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Hire a lawyer, have him investigate pertinent crimminal laws and zoning laws and ordinances that would pertain to the community or county where you want to open the club. Be sure that every possible scenario is covered. It doesn't do any good for instance to open a huge club and then discover that you can only have a 10 car parking lot. Find out if the location has to be modified to meet zoning and building codes and if it will bear up under fire inspection and the Americans with Disabilities Act. If it is to be an off premise club, you need to contact your State Alcoholic Beverages Commission and see if it will be possible to get a liquor license for the site. There are 10 million bases to cover and its best to do so before you spend any money on anything but information.

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As a club owner, I have to ask why you want to start a club. Had I done my homework properly, I probably wouldn't have (although it did turn out pretty well). As a profession it is not glamorous and with rare exceptions it is not particularly profitable. Carefully examine your motivations before doing this.


But with that being said ...........


Make sure you have plenty of liquid capitol. Expect to personally lose money for at least 2 years. Do not count on the club making even a fraction of expenses for that time. Clubs grow very slowly.


Please, please please, hire an attorney and make sure that he does a thorough job. Be sure you are zoned properly and obtain all of the proper licenses, permits etc.... You would be suprised what requires permits and licenses (vending or cigarette machines, pool tables, hot tubs, Dj's etc... all usually require licenses or permits). Make sure you comply with your licenses at all times and that the licenses that you obtain do not then prevent the club from operating in the manner you wish.


EXAMPLE: in Providence, RI you need an entertainment license for a DJ. However, nudity violates the terms for holding an entertainment license. Nudity is allowed with an adult entertainment license, BUT adult entertainment licenses require specific zoning AND 2 adult entertainment licenses cannot be held with 2000 feet of one another. When the city was rezoned, no zone that allowed an adult entertaiment license was big enough to allow for 2000 feet between businesses.


Best of luck and welcome to the wacky world of swing club ownership.

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While I love the NCSF. They will only give some basic information. They save most of their effort for legal battles after you are in trouble.

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Why open a new club?


Make me an offer on mine.. LOL


Actually, there are no set rules on how to open a club. As has been said repeatedly before, hire a lawyer familiar with the loval codes and do your homework.


Avoid a Sexualy Oriented Busines (SOB) License like the plague. Make it a private, members only association. Associations come with a Constitutional guarantee. In most cases don't sell alcohol, make it BYOB.


All of these steps make your association a private place with no government regulations to run afoul of.


Even those clubs that must have dance hall licenses should seek out a ruling on being an association. Does your local church sponsor dances and if so do they need a permit to do so? I don't think so.


Remember, if you can outsmart them you'll win, But do your homework because they'll check up on you.

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Never having looked into opening a swingers club, there's probably a very good reason why this won't work, so please tell me why!flamethrow


What if you opened a guest house/hotel possibly for members only. You could probably have a bar and other entertainment and while you might not want to allow nudity there, there should be nothing wrong with lingerie. Then upstairs, or wherever the bedrooms are surely it's up to the guests if they want to leave their doors open or not.

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The first thing you have to do is make sure you will have little or no public opposition to opening your club. Taking care of the legal issues is all well and good, but if the public learns what you are doing and decides to shut you down, you will be shut down, even if you do everything correctly.


I know this first hand. I tried to open a rec center with the help of the police, sherriff, and several churches, but was shot down by a group of old rich women who didn't want teenagers gathering in one spot at night without parental supervision. Didn't matter that the police and church was fully behind the idea. They didn't want it, they had money, so it didn't happen. THAT is going to be your real opposition: public opinion. Your second order of business, after making sure you can open the club legally, will be to make sure the public won't shut you down before you get a chance to make a profit.

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They didn't want it, they had money, so it didn't happen.

I read this to mean that you didn't have sufficient funds to fight them. Did the center really fail because they had money? Or because you didn't?


In reality, I am sure that it was a combination of the 2. Which just reinforces one of my earlier points. Make sure you have a lot more liquid capitol than you think you need.

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Originally posted by passion8

Never having looked into opening a swingers club, there's probably a very good reason why this won't work, so please tell me why!flamethrow


What if you opened a guest house/hotel possibly for members only. You could probably have a bar and other entertainment and while you might not want to allow nudity there, there should be nothing wrong with lingerie. Then upstairs, or wherever the bedrooms are surely it's up to the guests if they want to leave their doors open or not.


It still falls into the same thing as above. I've actually seen more attempts at "swinger hotels" crash and burn than swinger clubs. Again it goes back to types of licenses you have to have an in order to operate as a hotel, in most cases, you wouldn't be able to operate on a members only basis. Not to say that you couldn't (and some don't) set up a small hotel/inn and just only advertise it to the swinging communities.

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For overnight guests in many states you have to have a "Common Innkeepers" license. This means you have to be open to all (no discrimination) and it also opens you up to the board of health enforcement people who can inspect without warrant or warning 24/7/. It is easier to play by the rules than to try an easy circumvention.

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Thanks Julie & fun_pairTX


We were sure there were going to be some very good reasons. We love how informative this board is!


Thank you!

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Originally posted by Tom & Bonnie

Why open a new club?


Make me an offer on mine.. LOL


Actually, there are no set rules on how to open a club. As has been said repeatedly before, hire a lawyer familiar with the loval codes and do your homework.


Avoid a Sexualy Oriented Busines (SOB) License like the plague. Make it a private, members only association. Associations come with a Constitutional guarantee. In most cases don't sell alcohol, make it BYOB.


All of these steps make your association a private place with no government regulations to run afoul of.


Even those clubs that must have dance hall licenses should seek out a ruling on being an association. Does your local church sponsor dances and if so do they need a permit to do so? I don't think so.


Remember, if you can outsmart them you'll win, But do your homework because they'll check up on you.


All very valid points.


We operate three clubs. Two are hotel socials, one a full scale nightclub. All have liquor licensees. Depending on local regulations BYOB can cause more problems than it cures. Florida for instance requires a Bottle club license, not only do BYOB clubs still have to adhere to liquor laws but they introduce a whole new set of reporting problems.


The bottom line is find out with the help of a competent attorney what the laws are that will affect your operation and obey them.

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Originally posted by Close Encounters

All very valid points.


We operate three clubs. Two are hotel socials, one a full scale nightclub. All have liquor licensees. Depending on local regulations BYOB can cause more problems than it cures. Florida for instance requires a Bottle club license, not only do BYOB clubs still have to adhere to liquor laws but they introduce a whole new set of reporting problems.


The bottom line is find out with the help of a competent attorney what the laws are that will affect your operation and obey them.


Here in Texas, it's just the opposite. The TABC ( Texas Alcoholic Beverage Comission) can only excercise authority over licensees. A Private BYOB Club is just like your home. No entry by authorities without a search warrant. Of course that does not include the fire dept., but we never see them either.


But, the most important point is, all states have different laws so check out yours first and do it thoroughly.

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;) I think it would be fun to open a swinging club. We live out in the sticks of NWMO and the closest club is in Kansas City. It's a disadvantage to be over a hundred miles away from a great party. After getting home from work, dealing with homelife...it's hard to get my better half to want to go out to a club. Has anyone opened up a club and how did you do it?

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Opening a club is not that much different than opening any other kind of business.


Develop a business plan, set a budget, review your plan with your accountant and attorney, obtain a location, get the necessary permits for the renovations the location will no doubt need, hire the contractors, get your occupancy permit and then your business license, get your federal employer Id # then hire your staff. You'll probably want to hire a sound engineer to design your sounds system.


It sounds as though you want a club for you and your wife to go to that is close by. IF you really want to give up swinging then you should by all means open a club for others to enjoy.

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Clubs are very much a break even proposition. Fun is a question, the ppls that have successful clubs NEVER participate.

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Yes, we did. It's work, too.


You need a plan, a website, a place, a NASCA affiliation and plenty of time to tend to the nitty gritty of processing memberships, and wearing the hats of social director, event planner, webmaster, book and recordkeeper and game leader.


Deep pockets help, too or a partner in your venture.


You need to advertise if you want to be a success and you need to really love meeting people and what you are doing in general.


Think on these before preceding. More than anything I recommend you get some books on running a nightclub if you can find any.


Hope this helps ;-*


Slutty Wife

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Originally posted by Close Encounters

IF you really want to give up swinging then you should by all means open a club for others to enjoy.



Boy, you sure nailed it there!!!


Celibate in a World of Swingers

We are....

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Anyone that opens up their own club had better plan on putting their sex lives on hold for a while. It's a lot of work!


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in random order:


first and foremost, lots of good and friendly, sexy, descrete, open minded members.


dressing rooms with lockers so you can change from street clothes to play clothes. a good place to lock up valuables, keys etc.

nice big, clean hot tub(s)

three or more play rooms.... one for voyers and exhibitionists so they can see or be seen. one that has private areas. and one that is a group room for no clothing allowed and no lurkers.

restrooms with showers, just in case a shower is wanted/needed.

nice dance floor

a stage with a stripper bar for strip shows and wet t-shirt contests, etc.

nice sound system. nice big selection of all kinds of music and a really great DJ/MC

nice area for mixing your drinks. maybe even a bartender

a place for a good selection for food. the food has to be kept at safe temperatures

xxx films on big screen TVs

plenty of towels, wet wipes, and condoms conviently placed around the facility

a lounge area for visiting flirting and play

someone to cruise the place for security

a private website/forum so members can communicate and safely exchange/post pics, set up meetings, and stay in touch. a good way to inform members about upcumming events, contests, or theme nights.


these are some of the things i thought of, off the top of my head. any other ideas to make the 'ultimate club'?

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When I hit the big lottery I going to open a swingers resort. It will be similar to Hedo but be stateside and open sex will be allowed/encouraged. There will be a board elected by the members that make and enforce the rules. Single me will also have to petition the board for membership. Condos will be available for rental or purchase as well as camp sites. I will have a heated pool, hot tub, sun bathing area that is NOT clothing optional. There will be selecuted areas throughout the grounds couples can get away for recreation under the stars/sun. There will be themed dances on Friday and Saturday nights in the club house. There will also be themed private/semi-private rooms in the club house for couples that are not staying overnight. The club house will be almost exactly like bhawk described with a well equiped dungeon. It will be in the south so that we can open the weekend after Easter and stay open 7 days through Halloween and be open Thursday-Saturday year round.


There will be seminars on Saturday afternoons where "experts" in different fields (ie BDSM, S/M) or respected lifestyle people like Julie will give classes and answer questions.


The problem I run into is costs. To get everything I want I would have to charge around $1000 per year membership and $150 per night for condo rental. Guess its a good thing I didn't hit the $280 mil last weekend I would be going nuts trying to figure this out by now.

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The problem I run into is costs. To get everything I want I would have to charge around $1000 per year membership and $150 per night for condo rental. Guess its a good thing I didn't hit the $280 mil last weekend I would be going nuts trying to figure this out by now.


What you described isn't too far off from a typical nudist resort and those prices really aren't that far off as well..... membership is probably a bit higher but if you have options for non members it could probably even out.

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Actually, in opening any such venture you have a number of problems and financing the cost is just the first and most obvious one. Zoning/Licensing and desirability of available locations are probably going to be an even bigger problems.


I like the ideas expressed above in all the posts in this thread. I try to offer as much of them as I can. But I always have to compromise because of costs, and legalities (zoning, licensing, and location).


Best of luck to you,

Hope you win the lottery anyway.

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Something besides laws you need to think about if you want to own a club.


Do you like to party? If you do are you willing to give up that pleasure? When you are running the parties in most places in this country you can not party. If you benefit from the $$ collected in any way then you can not party. You will find also that putting on parties takes LOTS OF HOURS AND WORK!. Most of the time you are to tired to party when you do this enough.


PeeWee and Gail can attest to what I am saying here. We have been hosting parties for many years and there is a lot more work to it then most people even think of. You think, well, I had a big party at my house and it was not that bad. Then you do three, four of them a week for many years and you are going to find out different.


Also you will need plenty of money. Most clubs don't make money for years if at all. You might be able to con a few people into putting up money but chances are you will not be able to pay your investors back.


I have been watching one couple here in Vegas for about four years now. They keep getting investors, they open a club, a couples months later the parties are over. They run out of money since it did not go the "way they thought it would." They are now on their fourth place, been open since Halloween and they had six people last Friday night. Their montyly bills are HUGE. I will be surprised if they have their New Years Eve party since they are scambling for money to make the bills already.


You look at clubs and see big crowds. Remember, most of them with big crowds have been there for years and have very devoted owners.


Running a club can be fun if you have the right frame of mind for it but if you are in it for the money then think twice about it. If you can put up lots of money, wait years to make any and like to have parties because the ones coming to them have fun and you enjoy that then this is the business for you.


Once you got all that handled. Can you live with being outed by the city, county, state, police and the local press. I can promise you that at some time you will end up in your local newspaper or on T.V. Do you have good attorneys that know this business well? Hope so, most years they will make more off your business then you will.


Besides running parties, we go to other parties so WE CAN PLAY! Yes, we like to do that also.


Good luck to all that think about getting in the party business.

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Here in Vancouver BC there are a few Swingers clubs, which are a great place for people to meet, on the topic of these places, we wanted to hear how a person would come to open a swingers club?


Many swingers prefer to set up play sessions at hotels, and I was interested/in thought of wanting to open a Swingers club/Hotel, a place people can meet, hook up, and so on, can you give any advice as to how we could make this happen?

How we can bring in the right crowd?

Idea's for what you think would make a better swingers club/hotel compared to others would also be great!



- NymphoWind

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You might want to get ideas from people that like to attend these clubs, ask them what they like about the ones that they currently go to, and what you think they could add to improve the experience. I think it would be awesome to raise the capital to start a business like that. Maybe find partners(other couples that are financially well off but cant afford to do it alone) and go in to business together. The only major thing you would have to watch out for is trying to profiteer. If swinger parties and clubs is something you enjoy, and thats the reason you would want to open one, the go for it, just make sure you dont get greedy with it, use the member dues to improve on it, keep it looking nice, and adding features that will draw more people. I have seen a few of these clubs that looked nice when they first opened, but the owners were in it solely to make money and could care less about the condition of the club, everything was all dusty, various stains everywhere because they didnt replace furniture, bedding, etc. it was just a nasty hole in the wall.


So there you have it, successful running of a place like that would start with:

1. Keep it nonprofit and use all dues and procedes to improve and maintain the club.

2. Location is key, keep it out of city limits so zoning and privacy isnt an issue, but close to a major interstate exit.

3. Ask your members regularly what they think you could do to improve it.

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Get a lawyer first.


Find out how much money you can throw away each month.


Find a place that will satisfy the first two requirements.


The trick to success is a trick.

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I'm really good friends with a couple who just opened up a new hotel party a couple months ago and I was updated throughout their process. This is a party where they have a dance in a ballroom and then take the party upstairs to the rooms. I know quite a bit about these types of parties. There are several parties like this in Michigan and many are quite successful. First they had to pick a town and check out their regulations. Then they had to contact various hotels in that town to find one interested in allowing the club to participate there. They found in this State they had more luck with foreign owned hotels than U.S. owned hotels. A team of workers then needs to be assembled and it takes several people to run a good party. Most of the team are volunteers who get perks like free enterance, free rooms or their rooms at cost. Security is necessary for two areas. One in the dance area to make sure everything runs smooth and legal. The other is in the main party floor of the hotel where the after party takes place. They make sure only guests of the club enter that floor of the hotel not other patrons. Some clubs have a designated couple who turns the main suites on the floor into main party rooms. Those suites resemble an on premise club. When charging members they usually charge a fee for the dance with allows couples into the party upstairs. Often there is a special deal if they go to the dance and book a room.


As for bringing in the right crowd, I've noticed the team members are a great resource for recruitment so it's important to chose them well. When you advertise make sure it sounds classy and well organized.


One really neat thing this couple did was find a hotel that allowed them to take over the pool area. At 11pm all regular patrons are to clear the area as usual and at 12 team members go in and discreetly block all the windows and decorate it. The ballroom party ends at 1am so the area is all ready to go. It's been such a huge hit that within three parties the club has totally taken over the entire hotel and no need for the hotel to book vanilla patrons.

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      And what a night it was.
    • By SPaige24
      My husband and I have been together for almost 10 years. I have always been bi- curious, but kept it as secret until the last month. Little did I know that he had a small feeling (thanks to a few drunk nights with my friend). Our marriage is very strong, and we are very opened with each other. I told him that I wanted to have a have sexual encounter with another female. He is on board, and we even talked about a MFM threesome as well.
      Here is my issue... How do I find someone? That friend is no longer a friend, I can't do dating apps because of my job, and I personally don't want someone we know. I have looked into Swinger Clubs, and I realize that finding a bisexual/lesbian female who is single is hard. We are opened to a couple if need be. I just want my husband there and or involved.
      My question is... What is it like going to a swingers club? Will there be people our age (27-30), are "predators" real, and how do I find a club? We are located in Washington, PA.
    • By AdamGunn2
      It was a fairly typical night at D.J.s Island, an early autumn evening. Mary and I hadn’t set anything up in advance, we’d decided to go almost at the last moment. From the second we entered the door our radar was beaming across the club, searching for a couple that might be searching for what we were also interested in - an enjoyable tryst.
      Mary took a few minutes to change into what she called a ‘trolling outfit.’ As I remember, that night it was a black babydoll with a loose bodice, thong, low heels. Many men admired her legs as I checked the forty or so women, many as scantily clad as my wife. None of our regular playmates seemed to be in attendance that evening, but we had our customs, we weren’t concerned. Perhaps an hour and a half later, I sat at a table next to the dance floor, Mary was on her feet, on the parquet, moving her body, seeing if anyone would move in. A slow sequence of men approached her, danced with her. Some would take liberties such as moving their hands under her garment, feeling the small of her back, perhaps place their palm on the roundness of her ass.
      I’d seen this many times before, I waited for one of two reactions.
      The first was that she’d spin away from the man; it signified she wasn’t interested in what he had to offer.
      The second was that she’d get closer, I’d watch her whisper in his ear. I knew the question, “Where’s your wife?” Some of them would shake their heads, they were attending as one of the few single men the club allowed, and when they received Mary’s response, they’d move away - that’s not what we were looking for at the moment.
      But the man might indicate where his wife was dancing a few feet away. When this kind of thing happened, Mary would glance to me and give our special signal - she’d put one hand on the back of her head, one on her stomach. When I got the cue, I’d come out, we’d dance as a foursome.
      As I approached, a man grasped the elbow of a tall attractive lady who was more modestly dressed, at least for the club. There was no conversation on the dance floor, the heavy volume of music and the thumping of the bass wouldn’t allow for speech. But I could tell the woman was interested in me, the four of us paired off and I often found myself facing this vixen. It was obvious they were as interested in us as I was in them, I could tell by the way Mary was rubbing against the man that she felt the same.
      After a couple of songs, Mary led the way off the floor, holding his hand, leading us off into a corner away from the speakers. As we sat, the man said, “I’m Ed, this is my wife, Marilyn.”
      Marilyn and I softly shook hands, I believe she raised the hem of her skirt to give me a view of her upper thighs. Ed had no problem seeing Mary’s legs, or where they met - she was sitting so that the babydoll was gathered to her side, leaning forward so her globes were exposed to his view.
      “Do you come here often?” Ed asked.
      “Every few weeks,” I responded, “you?”
      “This is our first time here.” Mary gave him a look that asked for further info. “We’re just starting this,” he admitted.
      Marilyn picked it up. “We’ve only had one time with a couple of friends. We liked it, heard about this place, decided to see if we could get into more trouble.”
      “Trouble’s our middle name,” I joked.
      Our conversation continued, where do you live, what movies have you seen lately, etc. It was a screen, of course, we were all calculating if the four of us would be pleasurable bedmates. I paid my attention to Marilyn, my wife had told me numerous times not to worry about her, she can take care of herself. My hand found Marilyn’s knee, she smiled at me, encouraged me to reach a tad higher. We bent towards each other, our mouths met.
      Marilyn opened her lips to me, the kiss was ardent, her mouth moist. She licked at my upper lip, her hand fondled the back of my neck. Our tongues clashed, promising cupidity, mimicking what I presumed our bodies might be doing in a few scant moments.
      We broke for a moment, Marilyn invited, “Would you guys want to go to one of the rooms?”
      I, of course, was all for it, but then I heard Mary. “Uh, not right now. But thanks.”
      We’ve always had the guideline that if one person doesn’t want to do something, she speaks for both of us. Regretfully, I pecked at Marilyn’s lips a last time, we stood, went separate ways.
      “You’re not upset, are you?” Mary asked me.
      “Of course not, not at all. You’re not in the mood?”
      “Oh, I’m in the mood all right, just not with Ed.”
      “Something wrong with him?” I asked.
      “I tried to get him interested,” Mary revealed, “but his kiss was a little cold, indifferent. I put my hand on his leg, he was too busy watching you and Marilyn, he never responded. My guess is that if we went into a room, he’d be watching you two, I’m not even sure he’d get hard for me.” It was a reasonable thought, it had happened to us a couple times before. “Hope you don’t mind, bet she’d have been a firecracker.”
      “Maybe. But you’re a firecracker too.”
      We headed back to the dance floor, in search of another couple.
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