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One Word / Sentence I Hate?

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One Word / Sentence I Hate?


Been reading a lot of profiles / messages of late and I have discovered I really don't like the word “Discreet” I hate it in fact. I mean what does even mean?


Does it mean you won't tell anyone? Does it mean your going to sneak in my house under the cover of darkness? Does it just mean your cheating? Does it mean you have a really high flying job? Does it mean your paranoid? Are you going to wear a disguise?


You know the only explanation you get is..... Discreet.


Secondly I have also come to dislike the sentence, or question.


What you looking for then?


What you into?


Well I'm looking to win the lottery thanks and I'm fairly into eating ice cream. You know like I'm on a swingers site for sex, what do you think I'm here for to make balloon animals.


I think that's what I'm going to do, when someone asks what I'm into / what I'm looking for then I'm just go give the crazies answer possible, you know I'm here to learn about naked jam making, or that I'm a test pilot for Viagra's new secret drug :D


Any words.... Questions..... Sentences that annoy the hell out of you in this lifestyle?


An please don't say Sun & Moon.... Of Cliffy!

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We do use the word "discreet" in our profile. The word means, "judicious in one's conduct or speech, especially with regard to respecting privacy or maintaining silence about something of a delicate nature; prudent; circumspect.”


This is the way we feel about it - we don’t want our vanilla family, friends and business associates knowing what we do on Saturday night. It’s really none of their business, but if they found out there would be consequences. Perhaps some friends would no longer care to associate with us, it’s even possible we would lose the opportunity for promotions and such. We don’t want that to happen.


And so, as our swinging associates, we won’t tell other people what we know about you, and we are asking you not to tell the world about us.


Sun & Moon, that’s what the word 'discreet' means.

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I couldn't agree more that would be my understanding of discreet.


However its seems to mean different things to different people, or just get misused all the time, some of the commons I see are people saying......


Discreet: That means don't tell anyone right.


Discreet: Yeah I need to be discreet because of my job.


Discreet: Yeah I need to be discreet because I'm cheating


I find loads of guys basically use it for code for “I'm Cheating” I need to be discreet because the wife can't find out. The next person needs to be discreet because they have kids. The next person its there job. The next person its because they have a close family.


Just think discreet is a shit word, its been taken by like every cheating guy on the planet and used in their profiles as a nice way of saying the wife can't find out.


The actual meaning of discreet has perhaps been lost of some people.



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Generally being discreet is a no brainer in the lifestyle to me. When I see it in the profile of a “single” male I take it to mean cheating. I think what are you into or looking for to be appropriate questions. Some people have rules of no kissing or limit with how many times they will play with other partners or friends first or specific desires. 

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Sun, now I see your point. On SLS, I just approved a profile that includes: 


Married and looking for something discreet and fun


So, yes, when used in that context, I agree that the user is probably scum.


But words can be used in many contexts. I would suggest that you enjoy the word when it's used in the context my wife and I use it, and dislike it when scumbags are trying to cheat.

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Not trying to change the direction of the topic, but how about the term 'HWP' (height/weight proportionate)? Love seeing that in a profile as well...it says absolutely nothing. Might as well say 'we think we are really good looking and not overweight (no matter how we really look)'.

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Jeeze Gold, we use h/w/p in our profile because we ARE and because that's what we look for in playmates. Mrs Doc is 5'8", about 145. Im 6' and 195. If a woman is 4'2 and 145 and the guy is 5'2,  195 and call themselves h/w/p we'd certainly notice!!


We too believe "discreet", used in the same sentence as "single male", is code for cheating husband. 

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We don’t have “discreet” in our profile but we were discreet until we went on a nude cruise that stopped at Fantasy Fest for 2 nights.  As we were boarding, we recognized a gentleman who went to the same dance club as us.  Well, we thought he’s here, he has as much to hide as we do.  Problem was he took photos of what we do and not of what he did.  Actually, just of us running around nude on the ship.  Shared them with some of our mutual friends, mostly men.  The fact that it was officially a nude cruise and not a swingers’ cruise may have been a saving factor.

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Wow I like that "Pragmatic Privacy" thats better that "Discreet" right?

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Yes the word discreet is over used and unnecessary!  We have not meet anyone in the lifestyle yet that doesn’t want to keep this part of their life private.  

HWP does not bother us, because that is our preferred option for play friends in general.


Anything on a profile related to cock size is a pass for us!  BBC, BWC or anything else that says something about your spectacular penis.  Could give a fuck less.  Doesn’t make someone attractive in anyway for her.  Does the opposite.


We are an attractive couple and we are professionals are also on our list of annoying things on profiles.  

Also if they have drug free on their profile we avoid,  because we are not and even in today’s society pot seems to make a lot of people uptight.  We don’t like being around uptight people.

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I feel like you are not being fair about the word Discreet, so for instance my husband is a high school school teacher, so if we run into a couple we have fooled around with in public or he runs into them without me, please understand that if a parent of one of his students see him acting inappropriately with another man's wife it could start something bad for him as there are a lot of prudish people out there and an overly sexualized male teacher might be a problem for a school district, every thing he does would be treated as a potential threat.  So we ask people to be discreet about him, now for me tell whomever you want, I've been working the slut persona for 5 years and its me now.  

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