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Cialis -- an initial report

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Last time I was at the urologist office, I asked about Cialis. I walked away with a sample box of 30, 5 mg. The drug is, I can tell you, effective in more than one way. I need to arise only once per night to pee rather than three times. And things are happening that have not happened in many years -- unexpected erections in the middle of the day, on-demand erection, longer-lasting erection.


I have asked the doc. to talk Express Scripts. If he tells them the right things, I'll be able to have this stuff for $33 a month. I've been paying that much for just two Viagra.


This is great!

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Do you take 5mg daily? If it's too personal, you may take the fifth.


I take 10 mg for 3 days in a row when I anticipate activity is upcoming. I never fail to rise for my wife, but if I am nervous or using a condom, I appreciate the help. I prefer Cialis to Viagra.

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Funny how each of the three meds affects people differently. All Cialis does for me is give me crippling back pain for a few days. Levitra is about as effective as a Jelly Belly.

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Have you tried Viagra? Also, if you talk to your urologist, he could adjust your dosage.


While I am not a doctor or your doctor, some men have low testosterone. A T supplement is available. It does have strong side effects and can spur prostate cancer, but it helps many. Research it, talk to your doctor, test your T levels.

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Do you take 5mg daily? If it's too personal, you may take the fifth.
Yes, a 5mg tab each day. One big reason, it really does help with the nuisance of needing to get up to pee three or four times a night. And that effect does not kick in until you have been on the regimen for about a week.
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Glad to hear about the side benefit. Enjoying some youth-like wood is also good.

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For about a year and a half, I've been taking a 5mg daily dose of Cialis. This was motivated partly by the fact that my insurance would cover Viagra at only a rate of around 10 a month, which did not seem to allow much in the way of spontaneity! But they would cover a daily dose of Cialis, as it is used to treat BPH (sp?), as well as ED. My doctor was amenable to changing me over to Cialis, so we did!


Not to go off-atopic, but I also am receiving hormone therapy from a "wellness and vitality" center in our area. As part of that treatment regimen, I get implanted pellets of bio-identical testosterone every six months. This delivery mechanism is trouble-free, effective, and provides a more even uptake of testosterone than other delivery methods like injections or oral supplements. I now have a very healthy testosterone level, which provides many general health benefits in addition to improving sexual performance.

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Last time I was at the urologist office, I asked about Cialis. I walked away with a sample box of 30, 5 mg. The drug is, I can tell you, effective in more than one way. I need to arise only once per night to pee rather than three times. And things are happening that have not happened in many years -- unexpected erections in the middle of the day, on-demand erection, longer-lasting erection.


I have asked the doc. to talk Express Scripts. If he tells them the right things, I'll be able to have this stuff for $33 a month. I've been paying that much for just two Viagra.

This is great!

ExpressScrips required me to have a trial of an Alpha Blocker before allowing the more expensive 5 mum daily Cialis for BPH. I got severe visual migraine with the Alpha Blocker so my Urologist could lobby for the Cialis. That dose of Cialis is not effective for me for sustaining an erection and ExpressScrips won't allow additional oral medication but I can get 6 Edex syringes a month covered.

FYI, Sildenofil 20 mgm, the generic version of Viagra can be obtained for about 50 cents a pill with some of the available coupons on the GoodRx App. Most people would need to take 3 to 5 pills for sustaining an erection for an hour or 2.

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Report Continues: the urologist seems to have made a convincing argument with Express Scrips. Each month's supply of 5mg Cialis is going to cost $35. There were times that I was spending that much for two Viagra pills.


In addition, my wife and I are spending a week with 80 other couples at a resort and I am giving my newly-discovered drug a pretty demanding test. I am ready to say that it is nearly miraculous and I have perceived no side effect.

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SW_PA_Couple, it's great that you have some initial data, but I recommend continued field trials...


I just paid for a refill of a 90-count supply of 5mg Cialis: $60! I'm happy abut that, even though it was $55 last time. I refilled in order to make sure I was stocked up for the Bliss Cruise in November!

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Wish that I had HBP so I could qualify (no, not really), still there are some days when a little help is appreciated. Several years ago (after the divorce), the doc gave me a prescription for Viagra (to help get over the physiological part of the divorce)...5 pills $75! It sucks getting old...but if I wasn't then I wouldn't be ready for this relationship and the L/S.

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There is a lot of joking that surrounds ED medication, but if you are a male who has this problem, do not hesitate to discuss it with your doctor and get a prescription. These medications are terrific if they are effective for you without side effects.

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I was charged 290 dollars for one month. I just said forget it.
Piecing together the evidence from what my urologist said to me during my most-recent visit and what others have told me, I have concluded that the price depends upon several factors: any extra information that the urologist communicates to the pharmacy when she or he gives the prescription over to them, what the sponsor of the medical insurance or health-care plan has on their allowed or not-allowed lists; how much you have already paid into your "out-of-pocket limit", whether or not you drug plan is bare-naked Medicare or maybe a fully-clothed supplemental plan. I am mildly curious what a governmental plan like Canadian plan might cover, if any of you know. I have also concluded that Express Scrips has little or nothing to do about setting the price. The do it according to the rules set up by the sponsor. I am fairly confident that the pharmacy gives no information to the urologist regarding the price that I will pay.


My plan is one of the several different plans that my employer sponsors.

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