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Do swingers put off a vibe that others can feel?

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I was reminded by the Mrs of something that happened on Saturday night.


For those of you who have not read our blog I will recap quickly.


We had gone out to meet some new people and they decided to stand us up for their own reasons. We were having fun meeting new vanilla people, and the story of that is in our blog.


As we were walking back to the bar from a potty break, a good looking women was headed the other way. As she approached us she stopped and looked me in the eye and said "I am NOT! a piece of meat!" Now just so you understand I had not seen this woman before she was walking towards us.


I know that I was in full blown swinger mode, and I was having fun with the people that we were chatting with in the bar.

So do we as sexually open people put off a "vibe" that others can feel?


When we are out to meet new people (read other swingers) I know that my mood and how I look at people is different, I am much more direct and outgoing than I would be in a vanilla situation. When at a swingers function I will not glance and turn my eyes away, as most do when meeting new people in a vanilla atmosphere. I am much more likely to give a woman a once over from head to toe and then look directly in her eyes as I talk to her. Is this just something that I do or is it common?

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Not a dang thing wrong with it, it's just that some people are way too touchy about life and have issues.


The only vibe I could see is a confidence one.

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I have found it typical of swingers to make it known that they are looking you over.


Some men can look me over from head to toe and it feels wonderful.


Other men do it in a way that makes my stomach turn.


I don't know how you do it, so I can't tell you what type of vibe you're sending off.


Yes, swingers most definitely put off vibes that others feel.

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As we were walking back to the bar from a potty break, a good looking women was headed the other way. As she approached us she stopped and looked me in the eye and said "I am NOT! a piece of meat!" Now just so you understand I had not seen this woman before she was walking towards us.


One thing i have learned is that you can never know what is going on with someone else. Perhaps she just had someone bother her with a very creepy approach. Perhaps she had a bad day. Perhaps she was harassed at work, or on the way to the club. Or perhaps you stared in a creepy way ;)


If getting that kind of bad reaction is rare, then I wouldn't even worry about it. Why waste the time trying to figure out something you probably never will. If you get bad reactions a lot, then definitely look at yourself ;)

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I think swingers, in general, do tend to have and exude a bit more self confidence than most folks. And perhaps we do give off a certain vibe that vanillas pick up on (but don't necessarily "get"). Then again, I have always been flirty--even before we got into the lifestyle. So it's not just limited to lifestylers.


I don't see anything wrong with being confident and noticing attractive people, so who knows why that gal had got up in your grill like that. I say keep doing what you're doing.



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I really do think that when we are in "swinger" mode that we have more confidence, and a raw sexuality that others can sense. Most of us are used to being at events where we are used to being direct and open about what we want. When you put that in a place where vanillas are around, your "vibe" can be very intimidating, most people are not used to being open about their sexuality and when confronted by it, even in an overt way they can feel it.

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We were talking with some friends at the club. The husband told us they were at a restaurant right before coming and saw a couple they didn't know. But, they were pretty sure were going to show up at the club based on the visibility of her nipples showing through her shirt. Within five minutes this same couple comes over and introduces themselves. She says to our friend, "I saw you at the restaurant and I thought to myself, 'That guy's either a swinger or a creeper!'"

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You probably do, but I doubt that had much to do with this woman's reaction. My first thought is that she was responding to something that happened elsewhere with someone else, she was feeling like she was a piece of meat already based on the way others were treating her and perhaps you did "look her over" and she responded instantly.

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I agree that the lady likely had other issues that had nothing to do with you.


Rather than your having given off "vibes," my guess is that she was subconsciously reading your body language which was probably saying "You're cute!"


I think that's expected in a club. I wouldn't worry about it. On the other hand, I'd spend some extra time talking to her before inviting her upstairs. :)

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It occurred to me, after I made the above post, that a good retort might have been, "No, Ma'am! You don't look at all like a piece of meat. However, a delicious dessert may be a good possibility."


That's my problem. I never think of the good remarks until after the opportunity passes. :mad:

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That's my problem. I never think of the good remarks until after the opportunity passes. :mad:


That's a common problem! You have a lot of company with that ;)

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