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First time at a club...not swingers yet...

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Last night we finally went to a club. We visited Colettes in Dallas.


A few things I loved about the club:

1). Amazing and friendly staff.

2). Clean facilities

3). Loved watching women dance on the pole

4). Almost all patrons were friendly. We had been warned that Colettes was really cliquish. I never felt that way. I felt like there were ALOT of regulars that seemed genuinely happy to see one another. It’s true it can make you feel a little on the outside, but I didn’t ever feel like it was in a snotty, clique demeanor.


A few things I didn’t like about the night:

1). During the tour, we were told that in the orgy rooms, only lingerie, full nudity or underwear should be worn. Throughout the night, when we checked out that area, anyone playing was almost fully clothed. The men had their pants only slightly pulled down and the women had the dresses slightly pulled up. There were also spectators inside the room, not participating.

2). Maybe we should have gone on a weekend other than Father’s Day. The club wasn’t nearly as packed as I had anticipated. The bottom floor had (maybe) 20 people. The top floor was decently full. But not packed by any definition.

3). I had assumed most women, at least later in the night, would be wearing lingerie. The entire night I saw only a few. The majority of women there stayed fully clothed and I got the impression that the majority of the couples there were only there to watch


All in all, we had a great time. We did meet another couple that we visited with most of the night. Maybe something would have come of it, but it was their first time also, and I don’t think either couple felt comfortable enough to offer any action. I ended up giving my husband a blowjob in a playroom, while we watched other couples. The whole experience was definitely a turn-on and We plan on going again someday!

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Good for you!


Our first time to a lifestyle club was fun also. We are getting the nerve up to go again soon.

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You've still done what 98% of the world is too afraid to do...actually talk about it and going. Good for you!

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Sounds like you had a better than good experience including playing sexually in an open room.


Somethings to ponder:


1. Most disappointments come from expectations not realized and higher expectations than reality

2. Parties and clubs are places that host a venue for like minded (not same minded) people. A gathering place. Supplies, music....some have food, BYOB or legal bar and music.

3. The door charge, membership....donation is for the facilities, venue and supplies. NOT FOR SEX. In most every state that is illegal. There is no promise of sex of any kind.

4. The party is only as friendly, spontaneous, social, sexy, hot, exciting, sensual or sexual as those that attend and participate...make it. You are not required to mingle, socialize, discuss, share or participate. Including any form of sexual activity.

5. The eye candy of any activity in any setting or room can be intoxicating. Imagine if everyone just came to watch.....who would then be watched.

6. There are rules of the house, rules in the lifestyle, rules for couples, rules for singles and rules for each individual, self imposed and followed. Their personal choice.



Just things to ponder.


It sounds to me a very good first outing. The two of you participated in an open room with other people in it. I assumed you may have been watched. All in all you both stretched your wings more with each other than most would ever do. Exciting. Lots for you both to talk about, to explore (a step at a time)together.


The Queen and I have been in the lifestyle since about 1997, swing/swap since 2000, hosting parties, events, social activities for swingers, meet and greets and private gatherings for swap/play from 2001 - 2010. We are still very active, poly relation and friendships. We understand expectations. Excitement. The desire to try it all.


Pace yourself, explore, enjoy with each other.


Remember how to eat an elephant......one bite at a time.

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Thank you for the appropriately timed review of Colettes Dallas. Mrs. Nomad was just asking me about if I knew anything about the place. We've been to Colettes New Orleans and we are actually planning on spending a couple of months in Dallas this fall/winter. Maybe you hit it on Fathers day and the wives were just taking their husbands out for a treat which led to the larger than usual watchers. About 25% of the ladies ended up in lingerie when we were in New Orleans last but I noticed more on couples only night. Looking forward to hearing more about your experiences in Dallas.


Mr. Nomad

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Thanks for all the input and responses! I loved the experience and we will be making another trip when “family life” allows us to! My husband and I both are mid-forties. Everyone within that age demographic and older were quick to smile make us feel welcomed. I tried really hard to not have a “doe in the headlights” look about me, but my brain was probably whirling and over analyzing everything all night:) As far as the crowd numbers being low, we wondered (at least with our peers) if some people might not have kids and/or families visiting for Fathers Day. A regular that my husband chatted with said the numbers are normally higher.

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