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Some details on my wife's first experience!

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Congratulations on joining the club and thanks for sharing your hot experience. We wish you continued luck as you move forward.

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Good work! Sounds you both had fun.


We had our own spontaneous "backseat adventure" in a soft swinging situation years ago, it was our only exposure to actually doing this and it was a great time.

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I think if you don't expect too much, too fast in terms of a LTF/LTR you'll know when you've got the right man with the right fit (no pun intended). I've been with 2 couples long term and after the initial meeting and getting to know each other we could just sense that we had good chemistry and went from there. Good luck!

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That sounds like a great first experience!


I hope you two got a chance to "debrief" each other afterwards, talk over the evening and tell each other what you each felt. Did you have any flashes of jealousy, or any other feelings that this was in any way not the right thing to do? Did your wife have any feelings of guilt or concern that you would be unhappy with the things that were happening?


Next time, I hope you all are able to find a location where you can get busy more comfortably!

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Both you and your wife should consider yourselves lucky you escaped with no injuries or worse. Neither you or your wife had any clue about this guy or what he was capable of.


Let me tell you how this could have went. After pleasantries this guy and your wife crawled in the back seat in a secluded location (probably in the dark) with you in the front seat. Anything that happens in the back seat is now beyond your control! This guy is holding your wife's life in his hands! What would have happened if this guy started slapping your wife around and started chocking her. If you tried to intervene you probably would put your wife in greater danger.


At this moment a couple of things would probably happen. This guy would probably produce a weapon and demand you get out of the car. He would then drive away and you probably would never see your wife alive again.


Think I am weaving fables? I am a police officer (my wife and I are swingers) and scenarios like this happen every day. The bad thing about this happening to swingers is there a reluctance to report the situation I just described.


This is not an acceptable way to get started in swinging. Go to a local club and meet and great with other swingers. Plus one or both of you will not be murdered.

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Both you and your wife should consider yourselves lucky you escaped with no injuries or worse. Neither you or your wife had any clue about this guy or what he was capable of.


Let me tell you how this could have went. After pleasantries this guy and your wife crawled in the back seat in a secluded location (probably in the dark) with you in the front seat. Anything that happens in the back seat is now beyond your control! This guy is holding your wife's life in his hands! What would have happened if this guy started slapping your wife around and started chocking her. If you tried to intervene you probably would put your wife in greater danger.


At this moment a couple of things would probably happen. This guy would probably produce a weapon and demand you get out of the car. He would then drive away and you probably would never see your wife alive again.


Think I am weaving fables? I am a police officer (my wife and I are swingers) and scenarios like this happen every day. The bad thing about this happening to swingers is there a reluctance to report the situation I just described.


This is not an acceptable way to get started in swinging. Go to a local club and meet and great with other swingers. Plus one or both of you will not be murdered.

This is great advice. Only thing is single guys are usually not allowed at the events we go to. What is a safe way to meet a single guy?

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Well, I thought the story was exciting. I love hearing about enthusiastic wives in this type of situation.

We always focused on single men. We never felt anything close to danger. The guys were all on their very best behavior. The back seat can be a dangerous place to be trapped but it can also be a very hot place to have savage desires unfold. This life is risky, this hobby is risky, it's part of the draw.

My wife has said to me on several occasions, as we walk up to a hotel room, 'we could be killed in the next few minutes' 'yep' I'd reply as I knock. Heart beating out of my chest and every nerve tingling, 'fuckin alive right now'!

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To all:


If you think (no matter how little) that the situation you are going into has the slightest chance of putting you in harms way you should not do it. If you continue to put yourself in that situation or something like it you have to ask if something is wrong with you mentally. If your wife is stating that "we could be killed in the next few minutes" obviously where you are going to swing is not the right choice. I have to ask two questions:


1. Why is this behavior acceptable in you life? The normal swinger life is not that dramatic (other than great sex).

2. Are you leaving people behind when you engage in this risky behavior? Are you leaving kids, parents, grandparents behind if something goes wrong? Your wife's statement that "we could be killed in the next few minutes" leaves getting beat up, raped or killed really high on the list when you go into this situation.


Obviously I cannot changed you mind (don't confuse me with the facts my mind is already made up) but if you can answer yes to one or both of the previous questions you need find a safer way to swing.

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Well I agree with the need to better check on the guy. But a very nice story and mine was similar in that it was a man for me and and my eager husband enjoying the sights and sounds. I will ask him to post his story since hi excitement I am sure was similar to yours. Joan

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While I was going through my divorce, my ex-husband had told me that I was not sexually open enough. When I talked to a co-worker and her boyfriend, they told me that they were swingers and they encouraged me to come with them to a club in Tampa.

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