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How do you feel about piercings in other people?

What do you think of piercings (on other people)?  

336 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of piercings (on other people)?

    • sexy
    • neat
    • tolerable/neutral
    • I don't like 'em but I wouldn't say I'm offended
    • yuck/total turnoff
    • This is a badly done poll. My opinion isn't an option so I'll post it below.

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We're talking piercings in general (not really specific piercings). If you have opinions on specific piercings then you should vote according to your general feeling and then list the specifics in the thread.

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Over all I am completely open minded when it comes to piercings. The women I like don't have to have piercings or tattoos, even though I'm heavily tattooed and slightly pierced. I find them attractive, but it's not the only thing I look for in a relationship. Caring and love come first. But tattoos and piercings way turn me on.

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I think they're kind of neat and sexy, but I voted neat, because some of them aren't sexy, if that makes sense.


A few are OK, but too many is just freaky! :lol:

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Guest Mr&Mrs-naughty

I can't speak for the Mr. on this one, but for me I voted neutral. They don't bother me (unless there are a lot of them) but I don't get off on them either.


The more I thought about this I had to laugh because I happen to have two tattoos & a belly ring. :lol:

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I'm glad I'm not the only inconsistent voter here! Thank you Mrs-naughty!!! In general, I find them distasteful. There are so many poorly done and badly placed piercings, ear types included.


Yesterday flipping through an anthropology book, I discovered a striking photo of a young man with scarification on his chest and shoulder (1 side) -- it was a tribal-thing, and because it was a cultural display, I found it interesting and strangely beautiful. The resulting texture on his body was amazing, especially contrasted with the large areas of smooth skin.


Same reaction to Maori facial scarification and colors....I understand and accept the reasons. I've got a ton of respect for the clan-issues and identification principles inherent in Maori culture.


Someone posted about tattoos as well here. The best technique seems to come from Asia. Most everything else looks like a cheap imitation to me.

No offense meant to those here who wear ink or are pierced.

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No offense taken, Nightgoddess. Lora is pierced on her belly button and on her hood. I have my nipples done. We know and have played with people that have their frenums, tongues, nipples, clits, hoods, etc.--it's not something we look for, but in each case, they all have their own distinct advantages. I was sooooooooooo chicken to get my nips done for the longest time until one night I got enough nerve, went to the local piercing hole (no pun intended), and voila! done! Ok, it wasn't THAT easy, but I am working on shortening my stories LMAO.


All in all, we think that they are sexy on sexy people and how they wear them, etc. Not everyone can get away with them, that's for sure.

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I voted the tolerable/neutral option despite the fact that I've got two. For me it depends upon the piercing placement and if it suits the person aesthetically. I can easily tolerate an ear or facial piercing (except the eye brow ones, they freak me out) and for the most part am neutral with all others. The only one that intrigues me is the frenum, I would just like to flick my tongue around one :D .

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Guest Mr&Mrs-naughty

I will agree with Mrs Naughty. :)


I have gotten blow jobs by women with tongue rings and didn't notice a difference. I have gone down on women with hood rings and they just seemed to get in the way.


Over all piercings do nothing for me. I don't get turned on or off by them.


So, I could take them or leave them.

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Guest Pinmonkey

I enjoy women who are pierced and tattooed. Mostly, at least for me, it's not because of the actual body modification, but because a certain type of personallity is drawn to body modification. I would classify these people as more out going, less... I don't know, old fashioned? Less uptight maybe? It's more of the attitude that goes with it.

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Ears and navel are sexy . . . anything else is superfluous. Anything else in large numbers is hideous.

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I think my picture in my profile, although a bad webcam picture at that, show some of my work. I'll try to get more pictures and post them too. I'm getting complete sleeves on my right arm and left leg at the moment. So I'm way into tattoos. But I can see how some people don't like them too much.

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No offense to anyone who has them, but for me personally.... Ewwwwww.


Ear piercings for women, and that's about it...anything more just grosses me out, and I don't like tattoos much either, although I can tolerate one or two small ones.

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I only have my ears pierced (female) I have 3 holes in each. I wear little earrings in them though. I am gonna get my belly button done & a tat on the small oy my back. Hubby & I think those are sexy. We don't care either way. We prefer tasteful ones. I am real big into them only on the body where they can be covered. But I am not marrying the person, or going to have to live with them the rest of my life, so as long as they are tasteful.

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I simply cannot tell someone what to do with their lives...it is their choice.


I do have my preferences, though...I dislike tats...any of them. Piercings of the ears are okay, as long as not multiple or oversized...lol.


I guess that's just me. I know this...if I knew nothing about a potential playmate, other than appearance...I would choose the one without tats or multiple piercings...

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I have my penis and one nipple pierced. My wife had her hood and naval pierced. We love our piercings. It seems that my nipple is directly connected to my cock and Angel can get off just by rubbing her thighs together.

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Piercings are cool in my book up to the point when they fall outside the bounds of being useful. As in some form of sexual gratification or aesthetic value. Something just makes me stop short of the idea of anal piercings and such. All though what makes a person happy is always what counts, but some thing just have no use other than a shock by strangeness.


And, yes, like my username implies, I have a few. LOL

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Well, some are okay and mostly an individual choice. Its not my idea to tell someone what to do or not to do to they're body. Even if I do find it a little disgusting. Ears with many....okay. Most of the rest you can keep.

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They don't turn us on. In fact, that is one of the things that we see in porn that is almost an immediate turn off. Mrs Spoomonkey has played with a couple of guys with penile piercings and didn't really care for them. No real extra sensation and more difficult to give head... I'm not against a piercing or two, it just isn't something that excites me.


Spoomonkey (whose only piercing is an annoying ear tag that helps the scientists find him)

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I put piercings (other than the ears) in the same category with tattoos and obviously-fake tits. Does NUTHIN' for me sexually, other than give me a little insight into their personality.


The human body is a pretty marvelous creation, in and of itself. If you keep it clean and "in tune," it's a stand-alone thing. If you don't...there's no amount of artwork or jewelry you can hang on it that will make it attractive, at least to moi.


Rivets are for airplanes. Rings are for circuses. Tattoos are for convicts and prison bitches. Show me some SKIN, baby...!

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That pretty much says it for me too JnCC. I'm afraid I just don't get it. Some of the bellybutton piercings, multiple ear, eyebrow, cheek, and lip piercings just make me think unfortunate accident or shrapnel victim. Genital piercing doesn't do anything for me either, other than think "ouch". Oh well, different strokes---- :lol:

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I share SexyCouple's opinion..


If it suits the person, if its not a superficial thing, and not 'overdone' (as in too many) I think it can be terrific...


Somebody noted that it seems as though the person would be more open-minded, but I totally disagree.. that's what I mean by superficial.. Its a big trend, and so many people do it to look cool, to impress others, etc..


I'm pierced; navel and hood, not going to do more, and not in the face (as I feel its a personal thing), and one small tattoo.. Cane is purely 'au naturel' ;)

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Jon dislikes piercings and tattoos. He only has his ear pierced. I used to have a diamond stud in my nose about 10 years ago for a brief time of 3 months or so. I had it taken out for personal reasons. I have 2 holes in each ear. I had a 3rd hole in my left ear but it never healed right and was always bothering me, so I let it close up.


I have been with 2 women with tongue piercings. I liked it. I would never get one though. My ex gf had her nipples and hood pierced. The hood piercing looked good but it was inthe way.


I want to get a tattoo of my black cat. Hubby is against it so Im going sans tattoo for now. I just have my ears done.

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I like some piercings, but agree that they have to fit the person wearing them. I have my nipples pierced and they look very nice on me. But when my sister-in-law saw them, she wanted to go out and have hers done. I talked her out of it, because they would not look right on her.


I have never really liked guys with a lot of piercings, but I played with a guy who is very pierced and I liked it on him. But usually when I see a guy with pierced nipples, that is a turn off for me. Go figure!


I am funny about tattoos to. Some I like, so I don't. But I just got my first tat last week. It is on my lower back and I think it fits me. But I hate the full shirt or sleeve tattoos. Big turn off.

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I voted neat because some times they are over the top for us. We really like the belly piercing for the ladies. This we find very sexy. Ear piercings are great. Most other piercings just get the okay from us, neat but not our cup of tea. Although, we're always interested in inspecting clit piercings, so if you have one, bring it on.



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Mr 244somes has a frenulum piercing and I have a belly button as well as small tat. Voted for sexy as I was thinking of Mr 244somes' frenulum at time--I love it and it has other benefits apart from looking great if you get my drift.

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Tattoo's and piercings don't bother me. What I find unattractive is the gauging of the piercings. I can't look at people that have holes in their earlobes the size of a quarter. I just don't understand why someone wants to do this to themselves.

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I have a small tattoo, both nipples and hood pierced. My husband has tattoos on both biceps. I love them, sometimes all it takes is to sit down. The reaction from other swingers is positive. Most people seem to be intrigued by them and want to touch them. :D

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Piercings, to us, can be sexy. I had my navel pierced and loved it so so very much but, I had to remove it due to the amount of perspiration to my profession generates.We both agree anything on the face is an immediate turn off, Tattoos and piercings included.


Tattoos are attractive, provided there are not too many. I have three and I am about to get another one, my husband has none. Each tattoo I have represents a period in my life. There is a definite meaning behind each one and provide a spiritual plane for focus and balance.

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I'd say that it's important to remember that tattoos and piercings are first and foremost important to the 'individual' who chooses to bear them... so i am not generally turned off by someone else's personal choice of physical adornment - attraction is another story, not limited to physical appearance. But it's great (if not essential) when a partner can be supportive, if not share or participate in these individual decisions.


My bf has several tattoos (on arms and chest - which i am quite fond of) and no piercings. About a year ago, he was considering getting another tattoo done... so that got us talking about what he was thinking of getting, designs, where, etc. and tattoos and piercings in general. I had neither at the time, and actually confessed to him that, though i was open to getting a tattoo eventually, i had long been considering getting a vertical hood piercing. Judging by his reaction, he was more than eager and supportive, and just about ready to take me to the piercing studio himself!


Well, that was a year ago... and we'd pretty much let the subject slip out of mind. Meanwhile, after some research, i found a great studio, and booked an appointment for next week. I'm really looking forward to it as much for myself as for the two of us - another great way to share intimacy (and great sex!). Best part is he's been overseas for three months, so it'll be an 'interesting surprise' when he gets back in May!

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Belly-button piercings are sexy, as well as earrings... maybe even a clit-ring, but that's kinda the outer edge. Facial piercings are not sexy, except for perhaps a tiny diamond chip nose piercing. Again, kinda the outer edge.


Bottom line: small, dainty and decorative. Nothing hard-core.

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Piercings on ears look just fine. A large ring on a woman's nose reminds me of a bull's snout. Not very sexy for me. However, a tiny piercing on the nose is tolerable, even sexy on some people, but, not on everyone. Eyebrow piercings look OK on certain types of people, but, on others they detract from their features. These piercings sometime draw my attention away from the rest of their face. OK, so I'm easily distracted. Piercings of the tongue make people look really dumb to me. It's like a fish lure got caught in their mouth. And when they play with it with their tongue, it makes them look even dumber, like a 'slack jaw' type....


Any kind of hardware on nipples or clits is a turn off, too. I guess I just don't understand the 'pain' before the 'pleasure' of lancing the most sensitive parts of your body. It just doesn't make any sense to me at all. And, bumping into those metallic things with my dick would not excite me.


Call me old fashioned, but, you DID ask my opinion.....

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This past weekend I got a reverse PA. I have had my nips pierced for over 3 years and have a 4 rung Jacobs ladder(underside of the shaft of penis) for almost 2 years. The Mrs. just got her hood pierced and to me it looks sexy. We haven't been able to see what it will feel like yet only because they are still new.


I feel to each his own. I guess what ever you are into, you are into. If I don't like it, I don't have to be apart of it. I can tell ya this, after getting that reverse PA I am seriously thinking of going back to tats. They hurt less and are more artsy.

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I think they're sexy but you have to be balanced. To me being covered in tattoos seems kinda stupid. It's kinda hot when you're a certain age, but you have to think how ridiculous it's going to look when you're 65 and covered in ink.


On girls, I like:


-lower back tattoos

-small ones on the neck

-ankle tattoos

-sometimes on the back of the shoulder


And on guys:


-ARMS!* tattoed arms are ridiculously hott!

-and back of the shoulder


As far as piercings go I can't stand facial piercings. Especially the ones guys get in their chins --guys they look like chromed over zits. There are a few exceptions but very few. Eyebrow peircings are kinda cool depending on the person. But what I like is


On girls:


-3 piercings in both ears at the bottom and one on the top of just one ear.

-belly button rings*

-tongue rings


On guys:


-pierced ears are such a turn on. But I hate it when people take it overboard and cover their entire ear with piercings or get those huge holes or huge pieces of cork and stuff. It looks retarded. A simple tiny hoop earring is really hot though.

-tongue piercings



I have to say though tongue piercings are gross when people play with them and bite them and stuff. It just looks sick and wrong.


Anyway, thats my opinion.

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I like pierced navels, but the hood and nipple piercings just look like they'd get in the way.


The right tattoo in the right location is sexy. A lot of people overdo it or get bad work.

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On guys:


-peirced ears are such a turn on.

I love guys with pierced ears. I like both ears to be pierced though. Only having one side done looks odd to me. For me, it's either both or none at all.

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Chiming in here - I have my nipples pierced, 3 holes on the left ear, 2 on the right ear and the upper cartilage on the left ear pierced. I also have 4 tattoos - Left outer calf, right ankle, small of my back and left shoulder. I can cover all of them up and none of them will be affected by gravity in the future. The nipple piercings was a spur of the moment thing, but I still like them, actually makes my breasts more sensitive. What I don't like are piercings that are on the face, i.e. nose, eyebrow or lip.

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On a man, none.


On a woman, I love one in each nipple, belly button, and hood. (just can't talk the wife into them) :sad: Wife does not see the point in going beyond one in each ear.


Tat's , does nothing for either one of us.

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I think piercings and tats are sexy as long as they are in moderation. Too many and just looks poorly done or scary for that matter! In the words of Larry the cable guy, "I felt like I was working on my truck...didn't know if I should make love to her or adjust a tork in her butt!"

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On a man I don't mind his ears pierced, both of them but that's about it. I've been intrigued by the different male genital piercings and them on a man but he was never someone I got to play with. I'm not sure I would like it but I'm keeping an open mind. A nipple ring on a guy is okay just as long as it's not both. Most men look silly with one but there are some men where they just look HOT. No facial piercings... that goes for women too.


For women, however many they want to stick in their ears is fine with me. I have two in each ear and did attempt one high in the cartilage but I didn't care for the long healing process so I took it out. I thought I liked the looks of nipple rings on women but when I played with a woman with one in each breast I didn't care for them as much. I didn't care for having it in the way of my tongue. I had considered getting mine done a long time ago and am glad I didn't. I think navel rings are sexy, I have mine done myself. I don't think a woman needs to have the body of Britney Spears (well, her not so pregnant body) to pull one off either. I think the same way of female genital piercings as I did the nipples, first I thought it would be great but now I think they just get in the way.


This is timely because last night I dreamt I had more piercings done, three surface rings across the front lower part of my belly and two in my back so they made a complete circle in my lower abdomen. I thought they were beautiful in my dreams but now that I'm awake I'm wondering what the heck I was thinking :confused:

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ALilOEverything said:
A nipple ring on a guy is okay just as long as it's not both. Most men look silly with one but there are some men where they just look HOT.

My husband's left nipple is pierced. He doesn't wear anything in it anymore, but when he did.... he looked hot, hot, HOT!


I've been trying to talk him into wearing at least a barbell again. I miss the feel of the cold metal against my tongue and teeth.

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I don't have any piercings, but I find them very sexy. Ladies with piercings and tattoos are a major turn-on for me, of course I also find the goth look very attractive on a woman. Piercings just draw the eye to certain areas.


My fiance got her bellybutton pierced about 6 weeks ago; we both love the way it looks, but it has been a bit slow about healing. One thing about it, we certainly have to be careful when having sex, because occasionally it will pull a little and apparently this hurts her quite a bit.

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I remember watching a French movie in high school and they showed a pretty explicit scene where a man pierced his own nipple to prove that he loved the female lead. I think it scarred me because I cringe internally whenever I see piercings on nipples or genitalia. I can't move past the, "God! That must have hurt like a bitch!"


So, I don't really find them sexy. Mr. Sun, once in a blue moon, will ask me if I'm interested in getting my nipples pierced but it always goes back to that damn movie. He probably thinks they are sexy since he keeps asking me about it. :lol:

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I get together occasionally with a woman at private parties who wears several kinds of body jewelry. One ornament she wears in her pierced hood. Feeling it while I slide over it with my penis is a very interesting sensation.

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Yeah, I'm not crazy about them. It's not a deal breaker or anything, unless the person has gone extreme or over the top. When Mr. Prufrock and I first met he told me he wanted to have his chin pierced (lower lip? I'm still not sure how that works.) Thank god he didn't. I find overt facial piercings to be distracting. I guess I just like a clean-cut look better.


Funny story about nipple piercings... When I was about 10 or so I was hanging out with a friend at his house. His older brother was friends with my older sister. The brother asked me to go home and bring him back safety pins so he could pierce his nipples. I was so confused and weirded out, but I did because my sister was friends with him. I told her about it later and she yelled at him. He got infections in both his nipples. They were an interesting family. This was the kid who showed me my first porno. Their parents were going through a nasty divorce. I stopped hanging out with him when we found a nest of baby bunnies while building a fort in his yard. The bunnies died and instead of burying them he laid them out around the fort in some weird ritualistic ceremony. I noped my way out of there, and never talked to him again.

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JAPrufrock, I could only skim your post once you mentioned safety pins...I knew where it was heading! Yowwie!

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I really love SOME piercings but really don't like others. Pussy, either hood or labia, are (IMHO) sexy. Belly button: sexy. Nipple: One is sexy both is ehh. Face (other than ears): Do not like...tongue, lip, nose, brow, all of them.

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I like the usuals like belly buttons (good thing, since hers is :)) and have played with women with hood and nipple piercings. As I think I mentioned here in another thread recently, those are kinda cool too but I always worry I am going to hurt them so I get extra cautious when in those areas and then even when they tell me not to worry about it I still do.


I don't mind noses and tongues, the little tiny nose studs are kinda hot. Mrs cplnuswing got tragus piercings a year or so ago and wears tiny little hoops in them, I think those are cute.


The really edgy or prominent stuff is where I start to get meh about it.

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Piercings. Ear lobes OK. More than one piercing in ear depends. Small and understated better than big and overt. Belly buttons. Originally I would have said no but I have seen one that I thought was hot so maybe my opinion is changing. Any other piercing just looks trashy.


tattoos. Just plain trashy in my opinion. I have seen some that I could accept but still had a lower opinion of the person with them once the tattoo was discovered. Yes... I am just plain old fashioned.


Tattoos on men that are earned such as service tattoos are OK. The show a status and represent something with pride.

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I love tats, piercings I am OK with nipples but I am absolutely weirded out by the clit hood or anywhere in the genitalia area on both male or female.

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