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This is our first post together. Usually you'll run into me (Lins) and rarely my partner (Dave).


Dave and I camp and hike semi-frequently, but its a process. He's taking a class on map reading, I'm taking a class on BEAR DEFENSE (ha!) and generally we're trying to become off-trail campers. We've taken courses separately and together and he has military experience which helps, a lot; but its taken a long time (1 yr+) to be comfortable in the woods.


Two weeks ago, when it was finally nice enough to hike in the Northeast again, we make a climb that was difficult for us and camped in the woods. I felt extremely close to Dave and it oddly felt very, very similar to how I feel after a swap. We've discussed it briefly but this is a conversation we've already had. It's just interesting to see what activities produce the same cohesiveness.


For us, a swap is a team building experience �. Think about that...for us, its the equivalent to a falling into a net held by your co-workers...in a way.


What is it for you?




Picture is...gross but indicative of achievement. Don't deny it, you'd still want to switch.


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Regret to say I have reason to give that is a bit less altruistic. I simply like women who like men who like women.


I do like the picture. As the Australian entertainer Paul Hogan once quipped, the rugged out-doorsy type.

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Picture is...gross but indicative of achievement. Don't deny it, you'd still want to switch.


What picture are you looking at? Definitely not the same one I see; you look great :)


We have a similarly non-altruistic reason to SW_PA; sex is fun, including other people is fun too.


Camping, hiking and climbing can be a lot of fun. One of my good friends is a guide/outdoor instructor so we are lucky enough to get to go with him on trips. He knows what to do, so we just tag along. He teaches a lot too; some time we'll actually attend something he's teaching to learn a bit ourselves.

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I'm with the others. We do it because it is fun. The after effect is that we feel closer (usually), but that's not really the primary goal since we are already 100% open and honest with each other the only thing that makes us "closer" is the hot, hot sex we have before, during, and after. :D

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attention. I like the attention! Who doesn't! I also like the fun and the variety. And there's just something sexy about knowing that the man you love is wanted by other women.

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Its nice to see the motivation for others! I think, ultimately, each is more of a psychological experience for us than anything else. The physical part is...great...but not really the point for us! I think we feel weird in that respect or maybe just, different?

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I like the attention and the variety. Most of all, I like being around people that accept me for who I am - not hiding my naughty interests. Going through vanilla life hiding who you are and what you're into can be lonely - my lifestyle friends get me.

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You know, I have absolutely no idea why we swing. I know that we enjoy it. I like to watch. She likes to be watched. I've always wanted to watch my female partners with other people. It's a deep seated desire that's been there for my entire sexual life. No idea why. Strangely, I don't feel the need to dig deeper than that. We enjoy ourselves. That's enough.:)


Love the picture by the way. Camping is fun too.

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We swing for a number of reasons. First, it is a lot of fun and we enjoy it immensely. Second, we like the sexual variety inherent in having different partners. Third, we can enjoy this variety in a completely open and honest way - no sneaking around or cheating. Fourth, the variety of partners we have experienced over the years has enhanced our own sex life together. Fifth, we both enjoy watching and listening to each other engaging in sexual activity with other men and women. Finally, we like to see each other achieving sexual fulfillment or satisfaction at the climax of a sexual encounter with another partner.

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Um....some fantasies require more than one other person. ;-)


Seriously though, I came to swinging as a solo woman as a way to have relatively safe NSA sex with both men and women. I found a community as well, one where I didn't need to be reserved or polite about sex and where the conversations were amazing. Fortunately I later found a partner who was willing to follow me into the lifestyle. His reasons are not quite the same, but there's enough overlap that it works for us. Oh, and the sex is fun.

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Because we want too. We have been together 12 years and it is great to explore someone new without having to sneak around. The ego and self esteem boost from having someone else wanting me or my wife is also fantastic.

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We like the up and down, backward and forward sensations which swinging produce. Going up high, reaching an apex and then plummeting back toward the earth only to repeat the process again facing the other direction is so invigorating (just kidding obviously) :D.


I think there are probably a myriad of reasons why we swing, but I think two main reasons probably win out. First of all, we like the openness and honesty of swinging. In truth we believe that all people want to fuck other people (deep down in their subconscious, or maybe not so deep down). It is extremely liberating for each of us to be real and ourselves and not hide and pretend (especially given our former lifestyle and professions). The second reason is still part of the first reason, we swing because we are dirty little pervs who like the rush of attention, attraction, and hot, nasty, wild fucking. ;)


Do we get some of the closeness of sharing something together? Definitely. I think I could list the reasons for a long time honestly (especially in our particular case), but really like I said before I think it mostly boils down to those two things.

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