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Ladies, are you bummed out by smaller dicks after having a large one?

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Okay, Kayla and I have yet to experience anything that involves other people but the other day a thought crossed my mind and I figured this would be the best way to get my answer. So for all the ladies who love enjoying other men. If you could fill me in, when you have intercourse with someone other than your spouse, and your new lover is larger than your significant other. Does it affect lovemaking with your spouse after? If their "larger tool" is used properly, do you have trouble climaxing with your partner after. Does it feel significantly different? Do you even notice anything at all? Some guidance would be great. Just to give some background, out of her 15 other partners I am the largest Kayla has been with. I am nothing major 7.5 inches average girth I suppose. No thicker than your average banana haha. Not that I'm concerned, more curious than anything. It would be foolish of me to think we will never encounter a bigger cock than mine.


Thanks for the replies in advance. This should be a good time!!

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We had a playmate for a while that was significantly larger than hubby, a good 2 inches longer and quite a bit thicker, too. Hubby would slide in a heck of a lot smoother if we had sex immediately after I'd had sex with Mr Playmate, but once he was in he always said it didn't feel that different - liked I'd just been fucked, of course, but the size of the tool apparently doesn't make too big of a difference. That's just us, though.

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Nope, snaps back wash after wash...wait that's an underwear commercial! Seriously, no issues here with that.

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Guest screaminggood

My husband says I'm "looser" after an extremely large playmate; he enjoys it, says he can last so much longer when my lips aren't gripping him....It's just a change for a week, then I shrink right down to my normal size and am gripping him without hands again!

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I've never noticed any differences, even when going from very large to smaller than average, which leads me to believe everything shrinks back almost immediately. Some of that is basic anatomy (it's designed to expand and contract), but some of it might be due to Kegels and yoga, which I do regularly.

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LOL nobody answered the actual question.


Ladies, when you get treated to a big one, does going back to your husband's small one bum you out? Can you still climax with a small one when you've been treated to a big one?


All swinger men want to know if their wife will still enjoy them once they've experienced a larger tool.



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I like cocks, the idea of fucking is intense no matter the size of the tool...so HanandLea - to answer the original question, no. But, then, my husband does not have a small one.

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LOL nobody answered the actual question.


Ladies, when you get treated to a big one, does going back to your husbands small one bum you out. Can you still climax with a small one when you've been treated to a big one?


All swinger men want to know if their wife will still enjoy them once they've experienced a larger tool.




Yes, actually, every single response answered the question, with only one woman noting that it took some time to shrink back. Since the rest of us all shrink back almost immediately, the remainder of the questions are unanswerable by the respondents except as some variant of "no change."


However, if there's any doubt, in my case, no, I'm never bummed out, my climaxes do not alter and a larger tool is just a tool. And, although you didn't ask, once the larger tool has been put back where it belongs, everything shifts back to normal, which in my case is quite small. In addition, I don't think most men actually wonder about stuff like that, not if they have much experience with women and their incredibly accomodating bodies.

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Thanks for all of your insight on the matter. Any experiences shared are greatly appreciated. In regards to "Jane" what is it that you think most men would actually think about? What's the issue with having a random thought pop into my head, and instead of being left to my own devices. I come here to share my thoughts and receive the best help possible.

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Thanks for all of your insight on the matter. Any experiences shared are greatly appreciated. In regards to "Jane" what is it that you think most men would actually think about? What's the issue with having a random thought pop into my head, and instead of being left to my own devices. I come here to share my thoughts and receive the best help possible.


dkcouple123, this is a great place to ask and receive answers to any questions, random or otherwise. I wasn't reacting to your question, which I thought was interesting enough to answer and track, but to an assertion by another poster that all swinger men want to know if they'll still be enjoyed after their partners have experienced a man with a larger cock. I just checked with Mr. Doe, who laughed and said it wasn't something he'd ever thought of. Then he went back to playing Star Wars Angry Birds. ;)

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If you could fill me in, when you have intercourse with someone other than your spouse, and your new lover is larger than your significant other. Does it affect lovemaking with your spouse after? If their "larger tool" is used properly, do you have trouble climaxing with your partner after. Does it feel significantly different? Do you even notice anything at all?


Do you mean right after or maybe a day later? As others have pointed out, right afterwards, the woman might be stretched out. I think it also depends on how long playtime was. Climaxing depends on the woman as well. Not all women climax every time or at all. (Yes, some lucky ones do all the time.) And if a man is a lot larger than what she is used to, it might even be painful. But something tells me that you might be asking about the emotional side affect since you are new.


Having sex with anyone other than your partner is going to feel different. But it is not the same as it is with your partner. When you have sex with your partner, you are in love with them. You have all of these emotions and feelings swirling in your mind. It's more than just the act of sex. When you swing and have sex with someone else, it's just for recreation. You don't love that other person. All you're thinking about is the pleasure that you are deriving and the pleasure that your playmate is receiving. In the end, you can enjoy your playmate's personality and company but you return to your wife/husband/partner and have this shared experience together that is mixed with an overwhelming sense of affection.


You have to ask yourself why you two swing. Is it for the variety? Then it's nice to have sex with different people but always return home to/with the person that takes sex to an emotional level. Is it to fulfill fantasies? Then it's wonderful to fulfill them with your spouse and knowing the two of you can look back on those memories together. (Or if they are fantasies that can't be done together, then gratitude that you both are secure enough in your relationship to play separately.) The list can go on but if you two swing for good reasons, then you'll see that the worries you have in this post become moot.


For my own personal story of playing with a man that had a larger than average equipment, it was different. Difficult at first because I wasn't used to it and it took some patience and time for it to be comfortable and pleasurable. But I was happy to be back with my husband afterwards because I didn't have to worry about taking things slow. And I know this is cheesy, but most of all, I couldn't wait to return to where my heart's home was and express my gratitude for his ability to share me with others in such an intimate way.

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I was the playmate helping a friend of mine from work and his wife. He had a big cock but when I entered his wife she felt tight and firm to me even if he went first. I expected her to be loose. She enjoyed me just as much and I brought her to many orgasms even though she was used to having sex with her husband that had a bigger cock.

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I'm sorry to take so long on the reply, it has been a busy weekend. To get back to Jane, I apologize about before, it felt like you were poking fun rather than just getting familiar with the topic. Everyone that has answered the thread has answered the question to a degree. Maybe I'm not being as clear as I think I am. When I talk about sex with a larger partner. My concern is not if you will stretch out and I will have a problem filling the void and giving you the same pleasure. My curiousity***********

Is simply after women experience a larger cock than their spouses. Do they have a tendency to acquire a taste for a larger cock? Does size and increase in pleasure go Hand in hand? I realize as I write this and I try to put thoughts down on paper that their are a lot of variables to this scenario and certain rationale that make me wonder why I even started this thread in the first place, but since we are here already, why not discuss it further...

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As a single woman, I can say that I have never found myself longing for a larger (or smaller) man because of an experience with another larger (or smaller) man. Each person is a unique connection sexually. I, personally, long for playmates who can kiss well, who are bold and open, who are intelligent... those are my turn ons. You are your wife's turn on and she is yours.

I guess what I'm trying to say is if a married partner uses the excuse that they have acquired a taste for something other than what their partner has, and isn’t willing to find creative ways to fulfill that desire WITH their partner (have you seen how big they make dildos these days???) then the problems is likely to be that they have acquired a taste for something other than their partner... which is a whole other issue.

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I'm sorry to take so long on the reply, it has been a busy weekend. To get back to Jane, I apologize about before, it felt like you were poking fun rather than just getting familiar with the topic. Everyone that has answered the thread has answered the question to a degree. Maybe I'm not being as clear as I think I am. When I talk about sex with a larger partner. My concern is not if you will stretch out and I will have a problem filling the void and giving you the same pleasure. My curiousity***********

Is simply after women experience a larger cock than their spouses. Do they have a tendency to acquire a taste for a larger cock? Does size and increase in pleasure go Hand in hand? I realize as I write this and I try to put thoughts down on paper that their are a lot of variables to this scenario and certain rationale that make me wonder why I even started this thread in the first place, but since we are here already, why not discuss it further...


I don't actually poke fun. It would be an inappropriate and disrespectul response to any question, plus...not allowed here. I think part of the problem is the difficulty in conveying the reality of the female body to someone who doesn't have a female body, which is physically very accomodating, even allowing for individual differences. Plus, women tend to focus more on the men attached to the cocks than the reverse and (very importantly), when sex with our partners is routinely terrific, that's our gold standard for right size/right moves/right everything. Everything else might well be fun, including the wide variety of cock size and deployment of same, but what it really does is increase our desire for our partner. Or at least that seems to be the way it works for me and for other women I know.


Here's how size matters to me, given anything smaller than the cardboard tube inside a roll of paper towels and larger than a finger: I prefer penetrative sex over any other kind. It's going to feel good no matter what penetrates. However, the smaller the penis, the less friction with each stroke, so it's going to take longer to come. A larger penis is going to be a bit more efficient at creating friction. I'm still not going to crave one larger than Mr. Doe's.

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I honestly don't like that big of penises. Somewhere between 5-7" is my preference. Much over that and I probably won't orgasm from intercourse (meaning my larger playmate that knew me and screwed me for a year got me there ONCE with his cock - every other time it was oral/fingers that did it). Bigger just doesn't hit the right spots from me. So, no, I have never craved a bigger penis after experiencing one.

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Thanks hippie girl and Jane, your words are more than helpful. Now that this has been settled, what else is there to talk about?!

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