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Birth Control for teenage daughter

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We have three children, two boys and a younger daughter who is in High School. 

Our boys got the daddy/son talk when they were in high school, daughters are different as everyone knows. It’s difficult even thinking my little angel is doing anything. My wife has taken her to her doctor, bless my wife birth control was discussed and options given. I learned our daughter was put on a low dose pill which is good for acne, anxiety and birth control. I suggested a padlock. For years my wife depended on my vasectomy, then swinging came into our lives. She went on a pill, then side effects happen. Over 40, I read pills weren’t a good idea, she had an IUD placed, finally a ligation. We play primarily with friends and condoms aren’t being used. 

I’m not worried about our play just what our daughter is using and precautions she takes. It’s impossible for me to talk to her about sex, I know she is bright, being smart has nothing to do with sex. How have you handled your daughters growing up? 

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Well, I'll open with "I don't have a daughter," which may reasonably invalidate anything else I say in your mind (I accept this) but I'll offer a thought anyway...


I do empathize... I still have moments when, without realizing it, I forget my teenage son isn't the toddler I carried on my shoulders, Oh, I remember that he's taller than me now but sometimes I forget that he no longer needs the kind of protection and guidance I gave him then. He's an intelligent, strong willed young man who will make his own decisions - good and bad - and all I can do is be there is offer what help and support I can.


Your daughter is a human being, just like our sons are. Treat her with the same respect that we give them. Talk to her, as the young adult she is, and listen to her. Don't put her on a pedestal or treat her like the child she no longer is.


Communicate, communicate, communicate... it's the key to more than just successful swinging.



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Her mom has had the talk and the doctor visit with her at an age where I wouldn’t be too happy if she was active. 


20 hours ago, Fitlakecouple said:

And, if she's 16, you are late by a couple years. Get on it - now

Think she was 14 when the wife had the talk. I don’t think she was active, or I don’t want to think my baby was active. 

I worry about not taking a pill everyday or longer. I know kids don’t pay attention all the time. The conversation came about with friends who said their daughter got an implant. I don’t know if IUD are used by younger girls like teenagers. 

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