Ann and I have been talking about swinging for several years. Our sex life improved just because of the excitement talking about the fantasy produced. She admits she finds the idea of swinging, especially a mfm threesome, greatly erotic and exciting.
We have placed ads and chatted with a few couples on-line but when it finally comes to the decision point to actually meet the other couple or even send photos, Ann backs out. She has said that she doesn't want to see me with anyone else. I have told her that that is fine. My primary desire is to watch her with other man in any case.
Were you initially reluctant or resistant to swinging? What was the thing which was most important in your decision to actually take the step to be with another man and watch your husband with another woman?
Am I wasting my time? Should I just forget the idea or what? Do you have any advice?
Also, are there any out there who have negative things to say about swinging? I really would like to consider all points of view.
Thank you for any advice.