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Does anyone frequent Menages/Nashville? Thoughts?

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What are you thoughts of Menages. My wife and i will be attending 3/23. Our first club experience. Also, our first LS experience.

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It's been, what, six or seven years since we've been there? But I imagine little has changed in the operation. They're a little more upscale than most clubs. The facility is an old brick building (think historic and not run-down) right on the edge of the heart of downtown. I believe valet parking is available and I'd use it if you're not taking a cab or Uber.


Single men are limited to the bar and one side of the club unless specifically invited to a table by a couple. I think this is a nice balance as it gives access to all and helps facilitate those looking for a second male without falling into the sausage fest trap like some clubs.


I wonder how long they can hold out at this location as downtown Nashville continues to grow by leaps and bounds. Every time we visit the area it seems two more blocks have been converted to hotels and nightlife. Eventually a developer is going to make a multi-million dollar offer they can't refuse.


Anyway, go with no expectation other than to have fun, take the first-timer's tour and enjoy the night!

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