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What do you do when one of the swinging foursome doesn't want to have sex?

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This has happened to us more than once when swinging.


You meet a couple and things are moving forwards, until all of sudden one of the 'other' party gets cold feet, is not into it, etc.


What I have done in the past is call the whole thing off and, frankly, fuck the wife, ALWAYS a good time there!!


However, I got to thinking, well wtf maybe I should just enjoy the threesome!!


What do others who have had the same or similar experience do?

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Has happened to my wife and I on more than one occasion. Even after these several occasions, we can figure nothing better than to call a halt and bid them 'good night' with the Hollywood-style white lie "we'll give you a call" on our lips. I'll be interested to see what other people have to say about this.

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We live by the 'move at the pace of the slowest member', therefore we must also die there. As already stated, the Ms. is always a great time and usually a sure bet.

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As the others have mentioned, move at the pace of the slowest of the foursome. This is a boundary condition. To violate it is to dishonor one of the foursome.

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If the Mrs. decided to abort, we would call off the playing then and there. This is mainly because I'd want to circle back and talk things over with my wife, and find out what happened or why she changed her mind.


Something kinda sorta similar happened one time, when we met a couple at a club, and had a round of play pretty quickly. Although the Mrs. went to play voluntarily, she did not particularly enjoy the experience, and told me so at a point in the evening. We had been heading for a second round, but we called it off once I knew how she felt. At that point, neither she nor the other couple were looking for a threesome, so we said good night. Later, I explained things to the other couple, and they were cool.

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Mrs Guy and I are just in the "talking about fantasies" stage,and we're just starting to read things together, so please overlook a noob question: "Is it really a bad thing if one partner is more into the other couple than the other partner?" Obviously I wouldn't be with someone I found repulsive, but is it really a negative if one participates for the sake of the other? I assure you, I'm not being facitious, but I'm wondering if there isn't something I'm not understanding?

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"Is it really a bad thing if one partner is more into the other couple than the other partner?" Obviously I wouldn't be with someone I found repulsive, but is it really a negative if one participates for the sake of the other?


This is a decision within your partnership. It gets to the foundation of compersion and how it plays out in your relationship. It's not bad or good, but there are decisions to be made. When we couples' date, it has to be a positive experience for all. Candidly, this limits the couples that we choose to spend time with. If house parties interest you, then the people each of you pair off with might not a be partners themselves. What matters is that you and your partner have a good time. Imagine for a moment that one of you is playing more out of a sense of duty than of excitement. How will the after-play discussion on the ride home go between you?

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Guy1964 said:
Mrs Guy and I are just in the "talking about fantasies" stage,and we're just starting to read things together, so please overlook a noob question: "Is it really a bad thing if one partner is more into the other couple than the other partner?" Obviously I wouldn't be with someone I found repulsive, but is it really a negative if one participates for the sake of the other? I assure you, I'm not being facetious, but I'm wondering if there isn't something I'm not understanding?


You raise an interesting point. In our experience, it's a rare thing when both members of a couple happen to be equally excited about playing with their prospective play partners of the other couple. One of us is, almost invariably, more hot for our play partner than the other is for theirs. But if we both like the other couple, and both think we'll have a good time, then we go for it, even if one of us is a little more turned on than the other. Neither one of us considers that taking one for the team. And neither of us will pressure the other into playing when it's clear that the other is not going to find it enjoyable.

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CoupleInMD79 said:
One of us is, almost invariably, more hot for our play partner than the other is for theirs. But if we both like the other couple, and both think we'll have a good time, then we go for it, even if one of us is a little more turned on than the other. Neither one of us considers that taking one for the team. And neither of us will pressure the other into playing when it's clear that the other is not going to find it enjoyable.


We are in a pretty similar camp. It's pretty tough for me to figure out what my wife is attracted too and vice versa. We do not consider 'taking one for the team either'. I have had some really amazing sex with partners that I really was not that initially attracted to.


Just to bring this thread back to the original topic. I thought in general the response would be go at the pace of the slowest member. I was just thinking back on our experiences and think maybe we (as couple) should have moved forward at our pace. There have been a few times where, maybe we shouldn't have worried about it so much? Does that make sense? Has anybody had experiences like that?

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SW_PA_Couple said:
Has happened to my wife and I on more than one occasion. Even after these several occasions, we can figure nothing better than to call a halt and bid them 'good night' with the Hollywood-style white lie "we'll give you a call" on our lips. I'll be interested to see what other people have to say about this.


We usually do the same, mostly because we try to avoid drama. It's tempting to move forward regardless, but when it's someone we just met and we didn't know them well, we prefer the cautionary route.

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This happens more than most people think.  It is hard to make a connection, must less a four way connection. It has happened with Sabrina and I. We are Beauty and the Beast, lol. Sabrina is VERY 🔥 HOTTT and I am just OK. If the other couple wants to play with Sabrina as a 3sum and Sabrina wants to play, I am good with just watching. If Sabrina wants to fuck the other husband or wife and his wife and I (or just me) can watch, I am good with that. We have also met with BI males that Sabrina was not interested in and the was a connection M/M, she was good with watching us boys play. Once again it depends on what each couple and person is into/attracted to. The important thing is make sure you communicate and both of the couple is good with it. 

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