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Newly bi wife won't go further than meeting playmates

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My wife wants to play but is nervous to meet others for playtime. We have met others to get to know them, but nothing further. How can I help convince her it's so much FUN?

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WELCOME to you, new member.


It is always difficult to recommend a path when somebody asks, "how do I convince my wife?" In your case, like most, there is so little known about the situation. And there is no one shure-bet method. But I can maybe start the twenty-questions method. What experience have you in the swing lifestyle that tells you that it is fun?

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"WIIFM"...What's in it for me?...review her fears versus her reward...might help clarify things.


Does she do other adventurous things? No risk, no reward as they say, can you review that with her?


Spending time addressing her concerns would be the primary thing, but I would do this in a positive way. That being said it's a tricky thing to do, and takes patience.


A few more details regarding the road bloack would be helpful as well.


Good luck.

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I think trying to convince someone before they are ready can push them away. If my husband and I had considered this realistically a few years ago, I would have been devestatingly hurt. Like possibly really damaging our relationship. Years later, it comes up again and I start doing the research and begin the search for a potential couple to meet up with. I'm still extremely cautious and maybe even a bit hesitant, but it's something I'd kind of like to at least give a try now. Be patient. If she's someone you want in your life long term, wait for her to be ready.

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Oops... obviously you want her long term as she's your wife. Lol I was thinking you had said gf. :P



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Time, honesty, communication, love, security...all will help her become more comfortable with the idea. Forcing the issue will absolutely not. Have patience...

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Swinging can be a ton of fun if you are both on the same page. But, even then it can be a lot of ups and downs and work. I'd let her continue her self-exploration and let her set the pace.


Maybe it will just be fantasy for the next few years. Try to enjoy the dirty talk you can share until she says she's ready for more.


The other thing I would suggest is bringing her here to the forum so she can read about other people's experiences and ask questions if she likes.

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