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There’s a post from March 2019 entitled Playing Around With Energy; I’d like to build in that.


Some background: many, many years ago, after a particularly special episode at a Dead concert in Atlanta, I began informal experimation with my mind’s ability to control my body.

I went through several phases over several years and, in approximately this order discovered (mostly at 02:00 when I couldn’t sleep) that I could:


Flex a muscle just by thinking about it; no physical effort at all;


Flex all my muscles just by thinking about them (Ironically, I’ve found it difficult to relax them all)


With enough concentration, wiggle my ears or nose. It’s so hard I’ve quit.


And...most importantly, I could “generate” that spark.


The spark I’m talking about is the one you may remember from early adolescence. Guys, the first time you touched a girls hand, or OMG a naked breast(!) did you experience a real spark? I worked on recreating it. I don’t think I have super powers, I just like to push myself - so I’ll share.


Anyway, try to make your finger electrically charge - really focus; make it tingle. If you can charge your finger, you can charge your hand and suddenly you can perform Reiki! It seems obvious, but concentration is the key and it takes a lot - at first.


Of course, once you can charge one body part you can charge other body parts. Next thing you know, you can produce a fully charged electric “tool” on demand. It’s a goal worthy of the effort. I hear an immediate change from Hey-Baby when I make the extra effort: tingle her here; tingle her there; tingle her everywhere at once!


There’s a bit more that I might add later but I doubt I’m the only one doing this - who else has developed similar abilities? Have you ever tried to tingle in different colors

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I tried tantrik sex before which produced a current through my spine and all of my body but have not heard of yet or tried what you are describing.

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Well, I’m surprised that there has only been one response. I didn’t really think this was so unusual that no-one else did it.


To me it is obvious that there is a difference, for both parties, when someone touched with versus without sexual intent. Do we agree? If you were to touch someone’s hand in a friendly manner versus doing the same thing but with seduction on your mind - don’t both you and the other person notice? Without trying, there’s a bit of a spark. All I’m suggesting is that this spark can be made on-demand and can be intensified.

I was about to teach/preach, but I’ll wait to see if there is interest, first.

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Years ago, at work, a female co-worker and I were talking. At some point during the conversation, we touched briefly. Less than a second but we both totally lost our train of thought and became very nervous. We both know we felt it and neither of us wanted to pursue something. I believe simple eye contact and a nod would have pushed either of us over the boundary. Not something I want to practice. Wielding this kind of power with a shit sense of impulse control would suck.

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