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Outdoor sex poll  

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  1. 1. Outdoor sex poll

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    • Yes I've done it and hate it
    • No I've never done it and never would
    • No I've never done it but would love to

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Alright, it is time. It's fall and it reminds me of long hikes and many blowjobs in the woods on such events! Sitting by the fire outside and getting a little kinky and the elusive quickie on the side of a mountain while you wonder if some Boy Scout Troop is going to discover you naked and getting it on.


So, let's take a poll! Want to or have you had sex outside? Tell us about your favorite times or places in the comments!

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Been there, done that, even lost a t-shirt or two :eek: . Nothing like getting in touch with nature :) .



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It's like this:


I don't know why I did it, I don't know why I enjoyed it, and I don't know why I'll do it again. --- Bart Simpson/M&B


Cept take away all the n’t’s so that all each don’t says do!


Yes please.



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I just love hearing the ecstasy bounce off of the trees.!!!! :D


In the rain is next on the 'best of the outdoors' list! :claps:

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We have had sex outside many times. Nature hikes and the lawn at a buddies house on the hood of an Olds Cutlass. It's a lot of fun and we will definitely being doing it again. ;)

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We have 5 wooded acres behind the house and no neighbors on either side for 1/4 mile so whenever we can, we like to shed the clothes and go for a 'nature' walk ourselves. And with at least 1000 more acres of woods behind our property, it's easy to go all day without seeing anyone. At night, our 'party pit' is far enough from the road and just enough trees between so that we can enjoy the same freedom around the bonfire. Have enjoyed the company of other couples around the fire also. There's just something about being naked and sex outdoors that really enhances the libido and makes for some steamy fun.


Enjoy!! :fun::8-0::

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We have had sex outside a lot and we both enjoy it. It is something that we always have enjoyed and will continue to enjoy. We have two places we mainly go to have sex outdoors and it is wonderful we both love it.

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October 21st, Blue Ridge Parkway.


Drove well away from side of parkway to spread our blanket, eat our basket and cooler picnic, and view the splendor of autumn.


Splendor indeed!


The aftermath was a bit dicey, however. He was, after all, a friend's boyfriend. And I was the girlfriend of one of his close friends.


Our afternoon delight was activity neither of us had shared with the above mentioned. I simply don't recall where either of them thought we were - or if they suspected anything.


At the time, it didn't matter.


The undeniable magnetic attraction was too powerful to be ignored, although we had tried to do so for months.


The day was glorious - almost as if scripted for the event.


But late that night, at home, in my bed - - going over the day moment by moment - it did seem odd that which I had held onto for so long - was now gone - so swiftly.


I thought of the day, and pleasured myself while doing so - longer than the actual event itself. And learned from it.


And when the opportunity has presented itself - outdoors is still a favored setting.


And lasts long enough I have sometimes been plagued from my mosquito bites for long afterwards.


And smiled.;)

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Wasn't as romantic & seductive, sensual, or aromatic as I hoped. The timing was wrong, the person was wrong, & the occasion was the worst situation I ever placed myself in.


As autumn is now upon us in Europe, ideas have gone from orchards to barns!

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My favorite outdoor scene was on a freeway overpass at 3 a.m. We stripped, I bent my girlfriend over the passenger side headlight, and we had the most explosive orgasms as the motorists honked their approval. Luckily we picked an overpass that had no exit/entry ramps.


One of the other times that I remember well was midnight on a hot summer day. We were in a public park with lots of people around. She sat on my lap facing me and I slipped out of my shorts and into hers. One lady scolded us for being "overly affectionate" in the park. She would have had a coronary if she knew what we were really doing. :eek:


AAhhhh...the joys of being young and carefree.

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Oh Yea we live in the country and drove home one night from a couples house about midnight it was a light rain and we parked on the edge of a dirt road stripped our clothes and made love on the hood of our car that has a long slope almost to the ground. WOW that was fun and exciting to take a chance of getting caught like a deer in someones headlights.

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We've always wanted to find a quiet wood or a secluded meadow one evening, strip naked, and make love as a warm rain falls down on us.


Warm rain.







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Blue skies in England, a bit chilly, but there are even couples makin' love in the snow...granted a trip to the Highlands is needed for that, but 'blighty is not soooo bad!

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Well, in England there's definitely more chance of being hit by a police spotlight than by warm rain!!

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Originally posted by alabamafuntonig

ah but the fun of the chase, the allure of the being caught, the act of indecent exposure... sure you will get a fine but won't it be worth it....

Yes, nothing like a court appearance, a fine, and your name being splashed across the local newspaper to enhance one's ardor.

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We've done it everywhere. Parking garages, supermarket parking lot, parks, bars, our jobs... I have no doubt we will one day see ourselves on one of those "caught on tape" videos.

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Yes, nothing like a court appearance, a fine, and your name being splashed across the local newspaper to enhance one's ardor . . .


ah our first time in lights...I see the headlines now.


Couple Caught Without Clothes in Wal-Mart

and in other news "Wal-mart stock gains 20 points on Wall Street today, analysts speculate a growth due to there large inventory and easy access to there meat section.

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Originally posted by Mich149

It's all fun and games until the police spotlight hits you. lol


been there a few too many times in my teenage years. Cops, park rangers, security guards...


but I have just one further comment.





sorry... sex outside is NOT worth the days of irritation and itching afterwards, or remote possibility of West Nile. - pass.


The fantasy is much better than the reality anyway.

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Originally posted by naughty A

but I have just one further comment.



I guess stripping naked only to wrap yourselves in a mosquito net does kind of make the whole thing a little pointless.


Unless wrapping your naked body in a mosquito net is a real 'boat floater' for you!



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Why that's just one of the blood sucking night creatures out there. What about dick ticks (I mean dear ticks)? Sure, those pesky blood suckers will get ya, but hey, you can get parasitic worms from skinny dipping! I suppose some of life's best pleasures have risks...

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That is why we enjoy our private walks (without the kids). We especially enjoy having outdoor fun on vacation...I mean being cooped up in a 28 ft 5th-wheel with at least three teenagers and the triplets...for 18 days...well you see why we get away quite frequently for the nature hikes...:fun:



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Sex out on a boat at night is incredible!!! Calm lake, pretty stars, a few cocktails, some nice music, and a beautiful (naked) woman...best outdoor sex I've ever had by far ;)

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Have had sex in the woods one time with my hubby. Brought a blanket along to avoid getting scratched from the debris on the ground. I enjoyed it and would do it again. Had sex with another couple on their boat in broad daylight. That was awesome, so pretty outside. Except for the little bit of paranoia of thought of getting busted. lol

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Originally posted by gsu22

Sex out on a boat at night is incredible!!! Calm lake, pretty stars, a few cocktails, some nice music, and a beautiful(naked) woman......best outdoor sex I've ever had by far;)


You nailed it gsu...we had a "barge"...really just some boards on some type of floats with a small motor, but it was really big...we could put several chairs or some of those chaise lounge things on there. A homemade thing. But it was fun. Booze cruisin'...I knew I had a special attraction to the lake...;) -EBF

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Let's see...we've done it in many an outdoor hot tub, on the deck of our old house, the screen porch of our current house, several outdoor pools, on the beach (Myrtle) and one time under the stars in a field near a house we were renting.


Outdoor sex is something we enjoy, J especially. Those 'nature hikes' sound fun Rhonda; we'll have to try that someday too!



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Done it on a boat before. This coming weekend we're going camping with some friends. We've gotten all worked up about doing it in the woods. Hope there's not too many bugs...LOL!

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We love the outdoors. Have done it many times, in many different places.


The most risky was when we were playing mini golf at a local amusement park. There weren't many people on the course. The closest person was several holes behind us. You know how some of them have fake "mountains" or rock structures that you have to walk into to golf? Well we took advantage of the location and managed to work in a quickie without anyone (to our knowledge) noticing. Was very lovely. A tremendous turn-on for us both. That was a few years ago.


Our most favorite outdoor location now is in our own backyard. In or around our pool. Rarely wear clothes out there. Just high heels. Makes for the best outdoor sex of all!!!!


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Let see:

On the deck

In the woods

On the car

In the car

On the beach

On a balcony

On a golf course (4th green)


Always wanted to try in a canoe though and not fall out. :rofl:

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Though sometimes I hate the tension of being caught - Love it outside but want it to be private as possible.


Male D

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To Fred&Wilma:


I hope you repaired your "Ball Mark(s)" to leave the green suitable for the next "players". :D


Male D

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To Fred&Wilma:


I hope you repaired your "Ball Mark(s)" to leave the green suitable for the next "players". :D


Male D


Buck naked baby, no clothes or shoes to leave marks. Played a round of golf with my father next day and could not find any ball marks from the night before.


Gave a whole new meaning to "A hole in one".


Remembered another - tree house.

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I love outdoor sex, I don't know what it is the fresh air the risk of getting caught?? I am drawn to porn that involves it and even love in the spring when we open all the windows in the house (bringing the outdoors in :))


Whatever it is about it it's great! It is very freeing!


We have only done it once. :( We were out walking near our apartment down a road that has corporate headquarters of various large companies. There was on road that ran along the side of one of these offices and ended just past it (for future expansion) into some trees. We walked down to the end (luckily the street lights ended at the building ;)) and Mr Spoo leaned me up against the fence and we went at it :fun:


They have since expanded the road and we have moved but we're always waiting for our next opportunity for some outdoor fun.

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Came upon this thread and chuckled at it being in the Fantasies forum, since having lived in rural areas all our lives, for us, it's reality and always has been since we started having sex! :) For our first few years together, if we were going to have sex, it was going to be outside somewhere since those were the only chances we got!


Not an all-inclusive list I'm sure, but the ones I remember off the top of my head -


In the woods along the lake on a blanket, daytime and night.


On a boat dock at night (I still remember the mosquitoes eating my ass up, literally!).


In the water at a lake swimming area while hanging on the buoy line (had to be extra discrete on that one). I've also witnessed that as a spectator several times - are they or aren't they?? :rolleyes:


In a boat at both night and in broad daylight on both lakes and the ocean.


In a wildflower meadow in the middle of a glorious fall afternoon.


On a picnic table in a park at night.


In a car parked in various dark and off the beaten path places that the young and horny and strictly-parented go to do such things.


Backyard pool - uh, like every summer weekend!


On some friends back porch at like 2 a.m. with her laid over their patio table, me behind, and us just flat tearing it up right in the middle of raging summer thunderstorm, and at the same time we could hear but not see Mrs. cplnuswing and the other husband having just as much fun inside the house in the living room. One of my all-time favorite swinging moments, that one :D

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Outside the car on a lonely dirt road at about midnight, in broad daylight swimming in a creek both in southwest Missouri. Then at Lake of the Ozarks state park campground in broad daylight, where we thought we were alone in the middle of the woods, until we were walked up on by a young couple that was out hiking a trail we didn't know was just above us. Another time in Jefferson Barracks park along the Mississippi river on a hill side. Above us out of sight all kinds of park activities going on, softball etc. Below us was a park area where they stored equipment, mowers etc. We were laying along side this hill with my wife giving me a blowjob and all of a sudden down below about 50 yards or so away a park police car driving by that spotted us. We quickly ran up the hill, me with my underware stuck around my ankles trying to pull my pants up as I scurried up the hill. We hurried to the car and were off before the car could get back around to where we were parked. Another time at Anheuser Busch wildlife area by a lake on a park bench during the day when it was quite chilly and no other cars around. OUt on the back deck at midnight where we thought no one was out and looking that is until I spotted my next door neighbor, an old retired fat lady walking out to her car looking up at us. In the middle of the backyard at night on towels. Probably a few more I'm not remembering.

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Guest Stayingactive

We enjoy venturing off the trail during hikes for some private sex time. We have had some great balcony sex on vacations at night and during the day. We have had several fun car sessions, mainly the wife using sex toys, her hands or my hands on her self as we have ventured down the highway. Some resort hot tub private sessions and even a couple resort pools. Last but not least because it probably happens the most....the hot tub in our back yard. We keep it to in the dark but being seen isn't the issue...keeping her moans and noises down as she orgasms is the tough part. :-)


We work hard to keep these outdoor sessions private. The risk of being caught is very hot for us but our goal is not to be caught or offend anyone.

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More recently, in the nude dunes outside of Saugatuck, MI, an MFM, that was the wildest. When I was 16, under a beach blanket on a crowded beach on Lake Michigan.

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Do sleeping bags in tents and safely behind the fence in our own backyard count? Other than that:


- Not long after we first got together, I grabbed a surprise cruise for Mrs. EastInWest and I off Florida and the Bahamas. We had the balcony, and still being in our "4-5 times a day" phase, we both eagerly spent a lot of time our on knees out there, buried in each others' laps. We never got an audience, but often other ships would pass closely enough after dark that a dedicated passenger with a good pair of binoculars could have taken in a show.


- Last summer, we were hiking on a trail and decided to stop to bend her over against a tree. We were both wearing sunglasses. Halfway through, a family of deer walked up and stopped, then just stared. We're talking about maybe twenty feet away. It was really odd. The mother deer kept the others behind her but seemed confused by what she was seeing, until I finished, pulled out, and pulled my jeans up, then she finally figured it out and spooked her babies and they ran off. Maybe because of the position and the way we were dressed and positioned it wasn't obvious that we were two people, or the deer was confused by people mating and thought we were stuck in the tree or something, who knows.

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On a beach on Maui. We were the only ones there so why not take advantage of it? Also at a greenbelt area in the middle of our subdivision. It's late at night so we don't offend anyone or surprise any minors. Being in Arizona, we have a pool so we take advantage of that also. In fact one of our most memorable times making love, was out back in our pool, on a slowly spinning raft, at night, during a nice gentle rain.

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In the early 70s we hiked up to Nevada Falls in Yosemite and my girlfriend and I fucked next to the river in a sleeping bag it was really hot.

Another lady friend and I took the logging road right before you get into Yosemite and drove in about 2 miles stopped the car put out a blanket and fucked our brains out with her on top right on the road.

My X wife and I wanted to have a full moon fuck so we walked to the beach and right on the Cliff we got naked and I bent her over and fucked her doggy style under the full moon.

Sex in the wild is really wild.

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When the kids were young teens, we'd leave them at home for a few hours while we'd have a date night. The first couple of times we came home the kids were still up and watching tv, the shep wanted attention and needed a walk, there were phone messages and dishes in the sink. The frisky mood dinner had instilled in my ex-wife rapidly dissipated and we'd end up going to bed dis-satisfied and not a little grumpy.


So, one Friday night, after a really nice meal and a bottle of champagne (those bubbles were the only thing I ever discovered that nearly always made her clothes fall off). We pulled off on to a road leading to a clearing in a state game land. We kissed and laughed a bit and I got a couple of buttons undone on her blouse, enough to see a bit of boob encased in black lace. We played for a bit but the console of the 73 Grand Prix got in the way so I suggested the back seat.


She quickly agreed (I was surprised) so I came around to the passenger door and opened it. She stood up and slipped into my arms and we started to kiss. I ran my hand up under the back of her dress and under her panties, fondling her ass for awhile and eventually sliding her panties off with surprisingly no objection. Kissing all the while (that woman could KISS), I finished unbuttoning her blouse and reached around to unhook her bra and found her pink nipples hard as pebbles. I slowly removed her blouse and bra and there was my proper Methodist wife, the mother of two teenage daughters, standing in the woods with her nice 34b's aroused and exposed.


As I started on her skirt, she stopped me and I thought the fun was over. But once again, she surprised me. She pushed me back a step and said, "I don't want to drop this on the ground". Holding onto me with one hand, she removed her skirt and was standing naked in just her sensible wedges. I was further amazed when she turned her back to me and neatly folded the skirt. I hastily dropped my pants without care for the ground and as she bent into the car to put the dress on the seat, I got an enticing view of her firm ass and her moist pussy trimmed in light reddish-gold hair. I couldn't resist and slipped my dripping hard cock into her. Again, I was surprised when she moaned and thrust back at me. We were naked in the woods at twilight on a warm June evening in Pa and I'm fucking my wife from behind. I thought it couldn't get much better but it did. She disengaged, folded the front seat forward and climbed into the back seat placing her left foot on the back of the console and lying there open and smilingly inviting. We fucked in the car with the dome light on (another surprise) and it took no time before we had both had cum. Completely out of character, she wasn't done. She want me to go down on her which I did to another orgasm. By that time, I was stirring a bit so she sucked me (usually reserved for my birthday treat or our Christmas Eve fuck which, interestingly enough, ALWAYS involved champagne). Once I was hard again, she then climbed on top and inserted my dick back inside her and slowly fucked us both to another orgasm.


When she finally rolled off an nestled up against me she said quietly, "I wish we had a little more champagne".


Epilogue: Those things happened less and less frequently until, like a long opened bottle of champagne, our marriage fizzled out. I wonder if she ever thinks of that night and the couple of similar nights that followed that summer.

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I love sex outdoor, nothing like having sex on the deck and the neighbor's dog comes over to watch. We like to find a trail camera and have sex in front of the trail cam. So many different sex scenarios when outside.

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Hell yes!  Love it. Mountain tops, near streams, forests, hiking, camping, floating in a pool, on the boat in a lake, tabletop in the desert etc etc.


I (M) also love to be naked in nature, so......combine the two and I am a very happy fucker.

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