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Most couples know each other’s sexual limits with each other very well and respect them even while participating in the lifestyle.  Sometimes the couples’ limits are established overtime by personal comfort norms.  They settle because the spouses are not agreeable or don’t reach the point of stepping beyond and breaking out.  The lifestyle offers an opportunity that may excite a spouse to venture beyond the comfort of their relationship with their spouse.  Is there a point where you have gone beyond where you go with your spouse?  How would you feel about it if you were told by your spouse that they did?  I know it should be discussed but did you decide not to bring it up and elected to keep it your secret?  Would you go there again?

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Good topic, thanks for bringing it up.


I don't think I have done anything with a swinging partner that I haven't done with mrs. cplnuswing, but there are things we have tried that after trying them she decided she wasn't that into, but some of my swing partners have been more into.  She is perfectly ok with that, happy even.


Same goes for me.  When we have played separate rooms or separately all together, I don't measure up what she tells me they did vs what her and I do.  And, I don't pry either. She tells me what she wants to tell me, and I accept it at that.  I wouldn't want to feel interrogated after solo play and I know she wouldn't want to either.  Sexy sharing a whole different story though :)

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Going "beyond limits" is usually something that kind of happens in the heat of the moment.  My GF is pretty much up for anything and a lot of guys will try to take advantage of that.  One time that sticks out the most is when my GF's boss came on her face.  This was during a time when my GF didn't want me to cum on her face.  In the heat of the moment during a MFM he took his dick out of her mouth, pulled her head back by her hair and shot a huge load on her face.  It was a great experience and now she enjoys it and lets everyone cum on her face which I find hot.  So going beyond the limits can sometimes work out and be great for everyone.


Other than that I wouldn't say there has been anything that was "beyond limits."  While together my GF has tried and done new things with other guys like golden showers, ass to mouth, rimming, sex in different places, irrumatio, BDSM type stuff, etc. but it's not like I told her I wanted to do those things or she refused to do them with me.  After she tried these things I tried some of them with her.  She rimmed me but I didn't like it.  I gave her a golden shower and she drank my pee but it didn't do anything for me.


If there was something else that she has done that she didn't tell me about I probably wouldn't care at all.  Even though I'm not into all of those things I think it's hot that she engages in such naughty and dirty activities and I often enjoy watching her do those things more than actually participating in them.

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We don't have many HARD rules, but this is one: the rules are the rules. Sure, they can be changed and altered, but until that time, violating the rules are a violation of trust. If something is in the grey zone, the safe way is to not go there. Trust is vital and once violated, tough to get back. We do just about everything together, so that makes it easier to stay on the 'right' side of things, but for us, the risk is not going to be worth any reward.

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21 hours ago, GoldCoCouple said:

We don't have many HARD rules, but this is one: the rules are the rules. Sure, they can be changed and altered, but until that time, violating the rules are a violation of trust. If something is in the grey zone, the safe way is to not go there. Trust is vital and once violated, tough to get back. We do just about everything together, so that makes it easier to stay on the 'right' side of things, but for us, the risk is not going to be worth any reward.

This far into it, what are your rules?

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We don't have that many rules left (we used to have a BUNCH when we first started including the 'no kissing' rule that only lasted the first encounter). Along with the standard rules - always ask permission, no means no, not responding means no, anything other than yes means no, no taking one for the team, etc. we have just one big rule:


No cross sex contact - Meaning the girls can communicate or get together, the guys can communicate or get together, all four can communicate or get together, but no other combinations are allowed, even if it is one of us and the other couple (or vice-versa) but especially one of us and one of the opposite sex. If any kind of sex is involved, all four of us need to be there. While we would currently have no problem modifying this rule to just no one on one of the opposite sex, the couple that we have been with for the last...forever likes this rule as is so it remains as is.



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We don't have rules above and beyond what we actually do. Never have really verbalized them.  What we do is usually within the limits of our personal experiences.  It's a trust thing.  Not to say one of us may have crossed the line and if so there has no discussion about.   That is what I am interested in exploring.  Have you been with someone who took you paces you thought about going but your spouse is not up for it.   Did you decide to ventured there knowingly and willingly giving this moment to a stranger, meaning your LS partner for the evening.

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9 minutes ago, StartingOver60 said:

Have you been with someone who took you paces you thought about going but your spouse is not up for it.   Did you decide to ventured there knowingly and willingly giving this moment to a stranger, meaning your LS partner for the evening.

I can't say I have but I can say my GF has.  I wouldn't say I'm super freaky so a lot of the kinky things that she's tried have been with other men.  It's not that I wouldn't necessarily have tried some of those things with her but I either didn't think of them or they are things that just didn't interest me.  Our 1on1 sex life might seem rather vanilla but still passionate.  When we bring other people into the mix it's a completely different vibe and has a lot more creativity and is a lot more..... perverted I guess.


In the way you're describing it there are many things that she has done where she ventured into things with other guys knowingly and willingly but it's not like there was any understanding between us that she couldn't or wouldn't do or try new ventures with other men.  If anything I would say it's encouraged.  And it's so hot hearing those crazy kinky sex stories from her or from my buddies who were involved.  I can think of a couple of extremely kinky activities that my GF had left out of her stories but I found out from friends.  This doesn't happen often but it has happened.  And to be honest it doesn't really bother me.  She doesn't have to tell me every single activity she does if she doesn't want to.

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I can't think of anything, in particular, I have done with a play-partner that can be considered beyond limits, we do not have any rules except we do not like or allow pain or dirty stuff.

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