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Male Chastity Devices

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I am wondering how all of you feel about male chastity devices. Been considering buying one for the husband of a wife I play with. 

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We haven't really tried the the cuckold scene, but theoretically wouldn't be opposed to it in sort of the role playing aspect.  Given our marginal interest, chastity device would be a turn-off instead of a turn-on.  May be be just the opposite for others of course...

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The chastity device is sort of a must for those into the cuckold scene. Its benefits are largely psychological, although one physical 'benefit' is that it keeps hubby in a pent-up state while wifey enjoys her date. This prevents the super-aroused hubby from jerking off to the point of exhaustion, thus ensuring he is ready, willing and able to reclaim his naughty wife at the end of the night.

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On 8/20/2021 at 8:08 AM, hunterdonNJcpl said:

This prevents the super-aroused hubby from jerking off to the point of exhaustion, thus ensuring he is ready, willing and able to reclaim his naughty wife at the end of the night.

When I've been naughty then engage in reclaiming sex, I prefer that he has been naughty as well (and smells like pussy), although not exhausted.  (Men have such limited sexual resources.)

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    • By HotwifeHusband
      We both had graduated from college and Sue saw an ad from a local modeling agency looking for male and female models.  She set up an interview and was hired. 
      Her first modeling assignment was a "fashion show" for Fredericks of Hollywood clothing.  This was similar to what she had done once in college so she decided to do it again. 
      The fashion show was in the next town and was at a person's home.  When we both got there we were greeted by the hostess from the modeling agency, and about a dozen men.  The event was uneventful as she modeled every outfit, saving the last which was a light yellow teddy with "open cups" exposing her breasts and crotchless bottoms exposing her pussy which ever since our trip to Mexico with Dan, she kept clean shaven.
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      At this particular time I was under a lot of stress with my work and hadn't been up for as much sex as Sue wanted...and it became an issue of me trying to explain that it had nothing to do with her and that I still found her very attractive. This went on for a couple of months.  Eventually she told me that she felt the Director that mentioned the fashion show was starting to flirt a bit.  They had sat together a few times in the cafe for lunch and he was starting to make some suggestive comments.  I told her that if she wanted to she could encourage it and see where it took them as it would also  take some pressure off of me. 
      Within a week Sue came home from work and said that the Director (John) called her in his office and shut the door.  He started with, "I want to be very careful of what I'm going to say because I don't want to lose my job if I offend you about something." 
      Sue interrupted him and said,  "I know what you are talking about.  We've been having discussions that probably cross the line, and we are both guilty of that.  So say what you want to say, and I won't be offended." 
      John then told her that she's been driving him crazy and that he constantly thinks about her.  He also said, "Even right now with you in my office I want to bend you over my desk and have sex with you." 
      Sue then looked at him and said, "John, I've known we were heading to this based upon our conversations, and I didn't want to stop it.  Obviously, we can't do anything in your office, but all you need to do is invite me to your house."   And then she said, "And to be honest about it, my husband knows and is ok with it." 
      John was a divorced man so he lived alone and didn't have to worry about sneaking around.  And with that, Sue came home after work and told me that that Friday she would be leaving work right at 5 pm and going to John's house.
      I made arrangements with my best friend to go out to a sports bar for the night, to help me keep my mind off things to help the time go by quicker.  I got home at 10 p.m. wondering if Sue would be home.....and I waited and watched as the clock hit 11 p.m., midnight, and then I finally called her at 12:30 in the morning and she answered her  phone stating she was on her way and would be home by 1 a.m.  John lived 25 minutes in the other direction from work so he lived about one hour from our house. 
      As soon as Sue got home she looked at me and all she said was "I don't care how tired  you are, you need to take me to bed to re-claim me."  I asked her how it went and she said she'd tell me when we got to bed.  I was surprised she spent so much time with him.  Apparently John came inside her three times, telling her that he "was inspired" by her.  Sue told me that even after cumming in her, that he'd leave his cock in her pussy because he wanted to take advantage of every minute he had with her.  And they would either spoon after cumming or they would be facing each other with his cock still in her and they'd just talk....and they did that all three times he came. 
      The next morning was Saturday and it looked like she was getting dressed for work.  I asked her what she was doing and she said she had to go back into work as they were working on a major project with pressing deadlines.  For the 1st time in all these years of being open minded it really bothered me knowing she would be with him again after just getting fucked by him about 10 hours earlier.  I didn't like it because I felt their relationship was getting more "personal", rather than just about the sex. Little did I know what would happen later. 
      About 2-3 years later we were in our bedroom getting ready to call it a night and Sue looked up at me and said, "I have to tell you something and I'm worried about you getting mad but I can't live like this, keeping a secret from you."  I asked her what she was talking about and I never even thought of John being brought up.  She then proceeded to tell me that after that first night with John that she saw him a couple more times.  That three times she went to his house when she told me she was going shopping and that one time he was out sick and he had called her at work, and that during lunch she went to his house to visit him because when he called her he jokingly said, "I'm in the mood for a blowjob right now, can you come over at lunch time"...and that's what she did. 
      I went silent when she told me this and all I said was, "leave the room, I need time to think through this."  I didn't speak to her that night and didn't respond to her trying to bring up conversation for the next couple of days.  Finally she came to me and said, "All right, I understand you're angry but can you please speak to me.  I don't know what I can do other than keep apologizing to you."  She said that she would be willing to do "anything to earn back your trust." 
      I looked at her and told her that she was right about me being angry and that I felt betrayed and I didn't know how long it would take me to get over that feeling.  I also told her that I couldn't get it out of my mind that she had made arrangements with another man, to fuck him, and she kept it from me.  We had always been open with each other about this.  I mentioned how hurt I was by the deceit rather than the physical act of having sex and developing a friendship with John but that at the same time I felt myself being turned on by it. 
      I then asked her if she was serious about doing "anything" to earn back my trust?  She said "yes", and I said, "you might not like what I'm about to say." She said it didn't matter if she liked it or not, she just wanted to earn back my trust.  I proceeded to tell her that I would be going on Adult Friend Finder and that I would find a guy that she would have to start fucking. 
      So I eventually found another person named John and met up with him.  He was a divorced guy who owned his own small construction company that included two different crews.  They would build homes, and do high end renovations.  He lived alone, and his schedule was fairly flexible.  All John asked of me was to bring pictures of Sue as I told him I needed to meet him alone first as I knew the type of guy Sue would be interested in. 
      I told Sue what I was doing.  She said she understood.  I told her I needed to take a few pictures of her in fairness to John to see if he would be interested.  Sue again understood. 
      I met with John and he was absolutely interested in Sue based upon the pictures and I could tell he had a personality that would go well with Sue's.  When I came home after meeting John I told Sue about meeting John and felt that he would work out well.  I also told Sue, that if things went well after the three of us getting together the first time that "earning my trust" would require a longer term Friends with Benefits situation, until I got the previous situation out of my system  Again, Sue said she understood.  
      We met at John's house and got pizza delivered to help start the relationship and eventually I just said, "Are both of you comfortable"?  They both said yes, and with that John took Sue into his bedroom and they fucked each other.  When they were done, they both came out of the bedroom fully dressed.  I then told Sue to take off her shirt and pants as I wanted her to just be standing in front of John and me with her sheer green bra and matching sheer green panties.  She gave me this look, and I just shrugged and said, "you know why." 
      She did what she was asked and we visited for about another 20 minutes, giving John the opportunity to stare at Sue's totally sheer bra, still exposing her tits and nipples the entire time...and left for home.  On the drive, Sue did say that John was a very friendly person.  I told her that John and I would be talking the next day to get his feelings but that she needed to be prepared for anything because of her prior indiscretion with the previous John.  All she replied with was "OK, I understand."
      John and I had our conversation and he said the night couldn't have gone better and that he was very attracted to Sue, and that he also just had a very good feeling of a relationship between the three of us.  I told him I agreed. 
      When I got home, Sue asked how my conversation with John went.  I told her that he was attracted to her and he enjoyed the sex with her.  I asked Sue if she would be upset if I told her that he was the one I was going to pick for her to start fucking on a regular basis and she said if that is what she needed to do to regain trust that she could do it as she also felt they were compatible in bed, and she also liked the conversation the three of us had and felt we all could be friends. 
      But Sue didn't know what would be happening next.  I told Sue that John and I discussed how "moving forward" would look like and that we both were in agreement.  I then gave Sue John's phone number and told her he was expecting her call.  That from now on the two of them would communicate with each other but Sue, unlike with the previous John, needed to tell me every time she and John would be getting together. Again, Sue understood and said she promised to be totally honest with me about anything to do with John and she was willing to do whatever I wanted her to do, given what had previously happened. 
      I then looked at Sue and told her to call John, and I wanted her to be "forward" with him on the phone and that she first needed to ask him if he felt comfortable after meeting the two of us (I already knew how he was going to answer).  I then instructed Sue to specifically say on the phone that she was "also very comfortable both in conversation, as well as being in bed with him."  Sue then stated, at my request, "I'm interested in seeing you on a regular basis if you are.  And if you can commit to not dating any women on the side, I'll commit to having sex with you, pretty much whenever you want.  And, one more thing, if you are ok with it, I'd rather you no longer wear a condom." 
      And that started what turned out to be about a 15 year relationship where we are all still friends today. About two months after they started seeing each other, John called me and asked about the possibility of Sue working for him part time.  He was thinking about her going to his house two days a week, just half days.  One day would be to work on calling back customers who call to set up an appointment with him, and another half day to take care of sending out the bills, and making bill payments to suppliers, etc. 
      I had an idea pop into my head because I was still of the mindset of "punishing" Sue for cheating on me earlier.  John really liked my idea and now I was going to tell Sue.  When I told Sue what John had asked and what he and I decided she initially thought it was asking too much...but I reminded her about how hurtful her cheating had been and that I really needed her to do this. 
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      She said, "Ok, I get it, but I hope this is coming to the end of it."  I then had her call John and had her say the following to him, "I hear  you have a job opening for me, can you confirm the dress code and expectations that I just heard from my husband."  She listened to his response and said "When do you want me to start?.  And for the next three months she arrived at John's house, always with a sweater on in case she got stopped by a police officer or if something weird happened on her way "to work." And the first thing she did when she got in the house was take her sweater off. 
      The very first time she was to go to work she came downstairs and took her sweater off and said, "Does this meet  your approval?"  She was obviously braless, wearing a thin, low cut tank top with low arm holes exposing plenty of side boob, and you could make out the color of her nipples through the top.  I told Sue I couldn't have picked out better work attire and then she went to work. 
      During the three months doing this I had to go on a business trip for a few days so I called John and told him to call Sue and ask her out to dinner and make plans to spend some time at his house.  I also told John I wanted "photo proof of him fucking her so I know she went."  This was also going to be a test to see if Sue would be honest about telling me what she was going to do. 
      About 30 minutes after talking with John, Sue called me.  She told me that John had asked her out to dinner and wanted to make sure I was ok with that?  She said it felt like she was going "on a date" rather than just being a friend with benefits.  I told her it felt the same way to me, and considering that she pretty much "went on dates" with the previous John without my knowledge, that she now needed to realize that she was about to start dating John WITH my knowledge.  She asked how much longer she needed to go through with this and I told her I hadn't even started to think about that yet because I had been hurt so much. 
      So Sue and John had their first "date" while I was away on business.  John sent me an email that included an attachment.  He laughingly wrote: "As you requested, my first date with your wife happened.  I also told her that you asked me to inform her that you wanted her to agree to start "dating me" rather than just me fucking her.  And she agreed to it, so once she's back teaching and can't come over during the summer anymore, she is going to start seeing me for longer periods of time rather than coming over for an hour to fuck each other, we'll grab dinner or take a drive somewhere."
      John also told me to watch the attachment as he sent "more than a photo".  I opened the attachment and saw two things: a photo of my wife's face with his cock in her mouth, pressing her cheek from the inside so I could see his cock bump pushing out her cheek. And he also sent me a video that lasted a few minutes of him fucking her.  He told me not to worry, that he'd delete both the photo and video, but I told him I wanted him to keep it so he'd always be able to look back on how they looked fucking each other. 
      And that relationship lasted around 15 years.  After fucking John about 10 times Sue told me that she noticed something different and wanted to be honest with me.  I asked her what she was talking about.  She said it felt like John was "fucking" her at times like he was paying for it but other times it was more emotional, it was starting to feel like he was "making love" to her. I told her I guess that would be normal after seeing someone consistently that you liked.  I told her I was ok with that. 
      She then said she was starting to feel like she was making love to him at times, that it was emotional for her as well feeling like she was giving her body to someone she cared about as a friend.  She wasn't having any feelings of being in love with him, but she was getting some emotional connection where she wanted to give herself to him when they saw each other.  It turned me on. The frequency of sex got less over the last couple of years but he and I estimated, that not counting the three months she worked for him and they fucked anywhere from 2-4 times a week, that he had fucked her somewhere between 50-100 times. 
      And to this day, years later, the thought that she's been fucked so much by the same guy is a turn-on.  We all still remain friends today.  I thought that would be the end of our openess in our marriage but there would be two other men that would enter our lives, both of which got substantial time with my hotwife.  And she wanted it. 
      If you'd like to read about it, let me know and I'll write it up.
    • By Sudhit
      One of my friends was mentioning that his wife got invited for a vacation with one of their regular playmates. It would be a 4 day vacation, where only the wife goes with the BF, hubby stays back.
      Has anyone any experience of this scenario, they are swinger and cuckold couple.
    • By Mistral Wind
      My husband, Tim, met a new prospective client the other day, and an hour appointment went on for another three hours. Then Tim returned to the office glowing with excitement. "Hey, Mistral, the new clients want the Full Monty and more from us!"
      A few days later, I met Greg and Susan and found we had an immediate relationship with them both. Glen is a "go-getter" who has enormous energy and vision. He had just acquired three more companies and ran a group of four on a wide area network that needed our services. The questions flowed thick and fast at the meeting: "Can you do xxx for us? What about these services? How about getting the VPN up?" A gem of all clients had been discovered by accident through a conversation with a friend who put us together.
      Greg is a tall, dark, very fit 45-year-old with boundless energy and a very sharp, intelligent mind with a wacky sense of humor. Susan is a Nicole Kidman look-alike, red blonde hair, 5'2", pert small breasts with really pink nipples, and the greatest tight little butt I have ever seen. Her hair was shoulder-length curly and shone like spun red gold. Some women you meet and like from day one. We liked the same food and wine and laughed about some of her office's young, horny, and frustrated studs.
      Within three weeks of working almost every day with them both, a very positive relationship had started between us. I began to feel that Susan might be bi. She often sat close, and when we were going through my graphic designs, she would sometimes run her hand down my arm or touch my face gently when asking her searching questions. Her being a client, I was always careful not to respond in a sexual way just in case I had misread her. As the working days passed, the banter became more friendly and frank.
      After a few dinners and lunches, we were invited to their place for a relaxing weekend after getting most of the projects specified and starting to build. Their income was high, so we expected a nice place when we drove up. It was spectacular!
      Greg had said, "Well, it's a small mansion, built about 1795, Robert Adam style." Greg's idea of small contained seven bedrooms, a covered heated pool with a Sauna and Jacuzzi, and the garden had the cutest little Japanese Bonsai tree garden with a beautiful love seat.
      When we arrived Friday late afternoon, we just had time to briefly chill out with them doing "the tour." We were shown many large elegant rooms alongside some small intimate settings that would suit a pair of lovers. We met Jonathon, Greg's 21-year-old son, who had just finished University and would take a year off to explore the world. Jon is into falconry in a big way and owns three Harris Hawks: Brody, Bandit, Blackthorn, and a Peregrine Falcon called Blade. I spent an hour chatting with Jon about his birds. I quickly realized the Harris Hawks were an intelligent community-minded group that would work together to hunt their prey.
      Later that evening, Jon left to go to London for the weekend to be with his girl. When he left, he kissed Susan (stepmother), and to my eye, it lingered just a little too long. I raised my eyebrow, and she frankly stated, "Well, he is beautiful and half of my husband, so why not enjoy a younger version as well? Greg is pretty relaxed about it."
      The air took on a sexual tension that made me feel a little uneasy as we made it a policy not to play with clients, and this has an overtone that could get difficult. Susan and I chilled out before dinner with a swim in the pool and a sauna to finish off. She dropped her bikini on the floor and sat naked in front of me, completely relaxed. Her legs rested on the opposite seat, slightly open, revealing a beautiful smooth snatch. Susan caught me looking and made a show of 'accidentally' allowing her legs to open even more. Watching her outer lips peel stickily apart, I was tempted to reach out and touch but remembered Tim's words: "Don't play with clients!" Susan seemed to sense my conundrum but seemed willing to let things ride where they were...for now.
      Dinner passed pleasantly with a couple of bottles of red French Merlot. We all chatted intimately, getting close and closer together. Greg announced an early start as Tim was invited to hunt with Blade the Peregrine while we girls chilled out and enjoyed the morning. About midday, Greg and Tim returned empty-handed Greg said, "We are taking the hawks out. Several wild rabbits are around, which would be great for dinner tonight; grilled rabbit with bacon and garlic is yummy!"
      Later the "hunters" returned with three rabbits for the table and a couple for the Harris Hawks. Tim was in awe of the birds and said: "Babe, you should see them hunt together. They would make great Marines. They are intelligent, work well together, and the kills are lightning-fast. No rabbit suffered."
      "Time for a shower and a rest before we set up tonight," Tim suggested. So we slipped upstairs to our room and showered together. The shower was only big enough to get both inside and had a flexible pipe with a variable spray head. The naughty schoolboy in Tim surfaced, and he turned the shower onto pulse and started to work my breasts and nipples with the jet. I slid my soapy hands down onto his cock and worked it hard. Tim moved the shower between my legs, and I opened up for him. The jet started to bombard my clit. This was too much too quick, and I said, "Pack it up. That hurts."
      Tim settled down onto his knees and softly kissed her better. She responded quickly, and I pushed his face deeper into my crotch. The outer lips were gently opened, and his tongue probed for the inner lips teasing around my clit. I got impatient and rocked my hips into his face forcing his tongue onto my clit, demanding his attention. My legs spread apart of their own accord, and a hand crept around, caressing my bottom and making the cleft tingle with anticipation. As my pussy heated up and the waves started to build, that other hand was around my anus, caressing and probing the pink rosebud.
      As the first waves started to run through my body, a finger tickled and slid inside my arse. The orgasm exploding inside me was made more magnificent by the probing finger. The finger working deep in my bowel was enough to hit my "G" spot from the other passage. As I came down from the first shudders, the jet spray added its contribution, and I nearly passed out with pleasure. That brought on a multiple, and it kept coming and coming until I slumped against him.
      Tim dried me off, picked me up, and gently laid me on the bed. He dried himself and leaned over me. His cock was still hard. I lazily reached up, pulled him into my mouth, and sucked and sucked, working around the helmet just under the rim. He did not take long as he wanted a cum as much as the sucking. It exploded into my mouth, and I slurped it down, leaving about half on my tongue. Tim collapsed on the bed beside me, and we kissed, sharing the salty fluid he had deposited. "You minx! You are supposed to swallow that!" teased Tim. I shot back: "You know it turns you on tasting semen, so stop complaining."
      We both drifted into a deep sleep for a couple of hours. The house is very warm, so I put on a floaty dress and a white silk thong with a diamante glitter buckle at the back when I dressed. Tim smiled and said, "Babe, that does show off your bottom beautifully. I am enjoying their company. Susan has a great mind and body. What do you think of Greg?"
      Dodging his question, I asked my own. "Would you want to be inside Susan's pussy?" I asked, "Does she have fuckability?"
      "Oh yes, and more. But remember, this is not a swinging party; these are clients. We must be careful; a wrong move could mess things up big time."
      "Susan sort of hit on me in the sauna by 'accidentally' showing me her pussy," I admitted. "It's smooth and beautiful, and I could tell she was very wet."
      "Interesting," Tim said, "but it doesn't change the fact they are clients. Let's enjoy dinner. Come on; it must be time to go on down." I could tell, though, that my admission had hit home with Tim, and his stomach wouldn't be the only thing on his mind at dinner.
      The rabbit was fabulous, and we slowly munched our way through the various courses. Coffee and brandy followed, and we retreated into a smaller intimate family room with sofas, large seats, scattered cushions on the floor, and a big fireplace with a bright fire in the grate. Susan found a DVD, "Eyes Wide Shut," with Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise. Tim commented, "You look just like her, Susan."
      "She is a fine woman," Susan agreed. "I wish I had her bottom and her breasts. Watch the first scenes, and you get to see all of her. She is beautiful!"
      The film was remarkable, and we all watched it enthralled during the sex party scene in the large country house. The men in masks and long dark cloaks, women in cloaks, and other women wearing just about nothing. Couples fucking all over the furniture, and one girl was being done resting on the back of another man. A girl in the corner was being fucked doggy on a coffee table. I started to get wet. The film was deep, and the sex was great, although never construed as a porn film, much too delicate for that category. My pussy was alive, so I couldn't wait to get Tim back upstairs later. The movie finished, and Susan said, "That was the hot scene at the party. Wouldn't you love to join in and be one of them!"
      A careful silence was followed by Tim and me, which gained the retort from Susan. "You are swingers, aren't you? Otherwise, you would have said something about not sharing your wife!" I giggled, and Tim finally uncomfortably said: "Well, it takes all kinds of people with different attitudes to sex to make the world go around."
      Susan got up and walked out of the room. After a few minutes, she returned with a small basket of condoms and a collection of exciting toys. Susan smiled at me and said, "Mistral, let's give the boys a show. Then I will fuck Tim to a standstill as long as you are OK about it and want Greg!"
      "OK. I want to fuck Greg as much as he wants me. Same for you and Tim," was my husky reply. Suddenly, all the rules had gone out the window. Susan smiled and shrugged off her long dress, sliding it down to the floor, and she had nothing underneath. I got up and selected a toy from the basket, a rabbit dildo. I stepped out of my dress and knelt in front of Susan. She opened up her legs, and I switched on the vibrator, slid a finger inside a very wet slippery pussy, and pressed the toy to her clit.
      "My, we have been thinking rude thoughts this evening, hmmm?" I chided her. Susan said, "Well, the DVD certainly opened up the conversation. I tried to interest you in the sauna, and I saw the fuck-me look in your eyes but then got ignored. How come?"
      I ignored the question. "Get on the cushions. I want to open you right up and explore," I commanded. I worked slowly down Susan's body, tonguing every crevice. At the same time, the vibrator was held against her pussy without really trying to get inside. She rolled over onto her back, pulled me on top, slid off my thong, and peeled apart the lips of a very wet Mistral pussy. She arched her back to get her head between my legs, then slowly worked her tongue around my clit, just missing the most sensitive part: teasing, teasing! My head was between her legs sucking hard on her cunt, the vibrator discarded alongside us.
      Susan tasted and smelt divine, a cunt to die for, and we gently and slowly worked each other to a beautiful girly climax. I slid her clit between my lips and sucked gently, giving it all the attention it could take. Her bottom started to thrash about, and a muffled cry came from her as she exploded and released a dribble of pussy juice onto my face. Strong hands lifted us apart, and Greg sat me down on his lap, legs facing him. He kissed me gently, opened my mouth with his tongue, and started to probe my soul with his penetrating tongue. When those two had shed their clothes, I don't know!
      What I wanted was getting harder under my thigh and starting to poke up between my legs. My hand reached down and stroked the elegant cock, trying so hard to get inside me. Greg put on a condom and was ready for me. A thrust up then down onto it, and he was inside. I could not wait and would not wait. My hips thrust madly at him, exploring his cock and filling myself with pleasure. It must have only taken me 30 seconds to hit the first orgasm, and Greg was getting faster and faster until he exploded.
      We kissed and looked over at Tim and Susan. They were in a 69 with Susan sucking Tim hard and working her two fingers inside his anus. His balls tightened, and he emptied himself inside her mouth. She got up, came over, and kissed me deeply, sharing the contents of her mouth with me. Susan returned to Tim and started gently sucking him back to hardness again. Greg was working my bottom with his tongue, firm strokes working into the most private and sensitive area a woman has. I pulled him up and kissed him deeply, and again he shared the semen from Susan's mouth.
      Greg smiled and said, "OK, we all shared Tim. Would he enjoy sucking me?" I was a little unsure how Tim would react. Susan said, "He can't talk right now since his mouth is full of my pussy."
      Greg lifted me off him and walked over to the other two, kissed Susan, and then leaned over and lightly bit Tim's nipple, who, for a straight guy, relaxed and did nothing. Greg slowly worked down his body and started to get near his groin. Susan got up and thrust her pussy back into his face. Tim hungrily lapped at her while Greg took Tim's cock into his mouth.
      Tim started to push his hips at Greg, who was working the sensitive spots on his cock with expert reverence. I had never seen Tim with a man before, and it fascinated me to see how he responded to a man's attention. Tim gently pulled Greg around so they were 69 together and opened his mouth to get Greg's cock down his throat.
      Susan had slid behind me and worked one of the toys into my pussy. A little finger was up my arse, and the big rabbit worked magic inside me. I watched, fascinated, while the two men ground their cocks into each other's mouths, sucking and mouth fucking together. I could reach Greg's anus from where I was crouching, and I slid a finger inside, feeling for his prostate. I found the firm nut I was after and massaged it, bringing him to a rapid spunk explosion. When he started, I worked the prostate harder, milking the orgasm to its absolute. Tim was greedily swallowing all that Greg could deliver. Tim's hips began to shudder as he succumbed to Greg's tongue and spurted his load down his throat.
      The guys then got up and came over and kissed us. Greg pushed a quantity of spunk down my throat while Tim probed Susan's mouth. For the rest of the night, we moved upstairs to a large bedroom with a king-sized double that could sleep six without trouble. We swapped, we fucked, we cuddled and rested, then swapped, fucked, and cuddled some more, eventually falling asleep around 5 a.m.
      I awoke around 7:00, needing a drink. As no one else was around, I walked naked downstairs to get some orange juice. Halfway down the stairs, Jon appeared with a smile and a naked girlfriend beside him. "Hello, we returned late last night and realized you guys were having fun."
      Penny, Jon's girlfriend, said, "Come into this room. We had a camera in the large bedroom and watched you all together. What a turn-on!"
      I followed them in with dread, not knowing what to expect. Jon said, "Don't look so worried. We enjoyed the performance and wanted to share some of it with you."
      As I looked at the display, the threesome on the screen was waking up, and Susan was fondling both men. Penny said, "I often watch Greg and Susan's swinging parties here, and we fuck like bunnies while we watch. I enjoyed a threesome with Jon and his stepmother. What was Greg like? I haven't had him yet?" I just stood there, mouth open in shock, unable to speak.
      Jon pushed me gently onto the bed and started caressing my body while Penny approached the other side. Jon gently sucked my nipples while Penny's tongue delicately explored my womanhood. "We want to fuck you properly, Mistral, but I know your pussy must be sore from last night, so we'll stick with our tongues this time, OK?"
      After a few minutes of light sex, Penny said, "We better slip away quietly as we are not supposed to be here. Are you two coming to next weekend's party?" The feeling of this beautiful young feminine creature's tongue still fresh on my mind, I shot back, "You bet. If we are invited."
      "Oh, I expect you shall be," Penny smiled. She gazed into my eyes, dropped her hand between her legs, and worked a finger deep into herself. "Until next time...," she said, trailing her finger, wet with her secretions and Jon's cum, stickily across my cheek before resting it on my lips. An invitation which I readily obliged by opening my mouth. Her long finger worked around my tongue, gifting me the taste of her and her lover.
      I slipped upstairs and joined the frolicking three on the bed for more and more of what my body desired. Eventually, we fell asleep again and woke around 3 p.m. feeling completely satisfied and sexually drained. A shower and a good cleanup refreshed my body and spirit. Tim and I were due to leave soon, and Susan came to me and said, "You must come to our next weekend party. Please say yes. If you like, bring some friends that will enjoy what you two have this weekend. There is so much more I want to do with you and Tim. We have had a fantastic time."

      On the way home, Tim said solemnly: "You realize that the weekend could have gone dreadfully wrong if it was a trap. We were caught out, well nearly!"

      The following weekend swinger party is another edition of this story…
    • By curiouscpl2024
      We are looking to try to find some porn of swinging and cuckolding  to assist in our fantasies and hopefully bring us closer to taking the plunge. We have found a decent bit of full swap swinging porn, but almost all cuck porn we have found is fetishizing a black guy. Now there is nothing wrong with a black lover, but we are trying to find variety to help with our fantasies. Are there any sites or options y'all would recommend?
    • By BrightFun22
      It has been quite a few years since we have been able to get away for our anniversary and we finally planned a week away for just ourselves at the beach.  We decided to go during the late summer when my wife's parents could watch the kids during summer break.  We had a lot of anticipation and excitement leading up to it and left early on a Saturday morning to be able to fully enjoy our first day.  We had an early check in for the room and got up there before noon and decided to get ourselves settled before going down to the pool area.  We splurged and had an ocean-facing balcony so when my wife was unpacking I went out to take a look.  When I came back in she was standing there laughing as she held a 24 pack of condoms and looked at me and said, "We are here for 6 days, this might be a bit much."  I smiled and said, "Just wanted to make sure I had enough."  Of course she couldn't let it go by without responding, "You know, if you just had a vasectomy, we wouldn't need these anymore at all." I replied,  "I know, I know."
      So we finished unpacking and she changed into her bathing suit.  We are both 38 and have pretty nice bodies but for her, she doesn't enjoy wearing a bikini anymore.  She is 5'6" cute brunette with long hair, a firm sexy ass and soft 36D tits.  She changed into a sexy suit none the less, it was kind of like a bikini at the top but with an added amount that covered her stomach.  I didn't mind as I could still admire her breasts.  When we got to the pool area we went right to the bar and the drinks kept flowing.  We laid by the pool, walked by the beach and spent some time in the water but mostly just had drinks in our hands.  On the way back to the room we stopped by the front desk and bought a few 6-packs for the fridge in the room.
      We walked up to the room carrying our beer and as soon as we got inside we put the beers down and started really kissing, then she pulled away and said to save it for later because she wanted to have a few drinks on the balcony.  I hand her one and she goes out on the balcony while I put the others in the fridge.  Then I walk out and hear her talking to someone, that's when I saw that the room next door had an adjoining balcony.  He was a younger guy named Jeremy and was having a pleasant conversation so I offered him a beer and then sat down.  We talked for a while and it was a lot of fun and my wife then made a comments and said, "You must be having so much fun with all these young sexy girls on the beach."  He just laughed and said that he enjoyed some of the sights.  I jumped in and responded, "I like what I get to look at" and got an eye roll from my wife.
      My wife said she wished she still had the body she used to have, especially the perky tits.  Without thinking I reached over and grabbed a tit and said that they were great.  I expected her to swat my hand away but she left it there and said I only liked them because I was stuck with them.  I immediately looked at Jeremy and asked if he thought they were nice too and he just smiled and said he didn't mind looking at them. 
      This is when I realized that the drinks had really hit her because she stood up and leaned over, squeezing them together with her hands saying, "They might look good from this angle."  She bent over a little too far and fell into his lap and they both started laughing.  She collapsed on her knees in front of him and looked at him and asked, "Do you really think they look nice?".  He insisted yes and she still argued that he was just saying it to be nice.  So I leaned forward and reached around and grabbed her top and pulled it open with her tits spilling out. "Now he can see them and I know he likes them," I said.  He said they looked so nice and soft and that he really did think they were nice.
      She told him how sweet he was and that she wanted to make sure he got a nice view of them and I sat and watched as she reached forward and pulled his swim trunks to his ankles.  I sat speechless ash she leaned forward and squeezed her tits around his dick slowly tit fucking his cock to make him hard.  As she did it she asked if her tits were as soft as they looked and if he enjoyed the way her big areolas looked on her big tits.  "Those are the most suckable nipples I have ever seen," he responded.  She quickly stood up and pushed one of her tits in his mouth and his hands immediately went to her ass and he effortlessly slid her bottoms off.  As he was sucking her nipples back and forth he was also rubbing her pussy and driving her wild.  She spread her legs open wide enough to straddle him and sat down on his lap with his dick in between them.  He was really enjoying her tits and I know how much that turns her on and how crazy he was driving her. 
      It was then that she leaned forward dragging her pussy along his dick then letting the tip touch her pussy as she started working her way down on it.  At this moment is when I noticed just how big he was, she was about halfway down and working it up and down inside her but he wanted more.  He grabbed her ass and started pulling her down onto his dick.  She moaned, "Oh my god I am so full.  You are so deep.  This is stretching me out so much.  God keep going".  When she said keep going is when he thrust his hips upward and went all the way inside her.  She was just moaning "Oh fuck me!" over and over as she rode his dick through an orgasm.  She was really pushing down to get it all inside her when I saw him grab hold of her ass and clench up and I knew he was cumming.  She got up right after and walked inside the room and I didn't know how she felt about what just happened.
      She was only gone for a minute and came back with a beer and handed it to Jeremy.  Then she turned and got on her knees in front of me and pulled my pants down to see my already hard dick.  She sat on my lap like she did his and had my dick pushed between us.  She was kissing me deeply and then kissing my neck and told me to close my eyes.  So I did and and the next thing she did was slide back a little and then I feel her touch my dick.  She kind of giggled as she unrolled a condom onto me then got on top and pushed my dick inside her.  She was riding me and told me that since I brought condoms that I needed to use them.  She kept talking and said: "Wow, doesn't this feel so strange to get sloppy seconds while wearing a condom. Jeremy made my pussy all loose and sloppy for you."  I couldn't think with how wild this situation was.  She looked at me and continued, "You know he hasn't even kissed me and I have his cum in my pussy."  With that I tensed up and came in the condom.  
      She went inside the room and laid down in bed and fell asleep immediately.  Jeremy and I finished our beers and then both went to our rooms.  I laid in bed for hours replaying what just happened as she slept soundly through to the morning.
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