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Learned something new during anal play...

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Ok... for those who're experimenting with any type of anal-play


Are any of y'all familiar with the vagus nerve? And possibly triggering this thru anal stimuli?


I certainly didn't & scared the heck out of myself (and my partner) last night.


Here's the situation:


I was getting a blowjob in the shower from my gal-friend... (I was standing up & she was kneeled down in front of me with the shower-head playing a nice steady beat upon my shoulders) ... very pleasant and she was playing around with my ass seeing if she could stimulate my prostate. (Not sure exactly how far she got...)


But I suddenly got this crazy head-rush and nearly blacked out... my vision started tunneling and my hearing just fuzzed to nearly nothing. I couldn't feel my legs (or just about any other part of my body) so I threw my arms up to brace myself and keep from falling over.


She immediately stopped and asked if I was ok... (I *thought* I answered immediately - but given my state of mind, I don't know exactly what I said)


...I knelt down and started to feel a bit better - we stumbled out of the shower and she had me lay on the bed for a while. It took several minutes before I fully regained my senses and everything felt "okay" again


Nearly blacking out tends to throw everyone out of the mood ... so we just lay there for a bit.


I was very concerned because I'd had experienced similar stimuli in the past without any ill effects (laying down in a bed or such) ... so this was VERY strange & upsetting to me.


But this was also the second time such a near blackout has happened to me - I had a similar experience in the shower with a different gal-friend five or six years ago (but thought that was merely because I was much less experienced with any type of anal stimuli back then)



My friends tell me it's relatively "normal" if the vagus nerve gets triggered --


  • This was probably also made worse by the hot shower - which pulled blood from my body core out to the extremities & my skin surface.
  • And the fact that I was standing up - which means my heart was working harder to bring the blood back up from my legs & stuff.
  • And my state of sexual excitement which had blood going to my genitals. (I know, right?? Here I was thinking that this was just a JOKE and couldn't really happen!!)


-- my heart rate probably dropped and I couldn't get enough blood into my brain at that moment.


Nice to know I can *still* learn something new, eh??

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If you want a full and complete explanation on the phenomenon you describe - go to the UK health and safety executive site and find the paper on suspension trauma.

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Sam, you have me a little worried.... This might be a good thing to see your Doctor about. I know I would, and give the exact details just in case.


I can think of a few dangerous places to pass out, and the bathroom rates high on my list. From what I have googled it doesn't appear the Vegas nerve is connected to the anal area ? More-so, the shower and excitement of your sexy friend's play, probably provided the stimulation.


This could be any number of things from heart issues to blood pressure troubles.


Don't get me wrong, I love getting all kooky-eyed from a blow job as much as anyone, but to the point of passing out uncontrollably would have me worried. I wouldn't just blow this off as part of the fun.

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Is this what you are talking about?

Vagus nerve - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Everything I ever learned about medical issues I learned watching House, so the only thing I'm sure of is that it isn't Lupus.


However, when I was in the military, we were told to never lock your knees into place when standing in formation for any period of time. It is a sure way to increase your likelihood of passing out. Think it's possible you had your knees locked up while you were in the shower, causing this to happen?

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Everything I ever learned about medical issues I learned watching House, so the only thing I'm sure of is that it isn't Lupus.


It must be Wegeners ;)


If it's happened before I'd probably bring it up with my doctor, but I've been known to be paranoid ;)

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So far, two different people have attributed this to a triggering of the vagus-nerve (one of them was a nurse) ... I cannot say for absolute certain - since I'm not a doctor nor have ANY sort of medical training whatsoever.


But I couldn't find anything specific on this either ... so, I guess I *will* have to bite the bullet and ask a health-care professional (doctor -type person)



*sigh* ... mild embarrassment versus potentially dangerous health consequences ? *laughing*

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So far, two different people have attributed this to a triggering of the vagus-nerve (one of them was a nurse) ... I cannot say for absolute certain - since I'm not a doctor nor have ANY sort of medical training whatsoever.


But I couldn't find anything specific on this either ... so, I guess I *will* have to bite the bullet and ask a health-care professional (doctor -type person)



*sigh* ... mild embarrassment versus potentially dangerous health consequences ? *laughing*


Yup, I’d say that speaking with a HCP is probably a good idea.


For the Vagus to lower your heart rate and blood pressure enough for you to almost pass out there’d have to be a lot of negative stimuli at work, and I don’t think of a BJ with a little anal play as being negative- and both (aside from minor sensory branches coming from other nerves in the pelvis) really have nothing to do with the Vagus. The majority of innervations that can directly stimulate the Vagus are in the neck- and thus primarily affect things located in the neck like the pharynx, larynx, and trachea (though the lungs, heart, and intestinal tract also have major connections).


There are a couple of other things to consider that might have stimulated the Vagus enough to act: holding your breath, bearing down like you had to poop (which you do involuntarily when someone has something WAY up there-however, the difference between involuntary and forced is a huge), dehydration (probably- esp if the shower was very hot and you two were in there for a while), medications, or a combination of any of these things- all of which denote “negative” stimuli.


Basically, if you’re a healthy guy, the chances that your Vagus shut you down are pretty slim.

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I have no medical advise to offer. I've had a few very intense orgasms during anal play especially when the prostate is hammered. I've gotten light headed and a short nap felt really good afterwards. I was as close to blacking out as I was comfortable. It didn't get to the level of causing me to be concerned for my health, I was pleased with the intensity.


Consider this just one anecdotal data point and I have no way to know if my experience was comparable to yours.


It sounds like you may have gotten closer to blacking out and it was perhaps before orgasm. I think that sounds within the range of normal responses for the given circumstances for such an intense form of play.


Let us know about the result if you decide to seek medical evaluation.

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I used to be a cop, and we learned about the Vagus Nerve when we were taught, for lack of a better word, the "Choke Hold". When you see someone get choked out in an MMA (UFC) fight it's actually the Vagus nerve that get stimulated that causes them to go out. You said the water of your shower was flowing over your shoulders it's possible it got close enough to hit your Vagus Nerve and stimulated it It really doesn't take a lot of pressure on it to put someone out.

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Everything I ever learned about medical issues I learned watching House, so the only thing I'm sure of is that it isn't Lupus.


It must be Wegeners


If it's not Wegeners, then it's must be environmental. Who's going to break into SAM's house and check for toxins?


Seriously, you need to bite the bullet (not literally) and ask a medical professional, just to make sure you're okay.



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The UK health and safety executive paper verified the work of an Australian Electrician who made the link to suspension Trauma and published a paper in Australia.

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To shed a little more light on this happening. When some one is having a very rapid heart beat (tachycardia) one thing that Paramedics are know to have the patient do is the Valsalva's maneuver, which is basically having the patient bear down, like trying to have a bowel movement. This will put pressure on the Vagus nerve and thus slowing down the heart. In this case, Sam's heart didn't need slowing, so he got the reaction he did.


Years as an EMT have shown me enough to really know when to be scared shitless. Like when my heart went to bradycardia and actually stopped. Fortunately, I was in the ER at the time, but this was totally unexpected. A pacemaker the next day took care of the issue.


The advice is good Sam, go get checked out. Like has been mentioned, I think it was a combination of stimulation's that ganged up on you, but better safe than sorry.


My last wife had a way of doing just what you were enjoying, but only while laying down. I still "felt the earth move" :)

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I spoke to my doctor about it a few months ago & they ran an EKG and did some preliminary tests ... everything was "normal" on their tests.


I haven't had any further incidents ... but I've avoided any sex in the shower since then.

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I spoke to my doctor about it a few months ago & they ran an EKG and did some preliminary tests ... everything was "normal" on their tests.


I haven't had any further incidents ... but I've avoided any sex in the shower since then.


Glad to hear that everything checked out good. :)

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So far, two different people have attributed this to a triggering of the vagus-nerve (one of them was a nurse) ... I cannot say for absolute certain - since I'm not a doctor nor have ANY sort of medical training whatsoever.


But I couldn't find anything specific on this either ... so, I guess I *will* have to bite the bullet and ask a health-care professional (doctor -type person)



*sigh* ... mild embarrassment versus potentially dangerous health consequences ? *laughing*


This sounds a lot like an issue I (unfortunately) have a lot of experience with. Take a look at vasovegal syndrome/syncope. It is fairly uncommon, so it took almost a decade for me to get a proper diagnosis, even with EKGs, EEGs, CAT scans... the works.


Try bringing that up with your physician and see what they think.

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Guest softswingpei

A couple years ago I had a somewhat similar experience, although nothing to do with sex - I had a bad cold, took Nyquil, went to bed, got up a few hours later to pee, and essentially collapsed to the floor just as I finished peeing. Wife was terrified and opened the door, rescuing me.


I saw my doctor - her theory is that the combination of my BPH [enlarged prostate] and the Nyquil caused this. The enlarged prostate put ressure on the nerve when I went to pee and the Nyquil contributed to both a further enlargement of the prostate and a further drop in blood pressure.


I will never take Nyquil again.

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