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Bye bye boys!

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So my wife and I have been contemplating having me take a big step...we've been thinking about me getting the ol' " snip snip" done,  ya know, bye bye li' swimmers: AKA a vasectomy. What guys have had it done? Did it hurt? I hesitate not because of the outcome of the procedure, but at the thought of having sharp pointy objects nipping at my sensitive bits down there. My wife has recently hit a milestone in her personal health, she has dropped nearly 100 lbs thus far (gastric sleave surgery). With her new found weight loss, we worry that her probability of getting pregnant goes up. We have a son together, and don't plan on having any additional children, so from a standpoint of permanent birth control, we are on the same page. I was just curious if any fellas here would care to share their experience with the procedure.


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I got snipped maybe 10 years ago. The procedure was fine and the pain was very manageable. I didn't take any pain meds, but I tend to stay away from all pharma products anyway. So, the pain was manageable without drugs. AND it provided an excuse to sit at home for 2-3 days and watch movies and be waited on. Actually, I was up and about the next day, but protective of the 'boys'.


I highly recommend this to anyone. Way less intrusive than the options for the ladies.


The procedure took less than 1 hour. In and out of the office.


Really, no big deal. The payoff is no more birth control for us, which was welcome. No concerns about playing and having a condom break opening up the possibility of getting a play partner pregnant.


I have noticed reduced quantity of ejaculate. Not sure if that's related to the procedure or age. I think age as that change has been more recent than the surgery.


I honestly don't know why a committed couple would choose any other form of serialization


Good luck,




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I haven't had it done myself, but I've known a few guys who have. Word to the wise; take it easy for a few days. If you over do it, especially within the first 24-36 hours, you WILL pay.


As Lovefest04 noted, there is reduced volume of ejaculate because your semen isn't part of the ejaculate anymore.

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Yes.  Been there done that and have the tee shirt.


I did this for two reasons late in life.


I made a conscious decision I only wanted children with my Queen, my best friend, lover, wife.


This came about because I was asked on a few occasions to be the surrogate father/sperm donor (yes the old fashion way) from younger friends of ours.  A blessing and honor but I gently declined.  I am not that guy to father a child and not be involved.  They understood and there was not any issue going forward.  One couple eventually got pregnant by the her SO, like winning the Lotto.   Both very glad I declined.


secondly we had been involved in the LS for many years and with close friends/playmates we played naturally.  The ladies preferred it that way but a few were still able to get pregnant.  So it all made sense.


being pregnancy safe opens many doors personally for your SO.  As well as any other lady you might play with in the LS.  




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23 hours ago, lovefest04 said:

have noticed reduced quantity of ejaculate. Not sure if that's related to the procedure or age. I think age as that change has been more recent than the surgery.

I never thought of that so I looked it up. What I read is sperm is a very small part of ejaculate, 1-3% and most likely not noticeable in the quantity. It could be age. It can also be you are having more sex, lucky guy. 

  • Age: Males tend to ejaculate the largest volume of semen in their thirties. As they age, this volume decreases. 
  • Sexual activity: Recent sexual activity, including masturbation, may decrease semen volume, which potentially reduces the distance semen can travel. Prolonged periods of abstinence may cause a person to produce more semen than their usual amount. 
  • Genetic factors: Genetics play a role in most aspects of health, including the volume of semen. Some people naturally ejaculate more or less compared to others, regardless of health or lifestyle. 
  • Lifestyle factors: Diet, smoking, and many other lifestyle factorsTrusted Source can affect semen quality and overall health. For example, most research shows regular exercise may improve fertility and sperm quality, and studies suggest it may increase semen volume. 
  • Overall health: General health may affect semen volume. For example, a person with a chronic illness, such as diabetes, might notice a change in their semen. Hormonal issues may also influence semen quality.
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I never got a vasectomy. We used birth control, my wife can no longer get pregnant. Most of the women I played with were beyond child bearing years. We are 100% condom users. But my wife has concerns if I play with a younger woman. We don’t want a condom mishap to result in a future college tuition. 

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19 hours ago, BillyandDebbie said:

Age: Males tend to ejaculate the largest volume of semen in their thirties. As they age, this volume decreases. 

Getting old requires a LOT of adjustments. I never thought this would be one.


On the bright side, I make less of a mess!!!Fail Season 5 GIF by The Office

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19 hours ago, njbm said:

We don’t want a condom mishap to result in a future college tuition. 

College is overrated. Just convince that child to be an Influencer and live on the beaches of Thailand.

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I had a vasectomy about 25 years ago. The procedure was quick with minimal pain and there wasn't any impact on the amount of ejaculate. Consider having it done on a Friday so you can spend the weekend watching TV with an ice pack on your crotch. 


The wife always struggled with the effect the pill had on her hormones so my taking the lead on sterilization made sense. It also made sex more spontaneous; no more running for the diaphragm when the spirit moved us. Also, I find female play partners appreciate it. It removes any concerns about pregnancy, and they are more welcoming of bareback play if that is on the table.


So all these years later I'd say it was a great move. Best of luck with your decision!

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Wear an athletic supporter 27/7.  Only remove it to change into a clean one.

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