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Do you like music in the background while having sex?

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For me, no.  I find it distracting. 

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Music is way too distracting for me as well. Used to be a musician and I just end up listening to the different parts of the songs.

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We absolutely love having music in the background when we are having sex!  A mix of EDM, Electro Industrial and Funk is are thing.  Moving in time with the music is always a fun adventure with dance music for us.  It is also good exercise when a lot of the music we listen to is pumping around 124 BPM or more, lol.

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music, yes. We've had gatherings where we had loud, pumping music. Almost able to channel the beat while having sex. It was great, a total physical experience where the sex was only part.

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Bolero was specifically written for straight-on sex with climax.

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I can take it or leave it. The swingers clubs we used to go to always played music and the last one we frequented always played it much to loudly. Usually they played some kind of hip hop or anything they could find that was explicitly sexual unless my wife was making requests...  I've come to associated that music with sex and swinging. They would also invariably play the Cupid Shuffle at least once a night, so I came to associate that with a bunch of naked women line dancing (which made it very disconcerting when I  heard that one at a Chuck E Cheese).

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Husband here and definitely yes. I need the normalcy of how we do it at home as well as with any couple we may be same room swapping with. I prefer separate room so I can focus on my partner and seeing/hearing my wife is usually very distracting to me. 

Edited by TwoFunTexans

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11 hours ago, Numex said:

Bolero was specifically written for straight-on sex with climax.

I couldn’t agree more!!! Great choice.

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22 hours ago, NWAtlSwing said:

We like Sirius Chill

downtempo electronic and deep house

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We have several playlists for sex. We have a Bluetooth speaker in our swinger bag for such occasions. 

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I like the sound of no children crying, screaming, or banging on the door.  Fortunately, with five adults in our family we can usually arrange for at least one to babysit while the others go at it.  Sometimes Becky, the wife of us women's boyfriend will watch the kids and we can all get together to reacquaint ourselves.

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With or without.  Depends at the time.  We do not stop to get music….nor do we bother with morning or bedtime sex.  But for sensual play at home just us….usually a selection of Pink Floyd.  Some Yes or ELO is also nice.  I have a selection of assorted for background mood music we occasionally use…..left over from our daytime parties.  For heartbeat music my go to is Garbage…..usually for a group sex setting….with a few selected heavy bass/drum beat with sultry guitar.  Blues, slow beat or sultry Jaz…..Boston Horns.  We enjoy music so we listen as background or mood setting for all sorts of occasions.  The music at clubs do not bother us unless it is so loud it is distracting or you can’t have a conversation.

Edited by Billygoat

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