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I was reading an old thread questioning if it was possible to go too far in trying to reduce your flaws in order to "market" yourself. Reading this made me wonder, how far do you go to minimize your flaws? Do you shoot for the absolute best angles, photoshop your love-handles away? What do you do to make your photos as attractive as possible in order to draw the most interest?

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Any flaws are going to be evident when you meet so we don't see a point in trying to put lipstick on a pig by posting glamor shots. We would much rather hear that we look better than our pics than see obvious disappointment in someone's face when we meet. We post mostly full length body shots that give an idea of our proportions and that's working pretty well.

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We post flattering, but honest pics - nothing like false advertising:( We have some professional shots, but nothing photoshopped - cropped maybe to get rid of background clutter or take our faces out of public pics. With us, what you see is what you get...c'mon, if we're naked with someone, they are going to see the whole thing anyway, so what's the point of hiding in pics?

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I'm too lazy to photoshop lately so we are what we are. We also need to do new photos, cause right now they are what we were two years ago. Both the wife and I are not "picture" people and it always seems a chore.


We do have one picture up from Nov. We met a couple and we told them when the picture was taken. Apparently we didn't look like our picture from Nov (It was December) though I didn't catch it until they never mailed us back after meeting, he said "So that picture was from November?", at the time I didn't know they had mentally bonged us.



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We often do minor photoshop work to cleanup the color and contrast imbalances and some cropping, but that is about it. The intent is to make the photos look as close to the real thing as possible.

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Not concerned with my body looking bad in pictures. I'll harden things up downstairs and like most people suck in the stomach a bit.

I take horrible pics! I don't look like me, even my mother says so. If never photo shop my own face....how self indulgent :banghead: lol but I try and only post face pics taken from a good camera.

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Flattering clothing, angles, and lighting. But no photo-shop. She plays to her strengths, boobs and butt but downplays the belly. Same with him, broad chest and strong shoulders, less spare tire. If you can't tell we have a few extra pounds, either you are not too bright or in denial. Hopefully between our pics and what we have to say, people will be interested.


After all, the pics are just get your attention. They can't do it all.

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We pick what we think are the best photos, but most of them are just regular pictures that we think just turned our extra good, like "hey, we need to put that one on our profile!" Other than maybe some cropping, we don't do any image editing at all. What you see is what you get :)

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When we had an online profile, we had one session of taking photographs especially for that. All black & white just because we like that style. No recognizable background or faces. But we didn't hide any flaws (which of course only I have since MsD is flawless IMHO).

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Truth in advertizing...at some point you will meet and if you don't look like the pictures it will become...awkward. Be who you are, not who you would like to be.

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If you're going to use Photoshop, start by removing the dirty clothes that are in the floor and the stack of dirty dishes from the counter.


The background, it's important too. :)


the more you know.jpg

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We don't use Photoshop and have had a few compliments that we should get better pictures of us because they don't do us justice. I'd rather have that type of compliment than have couples feel like we are false advertising in our photos.

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If you're going to use Photoshop, start by removing the dirty clothes that are in the floor and the stack of dirty dishes from the counter.


The background, it's important too. :)




Omg! Yes! This!!!


A HUGE petpeeve of mine. One of my favorite pics of myself, we accidentally got a diaper sitting.on the edge of the bed in the pic. That's the only thing out of place and even that drives me insane. I HATE seeing pics with a messy room all in the background.

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We often do minor photoshop work to cleanup the color and contrast imbalances and some cropping, but that is about it. The intent is to make the photos look as close to the real thing as possible.


My husband is an ametuer videographer, he can't not do these things to a picture. He never changes me. Leaves stretch marks and fat rolls... I have too many flaws to be easily fixed even by photoshop. Lol But he doesn't even try. That isn't the point. He just wants the picture itself to be good quality. Although i did have him remove a zit... once. I admit. :( lol

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