and are more serious and excited than ever about this adventure.

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We pretty much have tried everything, every way. (go figure)


As free members, we used to swap photos on yahoo, and met a few playmates that way.


But I can assure you someone, somewhere, is secretly masturbating to the few we have out there on the vast Internets now. (Who knows, hopefully a female or two also)


I guess as with anything, things change.....


Now, or at least before we took our hacienda, we would open our pics (face pics included) to paid members, and we would send G-rated only pics on Yahoo.


I guess it went from "heyyyy, this is cool !" to "uhhhh, what are we doing"

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Early on I would share pictures to members via Yahoo IM if requested (G/PG rated). But I ran into a number of perhaps picture collectors (or they didn't like the pics) as they disappeared immediately after receiving the pictures. Now I'm very hesitant to get into any exchange on Yahoo unless I had met the person in real life. So no I will not email pictures. I also pass by any profile that has no pictures at all in it.


There are many "fish" in the sea and I don't look at every interaction as a must have. If there's not a way for them to see us or us to see them online then it's a pass.

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We never email pictures. If a free member needs to see more than that we figure they can either pay for a membership to see them, or pass on us.


Our private pictures are private for a reason.


This is us exactly.

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We dont feel good about emailing pics either. weven if they are only g-rated. we have done it before, but recently we said, no more. We are professionals annd have small children so it makes us useasy to know our images are floating around ou there.


We are paid SLS members and jkeep face pics private. Our public pics (g-rated) have us from about the knees up with our eyes blacked out. So people can see that we are both caucasion, blonde, and what type of bodies (clothed) we have. Its just enough that if someone we know sees it they could say, "looks like", "maybe", "could it really be them". Just a safety or discretionary measure for us.

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On Swing Lifestyle, you can't right click on an image and 'save as' because the site prevents it. That isn't the case on many other sites and honestly, it's not perfect but it's something. I'm more worried about someone taking our shots and putting them up on another board or worse, seeing them on something like real ex-girlfriends or some stupid site like that. You can say, just send G rated pictures but still won't do it.


To me, this may sound really mean, but if you can't afford 14.95 for a 30 day period then you can't afford to be going out on a date with us. You don't have to STAY a paying member but if you are reaching out to others and you want THEM to send you pictures then that is just wrong. At least pay while you are in the searching mode and when you have a couple or two you like and are playing with then deactivate your account.


Having said that, if you are reaching out to a FREE member then you should not expect them to activate their account for your sake.

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I've emailed some fairly tame pics three times to free members........each and every time after the pic's are sent we don't hear very much if anything from them anymore. I've now decided that if they are free and ask us for pictures- then they can pony up the membership fee, or meet us for coffee sometime. Strangely enough (insert sarcasm here), people who've paid and seen our pictures about half we actually hook up with......so absolutely sending pictures to free members is a no go for us.

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I have the same issue. I don't have a problem conversing with free members and on the site treat them the same way I do paid. However, if anyone (free or paid) starts in with the "email us...." um no. I'll give you my real email addy when I feel I can trust you with having it, when I know you aren't going to barage me with a bunch of crap. Until then I'll keep you on SLS (or wherever) so that if need be I can block you.


The other thing I don't get is them asking you to email them pics. I have pics in my profile and you can see them. The private ones are going to stay private until I know you.


I've had a few newbie SLS peeps (I don't know if they are free or not). who have instead of posting their own pic in their profile wanted our email address so they could email it to us. When they do this I give them instructions about how they can post private pictures on SLS and open them to those they choose. Perhaps that's not an option that SLS gives to free members (I'm really not sure).

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Julie, I'm not real sure what's available either to free members on SLS - we've been a paid member for too long to remember. I don't think they can see or post private pics.


Against my better judgement we did send them pics, and never heard another word. They were g-rated but face pics.


My biggest concern is this: If I send face pics from our lifestyle account, then our faces are attached to that account that we use for all swing related emails. I'm not giving a personal email, because that would give away our full names. So for me it's giving out too much information that someday could bite us.


Mr. NC and I have talked about it more and agree that never would we email pics again. We use and pay for the sites for a reason - and there they shall stay. No, it's not 100% private either, but I'd rather take our chances there than sending out pics through email.


After this scenario, we chatted with a couple that stated "we don't put pics on any site but are happy to email". Well our response was "we don't email any pics, we only put them on the sites". So obviously we will probably never meet. That's ok, plenty of others out there!

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My answer is always; "We only have pics on the website, for safety thats why we do not email pics".


I mean, the other person may not like it, but at least they have to appreciate and respect our attempt and concerns of confidentiality.


It's just that simple. If meeting another is meant to be then we will have to figure out a different avenue I guess. If it came down to it, I would never mail explicit pics. Only vanilla pics. Thats it.


Although I know I can save "protected" pics on any site to my computer, Swing Lifestyle included, in 3 mouse clicks or less, I still feel more comfortable with the knowledge that there is some attempt at protection and that not all users are yet savy enough to thwart the security.

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We've fallen for the, "Can you send us pics on yahoo," scam before. So now we just stick with Swing Lifestyle as a vehicle for exchanging pics. It's not so much because we're anti-free members, but for our own protection. (Even if it might be too late/in our own minds)


Of course, it's been so long since we've gotten any emails that it's practically a moot point anymore. :(

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We are free members on SLS and lifetime members on SZC (got free lifetime membership on the sites start up) along with Swappercityusa (free to everyone site). We have not joined SLS due to lack of funds and there are several sites that are free or cheeper. We like SLS and hope to someday do the lifetime membership. We don't ask to see pictures unless there are none posted. When we have people wanting to see more of our pictures we refer them to one of the other sites we are members of.

As far as pictures being safer on SLS because you cannot right click and save that doesn't help much as there are many other ways to collect pictures off the screen with out right clicking.

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As the original poster stated we too have the same problem and 99% of the time it's on SLS. We are free members there and paid on an other site, we are real and we post face pics on our paid site but no face pics on SLS. Sorry but way too many spammers and pic trolls on there, and as far as AFF...is that site really real? Why are we not paid on SLS ? well why should we pay to just have people troll for our pictures.


The paid site is a bit tougher to join since it's verified and has private galleries where we have face pics. We don't get as many people there asking to see "xxx" as we do on SLS. We have plenty of pics on the public gallery to give people an idea of our style and body type but no faces. Anyone can join with any name or location on AFF, SLS or here, our name here is different than at other web sites.


We open our private gallery only to people we are interested in meeting and after the meet if they are real and we stay in touch we keep it open to them, otherwise there is no need and it is closed. Pics are updated regularly and sometimes are a bit more risque' than in times past. We really feel there is no need for people to get the "milk for free" not that we are COW's LOL :eek: but you know the old saying!

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You mean the ol' saying that Al Bundy used, "Why go out for milk when I got the Cow at home"? That ol' saying? :D

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I no longer send pics to free members. They can see my pics on my profile, they are not private and there are only five. We do not contact others, we wait for them to contact us so I know that they've at least seen our pictures once. Sometimes they will still ask us to send them and I just say they can see them on SLS and I have no more to share (which is the truth). No one has been bothered by this so far.


I know my pictures are safe on SLS, but since I won't post nudes or pics that are real sexy I think it limits how many people who want to bother saving them.

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You mean the ol' saying that Al Bundy used, "Why go out for milk when I got the Cow at home"? That ol' saying? :D


Actually it's "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free" but you did bring up something that I had LONG forgotten. Yes I like Al's verison MUCH better. :lol:

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