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LS Facebook groups

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Recently we were invited to join a LS FB group for our area by a couple we met at a club. We started chatting with a different couple from the group, met and had a great time. They then invited us to another FB group for a little larger area. We created a joint FB LS profile before joining that one. Started seeing too many friends of friends between both. We have since started chatting with multiple couples, have met a few of them and have a few play dates set up. Has anyone else gone this route instead of SLS or in addition too? 

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We are the last two people not on Facebook out of privacy concerns. But you may be onto something.

After a few years on SLS, we have pretty much run out of viable choices in our age group. Most profiles are from hopeful husbands with no certs and no prospect to play. We generally meet old friends or people on LS vacations. 


Let us know how it goes!

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We have a sls sdc fet and quiver. Out of the 4 the only one we’ve found anyone to play with was fet. But most of fet is bdsm and nether me nor the wife are into the hard core kink scene. Be nice to have more options but where we live your likely to get persecuted for it if it was to public. We had a group of religious zealots shut down our swinger club years ago. 

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1 hour ago, njbm said:

We are the last two people not on Facebook

Add me to the list.  Part because of privacy, part because I have zero interest in 99.99% of what's on Facebook.  The whole "ocean wide and millimeter deep" type content and interactions on there just not my thing.  Mrs. cplnuswing is on there however just for the keeping up with family/friends although at times she questions whether it's still worth putting up with the rest of the Facebook mess or not.


We've always just been on SLS and have had good luck finding couples with it, so have never seen a reason to try to bring Facebook into the mix.  We keep high fences between our vanilla and swinging lives, and Facebook would be a big hole in that.  Bottom line is I don't trust Facebook; never have, never will.

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Personal story.


I signed up on FB using a fictitious name , location,age, education , everything was a lie.

I did this because I wanted to join a vanilla hobby group. Any permissions to search my contacts was denied.


Within days I had "suggested friends" from my church  and the LS. None of which appear on my phone or Gmail contact list. I had someone try and explain the algorithms. It was way past my ability to understand. Perhaps if I always used a VPN?


I sometimes wonder how many of my church friends were contacted by the LS ones or were invited to LS facebook groups. At that time this was my ONLY venture into FB.


I was on SLS but had not yet joined here.

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Totally understand the concerns with LD crossing paths with vanilla bc of FB. We too turned off all options to connect us with contacts. Had one scare. Did some googling and found out there were more back door gateways that could be closed. Just had to been done on a PC. Since then we haven't had any cross over. 


We haven't tried SLS or any of the other swininger dedicated sites. It does seem to be very convenient with FB though. You post and someone starts a conversation with you... or you start a conversation on someone else's post. Easily transfer conversation to messanger then go from there. Yes, FB has a lot of rules of what can and cannot be posted. But, those rules do not apply in messenger. 


Both groups we are in cannot be found via search. Invite only and admins have to approve it. 


Was just curious if anyone else has tried it that way. 


On a side note....we have almost completely abandoned our regular profiles. ???

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Like lcmimI too have a fake Facebook account, with education, hometown, jobs, etc, etc. I haven't received any friend suggestions from Facebook because I do nothing when I'm logged in there. No other browser windows are open, no cookies exist, no cache exists, I log on and log off and close the browser before I do anything else on my laptop.  I'm basically a phantom every time I'm in a browser anyway so Facebook has nothing to find. I actually get some suggestions related to my education, job history and places I lived. None of which is true.


We haven't looked at any FB groups for swinging because of the chance of blending the lifestyle with any real info. The number of data points collected by Facebook is beyond belief, thus I wouldn't want to open up the chance that the lifestyle world ends up in a file with real information.


And to those who aren't up to speed, ANY website with a Facebook link (a 'like' button, an email link, etc) is tracked and collected by Facebook. The vast majority of websites make money by selling your information to Facebook. You can hide from Facebook somewhat, but not completely.

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We know many people have gone the Facebook route for lifestyle connections, but there is no chance we ever will.  Nothing is safe on Facebook.  It is a place to go when you want everyone to know what is going on in your life.  We don’t.

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Facebook is evil. While Ms Gold is very active on it, I only have an account for people looking to find me on it. I never post and only rarely like anything...and still I get suggestions of people who I know, but Facebook shouldn't know I know them.


If you the website isn't trying to sell you something, then YOU are the product it is selling (your data).

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We have been really careful. We don't play locally. The only FB group is a camping group. Members in this group have to be vetted, in person. You won't get past the vanilla meet and greet. Blow the rules and you are out. We were surprised at the active LS community that is one of the best kept secrets around. We live in a ultra religious/politically conservative state and we have learned that the number 1 thing to remember is the more conservative the area the more hypocritical the people are. Could we get burned? Of course. All you can do is minimize the risks. What you do or how far you go to minimize the risks is a personal choice.

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