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Did you even read our profile!?!

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Old topic, new post, lol.


So we have a pretty sarcastic, somewhat bitchy (hopefully in a funny way) profile. We like it but the main point is that we are trying to make certain points and people just don't seem to get it. Two of them right off the bat are: don't send a single sentence drive by and open your pictures (and we will do the same or send you a close up of us as a courtesy). We think that's fair and not to much to ask.


So this couple reaches out to us. I guess you can say she got over on a technicality...she doesn't even put any sentences in the email...It's completely blank. The subject says: Hi HERE hot sexy Dominican gal LUV TO MEET U BOTH.


I would have ignored it but Mrs. Diggs decided to respond with something simple back "Please send a pic of both of you when you send us an email - Thanks"


We get back another reply saying that the Mr. of the couple has too high of profile job to post his picture but he is very nice, just read the certs (163 of them - wow!). We are thinking, okay, we have dated two doctors, a few military officers, a nurse, a school teacher, etc. Everyone of which is high profile but they all put skin in the game by adding a picture. I send her something along those lines back and I get a follow up email saying " ONE OF U ON UR PROFILE EACH COVERED BY A YELLOW CIRCLE IN CASE U DID NOT KNOW.???????????" Umm, okay, that would be our public pictures - duh! If you want to see what we look like open your fucking pictures when you write us and yes, you have to have a picture of the guy or we will assume he's a fucking troll. Did you even read our fucking profile?


There, I feel much better getting that off my chest.

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We love the fact our profile (like many others) state we are not interested in single males, yet we are overwhelmed with winks, flirts, emails etc from 20 something males. I mean, what does a 20 something single male think he has to offer? Do they think they are all that and a bag of chips? We simply ignore the email, but what's worse is after they are ignored, they start sending pics. Read the profile and respect the wishes of those you contact!

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I think some people assume when you ask for a picture that you want a full face picture that tells you exactly who they are, when perhaps you just want at least what you've given. At least that's how we feel. I'm just as involved in choosing our potential playmates as he is, so if there's no pic of the guy then sorry. If the only pic is his dick, I assume he is one. It's not difficult to post a picture and block the face (or just take the picture so the face isn't shown). Assuming we all get past the body issues we can then talk about sharing faces.

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From the boards here in Australia when someone asks for a face pic, they expect to see exactly that. Some people even go so far as to stipulate no pixelated photos or semi blocked photos or faces looking down. Others are not concerned by pics such as those that declare their full identity. And then there are some who make a point of not even flirting or messaging people who have no pics, rude pics or even profile pics that show only one member of the couple for example. Our Go To Couple have no pics at all and don't believe in posting any. They would rather leave it to first impressions to see if the spark is there. Their strike rate is from what I can assume a lot less than those with a pics but they are totally fine with that.

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Nope, some people don't read...........anything.


Not the instructions on how to put their kids bicycle together (thus the 3 "extra" parts), not the cooking instructions (thus oatmeal with the consistency of cement), not the programming instructions on VCR's (yes, I am showing my age, but seriously blinking 12:00 forever?!?), not the instructions on the computers or software (can't complain, I used to make a ton of money helping them).


As for high profile, we have know lawyers, judges, media personalities etc. All of them at least have private photos, one media personality even had a public head shot, that one struck me as insane. 163 certs sounds a bit excessive too. But who knows.


Not to high jack the thread, but almost started one the other night. How about the people that have 120 photos, but they are all basically the same shot of her feet with different shoes in different locations. Seriously, unless you have a really serious foot fetish, is that going to work for you?

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My wife and I decided at a certain point that no strategy exists for avoiding the silliness. So we simply grin and bear it. Block single men at a Web site, and they continue to come at you disguised as couples, females and Martians. Tell people that you like to see pictures and they will come up with schemes for supplying a picture that would make a CIA agent trying to make a covert connection proud. Say condoms-required and you'd better come with your own because they ain't.


We feel liberated. We now have our profile open to all genders and preferences and its content is entirely up-beat, welcoming and positive. We receive no fewer and no greater off-the-mark requests or suggestions. They continue to come at us like Zombies trying to get at our brains. But rather than shooting peas or stars, we ignore them and they evaporate into the virtual mist from which the came.

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Not to high jack the thread, but almost started one the other night. How about the people that have 120 photos, but they are all basically the same shot of her feet with different shoes in different locations. Seriously, unless you have a really serious foot fetish, is that going to work for you?


This is one of those threads where it's perfectly acceptable to hijack or go off on a different tangent :D I think I've seen that profile...seriously or one similar. I don't get it either but what's really funny about the people that have hundreds of photos (not of their feet) is you can look at their join date (say it's 10 years earlier) and you can almost track the aging over the 10 years like one of those time lapse movies. Most of us don't want to know what you would have looked like 10 years ago if we had sex with you...we want to know what you look like if we have sex with you now. :lol:

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We have face pics of both of us in our public file. We don't care. But if you contact us, it's only smart to at least open your face pics or attach them to the mail! You already know what we look like! Why do we have to meet you at a bar for drinks to even have a clue as to what you look like? ARG! Just basic common sense I would think. Also I can't stand when they send questions like "So what are you guys into?" Really? We don't have an epically long profile it would literally take 5 minutes to read. Hubby usually sends a smart ass reply back!

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When someone has face pics on their profile for everyone to see I have no problem attaching face pics to messages or opening them up.


On the other hand, when they have no face pics on their profile but, ,in their profile demand you open yours or they will not respond, I get a little suspicious about that. I think it is down right incredulous when they make that demand and NO pics open at all, not even blurry, fully clothed torso shots.


Step one. If we are writing you, we have read your profile, completely. Now you can read ours. If there is interest, then we go from there.

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We mail you, we show face pictures first.

You mail us, you show us first.


That's how we roll.

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Most of us don't want to know what you would have looked like 10 years ago if we had sex with you...we want to know what you look like if we have sex with you now. :lol:


Maybe they want us to know what we missed 10 years ago! :)

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We mail you, we show face pictures first.

You mail us, you show us first.


Thats how we roll.

Reasonable. It is the demand part I have issues with. And yes, some of them are written in a demanding tone. We usually avoid those anyway, so it is not a real issue. It just annoys me. :)


Particularly someone like me. Because I know I NEVER annoy anyone else. :rollseye:

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Reasonable. It is the demand part I have issues with. And yes, some of them are written in a demanding tone. We usually avoid those anyway, so it is not a real issue. It just annoys me. :)


Particularly someone like me. Because I know I NEVER annoy anyone else. :rollseye:


We don't demand. In fact we even say please :) but I agree with you CoupleErotic22 and Chicup...you are right on the money as far as the way we feel it should go. When we reach out to someone, if we don't open our pictures we at least send a face picture of us.


Has anyone seen how the new pictures post on SLS. I like it.

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We try and keep our profile positive and open our face pictures when contacting another couple. It has become difficult lately to keep a positive attitude when we are contacted by faceless, rude people.

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Look at it this way. How many times during the course of a day do you deal with rude people? How many times a day do you deal with faceless people (via the internet, phone, etc.). I for one meet them all the time. So my expectation is I will meet them in the LS as well. I don't like it in either case, but the LS is no different from real life in that regard. Though you would think it would be better than it is in the LS.

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Look at it this way. How many times during the course of a day do you deal with rude people? How many times a day do you deal with faceless people (via the internet, phone, etc.). I for one meet them all the time. So my expectation is I will meet them in the LS as well. I don't like it in either case, but the LS is no different from real life in that regard. Though you would think it would be better than it is in the LS.


The sad part about this is in your final statement; that you would think that people would want to put their best foot forward, right?


There are things we can't help (mostly) and then there are things that we can and out of those, the one thing I would say is a prerequisite is a positive attitude. Who wants to have sex with grumpy people?

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...you would think that people would want to put their best foot forward, right?


And, as you know, you would be sadly misguided in that hope. Unbelievably so.

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The sad part about this is in your final statement; that you would think that people would want to put their best foot forward, right?

You know I almost wrote that. But I look at it this way. Wouldn't you think a business/business person would want to put their best foot forward too? Frankly, anyone for that matter. I try to always put my best foot forward, because that is how I was raised. But in a practical sense you never know who you are going to meet or when.


I was interviewing a man for a job, and I like asking unusual questions. So I asked him to tell me about an instance where he had bombed an interview (we all have). He proceeds to tell me that we was late to his interview (strike 1 in my eyes). While rushing to his interview he cuts a guy off (strike 2). The guy he cut off lays on his horn so he flips him the bird (strike 3 - it is amazing what people divulge in interviews). He arrives at his interview late and is waiting for his interview, when in walks the guy he just flipped off a few minutes earlier. That was who his interview was with. Needless to say he didn't get the job (or mine either).


You never know who is on the receiving end of you being an ass. For practical reasons, if no other, it pays to always put you best foot forward, not just when you want something, because you never know. Sadly, I fail miserably at times as well, and when I do, I almost always wonder to myself if that is going to come back and bite me later.

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Why can't single males read the profiles. We say that we will contact you if we are interested. We enjoy single males but we get so many from ones who can't read the profile. Here is a great email just received this morning "Hi how about we get together for some morning fun" How about No and you are now blocked. Here is the profile "im looking for a single ladie or a couple who i can maybe meet weekly to have fun must be dd free I'm ok with being filmed or taking pics I love spontaneous sex so let's be creative a little"

When will single men learn that your profile says a lot about you. Just as much as your email.

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It must be something in the air, we had the same thing yesterday! Like your second example...but longer and even more incomprehensible text-speak. I did however catch the "im thik" that was in each sentence over and over.


I haven't even shown it to her yet, and probably won't even waste her time with it, unless for entertainment purposes I want to see her "what an idiot!" head shake and eye roll :)

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I have read a great tip, somewhere on this board, about preventing wading through replies from people who obviously didn't read the profile text. The tip was end your profile with "Any reply subject must contain the word [your word here] otherwise it will be deleted before being opened". And then just delete all messages that don't contain that word. Saved a lot of reading and trouble. If we ever started to use SDC again, we will use this tip for sure.

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