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Why is it more open minded , exceptable for a women to eat pussy and it is not as exceptable for a man to suck cock? Where and why is there a line drawn here?:confused:

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I think there are a factors that come into play.


1. It seems to me that there is a social stigma attached to man on man action. Some men fear being intimate with other men - perhaps due to societal pressure (???), fear of doing things that women are meant to do and thus being less of a man (???).


2. Women are encouraged to be affectionate with each other. Perhaps it's not such a jump for them to be a little *more* affectionate with one another.


3. A lot of men have a fantasy of seeing their woman with another woman. This fantasy is not so common among women (wanting to see their man with another man). I can see women engaging in girl on girl action in order to satisfy their partner's fantasy.


It's true that there seems to be a line there. It's perfectly acceptable for women to do other women but the same does not go for men with other men. Personally, I would like to see that line dissolved a bit. While it is not my experience that many women like the idea of seeing their man with another man, I'd love to see it :kissface: :kissface:



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It seems obvious to me, Phone Bugs. Men are hard, muscular, hairy and yucky. Women are soft, pretty, smooth and cuddly.


Mr. Alura

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I'll be honest, when it comes to the fella's I'm a little homophobic. I once saw two guy's go after it at a club, now, it is not at all uncommon to see girls doing it but the club managers tossed these guy's out as soon as they noticed it. When I inquired with a similar question, I was told that if they let that stuff go on, next thing you know, the local gay community would take over the place. It sounded like they were talking from experiance, could happen, I guess.

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Women are like an expensive foreigh sports car, sleek, powerful, yet the appointments are soft and supple. Men on the other hand are like and Army Deuce and a Half. Pure utility.....I guess I'll take beauty over functionality on this one.

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I saw a film on Oscar Wilde. They showed him having hot anal sex with another guy in bed with them facing each other, sitting up. It looked pretty hot to me. It got me excited! :D

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I am not sure why there is a taboo - or a line in the sand, so to speak...


But for us it is simple...


I don't really want to go down on another guy...


Mrs Spoomonkey "apparently" enjoys "entertaining" another woman every now and then...



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I met a woman once who really enjoyed watching two men give oral to each other as well as fuck one another. She said she loved watching b/c it was like two animals going at it and it made her incredibly horny/hot. And she loved to instruct inexperienced men on how to suck cock....funny enough, she was a teacher..lol

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Originally posted by gsu22

I met a woman once who really enjoyed watching two men give oral to each other as well as fuck one another. She said she loved watching b/c it was like two animals going at it and it made her incredibly horny/hot. And she loved to instruct inexperienced men on how to suck cock....funny enough, she was a teacher..lol



Is it just me or are a lot of teachers out there just crazy (in a cool way of course)?? They are Miss perfect in the class room but outside the class room WATCH OUT! :D



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Originally posted by curious24


Is it just me or are a lot of teachers out there just crazy (in a cool way of course)?? They are Miss perfect in the class room but outside the class room WATCH OUT! :D




There's been quite a lot of films with the storyline like that!

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I am inclined to side with Miss Piggy on this one. But I am not a man, and I have no idea what it is to be a man. So my opinion is only that!


So now I want to ask, if it is the case that men are big, hairy, and yucky, then why are all of us sleek, smooth, and sexy girls doing it with you guys?




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Whoops, I should change my wording...


Why do YOU think we are doing this?






(I'm trying to make this less rhetorical)

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We like both or all, plus love to watch and be watched. M/M is a HUGE turn on for her, as is F/F for him, but so is m/f for both. LOL Have to agree with/or maybe it's more of an answer to 2neophytes "So now I want to ask, if it is the case that men are big, hairy, and yucky, then why are all of us sleek, smooth, and sexy girls doing it with you guys?"

Guys are just as sexy as women, or women wouldn't want them. As common as bi females are in the "lifestyle", there are far more straight females out there than bi ones. When it comes to the daily grind, I'd much rather (female now) curl up into my muscular, hairy husbands arms than any female we've ever slept with, and he'd far prefer to pull my soft feminine body close to his, as opposed to any of the men.

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Originally posted by 2neophytes

So now I want to ask, if it is the case that men are big, hairy, and yucky, then why are all of us sleek, smooth, and sexy girls doing it with you guys?





As my ol' Pappy used to say, 2N, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, Son." If something nice comes your way, don't ask why, just be grateful.


Mr. Alura

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Not all men are hairy. I, the female, do not find men yucky. I have seen some women that are not your soft and cuddly kind. The question is still why women get to have sex with women and be excepted, but men having sex with men has a gay tag on it, not to be excepted.


Hubby says women on women are reveared as highly desirable, men on men get the tag/considered as gay.

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I'm not a psychologist, a behaviourist nor a sexual analyst, so this is definitely something of a pet theory. But I've always considered this issue with regards to the respective roles that 'masculinity' and 'femininity' play.


Somewhere, almost certainly as a product of evolution, it's hardwired into us that men are meant to act in a 'masculine' way: i.e. hunter/killer/protector/provider. You know the sort of thing. And for some people (male **and** female), the sight – or even the idea – of two men "getting it on" flies in the face of that hardwired, traditional concept of 'manliness'. I also think that some men, confronted by their own desire for sex with other men, may find that desire to be threatening to their own sense of masculinity, and therefore threatening to their very identity.


For some reason though, the same set of conflicting thoughts and emotions are not triggered by the sight or thought of two women "getting it on". And I think it has something to do with the way that such an act does not fly in the face of any hardwired concept we have about the female role. Female-female sex does not threaten a woman's femininity. In fact, it may even enhance it. Why that should be is a question for someone with a far more profound appreciation of this field than I.


Now before anyone jumps on me from a great height, I am **not** repeat **not** suggesting that a man who enjoys sex with another man (either as part of a homosexual or bisexual relationship) is not masculine, or has surrendered his masculinity. Nor am I suggesting that all men with sexual desires for other men feel that their masculinity or identities are threatened. This is a pet theory about the role that hundreds of thousands of years of biological programming may play in the question of why male-male sex still remains something of a taboo even among a crowd as sexually enlightened as swingers, while female-female sex is positively eulogised about.


Even if this theory has a degree of truth to it, I suspect it's just one element of what is an incredibly complex issue.

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Originally posted by phone bugs

men having sex with men has a gay tag on it, not to be excepted.


We would agree that bi men are often labled as "gay", and are not publicly accepted in most swinging circles. However, we also believe that most of the swinging world underestimates the number of bi males out there. Our experience has shown that many supposedly straight males will privately tell us that they are indeed bi. The number of e mails and replies we get to our ads from men who's profile states that they are straight, but then tell us they are bi, or bi curious, is truly amazing. We also go to adult theaters on occasion, and have witnessed a high percentage of the men there engaging in some type of m/m contact. We've also observed that many of these men are wearing wedding rings, so we would assume that they are "straight" out in the real world. While married men seeking a sexual thrill (cheating) isn't what we consider part of the swinging lifestyle, it does indicate that the number of men interested in bi activity is higher than a lot of us would believe.

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after getting 570 on the kinky test thought id chip in. it depends if your in a 3some and things are hot i dont have a problem with playing with both people. never done a mmm and wont but if its mmf its ok. ive gone down on her while hes fucking her and he pops out ill do both, or let her watch. seems to get everyone hotter. shes sucked both our dicks, if hes fucking her ill work on her clit then slip a finger or 2 in with his dick..

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Well, y'all can see how naive I am at this advanced age. I thought bi sex with a male did necessarily mean anal intercourse.


When I was licking Mrs. Alura's clit while another guy was fucking her, I had no idea that was a bi act. I admit to being a bit uncomfortable when his balls were covering my nose but it was mostly because I was suffocating. Once we turned around, and I could breathe, it worked out pretty well.


When Mrs. Alura was trying to stuff two cocks in her mouth at the same time, that didn't seem bi to me either.


Thanks for the education, y'all. Should I go change our profile to "bi"?


In all seriousness, I was doing these things for Mrs. Alura, not for the other man. Both his pleasure and mine were immaterial to me at the time, and I think that's the key to assessing one's bi-ness. But hell, I'm just a hick Okie.


Mr. Alura

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I know you were joshin' us, Mr. Alura, about changing y'all's profile to bi. I have seen many profiles that define the gentleman as straight but not homophobic - perhaps even the added phrase of "not fearful of things that go bump in the night". I believe what you refer to is what is being aluded to in that wording. It would be difficult, I think, for two gentlemen to be attending to one lady's pleasure without their being some incidental contact.


I think the profiles that state the gentleman's reaction to bisexuality as "NO WAY, NO HOW, HELL NO, NOT EVER" are probably reflective of those who might get highly distressed at the non-intended but unavoidable encounter.


I agree with jcbicouple's statement that an underestimate of bimales exists. IMO, a contributing factor is the lack of honesty of a goodly number of bimales with their wives/significant others. I have heard some harsh criticism of bimales from men who enjoy the activity themselves, odd as that may be.


This would seem to bear out Lord Brit's theory of a perceived/implied lack of masculinity being part of the reason for the difference in how MM activity is generally viewed. Whether the variance is equitable, just, fair, or right doesn't seem to matter - - it does exist.


But views vary M to F in other areas too. For instance, a young man who gets a lot of action is viewed by many to be "studly". A young lady who has an active and varied sex life is viewed by many in a quite uncomplimentary manner. Some activities are just going to be gauged differently by gender.


I am not supporting those viewpoints, just acknowledging them.

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Well, Mrs. Wrnakedru, I think both you and Lord Brit made some very good points. To me, though, sex with a male is just something I'm not interested in. I don't know why. Maybe it was because I was raised by a cowboy. Gays are always saying, "It's just the way I am." I'll buy that and reply, "I'm just a hick heterosexual."


I wasn't threatened when in close proximity to the guy we had the threesome with, nor was I "turned on" by his presence. He was a big help in giving Mrs. Alura a fun experience, though.


I was, indeed, joshing about changing our profile. HeeHee. :)


Mr. Alura

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:claps: to Mr. Alura for stating just exactly what the deal is.


MFM events..there is GONNA be some MM contact. No need to freak...stuff happens :D


wrnakedru posted:


IMO, a contributing factor is the lack of honesty of a goodly number of bimales with their wives/significant others.


and with respect I disagree. Many years of meeting men, both as a single and as a couple, lead me to see otherwise.

The men who some label as bi aren't. Two men and me in a bed? Two couples and me in a bed? Many couples on mattresses and me? I'm sorry...certain genitals are gonna bump.


I don't identify as 'bi' myself but I have played with women..proximity, in the moment, etc. etc. Same can happen for men.


A better distinction/label would be 'not homophobic and won't scream if 'parts' bump during a DP'.


Mr. Alura....were you thinking of Clinton's definition of sex? :kissface:

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I may have not expressed myself in a clear fashion. I did not, do not, and would not deem a gentleman as bi [any more than he would define himself] simply because he doesn't get the heebie-geebie screaming meemies if/when a portion of another man's genital area comes into some contact with him.


Yawanna, the quote of me you cited refers to several men I have known over the years who have pursued separate one on one activity with other men. The wife is certainly aware of that activity which occurs in her presence and/or as a part of couple/threesome/group/orgy activity. But those I speak of are those who, when the opportunity arises, seek activity with oft times total strangers when their wife is either out of town or occupied for a sufficient length of time for them to make contact and schedule a one on one [sometimes more] encounter for themselves.


I have heard some men refer to this pursuit, and at the same time tell of their wife's diminishing sex drive. Others cite a certainty of the wife's lack of understanding for the interest he has - perhaps even believe she finds it distasteful. Whatever their justification or rationale, they are not being honest about themselves.


And yes, I feel it is in an effort to keep that portion of themselves well guarded and private that they often are quite negatively vocal in front of others when male bisexuality is discussed.


There are many profiles that deem a male as straight when that in fact is not the case. I do not think that is a deliberate attempt to mislead anyone, but rather an acknowledgement of the general lack of acceptance of male bisexuality. And often, too, a reluctance to become totally defined by something that is perhaps mostly a 'right time, right circumstances, right folks involved' kind of thing.

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Men in our culture have been taught to be hard, forceful, and dominant. Sex usually requires one person, at least temporarily, to become soft, receptive, and submissive. That can eat away at a man's sense of worth and, in the end, make him doubt not only his masulinity but his role as a person in our society. And thats all it is. Our society has taught us men don't do that.


I knew three men from a small community in Brazil who laughed at the fact that I wouldn't join them and their girlfriends in a mutual masturbation party. Where they grew up, the terms homosexuality, bisexuality, and heterosexuality didn't exist until the 1940's when missionaries tried Christianizing them. They simply believed sex was sex and as long as noone was forced, everything was enjoyable.


I didn't join them, but it made me think hard about the labels we put on things. But lets think about this. Not too many years ago two men who met and hugged each other would have been considered "not quite manly", but now it is somewhat more acceptable.

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To provide my own clarification, I was expressing my respectful disagreement that there are many bi men who hide that fact from their wives and SO's or other sexual partners, in tandem or not with their primary partner. That hasn't been my experience or understanding from my encounters as a longtime single women and then as a participant for many years now in this lifestyle.


Any and all men that I/we met with, and perhaps will meet with, aren't in this for bi activities. Bumps happen as you said :) and they don't freak out about that. They are in fact more open sexually than men in the general population, and have more opportunities/chances of coming in closer contact sexually with other men, during the course of an encounter involving a woman or women.


But perhaps you were speaking of the general population and not those involved in swinging?

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Originally posted by Alura

... I thought bi sex with a male did necessarily mean anal intercourse.


I'd say it covers a whole range of M/M interaction, from kissing, mutual masturbation, oral sex and anal intercourse. While I have never had a strong desire to kiss another man or engage in anal sex, I did enjoy giving and receiving oral sex in the context of a foursome. Part of that was that I knew that one of the ladies involved enjoyed watching, but I won't say that I didn't enjoy it myself. :)


I guess that makes me bi, or a bit more than just 'bi-curious'. I'd probably do it again, given the right circumstances, but it's not something I would particularly seek out either.


Like many have said, when there are four or more involved, things are gonna go 'bump' occasionally, and that does not bother me in the slightest. One thing for sure though, I'd never do anything that would make anyone (male or female) uncomfortable.



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I agree that there are more bisexual men in the swinging lifestyle than people would want to believe. I was told, when I started investigating the lifestyle, that I should keep my bisexuality to myself. I decided to be honest and open about my sexuality, even if it meant that we never find anyone compatible. How many men entering the lifestyle are willing to make that kind of commitment? Instead, they pass as straights and either suppress their bisexual tendancies or live a double life. Odds are that if you've been in swinging for long, you've had sex with a bisexual man, whether you knew it or not.


One of our unfulfilled fantasies is double vaginal insertion. I can't imagine any "very str8" man rubbing his penis against mine, regardless of its location. (By "very str8", I mean the men who announce vociferously their staightness and wilt in the presence of another male member.) Of course, there's no accounting for the ability that we men have to rationalize almost anything. Somehow, the presence of a woman acts as a buffer that allows the straight man to reason away the presence of the other male, despite the fact that most of his own sensation may be caused by male-male contact.


Somehow, we are supposed to believe that there are more bisexual females in swinging than in the general population and that, conversely, there are less bisexual men. How likely is that, considering the homogeneity of the swinging subculture?


I really think that if women were inherently more bisexual than men, then there would be less close-ups of penises in hetero porn. Guys in porn flicks would remain clothed throughout the entire show, only exposing the least necessary flesh. They would be as unattractive as possible and preferably out of shape. Instead, they are Calvin Klein underwear models making a few extra bucks on the side.

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Originally posted by ionsawmill

One of our unfulfilled fantasies is double vaginal insertion. I can't imagine any "very str8" man rubbing his penis against mine, regardless of its location. (By "very str8", I mean the men who announce vociferously their staightness and wilt in the presence of another male member.) Of course, there's no accounting for the ability that we men have to rationalize almost anything. Somehow, the presence of a woman acts as a buffer that allows the straight man to reason away the presence of the other male, despite the fact that most of his own sensation may be caused by male-male contact.

That ability to rationalize the irrational certainly is a remarkable gift. But picking up on one of Mr Alura's thoughts, a person's bi-ness in such a situation is surely largely determined by their thought process at the time?


Taking your example of double vaginal penetration: if the male's primary concern is for the pleasure of the female, with little - if any - regard for his own, can he really be assessed as being bi? If he is consciously thinking to himself: "I'm really relishing the sensation of rubbing my cock against another man's", there well may be a good-sized element of bi-ness to him. If he's thinking: "I am enjoying the overall experience of fucking this woman in conjunction with another man", then it's going to depend on the jury's interpretation. If he's thinking: "I'm uncomfortable with having my dick in such proximity to another man's tool, but I'm enjoying the pleasure it's giving my partner" can he really be assessed as being bi?


Would such a man be rationalising away his bisexual tendencies?

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Can't help it ........must post the obvious.......LMAO!

If a woman licks a pussy, or snuggles under sexual content with another woman: She's bi.


However! If a man sucks a cock, as long as it is for the pleasure of a woman, or his main focus is for the woman: He's bi curious or experimenting, but straight.


Have to agree with ionsawmill: Guys are amazing!

Of course, that's probably because the following (warped outlook)also appears to be true:


A woman kisses another woman and she's full blown bi as far as society is concerned! No getting out of it! You are bi. period!


Now let a man kiss another guy, just one little kiss, and OMG he's gay! No turning back now! You are gay. period!

No more pussy for you!








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Originally posted by jcbicouple

Can't help it ........must post the obvious.......LMAO!

If a woman licks a pussy, or snuggles under sexual content with another woman: She's bi.


However! If a man sucks a cock, as long as it is for the pleasure of a woman, or his main focus is for the woman: He's bi curious or experimenting, but straight.

If you're picking up on the point that I made, then I have to agree that more extreme actions - like masturbating another man, or sucking him - would indicate a bi- aspect to his sexuality regardless of what he's thinking at the time. Or what he tells himself/his partner/his friends to try and make himself feel better later.

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Originally posted by EternallySingle

I knew three men from a small community in Brazil who laughed at the fact that I wouldn't join them and their girlfriends in a mutual masturbation party. Where they grew up, the terms homosexuality, bisexuality, and heterosexuality didn't exist until the 1940's when missionaries tried Christianizing them. They simply believed sex was sex and as long as noone was forced, everything was enjoyable.


Hopefully this isn't too long an absence in this thread... and it can be started up again.


As a bisexual male in a bisexual couple, I often contemplate why Liz is openly accepted as being bi while I am not offered the same acceptance. As a bisexual that engages only in oral sex with other men (at this time anyway!! :) ), I do not let too many people know of my sexual choice, simply to steer clear of any labels that others might give me as a result.


OK... time to open up a HUGE can of worms....

To answer why bisexual males are not accepted, I can accept many of the possible causes that have been discussed, but EternallySingle hit the nail on the head, although I am not sure he meant to do so! It is organized religion that has forced male-male sex into the closets and dark booths at adult book stores. There are a number of entries in the bible that mention male-male sex. In nearly all instances, the act of male-male sex is looked upon in a negative light.


Does this mean I am agnostic and find religion a blight on humanity? No. Many people need religion. I am a Catholic, albeit non-practicing. And I do believe in some form of a higher power or god that looks over us and has a master plan for us. In medieval times and prior, male-male sex was acceptable. As man interpreted the teachings of the bible, the basic tenets were changed to more accurately mirror what the person or group interpreting them felt was appropriate. At a point in history, someone got it into their head that male-male sex was unacceptable and, with hellfire and brimstone, convinced others into believing the same. Soon, enough people were convinced and, lo & behold, male-male sex was now a no-no. Somehow, no one ever took it upon themselves to argue against the point until very recently, for example the same sex marriages that have been performed across the US. But that fight still has a long way to go. AND... as most gay or lesbian people will tell you, it does not address bisexuality - bi people tend to be ostracized by both heterosexual and gay/lesbian people. Sigh :confused:


Anyway... one more point - if one looks at any indigenous race that has lived without outside influence (i.e., the Aborigines in the 1950s), you'd see that male-male sex is not frowned upon and, in some instances, it is highly acceptable. I am not necessarily suggesting a man having anal intercourse with another is accepted, but oral sex, masturbation... things of that nature have been very accepted in many cultures for centuries. Oh... that's right... right up until... organized religion showed up!


OK... those who wish to stone me... line up on the right, but make sure to take a number! :D

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Dito to BiCoupleNJ... As I state in my profile I am Bi however, I will NEVER push that fact on anyone, nor will I never bring it up unless asked. NOT because I'm shy, just because there's too many homophobes who think Bi is Gay. I just believe that everyone should know who their swinging with. My girlfriend (Bi-Lea) and I recently re-united with ferocity and she never knew untill recently (two months ago) that I was Bi, even though at the beginning she wasn't too thrilled at the idea, she is starting to understand and slowly excepting and actually asking more and more questions about my borders with other guys. For the record, I don't enjoy anal and I just don't like kissing other guys, not that there is anything wrong with it but it's not something I enjoy..


To an ending people, Just because you think it, doesn't make you Bi. If you confront your "desires", then yes your Bi.. It's OK, let others know, they have the right to know just like you have the right to "enjoy"...


One last thing promise. Things do go bump in the night, and No your not Bi unless it was enjoyable to you, then what you do with it is simply what you do with it!!!!


Life is short people, lets do what we do best and enjoy it!!


-- Dave --

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hey great topic. i agree with dave & lea im also bi. there is a diff between bi & gay. im not into kissing and hugging etc with another guy but have no prob in a 3some or moresome. i have been with a couple of guys one on one blowjobs are great done the anal thing - on top- but dont really get into that. its more fun when a woman is there either watching or teasing or joining in. dp's are great knowing she is getting double pleasure is what gets me off. it feels good to me to know the other person is getting blown away. you have to be secure with yourself to enjoy being with other people anyway. dont worry about whose touching who or who has the biggest dick. i get off watching 2 women enjoy each other so i can see how she would feel watching 2 guys.

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In my own opinion, I think that the most important difference between bi & gay was made by the last two posters (Dee_Lee & bser): gay males have an emotional bond to each other, which is often manifested in a kiss or a loving touch. Bisexual males, as odd as this might sound, are open to oral and, perhaps, anal sex with other men, but do not have an emotional, loving bond with that other man, thereby usually not engaging in kissing and other forms of intimacy that would be shared with the opposite sex and/or a loved one.

Yeah, I know it sounds weird... you'll let a guy stick his cock down your throat and you might even swallow his load... but you won't kiss him. But to me, that seems to be the one differentiator between a bisexual and a gay male.

Any thoughts?


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Not to be disrespectful to gay men, but neither me nor my wife think the idea of man-on-man action is attractive or exciting. It kinda grosses us out.


But, hey, to each our own. We're just not interested in it. I have very little desire to partake in the man-sausage (shrug).


On the other hand, both of us think women are attractive. So she has a little bi play now and then, but nothing serious. She prefers men most of the time.


It's simple, really.

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Originally posted by BiCoupleNJ

In my own opinion, I think that the most important difference between bi & gay was made by the last two posters (Dee_Lee & bser): gay males have an emotional bond to each other, which is often manifested in a kiss or a loving touch.


A co-worker and friend of mine is gay, and we were talking about this one day. He was in the process of breaking up with his boyfriend, and I made an off-hand comment about "at least you don't have to worry about catching your wife sleeping with another guy!"* His reply was "Hah! Let me tell you something! Gay men are the worst whores in the whole world!"


I was taken aback a bit, to say the least. Maybe I was just being naive.


* - No, he has no idea that me and my wife Swing.

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Originally posted by Chris&Amelia

His reply was "Hah! Let me tell you something! Gay men are the worst whores in the whole world!"


I was taken aback a bit, to say the least. Maybe I was just being naive.




According to the local gay community, this is absolutely true - my brother is gay and he is one of the first to tell you that he wishes he wasn't, primarily because he can't find a guy to 'settle down' with, so to speak.


But... and this is a REALLY BIG BUT.... you missed the point entirely: the suggestion that gay men might be the worst whores, as per your co-worker, has nothing at all to do with emotional bonding. Commitment and bonding are two entirely different animals. To put this into your own perspective (that being a hetero male), just because you are married and show love and affection - an emotional bond - to your wife, it does not guarantee that you would not cheat on her with other women. Not that you would, but maybe that clarifies my position a little better for you. Better yet, let's use a term that hasn't been used in many a year (except where Warren Beatty is concerned) - womanizer. A man might show love and affection to a woman in public or elsewhere, but that has nothing to do with commitment or monogamy. A gay male might show love and affection to another man, but that has nothing to do with commitment or monogamy. A bisexual male typically will not show love nor affection to another male. Therein lies the difference.


Again, just my own opinion here, but my opinion is based on nearly 20 years in the lifestyle in which I have run a swing club with over 3000 members and published a swingers contact newsletter with nearly 1000 subscribers.



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Ok. I'll bite. What do you call a guy who does form emotional bonds with males and females and will have sex with both, but prefers sex with women?


I've been married for 9 years, but I've been friends with the same guy for almost 20 years.


Do I love him? Yes!


Would I have sex with him? In a minute.


I could see myself in a long term sexual relationship with him. We've shared everything else. We've known each other so long that we can almost read each other's minds. Just like I'd do anything for my wife, I'd do anything for him. He's exactly what I'm looking for in a man. There's just one problem; he's straight. We've discussed it, and he's just not into guys. If not for the fact that he and my wife don't find each other the least bit attractive, he'd would have been our first "third".


I don't think that a guy is bisexual if they tolerate sex with men as long as they don't feel emotionally attached. Hedonist might be a better term. You have to ask yourself this question: am I attracted to men or just tolerent of men.



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Originally posted by ionsawmill

I don't think that a guy is bisexual if they tolerate sex with men as long as they don't feel emotionally attached. Hedonist might be a better term. You have to ask yourself this question: am I attracted to men or just tolerent of men.





Now you are getting into the realm of argument that is most commonly fought over in predominantly gay communities, at least based on what my brother, who is, as I mentioned, gay, suggests. He has lived here in the central NJ area where there are several large gay communities as well as in San Francisco, San Diego and South Beach, FL.

In predominantly gay communities, gay & lesbian people argue that women that call themselves bisexual are really straight and only performing a sexual act against their norm to please their man. These same groups suggest that a man that calls himself bisexual is really gay and only holds on to a hetero relationship to hide that fact. Keep in mind that these are only generalizations and are not indicative of all gay/lesbian people.

Based on those comments, both you and I would be considered closet gay males, although I am sure that is hardly the truth with either of us. In fact, I know that I cannot have an emotional bond with another man that is even remotely close to that which I hold with Liz or even girls that I call dear & close friends.

My initial comments, as broad as they are, are based on the closest conclusion that one can come to in today's day of labelling every person, no matter what they do. And that is a key word - label. For whatever reason, we have become a race of labellers - one cannot be simply 'man' or 'woman'... one must have a label - white, rich, black, asian, jew, gay, etc. Therein lies the problem - and the confusion - in our subject of this thread.

About a year ago, a very dear girlfriend came to visit. I have known and loved her for more than 20 years. And, by love, I mean a love that transcends simple friendships and is as strong as that which Liz and I have in marriage. Perhaps stronger. During her visit, we got on the subject of bisexuality as she is a very sexual and emotional being, one that can truly love anyone, be they man or woman. Not necessarily in a sexual sense, but certainly in a heart-felt, emotional sense. She was concerned that her husband wasn't happy about doing the 'womanly' chores around the house - dishes, cooking, etc. I happen to be THE cook in my family, berating Liz if she so much as enters my kitchen when I am preparing dinner :)

The end result of this conversation was that the trouble with the world in general is labels - at the most basic level, humankind feels there is a need to label everything as being a male or female activity. This results in a significant breakdown in humanity insofar as sharing and living peacefully is concerned. How many times have you heard a guy bitch that the dishes were piling up because his wife wasn't doing 'her job'? Or how often have you heard the wife complaining that the husband wasn't doing 'his job', cutting the lawn? The list of arguments are endless.

SOOOO.... how does all this tie into this thread? I fell into the same trap - feeling a need to define what is and what is not bisexual/gay. By defining, in my terms, those words, I generalized and assumed... coming to a conclusion that does not fit you at all. That's not really a bad thing, but it is the norm for all of us these days - we ALL have to pigeonhole someone and label them, thereby reducing a human with a variety of choices... that might alter their choices from time to time... down to a definition of something they may not actually be at all.

TH - you are different than I am by nature of your ability to have an emotional, loving and sexual relationship with another man. I congratulate you for that ability. But we are the same in that we are both sexual beings that have an ability to appreciate sexual activity with others, be they men or women. We are not heterosexual... we are not bisexual... we are not homosexual... we are simply sexual beings.

Thank you for pointing out the error in my ways... and letting me ramble on like this... I DO so like to talk (so you can see) on subjects like this!!! :-)


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We label and categorize in an effort to control our environments. Rather than just accept what a person is, or isn't, we need a compartment to allocate them to. A way of judgmentalizing and therefore being able to take a position. Transexual and transgendered issues are good examples. What category do they fall into in our present understanding? Where do we slot them?


Why slot them at all?

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You are so right, yawanna!

The world has become one of excessive competitiveness & comparison and minimal trust. If that weren't so, we could all 'just get along'.

Your point about transsexual and transgender issues are far worse than this bit of discussion on what constitutes bisexuality in a man. I am sure that, given time, we could come up with dozens and maybe even hundreds of 'groups' such as these in which harassment, bias and other issues exist.

I don't think humans will ever attain a level of acceptance of all people before being wiped off the face of the earth. But I guess we can all make small steps towards meeting that goal... towards accepting people for what they are, not what we think they are... and maybe come close to that Nirvana! :)


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I think labels are a good thing. On the whole, humans are conceptual thinkers. We tend to think of things in the abstract. Try to think of an apple. You're more likely to think of an idealized apple than any specific apple. There are green apples, yellow apples and red apples, but you most likely thought of a red apple. If every time you had a conversation with another person, you had to stop and redefine all the concepts discussed, you'd find yourself bogged down in definitions and not really getting anywhere. If I said, "Go out and buy an apple." and we had to stop and define exactly what constituted an apple, I'd starve before I got that apple. Is it still an apple if it's not red? Is it still an apple if it's not ripe and juicy? What if it has spots? If your "apple-concept" differs from my "apple-concept" (and it surely does), then we can never come to an agreement without creating a commonly held ideal of what an apple is.


Thus we create labels which represent generalizations about the world around us. It's a necessary part of human communication.


For ease of communication, it's necessary for all parties to agree on what a term means. I say that bisexuals are those who are have a sexual orientation to persons of either sex. This is dependent on my definition of sexual attraction, which includes an emotional attachment. Your definition carries no emotional prerequisite, therefore my definition is too specific for our discussion. Someone else defined bisexuality based on experience, not orientation. If we narrow the definition to make it suit our needs, we arrive at something like this: bisexuals are persons who are sexually oriented toward (defined as "seek sexual stimulation from/with") persons of either sex. This one will work for me. If someone is only participating in same-sex stimulation for someone else's benefit or enjoyment, then they are not actively seeking same-sex stimulation. Only someone who actively seeks out stimulation from or with persons of both sexes could be called bisexual. By this definition, no experience is required. Even if I've never been with another man, I am actively seeking same-sex and opposite sex arrangements. That makes me bisexual. Note that we didn't need to attach an emotional bond, or lack thereof, to this definition. It's neat and tidy and does the job well, in my estimation.

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Well, when it comes to sex with a lady, I say :claps:


I would welcome a reply through my page if any lady would like to help me find out.


But I can remember swinging privately after being at a club with a couple then from Syracuse NY. This was to be a MfM affair and he had a very large cock. As it was she wanted me to go down on him as she said it turned her on. I attempted to but could not "get into it" all that much. But I did it because I did like her.


It is just a big turn on for a guy to scoop a woman up in his arm while she is next to him and hold her so she rests her head on his chest and he can caress her back and butt and feel that smooth flesh.


Men, I think, are just to busy being competitive and the MM sex is still not the same as FF sex. FF sex is more like sharing in an experience, not one having dominion over the other. Mutual masturbation I think comes closer to the FF sex thing in the male world, and we can get into that.


But, when all is said and done my biggest thrill is seeing the lady in question ecstatic with pleasure.

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Apparently, we're not the only ones having problems with labels:



From the San Francisco Chronicle


Nuances of gay identities reflected in new language

'Homosexual' is passé in a 'boi's' life


Rona Marech, Chronicle Staff Writer - Sunday, February 8, 2004


First, there was the term "homosexual," then "gay" and

"lesbian" then the once taboo "dyke" and "queer."


Now, all bets are off.


With the universe of gender and sexual identities

expanding, a gay youth culture emerging, acceptance of

gays rising and label loyalty falling, the gay lexicon

has exploded with scores of new words and blended

phrases that delineate every conceivable stop on the

identity spectrum -- at least for this week.


Someone who is "genderqueer," for example, views the

gender options as more than just male and female or

doesn't fit into the binary male-female system. A

"trannydyke" is a transgender person (whose gender is

different than the one assigned at birth) attracted to

people with a more feminine gender, while a

"pansexual" is attracted to people of multiple

genders. A "boi" describes a boyish gay guy or a

biological female with a male presentation; and

"heteroflexible" refers to a straight person with a

queer mind-set.


The list of terms, which have hotly contested

definitions, goes on:


"FTM" for female to male,

"MTF" for male to female,


















"The language thing is tricky," said Thom Lynch, the

director of the San Francisco Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,

Transgender Community Center. "I feel sorry for

straight people."


Tricky, maybe, but also healthy and empowering, said

Carolyn Laub, the director of the Gay-Straight

Alliance Network, which links gay and lesbian student

clubs in the state.


"We in society and in our generation are developing

new understandings of sexual orientation and gender

identities and what that means to us," she said. "We

don't really have enough language to describe that;

therefore, we have to create new words."


For those back in the linguistic dark ages still

wondering what's wrong with "homosexual," the

evolution of queer identity language has progressed

something like this: "Homosexual" sounded pathological

and clinical, so activists went about creating their

own words, starting with "gay" and "lesbian." That was

well and good, but terms like "dyke" and "queer" had

an appealing spikiness and served double-duty by

stripping the sting from words that had heretofore

been considered unspeakably nasty.


The adjustment took time for some: As recently as

2002, visitors at the San Francisco community center

routinely complained about a sign proudly pronouncing

it "the queerest place on Earth," Lynch said. But in

the Bay Area, in the age of "Queer Eye for the

Straight Guy," that sort of sensitivity is beginning

to seem almost quaint. Even some straight people have

adopted the word because they have gay parents or an

affinity for gay culture.


These days, "queer" is especially handy because it's

vague enough to encompass just about everyone. The

word and its newfangled linguistic cousins have become

indispensable as the transgender population in the Bay

Area has grown exponentially - into the tens of

thousands, advocates say - and sexual identities have

become increasingly complicated.


"If you're not a man or woman, words like 'gay' or

'lesbian' don't fit you anymore," said Sam Davis,

founder of United Genders of The Universe, a support

group and speakers bureau. "The words from just a few

years ago aren't adequate to talk about who we are,

where we're coming from and who we like."


Dee Braur, a 17-year-old with a tuft of greenish hair,

calls herself "half-dyke." "I'm bisexual but I lean

more toward women than men," she said. Men, she added,

annoy her.


"Trisexual" also works, she said with a snicker: "I'll

try anything once and if I like it, I'll try it again

and again and again."


Andy Duran, 19, said: "People are feeling like, what's

the point of labeling? If I must label, let me create

my own."


That said, Duran uses "queer" -- among others --

because "it's the one that leaves the most for

discovery... It's not really limiting. I can date a

woman or a man. I can date someone who's transgender

or genderqueer."


Tiffany Solomon, who is 19 and technically a lesbian,

is put off by the word "lesbian."


"I think of a shorthaired woman who wears flannel.

It's bad to a degree, but it's something that becomes

embedded when you're young and queer and look on TV

and you only have stereotypes to go on," she said. She

calls herself a "metrosexual" -- the word used to

describe straight men who have a gay sensibility when

it comes to fashion and grooming -- because she also

identifies with gay male culture.


Justin, who is 19 and didn't want to use his last name

because he's not out to his family as transgender,

calls himself a "boi" -- with an "i" -- because he

feels like a boy -- with a "y" -- but "I don't have

the boy parts, as much as I wish I did."


"I'm still learning the ropes of just being me," he



Lynn Breedlove, a musician and author, spent years as

a "butch dyke," but nowadays, he prefers to

interchange pronouns and, depending on his mood, goes

back and forth between the old label and "trannyboy."

"Because I'm like Peter Pan -eternally youthful but

I'm always played by a girl," Breedlove said. "It's

more a faggy aesthetic thing. I don't want hair on my

face and chest. Ooh, I don't want to be transman -

that sounds really furry."


While Breedlove is old enough to have an age complex

-he explained his refusal to divulge his age as a

"rock star thing" - a lot of the identity fluidity,

name mania and word invention is bubbling up from the

next generation of queer youth.


"Now that community resources are in place and public

acceptance has increased, it's more feasible for

adolescents to come out during adolescence," said

Caitlin Ryan, a researcher at San Francisco State

University who has studied lesbian, gay and bisexual

youth. "What we're getting in the LGBT community is

the power of youth. It's their expression and

exuberance and energy and also their contribution to

the culture."


It makes sense that youth, in particular, are coming

up with new words and trying them on, considering that

"identity development is one of the most important

developmental tasks of adolescence," she said.


Growing acceptance of gays and lesbians has also

encouraged idiosyncrasy, Ryan said. "Identities are

very personal. That was much less true 20 years ago,

when identity was more around community. Now that

there's a community, a vibrant one with resources,

there's more room for personal identity. Before, the

tribe was so much more important," she said.


To further complicate matters, race and ethnicity

affect who is using which words. Some people of color

prefer the word "stud" to "butch," meaning a

masculine-identified lesbian. Which makes someone who

falls between a stud and a femme -- a more "feminine"

lesbian -- a "stem."


And genderbending and genderqueerness aren't as

prevalent among people of color, said Mateo Cruz,

who's Latino and a staff member at the Pacific Center,

Berkeley's LGBT center.


In these communities, "queer" and the terms it spawned

have a reputation of being "white," so some shy away

from them in favor of "same-gender-loving people" or

"men who sleep with men," or -- among Spanish-speakers

-- "homosexual," which is also a Spanish word.


"A lot of the stereotypes of what a 'queer' person is

supposed to be, especially in mainstream media, is

always a white person," said Solomon, who is African

American. "A lot of issues people of color have with

their families is their parents are saying, 'If you're

gay, then you want to be white.' Because that's all

they see. So yeah, 'queer' is not a word that a lot of

people of color use."


No wonder Cruz sometimes grows frustrated when he

leads discussions about appropriate language in

anti-homophobia workshops. It can take an hour for his

savviest students to list the "hundreds" of words they

know for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender

people. Then the discussion about what the words mean,

who can use them and whether they're polite, often

drags on ad nauseam.


When Cruz's coding system -- circles, big X's and

dotted lines to connote cool, uncool, and

sometimes-cool terms -- inevitably breaks down, he

throws up his hands.


"However people self-identify," he tells students, "we

have to respect."


What it all means

Definitions of many words in the gay lexicon are hotly

contested. Here is a sample:


Genderqueer: Someone who views the gender options as

more than just male and female or who doesn't fit into

the binary male-female system.


Transgender: An umbrella term for transgression of the

binary gender system. May include surgical, hormonal

or nonhormonal changes that result in a gender

identity different from the one assigned at birth.


Pansexual: Someone attracted to people of multiple



Trannydyke: A transgender person attracted to people

with a more feminine gender.


Trannyfag: A transgender person attracted to people

with a more masculine gender.


Boi: A boyish gay guy or a biological female with a

boyish presentation.


Heteroflexible: A straight person with a queer mind-set.

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Originally posted by bser

hey great topic. i agree with dave & lea im also bi. there is a diff between bi & gay. im not into kissing and hugging etc with another guy but have no prob in a 3some or moresome. i have been with a couple of guys one on one blowjobs are great done the anal thing - on top- but dont really get into that. its more fun when a woman is there either watching or teasing or joining in. dp's are great knowing she is getting double pleasure is what gets me off. it feels good to me to know the other person is getting blown away. you have to be secure with yourself to enjoy being with other people anyway. dont worry about whose touching who or who has the biggest dick. i get off watching 2 women enjoy each other so i can see how she would feel watching 2 guys.

Hope I'm not too late jumping in here, but it took me some time to get up the guts. I'm going WAY out on a limb here, because I've never discussed this with anyone but my wife--not even in a semi-anonymous way.


I grew up as many men do in this country, adopting the mindset that homosexuality was black and white--you were either gay or straight--and ridiculing anyone even suspected of being a "fag." However, after the first time my wife and I played with other guys, I was forced to examine my stereotypes. Because the fact is, much as I hated to admit it to myself, I had a sexual response to the guys as well as the overall situation.


There was no contact between me and the guys and I didn't do anything to let on, but the realization was there. Shortly afterwards, I began having occasional homoerotic dreams and fantasies, and I even went so far as to rent a few bisexual videotapes, too scared to rent "gay" ones but still wanting to gauge my reaction to the MM content.


End result was this: I came to the conclusion that I'm at times turned on by cocks and the thought of manual or oral contact with a man. Yet, the thought of anal (giving or receiving) with a guy is NOT a turnon, and the thought of general intimacy with a guy--touching and particularly kissing--is actually a major turnoff. And while I find that it's not all guys (in fact very few), it's a relief to be able to be honest with myself, to be able to admit, when I see that rare guy, "Yeah, I would," particularly in a MMF with my wife. What Mr. Alura described--giving oral to (my) wife while she takes it doggy style from another guy--is a huge fantasy of mine, and if we were all into it and it felt right, I could see myself going a bit further, given the convenience of the position.


I've never acted upon any of this and don't know if I ever will. My wife knew about this realization as it evolved and is completely accepting of it, yet there seems no interest on her part to see anything done about it.


But I'm wondering: Am I alone in being turned on by certain bisexual activities (manual, oral) and turned off by others (anal, kissing, carressing)? The former gets me excited, while the latter leaves me thinking what else Mr. Alura said, that men are "hard, muscular, hairy and yucky. :confused:


PS--I think the answer to the original question posted by phone bugs is clearly homophobia. No need to elaborate on that.

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Originally posted by leftcoastcouple

But I'm wondering: Am I alone in being turned on by certain bisexual activities (manual, oral) and turned off by others (anal, kissing, carressing)? The former gets me excited, while the latter leaves me thinking what else Mr. Alura said, that men are "hard, muscular, hairy and yucky. :confused:


You're not alone. Bisexuality is as unique as bisexuals. In other words, everybody has their do's and don'ts. It's not different than hetero preferences. There are some guys who won't perform oral sex for their wives or girlfriends. They just won't go there. Some women absolutely refuse to perform fellatio. They just won't go there.


In the same manner, there are bisexual and even gay men who just will not have anal sex. There are some who will be "tops" but not "bottoms", like me.


There are many other variations on the theme. As you can see from the above posts, some men will do oral and anal but won't kiss.


Decide where your limits are, and do whatever feels comfortable to you.

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Originally posted by leftcoastcouple

Hope I'm not too late jumping in here, but it took me some time to get up the guts.


But I'm wondering: Am I alone in being turned on by certain bisexual activities (manual, oral) and turned off by others (anal, kissing, carressing)? The former gets me excited, while the latter leaves me thinking what else Mr. Alura said, that men are "hard, muscular, hairy and yucky. :confused:


Mr Leftcoast...

First, no, it is NEVER too late to jump into a conversation such as this one... attitudes and people change, so there is always a need to revisit old threads like this one on occasion. Thanks for offering your point of view :)

Second, congratulations ( :claps: ) on taking what is an incredible step forward for anyone, especially a man in this day & age - admitting to people other than loved ones that you have a sexual response to bisexual activities!

You and I are much more alike than we are different. Although I am curious about anal, I don't really know if I would ever go through with it. But I'll readily (or, perhaps, greedily??) suck a guy's cock, but kissing or intimacy with a guy just doesn't do it for me. It is like that beer commercial for Bud Light (I think!!!) from a couple years ago...

Man #1: "I love you man!"

Man #2: "You still aren't getting my bud Light."

If I want any intimacy with another guy, I'll just pull up the anchor & spend 6 or 8 hours on the ocean fishing... that's intimate enough for my tastes! :)


Oh... ionsawmill... thanks for that article on the sexual labels. It was a good read, both pleasant and funny at times. It also reminded me that, when that girlfriend and I spoke about the gender mixes when it came to jobs around the house, I had come up with poly-sexual - one that is simultaneously open to sex with both women and men. I suppose that, based on the info in that article, I might also have to add transgenders to that list :)



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I saw this porn vid on HBO's Real Sex one time that featured two beautiful women kissing and caressing each other's firm breasts while splashing about in a large tub. They were gorgeous! I was thinking, "These girls are hot!" Debussy's "Arabesque No. 1" was playing on a piano in the background. They locked in a passionate embrace, standing as they did so and revealing a couple of large cocks!


All I could think was, "These girls are hot!" Even after they revealed their "secrets"(as they say in Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil), I still couldn't think of them as guys. I guess first impressions last the longest. Since I saw them from the waist up for the first few minutes, they were women; women with penises.


I still can't hear Arabesque No. 1 without thinking of that. It haunts me to this day.

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Originally posted by ionsawmill

All I could think was, "These girls are hot!" Even after they revealed their "secrets", I still couldn't think of them as guys.


Living in the heavily alt lifestyle central Jersey Shore, one can see all sorts of things, including some of the most incredibly delicious women on earth. Well... they LOOK like women!!!! :)

Normally, it is so easy to tell a TG/TV/TS because there are only so many ways to hide large hands, a bulge in your crotch or an Adam's Apple. But I have seen some TG/TV/TS online and locally that would make me think twice about ever kissing a woman without first asking what was between 'her' legs. LOL!


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Watch a female playing with a female is a strong turn on for me... while watch two men playing together is more complicated. The fear to be judged as a gay makes me feel embarrassed with this...


Am I bi curious ? not sure but may be... How would I react if a guy was giving me a blow job ? not sure I should appreciate it because of the guilty feeling... Should I be pleased to give him the same favor... I don't think so!


Now things are slightly different with transexuals or "she-males"... things could be different here because I regard them more like females than like males even if they have a cock...


They look like a female, the have often a female body with long legs and big boobs... They can look very sexy and attractive, so - in such case - I suppose I could have sex with a true transexual (but not with a male disguised like a female)... into my opinion and my concern there is a huge difference between a "she-male" and a male disguised... in the first case I can have the fantasy to play with "her" while in the second case I shall not play with "him".


Kinky isn't it...



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      I started kissing her telling her how super hot she was and how sexy she looked in every position. She responded by saying tonight was the hottest sexual night of her life. Watching us 69, and the fucklicking we had just giving her, was so erotic that only watching us fuck would top it. I told her he had said he was not open to anal sex. At that point she said, "Well his cock is sure hard, it’s gotta go somewhere."
      Her ultimate fantasy for years had been to watch me get fucked and for me to fuck another guy. He had knelt up to us and put his cock between us as we kissed so naturally we kissed and sucked his cock. She was rubbing my own cock during this and I was amazed that after cumming twice I was hard again. I had been taking Cialis daily for months now and also testosterone shots so fucking and cumming twice was always normal, but never had tried for three or more. Tonight I was ready for round three.
      She turned around so we were on our sides in 69, then she scooted closer to me and pulled me so I would be on top. I knew too well what she wanted to happen and it was for our best friend to fuck me.
      Nobody said a word, it was as if we all had telepathy and understood. He got behind me and she took his cock in her mouth. While she sucked him she had a finger on my ass that she had lubed up from her pussy with our combined juices, and worked it in and out. We were all wet from all the fucking and combined juices so additional lubrication was not an issue. She eventually, I’d say maybe five minutes of fucking me with her finger and sucking him, put his cock right at my ass. She guided him in as he slowly pushed himself into me. I had fucked several girls in the ass when younger and of course my wife so I knew how to make it work.
      In a couple of strokes he was buried balls deep into my ass. The first time I had had anything other than one finger in it, and it felt really good. She went back to sucking my dick and he fucked me. That combination was out of control, if you are open to it, even once, you need to put that on your bucket list. I had been concerned about pain but I guess since we had been playing and I was so aroused, he was able to fuck me with a good pace. At first long deep soft strokes but as he built up, they turned into a good hard fucking. Every stroke hit my prostate and I could feel I was leaking massive pre-cum.
      At one point I yelled I was going to cum. He said he was also close and really started fucking me hard as fuck. That did it for me as my wife also stopped bobbing and just sucked the head of my cock as if she was trying to suck it off my body. The feeling was to this day the hardest I’ve ever cum in my life. My cock, balls, and ass all started to contract and explode. I could feel every contraction and spurt going into my wife’s mouth and of course how my ass started to contract around his cock and start to milk him of whatever cum he had left.
      He could not take it anymore and called out his cum with an almost howling as he buried himself in me and let my ass milk his cock dry. The feeling was awesome. Cumming but also having a cock deep in me while my contractions which included my ass gripped and milked him, feeling his cock pulse and release.
      His dick eventually went soft and fell out as he fell on his back on the bed. I fell the other way with my wife in the middle with a shit eating grin from ear to ear. She had cum at least a few times during this fucking too.
      We rested for a while talking about what had happened and how hot it actually was. We decided to take a break and have a drink and smoke. He went and took a quick shower while we had a cigarette and poured drinks.
      When he came back I went and showered and cleaned myself up. Having cum leaking out of my ass was a very new experience for me, and felt hot but weird.
      When I came back they were talking, kissing a bit and touching each other. She took a break and went to shower as we had a drink and talked. He was hard from their petting and I could tell he was not just hard but aroused as we talked about what we did. He asked how I liked it? We discussed what we liked so far and so far there wasn’t anything we didn’t like. He confessed that he wanted me to fuck him as he had me. That got the blood rushing to my cock which he noticed. And for the first time ever, he came close to me and kissed me. It was weird even after sucking each other and he just fucking me, didn’t expect to kiss a guy before, but I went with it.
      And frankly it was hot, we kissed and touched and stroked each other and stroked our cocks together which was very hot for a few minutes. He then broke the kiss and dropped to his knees and took my cock into his mouth and started licking and sucking all the pre-cum I was leaking.
      I was in a daze when I felt my wife next to me and she whispered in my ear, “That was so fucking hot watching you two kiss and touch each other.” She had been watching the whole thing.
      We quickly moved to the room and continued to play taking turns on each other. Taking turns two on one, but mostly us two on and in her. We fucked her a few times as she came several times and since we had cum three times each we were in no rush.
      But eventually my very deviant wife brought up what she heard him say, that he also wanted to get fucked. He said he was ready whenever we were but more importantly, if she was close to her limit because after we cum at least him, he wouldn’t be able to get hard again. I added that yeah, I had one cum left and after that my dick would need a few hours rest to get back up even though over an hour had passed since our last cum. She pulled what we later called her signature move which was to get into 69 and pull him as she did me, on top of her, exposing his ass for me to take.
      As he did before, I got right behind him and let my wife do her thing. She wet her finger well with her own pussy juice and our cum, and worked it into his ass while she sucked me to get me ready. I decided I’d better also lube up with something better than spit so I put me dick in her and pumped several times til I was nice and wet with our combined fluids.
      Then I got back behind him and for the first time ever, put my cock on a guy's asshole. I rubbed it around and watched as his butt pulsed waiting to be speared, to be fucked. After he was noticeably aroused from my playing with his ass and my wife sucking his cock, I started pushing in. He knew what to do and relaxed and pushed back allowing me to easily go balls deep in two short strokes. I was amazed how tight he was. I guess no reason not to be tight, but I hadn’t had any expectations beforehand of what to expect, but it was hot.
      My wife was licking my balls as I slid in and out of him. She took turns sucking him and then my balls, and him again, so as not to push us over the edge. She kept him right on the edge for a while. It felt like an hour but was actually only 10 minutes or so.
      Eventually he started moaning and saying he was going to cum. The moment I was waiting for, to feel his ass contracting around my cock as I sprayed him with my cum, was about to take place.
      And just like had happened to me, he started to cum and howl as he shot his cum in my wife’s mouth and down her throat while I was fucking his ass.
      I was getting ready to cum right behind him when I felt my wife put her finger in my ass and that sent me over the edge. I started to cum so hard I felt my cock was about to explode. The feeling of fucking him, my wife’s finger up my ass, his ass contracting around my cock, was absolutely insane. I kept fucking him slowly now until my dick went completely soft. I fell on the bed about to pass out but my wife said, “You better go rinse off before you fall asleep.”
      I of course did, and when I returned they were both asleep. They were spooning and out for the count. It was hot to watch my wife asleep naked in a spooning position with another guy.
      I got in bed and crashed myself. At some point during the night I woke up to my wife holding me and stroking me. I opened my eyes and she was getting fucked from behind by our friend. It was soft and slow and she needed a little help so I scooted over and let her use my cock to rub on her clit. She came a minute or two later which triggered his.
      They stayed connected for a bit until he fell out of her. She then turned around and gave me access to fuck her which I also did very slowly. He helped her by rubbing her clit with his tongue. She was sore and sensitive, so she told him she was fine and fucked out. She was all out of orgasms and this was just about giving me her pussy to use in order to cum and fill her up.
      And I did use her pussy, and I did get off. Took my time but she didn’t rush me and she enjoyed it. She was just out of orgasms. But like all good things, that too had to come to an end and it did. I tensed up, and unloaded everything I had into my wife and stayed in her.
      He asked if he could spoon with her again as he loved the feeling. She said it was my turn now to hold her. After such a long night, she now needed to feel reassured and held by her husband. We passed out.
      In the morning I was hard as a rock when I woke up, I felt my cock between her ass checks and instinctively starting rocking back and forth. As I went to grab her it was him. I opened my eyes and she wasn’t there and I was spooning with my friend. Weird!! Even after the night we had.
      I moved back and turned around. A few minutes later she came back into the room. She had gotten up to pee and was back. I told her what happened and she laughed. She said she was surprised how much cum came out of her when she peed.
      I told her I’d be happy to get her filled back up and laughed. She said we could do one round each because she did want to get things done that day. I said, "Each”? And she smiled and said she didn’t think it would be fair to have a naked man next to her who she fucked, sucked, and shared cum with all night and only let him watch.
      With that we laughed and he woke up. We both had a good one on one session with her. Taking our time and having one good hard cum with her apiece. She also had one good cum with each of us.
      After that we all got up and did our thing and left the club and went back to our house a few minutes away to hangout. She went out and did errands, we hung out and talked about the night before and this morning. Said how we had entered new territory sexually but how hot it had been. We even talked about how we had even kissed and played together while my wife was in the shower. We both said it had been hot, and low and behold, we started kissing again. We ended up naked in 69 and licked and sucked each other until we both came, timing it almost perfect.
      We later got dressed and resumed watching tv. Sometime later he left as my wife was pulling up the driveway. He helped her with some bags and went on his way. She asked what did we do while she was out? I told her we talked about last night and this morning and ended up kissing and finishing in 69 until we came.
      She said, "Hope you’re still horny," because she was. I told her yes and we fucked right there on the couch.
      After that day we stayed aroused for weeks, where we probably had sex once or twice a day, sometimes even three.
      That’s our thing. We invite others for the fun and experience, but also because it lights us on fire for a while.
      We continued to play with our friend for many years until he got married. We gave him his own private threesome bachelor party, and played a couple of times a year even while he was married. Me and him would also trade bj's a couple of times a week when we got together for drinks or he stopped by to visit. My wife suspected we did. I told her and she was fine with it. She only wanted to make sure no fucking unless she was there to watch and participate. That we saved for once a year which we all absolutely loved.
      To this day, that night remains one of the hottest ever. And we still want a repeat of those threesomes. We have played with others. Some couples, a few women, and she’s fucked a total of 37 men including him, who was her first after being a virgin when we got married. So we always refer to him as taking her marital virginity.
      A few years later we moved states and didn’t see him for 10 years, until one day he called to say he would be in town for business and to meet up for drinks. I met him and after a few hours he asked how come your wife didn’t come out? I told him he had made it sound as if it was just us having a few drinks. He asked if I could call her and have her come out? I told him that if he wanted her, he should call her.
      He did, they talked. She kept saying it’s too late, it was 10 pm and that if he was horny the two of us should play like so many times in the past. He kept at it until they hung up.
      I asked what she said. He told me that she kept saying for us to play that it was too late. So I said, "Well I’m up for it if you are." He said, "Yes, let’s go to my room and get started. Your wife is on her way and wants us naked in 69 when she walks in."
      He left a key for her with the lobby front desk and we went to his room. After maybe 20 minutes or so she walks in and says, “That’s so fucking hot. You don’t know how much I’ve missed that.”
      She got naked and joined us. We fucked her that night in every possible combination. Sucked each other. Fucklicked her and ate creampies, and yes, we fucked each other twice that night.
      That was exactly one year ago. He will be in town next month and we are looking forward to a repeat.
      Hope you enjoyed this story. It’s 100% true.
    • By SPaige24
      My husband and I have been together for almost 10 years. I have always been bi- curious, but kept it as secret until the last month. Little did I know that he had a small feeling (thanks to a few drunk nights with my friend). Our marriage is very strong, and we are very opened with each other. I told him that I wanted to have a have sexual encounter with another female. He is on board, and we even talked about a MFM threesome as well.
      Here is my issue... How do I find someone? That friend is no longer a friend, I can't do dating apps because of my job, and I personally don't want someone we know. I have looked into Swinger Clubs, and I realize that finding a bisexual/lesbian female who is single is hard. We are opened to a couple if need be. I just want my husband there and or involved.
      My question is... What is it like going to a swingers club? Will there be people our age (27-30), are "predators" real, and how do I find a club? We are located in Washington, PA.
    • By Mistral Wind
      I'm Mistral, and my husband Tim and I attended the most fabulous swingers party the previous weekend at our new friends' large manor house. We were filled with glee when they invited us back the following weekend for another cum-filled night of debauchery. They also suggested we bring some friends if we liked.
      John and Wendy were a couple we knew from our charity work. They were young, idealistic, and very open-minded. We didn't think they were swingers, but the subject had come up in casual conversation. They were curious but remained evasive about their thoughts on the subject. We decided all we could do was broach the issue and see what happened.
      The next evening, John and Wendy arrived after Tim and Mistral. They followed the crowd upstairs. As they climbed the stairs amongst the excited and bubbly people, Wendy remembered the afternoon and that phone call. John's voice was nervous and excited, "Hi, Babe! We have a party invite from Tim and Mistral to join them at their friends' swinger party tonight. I know we have fantasized about this. How do you feel?"
      Wendy felt panic surge through her stomach, excitement flooded her pussy, and her nipples perked up hard. "Wow, that is short notice. What happens if we don't like it?"
      "Babe, I will never make you," John promised. "We both have to want this to happen. I am sorry to spring it on you like this, and maybe we should forget it then."
      Wendy said, "No, John, I did not say 'NO,' just what happens? When we fantasized about swinging, you said you would love to watch me in a group of men getting fucked by them all. Are you sure about that?"
      Wendy had visualized these events, wishing desperately that John would take the lead and say, 'We will do it.' In their role-playing, they often pretended to be at a swingers party changing partners. One of Wendy's games was to roll up two large pillows, tie a belt around with a strap-on dildo attached to the belt, put her large vibrator into the cup, and ride the pillows, getting fucked hard by the vibrator. John would come from behind and fuck her arse or go to the front, and she would suck him to a spluttering cum inside her mouth. In her mind, these were real men fucking her, and she shared herself with the men, and John loved the attention and continuous pleasure.
      In reply to Wendy's question, John said, "Oh yes, while I am having the same with two girls, one on my face and one on my cock, I would love it! Babe, I am sure. How about you?"
      Wendy gulped. The secret she had held in her head for so long was about to become real. "Let's do it. Let's go! Are you sure you won't feel jealous watching me come on some man's cock with another somewhere else inside me? I don't have a thing to wear. What do I need?"
      John said, "The theme is An Officer and a Gentleman. I can go dressed as a USA Army General using my dad's old uniform. You wear your sexy red top and skirt. You know, the top that doesn't come all the way down, the skirt with the elastic waistband hanging low on you, and your suspenders and stockings. No thong, no bra. You will show off your pussy to her best. My cock is getting hard just thinking about it!"
      Wendy replied, "I will be ready when you get home. Your dad's uniform will need a press, and I will prepare everything. See you at 6:00 tonight, darling."
      Her hands were shaking when she replaced the receiver breathing shallowly and jerkily as the realization hit home that tonight it would happen! During the afternoon, she got John's clothes ready, checked her dress, found the right shoes, and laid it all out, ready for later. A long hot soak where she shaved her pussy bare using John's razor and made sure her legs and armpits were perfect.
      Resting on the bed, she shuffled through the videos they kept hidden from guests and found her favorite, "Suzie's Gang Bang." A fast-action orgy video in which this girl gets fucked by five men altogether. Wendy often watched this and used her vibrator when John was away or working late. Sometimes when her cycle was at ovulation, her sex drive was limitless, and she would role-play watching the action.
      The action on the screen hotted up as the men were penetrating Susie left, right, and center. A closeup on-screen of pussy open and dripping. A cock slid into it, wetting itself with her fluids. It slid out, rubbed against her tiny rosebud anus, and gently but firmly slid into opening her slowly. At the same time, another cock pushed into her pussy. Wendy loved this part and rolled onto her side, turned on the vibrator, and sunk it into her arse. Her fingers slid into her pussy, working gently to pleasure her clit. Her hips were thrusting back and forward faster and faster as her climax built. She reached down and switched on her biggest vibrator, a black cock that was as real as it gets. The vibrator was thrust inside her cunt, and she moaned and moaned herself into a massive climax.
      Wendy relaxed, watched the movie, enjoyed the post-climactic euphoria, and gently played with her clit. In her mind, she watched the swingers' party unfold - couples fucking, girl-girl, MFM, and FMF at this imaginary party. Inside her head, she had been desperate to fulfill these needs, and it was finally coming true.
      In the past, Wendy was often on the verge of saying to John, "Let's try swinging!" She always shrank away from the responsibility in case he rejected the reality. Fantasies are fine, but who knows what the reality will bring? After so many conversations about swinging, so many nearly made decisions, and all those fantasies that included imaginary swinging, they had chosen to go ahead. With an overwhelming certainty, she laid back, smiled, and said to herself, "Tonight, I will fuck a roomful of men. I hope I don't disappoint them; my clit is tingling with anticipation!"
      Wendy switched on the vibrator, and her hands moved over her breasts, pinching her nipples and then down to her pussy. Her hips were rocking back and forth. She rolled the pillows up, tied the belt around, clipped the vibrator into the belt, and climbed on top, sinking the vibrator deep inside her pussy and working herself to another peak. She closed her eyes and started rocking harder and harder. Then, a voice penetrated the action, and John stood naked and erect in front of her. She blushed with embarrassment, and he thrust his cock into her mouth. It tasted slightly salty. He lasted about 10 seconds and then dumped the load down her throat, bringing her to a climax.
      John smiled and gently rolled Wendy into his arms. "You looked fantastic when I walked in and found you fucking your brains out with your vibrator on top of those pillows. If I feel as proud of you at the party as I did then and how aroused it made me, I can't wait to watch you fuck the guys. Will you enjoy watching me and sharing my pleasure?"
      "Oh yes," she said in her little girl's voice, "I will love watching you; maybe I can do a 69 with her and lick her pussy while you thrust in and out and feel your balls contract when you come inside her."
      "Mmmmmm, I wonder if all the girls will be bi? I wonder if I could do a girly threesome? Mmmmmm, I wonder if I can get two men to come at the same time inside me. That would be fun too."
      "Can I be your vixen tonight and play dirty?" John smiled and spoke softly, the care showing in his voice.
      "Babe, we will have a fabulous time together and with other couples or whatever, don't be shy to try what you want, and feel able to say NO if you don't want. Above all, enjoy yourself, and pleasure comes first," she reminded him.
      So back to the party! They gathered around a pool table, with the group laughing and joking about the action starting all around. Wendy looked at the two girls on the pool table with their legs over the shoulders of four guys who were licking and sucking nipples, pussies, and one man had her toes in his mouth, sucking them like a breastfeeding baby. Wendy started to pant. She could not get her breath. Her heart was racing, her knees buckled, and she began to shake. Tears flooded down her face. John cried, "What's up! What's up!"
      Wendy sank against the woman beside her shaking uncontrollably. The girl instinctively put her arms around Wendy and held her close, supporting Wendy against herself.
      "Sushhhhh baby, you are all right!" the woman cooed, "What is worrying you? You don't have to do any of this if you are afraid."
      Wendy snuggled against the comforting figure, put her face against the warm, feminine neck, and nuzzled her cheek, kissing it gently. Her hand moved without command to the woman's breast, and she felt the nipple harden as she caressed it gently. The shaking was easing now, and Wendy felt a little bolder. She turned the woman's face towards her, looked into her eyes, and moved forward slowly, anticipating a gentle and subtle kiss. The tongue was not stiff and probing like a man's but gentle, enticing, and exciting. Wendy's free hand moved down to the woman's belly and softly caressed the feminine rounded shape moving slowly downwards to find that sweetly perfumed garden where a secret lotus stem was waiting to be stroked.
      Hands caressed breasts and pussy. Now both girls turned on to each other. John watched, fascinated. He had never seen Wendy with another woman, and his cock raged hard inside his pants. As if in a dream, Wendy pushed the girl gently onto the pool table so her bottom was on edge. She bent down, opened her legs, put them on her shoulders, and snuggled her face between them, savoring the beautiful feminine smells and tastes. Gently opening up the inner lips with her tongue, finding her clit and teasing, teasing just off the edge, making her wait for the full pleasure. Female wetness was seeping all over Wendy's face as the girl was getting nearer and nearer to release.

      A few minutes passed, and the girl pushed Wendy off, got onto the table, and said, "Get up here with me. We can pleasure each other now!"

      Wendy climbed up, the shakes all gone now. Her pussy was soaking wet, and her breasts were tender with erect nipples and very sensitive. She lifted her skirt, revealing the stockings and suspenders without anything else. The two girls turned head to toe and started a frantic licking expedition to cunt heaven.

      Wendy felt a body get up behind her and present a long stiff penis to her backside. The man tried gently to insert it in her cunt where the girl was licking hard; it slipped in and thrust a few times. The girl firmly grassed it and slid it up the crack between her buttocks, tickling her anus with the end. Wendy's whole valley was wet and slippery. The long thin cock nudged open her arse and gently snaked into her bottom.

      Wendy's heart raced again; this was what she had dreamed of for months! What surprised her was that the cock inside her was giving almost more pleasure than having her pussy sucked. The combination was too great. A massive climax took over, and she nearly fainted with joy.

      As she fell over the edge into an abyss of pleasure, the man behind speeded up, grunted, and sank deep inside her, flooding her back passage with his fluids. Wendy opened her eyes and looked up at John, who stood open-mouthed, watching her antics. He had a girl on her knees sucking his rigid cock, but his eyes were transfixed on Wendy. She smiled, blew him a kiss, and licked her lips covered in pussy juice from the girl beneath her. John shuddered and spent down the girl's throat pumping his hips in time with his spurts.

      He gently pushed the girl to one side, staggered to Wendy with his pants down by his feet, and said, "Well, you are hot; I could not believe how sexy you are. I am so proud of you; better than my wildest dreams was that fantastic to watch."

      Wendy thought to herself, "Why did I panic? This is fantastic, better than the fantasies we have. This is real sex."
      A couple came up to them. The man smiled. "I am Tommy. This is Raquel, my wife. We just watched you and nearly came with you. Would you join us at the table for a foursome?"
      Wendy reached down and felt his cock inside his pants. It was semi-hard and big. She turned to John and Raquel, "Let's get together. We can play here or in one of the smaller rooms with a nice bed?"

      They entered the room together. Wendy pushed down her long skirt and flipped off her top. She was naked except for her stockings and suspenders. Raquel slipped out of her long ball gown, revealing a very firm 36's and a sweet little tight arse on top of a pair of legs to die for. She was near perfect. Tommy was muscular with a flat hard six-pack stomach and an erection starting to grow to full size as he gently stroked himself. John was naked in a flash, only half erect after his escapade down the other girl's throat. Wendy turned to Tommy, who scooped her up in his arms and carried her over to the king-sized bed, his erect cock bouncing up and down as he stepped forward. Raquel reached out for John, smiled softly, and whispered, "Come and play with me and let me get you hard again. We will watch them while I regenerate your erection."

      John looked down at her fair perfection, those soft curves all running down into the valley between her legs. A golden pussy fuzz glinted in the soft lights. He reached for her and pulled her towards him. A first gentle kiss, lips opened up, and tongues tenderly searched each other out, exploring each other. His hands held her back, then softly slid down over her buttocks, caressing that incredible apple shape of her bottom. She pulled him harder into her body.

      As Raquel responded to the stimuli, her hand slid down to feel his penis, which was gently growing back to a man-size stiffness. Their kisses became more ardent, and deeper tongues were now demanding, not exploring. Hands moved over her body.

      John broke off the long kiss and searched her neck with his lips and tongue. She shuddered, and he felt her open her legs and move into his body. She thrust her pubis against his leg and started to move up and down. He could feel the wetness spreading along his thigh. John had now reached her breast with his lips and was attacking her nipple, which was bone hard. Raquel started to pant and squirm harder against his leg.

      Suddenly Raquel broke away and fell back onto the bed beside Tommy and Wendy's entwined bodies. Raquel reached up, and John dived onto her, gently landing without his weight on her. Raquel squirmed around so she was head-to-toe with him, with her on her back. Raquel reached up and grasped his nearly hard cock. She slipped her mouth over the head as she pulled back his tight foreskin and started to suck him to total hardness.

      John's head was between her legs. His mouth opened up her secret garden exploring the sides and little creases. He could tell her clit was begging for attention, and he made her wait. He felt careful with his tongue and could feel the hardness and swelling around her clit, which was now erect like a mini penis. His tongue explored her depths and penetrated her cunt, where he would follow with his cock shortly. Raquel was getting agitated and frustrated. She wanted attention on her clit, so John moved his tongue down the crease between her legs out of her cunt and down to her anus. As it reached the little rosebud, she shuddered and thrust her hips against his face.

      Raquel was working hard on making his cock whole again and hard enough to get inside her to ease that burning desire. She threw him over onto his back, climbed on top, grasped his penis in her hand, aimed for her inner lips, and squatted down with a satisfied sigh. John tried to thrust up against her downstrokes, and they found a comfortable rhythm that would gently build to a glorious climax.

      Tommy knelt beside John and Raquel with Wendy's legs over his shoulders, thrusting energetically into her pussy. Wendy's bottom hardly touched the bed as his cock shuttled in and out of her dripping pussy. Raquel leaned over and kissed him hard on his mouth while her fingers searched for Wendy's cunt. Wendy pushed her hand out to John, grasped his face, and pulled it over for a kiss. As the four fucked into each other's partners, the respective partners smiled and kissed each other. Raquel started to whimper like a small cat. Her eyes rolled up as she reached her first climax, and her face distorted. A moan escaped her lips. "Fuck it harder! Fuck it, my cunt is exploding. Ohhhhhhhhh!"

      Raquel collapsed in a heap on top of John. He rolled her off and crawled around to the other two. Tommy rolled Wendy off him, and she got onto all fours. John hit her from the rear straight into her cunt, deep and hard. She thrust back to meet him harder and faster. Tommy went for the face and slid his cock deep into her mouth, making her gag a little, setting a fast pace that could never last. Tommy grunted and exploded semen down her throat, pumping and pumping till he was spurting on empty. Wendy cried out and shuddered and shuddered as she lost it in a huge one. John followed a few thrusts later. With a sigh and a deep thrust, he unloaded inside Wendy.

      The three untangled themselves. John lay on his side facing Tommy, and Raquel rested against him, her head using his hips as a pillow. Tommy and Wendy took up a similar position facing them. Wendy was fascinated with Tommy's penis, which had shrunk to a little wrinkled sausage. She played with it tenderly, remembering how hard and energetic it had just been. John was exploring Raquel's inner sanctuary in a lazy, tender way.

      Raquel got up, poured four glasses of wine from a bottle on the side table, and brought them to the bed. They all sipped and chatted quietly, enjoying the aftermath of the passion. Wendy could feel a slippery liquid seeping out between her legs. She reflected on how wonderful the party had started and how much better real sex in a group was than watching and fantasizing.

      Wendy said, "John, I need to use the bathroom. I will be back shortly. Will you wait here for me?"

      "Of course, darling," he smiled and added. "Come back when you are ready!" She laughed and left the room.

      Three girls and two men burst in a few minutes later, laughing and jostling each other. "Can we use the bed or join you if you haven't finished?" one girl asked. "Sure, get on and join us," John replied with a smile.

      Each girl selected a mate and sidled up to him as bodies entwined and hands were everywhere. The scene changed from relaxed, easy caresses to hot passion. John was having trouble getting hard again so soon after the last session. One of the two guys noticed and put his head in his lap, sucking gently on his cock. The girls watched with rapt interest. John froze for a second. This had never happened before. Then he relaxed as he thought to himself Wendy does this to me all the time. I go down on her. She won't mind, so what's the problem? John laid back and started enjoying a new experience.

      Wendy walked naked through the large room towards the lady's bathroom, passing groups and couples in all types of contortions. One threesome had a man on all fours, the girl on his back legs wrapped around the guy on top as he fucked vigorously. Her head was bobbing about like a broken rag doll. The whimpers coming from her showed she was in fuck heaven. Wendy passed them and smiled. She could not believe how many different positions were being displayed.

      In the bathroom, a girl was sitting on the side where the washbasins were, legs wide open, washing out the fluids that had been pumped into her. She licked her fingers and said, "Yummy, don't you just love that salty taste? I just got too full after a big gangbang. I had eight inside me, one after the other. Some of the greedy buggers came back for seconds and thirds." Wendy asked, "How long did you do it for?" The girl said, "About an hour and a half. I am a bit sore now and need a rest to recover after coming so many times."

      Wendy left the bathroom and wandered down a corridor from the large room. She heard sounds from a room; she stopped and looked in through the open door. Nine men were around this one girl who was being fucked from behind by one with another in her mouth, and a few were by her head. She had a cock in each hand, and the others were masturbating around her. The guy in her pussy speeded up and pulled out, rubbing himself furiously. He spurted all over her bottom. Another took his place and speared her without ceremony pushing in and out of her sweet little pussy. He inserted a finger up her bottom, and she wriggled and cried out, "Fuck my arse as well!"

      The men pulled out and rolled her over. One climbed underneath. She sat on his cock and lay on his chest. Another pulled her cheeks apart, stretching her anus slightly open. He rubbed semen that had seeped from her pussy around her dark hole to ease his passage and penetrated her slowly. The other guys were in her mouth, between her breasts, anywhere they could get.

      Wendy watched the action, fascinated. This was what she had dreamed of in every fantasy. One of the guys with nowhere to fuck noticed her standing by the door and came over and said, "Join us, lovely. We would love to satisfy your desires and fuck you senseless."

      Wendy entered the room as if in a dream; her fantasy had finally come true. Three guys remained with the girl. The other six moved over to Wendy. She lay on her back, waiting for it to happen. A man's body leaned over her, his cock hard and erect, probing her face as he bent over her and probed her cunt with his tongue. She grasped that beautiful cock and sucked it to absolute hardness. Hands over her breasts, tongues in ears and around her neck, hands now everywhere. Her body had become one large erogenous zone. The tongue in her pussy was replaced with a very large cock which started slowly and stepped up as the rhythm became one for both.

      For the next hour, Wendy felt cocks in all her parts, fluids being pumped and splashed. Each orgasm she experienced lifted her higher and higher until she lapsed into oblivion and was gently laid to rest, covered in semen and a little sore from the multiple entries. One vague recollection towards the end was of two cocks inside her pussy together, stretching her and giving her a final massive orgasm. Wendy drifted on the edge of exhaustion, languishing in the euphoria of her greatest fantasy, a gangbang. She lay there with semen dripping from her pussy, running down the crease between her legs. She fingered her anus softly, rubbing in the slippery cream to ease the soreness. She felt wonderful.

      After half an hour, she got up and returned to the room where she had left John. She passed Mistral, Tim, Greg, and Susan on the way, heading upstairs. As they passed her, they smiled at her sticky legs and body, and one said, "You sure have had some fun, huh, Wendy?"

      She arrived at the room and stepped inside. John was entwined with another girl, and a guy gently probed him while the girl tried to get him hard again. Wendy watched her man and smiled to herself. "Now he knows what it feels like to be fucked up the arse. Once used to the stretching, it is yummy."

      Wendy called him, "Honey, will you shower and sauna with me? I need to clean up a bit?"

      "OK, babe, let's get showered and find where Tim and Mistral are," John replied. "They did promise us a special time together, but I haven't seen them tonight."

      Mistral took John to one side the next day at work and said, "I know you both enjoyed your first swinging party; sorry we never got together. Would you both like to join Susan, Greg, Tim, and me the weekend after next at our place for just a casual dinner and some fun?"

      "Sure, we would not miss it!" John quickly replied. Mistral said, "Greg told me he saw Wendy walking past him in stockings and suspenders. He said she has a fabulous body, her cunt dripping down her legs, and he wants to fuck her after dinner. You can have Susan and me together if you fancy. It will be a hot night!" With a wide grin, John quickly shot back, "How about six all together in the sauna then?"
    • By Mistral Wind
      My husband, Tim, met a new prospective client the other day, and an hour appointment went on for another three hours. Then Tim returned to the office glowing with excitement. "Hey, Mistral, the new clients want the Full Monty and more from us!"
      A few days later, I met Greg and Susan and found we had an immediate relationship with them both. Glen is a "go-getter" who has enormous energy and vision. He had just acquired three more companies and ran a group of four on a wide area network that needed our services. The questions flowed thick and fast at the meeting: "Can you do xxx for us? What about these services? How about getting the VPN up?" A gem of all clients had been discovered by accident through a conversation with a friend who put us together.
      Greg is a tall, dark, very fit 45-year-old with boundless energy and a very sharp, intelligent mind with a wacky sense of humor. Susan is a Nicole Kidman look-alike, red blonde hair, 5'2", pert small breasts with really pink nipples, and the greatest tight little butt I have ever seen. Her hair was shoulder-length curly and shone like spun red gold. Some women you meet and like from day one. We liked the same food and wine and laughed about some of her office's young, horny, and frustrated studs.
      Within three weeks of working almost every day with them both, a very positive relationship had started between us. I began to feel that Susan might be bi. She often sat close, and when we were going through my graphic designs, she would sometimes run her hand down my arm or touch my face gently when asking her searching questions. Her being a client, I was always careful not to respond in a sexual way just in case I had misread her. As the working days passed, the banter became more friendly and frank.
      After a few dinners and lunches, we were invited to their place for a relaxing weekend after getting most of the projects specified and starting to build. Their income was high, so we expected a nice place when we drove up. It was spectacular!
      Greg had said, "Well, it's a small mansion, built about 1795, Robert Adam style." Greg's idea of small contained seven bedrooms, a covered heated pool with a Sauna and Jacuzzi, and the garden had the cutest little Japanese Bonsai tree garden with a beautiful love seat.
      When we arrived Friday late afternoon, we just had time to briefly chill out with them doing "the tour." We were shown many large elegant rooms alongside some small intimate settings that would suit a pair of lovers. We met Jonathon, Greg's 21-year-old son, who had just finished University and would take a year off to explore the world. Jon is into falconry in a big way and owns three Harris Hawks: Brody, Bandit, Blackthorn, and a Peregrine Falcon called Blade. I spent an hour chatting with Jon about his birds. I quickly realized the Harris Hawks were an intelligent community-minded group that would work together to hunt their prey.
      Later that evening, Jon left to go to London for the weekend to be with his girl. When he left, he kissed Susan (stepmother), and to my eye, it lingered just a little too long. I raised my eyebrow, and she frankly stated, "Well, he is beautiful and half of my husband, so why not enjoy a younger version as well? Greg is pretty relaxed about it."
      The air took on a sexual tension that made me feel a little uneasy as we made it a policy not to play with clients, and this has an overtone that could get difficult. Susan and I chilled out before dinner with a swim in the pool and a sauna to finish off. She dropped her bikini on the floor and sat naked in front of me, completely relaxed. Her legs rested on the opposite seat, slightly open, revealing a beautiful smooth snatch. Susan caught me looking and made a show of 'accidentally' allowing her legs to open even more. Watching her outer lips peel stickily apart, I was tempted to reach out and touch but remembered Tim's words: "Don't play with clients!" Susan seemed to sense my conundrum but seemed willing to let things ride where they were...for now.
      Dinner passed pleasantly with a couple of bottles of red French Merlot. We all chatted intimately, getting close and closer together. Greg announced an early start as Tim was invited to hunt with Blade the Peregrine while we girls chilled out and enjoyed the morning. About midday, Greg and Tim returned empty-handed Greg said, "We are taking the hawks out. Several wild rabbits are around, which would be great for dinner tonight; grilled rabbit with bacon and garlic is yummy!"
      Later the "hunters" returned with three rabbits for the table and a couple for the Harris Hawks. Tim was in awe of the birds and said: "Babe, you should see them hunt together. They would make great Marines. They are intelligent, work well together, and the kills are lightning-fast. No rabbit suffered."
      "Time for a shower and a rest before we set up tonight," Tim suggested. So we slipped upstairs to our room and showered together. The shower was only big enough to get both inside and had a flexible pipe with a variable spray head. The naughty schoolboy in Tim surfaced, and he turned the shower onto pulse and started to work my breasts and nipples with the jet. I slid my soapy hands down onto his cock and worked it hard. Tim moved the shower between my legs, and I opened up for him. The jet started to bombard my clit. This was too much too quick, and I said, "Pack it up. That hurts."
      Tim settled down onto his knees and softly kissed her better. She responded quickly, and I pushed his face deeper into my crotch. The outer lips were gently opened, and his tongue probed for the inner lips teasing around my clit. I got impatient and rocked my hips into his face forcing his tongue onto my clit, demanding his attention. My legs spread apart of their own accord, and a hand crept around, caressing my bottom and making the cleft tingle with anticipation. As my pussy heated up and the waves started to build, that other hand was around my anus, caressing and probing the pink rosebud.
      As the first waves started to run through my body, a finger tickled and slid inside my arse. The orgasm exploding inside me was made more magnificent by the probing finger. The finger working deep in my bowel was enough to hit my "G" spot from the other passage. As I came down from the first shudders, the jet spray added its contribution, and I nearly passed out with pleasure. That brought on a multiple, and it kept coming and coming until I slumped against him.
      Tim dried me off, picked me up, and gently laid me on the bed. He dried himself and leaned over me. His cock was still hard. I lazily reached up, pulled him into my mouth, and sucked and sucked, working around the helmet just under the rim. He did not take long as he wanted a cum as much as the sucking. It exploded into my mouth, and I slurped it down, leaving about half on my tongue. Tim collapsed on the bed beside me, and we kissed, sharing the salty fluid he had deposited. "You minx! You are supposed to swallow that!" teased Tim. I shot back: "You know it turns you on tasting semen, so stop complaining."
      We both drifted into a deep sleep for a couple of hours. The house is very warm, so I put on a floaty dress and a white silk thong with a diamante glitter buckle at the back when I dressed. Tim smiled and said, "Babe, that does show off your bottom beautifully. I am enjoying their company. Susan has a great mind and body. What do you think of Greg?"
      Dodging his question, I asked my own. "Would you want to be inside Susan's pussy?" I asked, "Does she have fuckability?"
      "Oh yes, and more. But remember, this is not a swinging party; these are clients. We must be careful; a wrong move could mess things up big time."
      "Susan sort of hit on me in the sauna by 'accidentally' showing me her pussy," I admitted. "It's smooth and beautiful, and I could tell she was very wet."
      "Interesting," Tim said, "but it doesn't change the fact they are clients. Let's enjoy dinner. Come on; it must be time to go on down." I could tell, though, that my admission had hit home with Tim, and his stomach wouldn't be the only thing on his mind at dinner.
      The rabbit was fabulous, and we slowly munched our way through the various courses. Coffee and brandy followed, and we retreated into a smaller intimate family room with sofas, large seats, scattered cushions on the floor, and a big fireplace with a bright fire in the grate. Susan found a DVD, "Eyes Wide Shut," with Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise. Tim commented, "You look just like her, Susan."
      "She is a fine woman," Susan agreed. "I wish I had her bottom and her breasts. Watch the first scenes, and you get to see all of her. She is beautiful!"
      The film was remarkable, and we all watched it enthralled during the sex party scene in the large country house. The men in masks and long dark cloaks, women in cloaks, and other women wearing just about nothing. Couples fucking all over the furniture, and one girl was being done resting on the back of another man. A girl in the corner was being fucked doggy on a coffee table. I started to get wet. The film was deep, and the sex was great, although never construed as a porn film, much too delicate for that category. My pussy was alive, so I couldn't wait to get Tim back upstairs later. The movie finished, and Susan said, "That was the hot scene at the party. Wouldn't you love to join in and be one of them!"
      A careful silence was followed by Tim and me, which gained the retort from Susan. "You are swingers, aren't you? Otherwise, you would have said something about not sharing your wife!" I giggled, and Tim finally uncomfortably said: "Well, it takes all kinds of people with different attitudes to sex to make the world go around."
      Susan got up and walked out of the room. After a few minutes, she returned with a small basket of condoms and a collection of exciting toys. Susan smiled at me and said, "Mistral, let's give the boys a show. Then I will fuck Tim to a standstill as long as you are OK about it and want Greg!"
      "OK. I want to fuck Greg as much as he wants me. Same for you and Tim," was my husky reply. Suddenly, all the rules had gone out the window. Susan smiled and shrugged off her long dress, sliding it down to the floor, and she had nothing underneath. I got up and selected a toy from the basket, a rabbit dildo. I stepped out of my dress and knelt in front of Susan. She opened up her legs, and I switched on the vibrator, slid a finger inside a very wet slippery pussy, and pressed the toy to her clit.
      "My, we have been thinking rude thoughts this evening, hmmm?" I chided her. Susan said, "Well, the DVD certainly opened up the conversation. I tried to interest you in the sauna, and I saw the fuck-me look in your eyes but then got ignored. How come?"
      I ignored the question. "Get on the cushions. I want to open you right up and explore," I commanded. I worked slowly down Susan's body, tonguing every crevice. At the same time, the vibrator was held against her pussy without really trying to get inside. She rolled over onto her back, pulled me on top, slid off my thong, and peeled apart the lips of a very wet Mistral pussy. She arched her back to get her head between my legs, then slowly worked her tongue around my clit, just missing the most sensitive part: teasing, teasing! My head was between her legs sucking hard on her cunt, the vibrator discarded alongside us.
      Susan tasted and smelt divine, a cunt to die for, and we gently and slowly worked each other to a beautiful girly climax. I slid her clit between my lips and sucked gently, giving it all the attention it could take. Her bottom started to thrash about, and a muffled cry came from her as she exploded and released a dribble of pussy juice onto my face. Strong hands lifted us apart, and Greg sat me down on his lap, legs facing him. He kissed me gently, opened my mouth with his tongue, and started to probe my soul with his penetrating tongue. When those two had shed their clothes, I don't know!
      What I wanted was getting harder under my thigh and starting to poke up between my legs. My hand reached down and stroked the elegant cock, trying so hard to get inside me. Greg put on a condom and was ready for me. A thrust up then down onto it, and he was inside. I could not wait and would not wait. My hips thrust madly at him, exploring his cock and filling myself with pleasure. It must have only taken me 30 seconds to hit the first orgasm, and Greg was getting faster and faster until he exploded.
      We kissed and looked over at Tim and Susan. They were in a 69 with Susan sucking Tim hard and working her two fingers inside his anus. His balls tightened, and he emptied himself inside her mouth. She got up, came over, and kissed me deeply, sharing the contents of her mouth with me. Susan returned to Tim and started gently sucking him back to hardness again. Greg was working my bottom with his tongue, firm strokes working into the most private and sensitive area a woman has. I pulled him up and kissed him deeply, and again he shared the semen from Susan's mouth.
      Greg smiled and said, "OK, we all shared Tim. Would he enjoy sucking me?" I was a little unsure how Tim would react. Susan said, "He can't talk right now since his mouth is full of my pussy."
      Greg lifted me off him and walked over to the other two, kissed Susan, and then leaned over and lightly bit Tim's nipple, who, for a straight guy, relaxed and did nothing. Greg slowly worked down his body and started to get near his groin. Susan got up and thrust her pussy back into his face. Tim hungrily lapped at her while Greg took Tim's cock into his mouth.
      Tim started to push his hips at Greg, who was working the sensitive spots on his cock with expert reverence. I had never seen Tim with a man before, and it fascinated me to see how he responded to a man's attention. Tim gently pulled Greg around so they were 69 together and opened his mouth to get Greg's cock down his throat.
      Susan had slid behind me and worked one of the toys into my pussy. A little finger was up my arse, and the big rabbit worked magic inside me. I watched, fascinated, while the two men ground their cocks into each other's mouths, sucking and mouth fucking together. I could reach Greg's anus from where I was crouching, and I slid a finger inside, feeling for his prostate. I found the firm nut I was after and massaged it, bringing him to a rapid spunk explosion. When he started, I worked the prostate harder, milking the orgasm to its absolute. Tim was greedily swallowing all that Greg could deliver. Tim's hips began to shudder as he succumbed to Greg's tongue and spurted his load down his throat.
      The guys then got up and came over and kissed us. Greg pushed a quantity of spunk down my throat while Tim probed Susan's mouth. For the rest of the night, we moved upstairs to a large bedroom with a king-sized double that could sleep six without trouble. We swapped, we fucked, we cuddled and rested, then swapped, fucked, and cuddled some more, eventually falling asleep around 5 a.m.
      I awoke around 7:00, needing a drink. As no one else was around, I walked naked downstairs to get some orange juice. Halfway down the stairs, Jon appeared with a smile and a naked girlfriend beside him. "Hello, we returned late last night and realized you guys were having fun."
      Penny, Jon's girlfriend, said, "Come into this room. We had a camera in the large bedroom and watched you all together. What a turn-on!"
      I followed them in with dread, not knowing what to expect. Jon said, "Don't look so worried. We enjoyed the performance and wanted to share some of it with you."
      As I looked at the display, the threesome on the screen was waking up, and Susan was fondling both men. Penny said, "I often watch Greg and Susan's swinging parties here, and we fuck like bunnies while we watch. I enjoyed a threesome with Jon and his stepmother. What was Greg like? I haven't had him yet?" I just stood there, mouth open in shock, unable to speak.
      Jon pushed me gently onto the bed and started caressing my body while Penny approached the other side. Jon gently sucked my nipples while Penny's tongue delicately explored my womanhood. "We want to fuck you properly, Mistral, but I know your pussy must be sore from last night, so we'll stick with our tongues this time, OK?"
      After a few minutes of light sex, Penny said, "We better slip away quietly as we are not supposed to be here. Are you two coming to next weekend's party?" The feeling of this beautiful young feminine creature's tongue still fresh on my mind, I shot back, "You bet. If we are invited."
      "Oh, I expect you shall be," Penny smiled. She gazed into my eyes, dropped her hand between her legs, and worked a finger deep into herself. "Until next time...," she said, trailing her finger, wet with her secretions and Jon's cum, stickily across my cheek before resting it on my lips. An invitation which I readily obliged by opening my mouth. Her long finger worked around my tongue, gifting me the taste of her and her lover.
      I slipped upstairs and joined the frolicking three on the bed for more and more of what my body desired. Eventually, we fell asleep again and woke around 3 p.m. feeling completely satisfied and sexually drained. A shower and a good cleanup refreshed my body and spirit. Tim and I were due to leave soon, and Susan came to me and said, "You must come to our next weekend party. Please say yes. If you like, bring some friends that will enjoy what you two have this weekend. There is so much more I want to do with you and Tim. We have had a fantastic time."

      On the way home, Tim said solemnly: "You realize that the weekend could have gone dreadfully wrong if it was a trap. We were caught out, well nearly!"

      The following weekend swinger party is another edition of this story…
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