What really grinds my gears? "Recreational" ED drug use
Chicup, in Let's Talk About Sex
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This is great!
By CrazyCampers
The situation: We've been in the lifestyle for about 4 years now and I've never had a problem with erection (knock on wood). My problem (if you can call it that) is that lately I have not been able to get it up a second time! I, know, many of you are playing the world's smallest as I write this. All kidding aside, something has to be done...no?
My background: Turning 40 with the libra sun, lost 40 some pounds this last year, don't drink alcohol, don't smoke but enjoying having sex with other men's wives .
The wishlist: The love of my life (ball and chain) is taking me to Vegas next week to celebrate my 40th and it's also our first time in Sin City. I have an appointment with the doc before I leave and wanted to ask for some 'recreational sex drugs' to help with lasting longer amongst other things. However, like the post title says, it's mostly about getting a second if not a third 'woody' so that I am able to "party in your bedroom, all night long" to quote a Top40 song playing at the moment.
The Drugs: Levitra and Viagra are the Pepsi and Coke of the recreational sex drug world with not many differences between the two, while Cialis seems to be of the energy drink flavour such as Red Bull. Like with all things in the world, some claim that Viagra is best and others swear by Levitra and Cialis. I, know it's a matter of personal choice and what works for you but I would like to hear from other guys in a similar siuation.
The Bottom Line: I might drink on a night or two, eat at buffets and have sex with someone's wife...I'd like to be able to have sex with her twice if possible...even with a few drinks in me and too much buffet food!?!
Which recreational sex drug would you recommend to your buddy?