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Elusive BiFem

How Did You Come Up With Your User/Screen Name?

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When I look at some of the user names it is obvious. Ohio Couple - from Ohio. I think John's is Florida Man because he was transplanted to Florida. Roxysbayou - from the New Orleans area. bear_n_bunny. Well, I picture this great big ol' macho bear of a person with this soft, sweet cuddly, gentle person. ;)


But this morning, I saw someone logged in as DOnut and Bagel. Now how did they come up with that name, I wondered?

Elusive BiFem came about as I was browsing the Board as a lurker and kept reading about the elusive single bi-female. I'm single, bi, and female...and I just liked the idea of being thought of as "elusive." :)


So how did you (or ya'll) arrive at your screen name?

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if you'd done that EBF, I've wondered that awhile now. Thanks for saying so.


My user name seems obvious jen would = Jennifer, not so.


The three letters - jen - are/is (what goes right are or is?) actually initials.


This is a cute post EBF I sure hope the Donut and Bagel people and the others along those lines come back and respond.

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when I was doing photos for a friend's website I needed an alias....


we came up with NADIA... as a combination of


Naughty and my first initial.... A....or ... NaughtyAh.


when I tried to get Nadia here and in some other places... it was already taken... so I went back to the original source... Naughty A...


plus I *like* being Naughty... :kissface:


I hadn't realized I forgot to capitalize the first word... and then couldn't go back to change it.:kissface:

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i came up with mine.. cause i'm curious about the lifestyle and at the time i was 24.. now i'm 26..


ah well :)

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Have always thought ours was clear, but every once in a while someone will write and say "Duh! Just caught it!"


So, breaking it down for those who haven't yet -


wrnakedru - we're naked, are you?


We are "empty nesters", and this is the most comfortable way to be around the house - especially summertime in Texas.:lol:

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I signed on in Jan when it was 8 below zero outside. My wife was chilled and said' "I'm friggin feezin would you please TURNUPTHEHEAT!".

So I did.

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Weezie has been my nickname since 3rd grade. It comes from the show The Jeffersons. Our name on other sites is sexyjeepcpl. That needs no explanation...red Jeep wrangler.

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well, mine is simple actually.

i live in arizona therefor the = az

the college i attended here in az {the university of arizona}

are the wildcats therefor = wildcat

so, see that's how i came up with my username= azwildcat ;)

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Our name actually was just one of those things that happened and we had to live with. We were trying to register for an email address that we would use just for swinging related sites. We wanted to keep things simple so we wouldn't forget our login names and passwords. We started off trying names that were fairly innocent but everything had already been taken. We kept switching the words around, adding new ones and finally one took, we weren't even sure what we had typed in last. We figured we would keep it since we had so much trouble getting address that wasn't taken.


Now we pretty much just stick to this identity despite the fact that it sounds so vain :rolleyes:.



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We are just flat out boring compared to you guys! We had no clue what we were doing when we signed up for here and since we live in Ohio, we became boring OhioCouple. :sad:

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I'm a huge fan of Dennis Miller and all of his arcane references used in his rants, not to mention his commentaries during his (sadly) short tenure on Monday Night Football.

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The first three times I spent the night with one of my girlfriends after moving back to Michigan from Tacoma, my grandmother ended up in the hospital from complications from high blood pressure brought on by extreme anxiety. After the third time her doctor told me what was triggering her attacks and I felt like crap, then said "I guess I'm destined to be eternally single since I moved back to Covert to take care of her."

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For us I, the male, came up with it while she was on a trip to Europe doing research. After having spent almost a year learning as much as we could about the whole swinging thing, she directed me to set up an internet presence and a few ads for us while she was away. Her direction was simple, "just handle it anyway way you think I'll like it..." LOL


Anyway, as I sat there trying to think up a fun name for us to use on Yahoo I was watching out favorite TV show at the time, FarScape , when the name "BodyScape" came to mind. I added the "02" for the year and I am also a "2nd" by name, so I often add that to IDs....


Thankfully she loved it and we've used it everywhere we sign up as a couple....


(Plus it sounds "artsy!" LOL )

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Lots of people have asked about my nick, and most often I get asked if it is a Turkish reference. Apparently, it holds some sort of meaning in that part of the world. It is not. ATAK simply stands for the first letter initial of each of my children in order of birth.


A = Angel

T = Taylor

A = Austin

K = Kaitlyn


I've used this nick for the past 3 years and really can't think of a reason to even consider another one. I have a tattoo of ATAK on my left arm to represent my kids, so even though they don't live with me, they are always with me.

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Dragons Lair...


What more erotic name and mind set is there.


Virgins were staked out in front of Dragons Lairs in just about every myth and legend. This was done in order to appease the Dragon and bring great bounty upon themselves in crops and births.


We soar through the night sky looking for a tasty morsel to gobble up. We sunbathe our naked scales on high lofty ridges that are enveloped by the heavens breath. We play with silly jousting Knights like pick up sticks, who try to stick us from behind. We lovingly caress our most valued treasures with our long slithering tongues. We turn up the heat with our hot and heavy breath, until flames of orgasmic pleasures gush forth and consume all.


Well why not Dragons Lair...

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Yeah...it's a Rocky Horror thing. It's one of my favorite movies.


As we were newbies, we felt a little like Brad Majors and Janet Weiss, eager, naive and not sure what was in store for us. If you know the story, you'll remember that Brad and Janet got a bit of a sexual awakening, so it seemed to fit. It does cause a bit of confusion at times when we meet people, but I'll answer to anything and so will J. :lol:

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Well ours is a little boring...


it is just our first initials and the initial of our last name.


HE is J she is M and together we are R :8-0::

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Well, I reckon our is pretty pedestrian compared to the others, but what the hell. As we all know, couples usually have little "terms of endearment" that they use on each other, usually in private. I became known as the "Growly Cave Bear", which is usually shorted to "Cave Bear", because I growl a lot. I ended up calling her my "Sweet Love Bunny", partly for reasons that I'll leave to your imagination, and partly because she can be so sweet and cuddly.


When we started signing up on swinger sites, we decided to use those names, but shortened it to "Bear and Bunny"

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Well, I came up with my screen name "Magnum" becase the regular size condoms were not comfortable, they were to tight so I had to move up to the "Magnum" Larger size condoms, thanks Trojan.;)

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Originally posted by magnum

Well, I came up with my screen name "Magnum" becase the regular size condoms were not comfortable, they were to tight so I had to move up to the "Magnum" Larger size condoms, thanks Trojan.;)


Yeah.......right..... :rolleyes:


And to think I had associated your screen name with champagne and caviar!! :D -EBF

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I like Native American spirituallity and wolves so came the name wolfmaiden. I used to have another name but when the board changed I could not get in any more.

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This name is Stacey's baby. It means Georgia Couple Freakin' it. :rolleyes: I hate the name...but it's the name we use for everything else, so why not stick with it, right?

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Right after we got married (me18 she 16), we would have "fill in the blank contests..." I love you more than.....well, she got me one day she told me that "If her love for me was a rainbow that my world would a kalidascope". We changed it to a "c" for the puter.


On our 12th anniversary, she gave me a kalidascope and attached to the base she had that saying engraved.


That was the sweetest thing...Man I Love Her!!!!!




This is our 18th year must be doing something right. We are going to renew our vows on our 22nd year.


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Ok mine is very boring compared to everyone else! lol... The way it came about anyway. I always try to use something I can remember (ha), which is very difficult at times if you have a lot of user names and passwords. So I went with what was easiest.... this is also my SN on AOL.. easy enough to remember:)

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we both like to eat at the Y (that is not YMCA either)


so that is why we are Yhungry. :)

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Thumper was my husband's nickname in high school. The name has stuck with him over the years, he added the 29 because of his age.

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Actually this is the only site we use hmr. No, its not Homer ( although I have been asked). When we were newbies and just getting in to the web thing we were worried about any reference to us. If you look on the swingersboard site, you will see we are not so shy anymore.

hmr is actually the initials of tyhe remodelling company I own. Most other sites we are wjpkbp, which are our initials.

Mr. hmr

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CB are the initials of the nickname Red used for me many years ago, when we were long distance courting (Cave Bear - yes, it's an appearance thing!)

Red, not surprisingly, has a an amazing shock of red hair. Still natural and not dyed even though she is 48.

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I happen to be a biologist, and "pairbond" is the biological term for that bond between mates in which the male hangs around to help with the kiddies, whether it's birds with such short life spans that they may only live through one breeding season, or long-lived mammals like elephants or humans. Since we are interested also in close, caring friendships with our playmates, we thought "pairbond" was a fitting name.

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I looked for a name which would describe how I am feeling most of the time, so I looked in my dictionary (Dutch-English) and after looking through some words I found the word Bliss.


I am almost always happy and my mother told me that I was born on a Sunday and born for luck. I really believe that I have a lot of luck, so that is why I chose the name Mrs Bliss.


My husband then had to be Mr Bliss.

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My screen name is coming from the fact that I am very fond of the BEATLES songs... ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE is a great one... however why do I have chosen this one precisely and not "Sergent Pepper" or something else ?...


At the beginning of this song - which is ending the "Magical Mystery Tour" LP - you can hear the french national hymn "la Marseilleise" so this is why I took that name of "Uneed_Love"... It's also because I do believe that LOVE is the most important thing on Earth.


About the avatar this is very easy to guess... British people call the frenchies "the frogs" so that's why I chose mine to show that I can easily laugh at me...


Now my watchword is "Jumping and Croaking" because a frog can do it BUT also because my first name is Jean-Claude (JC)...


That's all about me.

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My screen name comes from a phrase I once used. Whilst dating my now husband, I got a phone call from a couple I'd met before who were having a impromptu private swinger party that evening and were inviting us. I turned to Mr. and updated him and then said 'yawanna?'. We went, it was our first swing thing together and we had a great time :8-0::


I felt it was an appropriate and indicative nom de plume :)


Something I also find interesting is that when people meet in person after getting to know others online.... they tend to use a person's nickname more often than their given name.


I have one other screen name that passed over into real life, and to this day - being many years later - I am still referred to by that name, even with close friends. When meeting new people via those swinger friendships, I've introduced myself with my given name, they look sort of nonplussed, then someone will jump in with 'that's Ravenous!' and NOW the reception is MUCH more friendly :rofl: That nickname was given to me by the first swinger couple I met with. Kindof like a first communion thing? hehehehe......

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We chose DBL D because our 1st names start with D and we are a TEAM or DUO but it has many other meanings, don't you think?... :cool:

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Though there is a band out there with this name (which gave us the "spoo" part), the whole "monkey thing" has been a part of us since we started realizing that we had started dating and not just going places together. It started with a Dilbert cartoon (which I quote at the bottom) which showed up in the paper one morning right when we realized that we were "soulmates". I started calling her "my monkey" and monkey references just kind of grew.


The fact that we are actual monkeys, trained to type by some of the best scientists at the Columbis zoo, is really coincidental...

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"Alura Lee" is the name we chose for our female child when we first started trying to conceive. "Al" is for me, "Alura" is an anagram of "Laura", "Lura" is my late mother's name, and "Lee" is both Mrs. Alura's and her late mother's middle name.


As a combination of both our names, "Alura" has a meaning for us that "the two of us have become one," a theme we carried throughout our marriage vows when we wrote them. (That's why, when we conspire on a post we sign it "Alura" rather than Mr. or Mrs. Alura. One exception: We always sign "welcome" posts "Alura" regardless of who replies since we know we both welcome newcomers.)


Of course, we had two boys. When we first got involved with this board, we decided "Alura" would be a good screen name.


Please bury this post deeply. It gives far too much identifying information about us. :)

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Ours was easy, S n S n Lex. S n S to show us as a couple, and n Lex gives our location. Had the name for about 2 years, and use it or a slight variation for all of the sites we belong to that are swinging related.

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Frenzb4sex was supposed to be literal. When we started in the internet world of meeting people, we thought that being up front and saying that we wanted to not just simply jump into bed with people, but rather get to know them a little or more, was the way to go. For a while, it was a very nice handle to have. However, we found as time went by that our preferences and boundaries became re-staked, and we were less in need of being good friends with people than we were before. Likewise, we found that those that were "hitting us up" were people that were brand new to the lifestyle, and the tendency, I think, was to sway to us because of our proclaimed "frenz" handle.


We don't have nor had issues with newbies, but found that many people had no idea about anything they wanted in the lifestyle and really took the "frenz" part so seriously, that we felt like we were wining and dining everyone. We actually made the decision as of late to change our handle on swappernet to bugsnlola because of the frustration we were having with the handle "frenz".


Of course, I didn't want to change it here because I feel like people know me by this, and that's cool. We still believe there is a definite need for being social and clicking with the people on differing levels, but the meaning of the handle doesn't carry the weight it once did......I guess we should try Atkins, huh? :)

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I came up with my username in that I am, well, "mixed". On my father's side of the family, there were black/white (not easy considering that he was born in the mid 1920's), and on my mom's side they are creoles from Louisiana. So its not just the ethnic mix, but the culture mix as well. So in short I am a mixed Texan, born 7/74. Now if I could get my wife to join on the board, then I can only wonder what my username would change to. Any suggestions?

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How did I miss this fun thread?!

EBF, kudos to you for starting it!


-- and ga_cpl_frknit...it makes perfect sense to me!!


All the name choices are awesome ;)


-- Eternally Single: you're not the only one at the beck and call of your elder family!

I thought I'd be single forever, since I'm the only child living near my mom....and guess what?

I am now seriously dating a man who knows he will be his parents' caregiver.

Men like you are awesome.

I know, 'cause my dad was the same.


NightGoddess is the meaning behind my real name.

It's Greek in origin, but very uncommon....so I had to avoid any reference to it.

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This is kind of a fun thread.


We came up with our name quite by accident. My hubby is "ez" on a yahoo profile, so when he signed us into a swinger sight once he just gave us the "EZ" screen name...WELL........ :rolleyes: That name seemed to bring the WEIRDEST of ppl..LOL So I had to come up with another one fast. I thought of many names, but wanted something that would be not only different but also be identifying when ppl saw us on other sights...so as I went thru name after name..."Plzurezone" popped into my mind, and we liked it instantly. So from that time on everyone has known us as that. :D

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I've done a lot of traveling between each coast. I was always energized by the travel and the people I met along the way. This site and the people here are like that - and I drift in and out - thus Latitudedrifter.

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Mine is probably rather boring compared to alot of you on here but since EBF asked me to i will hehe...


i was browsing...and looking for a forum to go to and swingers popped in my head so thats how i found this one...so when it came to the name i was like hmmmm what i do...so i went with the way that I am...Im a very easy going guy...very respectful...likes to joke around...so thats how i arrived at easy goin hehe i almost through 69 at the end but i was like naaa ill wait let people get to know me first :D

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I live in a house full of testosterone...I mean it is such a complete testosterone fest. The men in my life tease me saying that I am such a girly girl...the Z is the first letter of our last name. I am the GirlieZ. Now...My hubby was called a shortened version of his last name when he was in high school...when all of his friends met me they called me Z's Girl. It stuck. That is why I sign Zgirl..


I have many nick names though!

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Our screen name is self explanatory...Ted & Teresa = TNT.

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  TNT said:
Our screen name is self explanatory...Ted & Teresa = TNT.


I got my user name from the brand of condoms I use "Magnum" larger size condoms. Magnum :)

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  magnum said:
I got my user name from the brand of condoms I use "Magnum" larger size condoms. Magnum :)


Sounds like a personal ad to me! :rofl: But hey! The things you learn on a swingers board...I never knew condoms came in different sizes until I started reading this board. Maybe we ladies need to stand at the 7-11 and watch and wait - to see what size the men purchase. ;)


Extra small? Nahhhh.... :D

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I guess our name is pretty simple and lame after hearing how everyone came up their name. One of our first dates (27 years ago) was a sailing date. She had been taking lessons and knew the terms (but couldn't sail worth beans) . I didn't know the names of things, but knew how to sail (but hadn't sailed for years at the time) Anyway, fast foreword to the present, we are getting close to that retirement age (a little early for most, but there is a reason). And we were/are thinking of sailing all over the place as a couple. Couples make the best cruising teams. Anyway, I tried to register us as Boatcouple or Boatcpl, but somebody beat us to it so it was shortened to Botcpl. That was before I found out what a BOT was. I am sure it is confusing to many, but I have received awards for being confused and you get used to it.


Right now the plan is to take the first "jump" in Oct. 05. and head down to Mexico. The plan isn't real concrete and it looks like I will "jump" off by myself and she will join in later, but things have a way of changing on you. One must be flexible in the "Cruising Lifestyle".

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We do a lot of different things on the internet. I'm a moderator on a parenting forum and also belong to a crafts forum. I do a little of everything in life when it comes to parenting, crafts, and most other interests (including sex). I needed a new email address so I came up with ALittleBitOfEverything which I like a lot because it describes me/us well and I can use it for any kind of forum. I wanted to use that on this site but it didn't allow that many characters so I tried to shorten it up and so now broke up it's A Lil' O' Everything. I wasn't completely happy with it but I was too impatient to think of anything better.

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